View Full Version : Some Info on The Sims 3

20-07-2008, 01:48 AM
Some Sims fansites were invited to a fan event to try out The Sims 3 etc and in the spoiler tags is a list a things they are in the game:

Weather not in the game yet, but can still be added
One second sim time = 1 minute real time
Mailbox is moveable
Adjustable Skin tones and eye colours (slide bars)
Ageing will be the same as Sims 2, life stages
You can move objects without a grid, they can be placed anywhere and at 360 degrees
Sims still spin around to change clothes.
Every career has its own building
7 age groups: baby, toddler, a child, teenager, young adult, and a pensioner.

20-07-2008, 01:57 AM
Some Sims fansites were invited to a fan event to try out The Sims 3 etc and in the spoiler tags is a list a things they are in the game:

Weather not in the game yet, but can still be added
One second sim time = 1 minute real time
Mailbox is moveable
Adjustable Skin tones and eye colours (slide bars)
Ageing will be the same as Sims 2, life stages
You can move objects without a grid, they can be placed anywhere and at 360 degrees
Sims still spin around to change clothes.
Every career has its own building
7 age groups: baby, toddler, a child, teenager, young adult, and a pensioner.

i love that its able to put things wherever :) whats the difference between baby and toddler and whats a pensioner

20-07-2008, 04:31 AM
Babies cannot walk or do any actions.

Toddlers learn to walk and talk and can play with stuff.

Pensioner is what assume is Elder in the Sims 2, which is just someone who is old and has retired from their job.

20-07-2008, 10:02 AM
Yeh the life stages are just the same as the sims 2

20-07-2008, 10:04 AM
One second sim time = One minute real life time? Surely the other way round?

Meaning I have to wait a minute, for a second... And in a second, they do what? Move a little bit?

20-07-2008, 10:25 AM
I know I was like.. what. I just copied it from a site. Probably is the other way around.

Here's another list of things in The Sims 3: [Big more detailed list]

Each Sim will be virtually unique in its behaviour, attitude, looks and even sounds!

Wishes replace wants - more dynamic to actual life experiences.

The town is fully customizable and allows you to remove and change Lots and Sims.

Young adult is the new default age and is changed to represent life between 18 and 30 years.

Adult now considered more 'middle age' and includes wrinkles.

The Town Centre plays a large part in gameplay and building socials.

The town is made of 'functional, plopable public buildings' as well as your own made homes and services.

Some old service NPC's remain and are joined by some new ones.

No loner individual Lots, player have realtime access to the 'Open World'

No Loading when changing Lots or families, as the simulator is running for all Sims, all the time.

Everything in the game happens for a reason. If someone moves is across the street it's part of the dynamic population management and not some random action.

The base game with ship with several types of ownable cars.

Magical valet parking (car fades in and out) on all Lots and streets.

Job aspects that you can do at home called 'opportunities'.

Day/Night transitions over the town.. light changes and shadows move across the ground as the sun goes up/down.

Teenagers sneak out at dusk and can be seen around town acting suspiciously.

Quick click icons on Sims face in UI to go quickly send them to work or home.

"Map Tags" float over areas of the hood - a quick way to find your way around.

Sims also have Map Tags so you can find them easily

Can buy an empty bookcase and buy books in the game. There are lots of books!

Can still get jobs from newspapers and online or browse the city and apply to workplaces near the home.

Sims can move nearer to their place of work, or even find work near home to reduce travelling time.

Currently an 8 Sims per family limit.

Next to the mood bar is a small bonus bar

Socials are now more important.. not just good and bad

New timeline dragbar which is specific to a few interactions. This lets you control how long a Sim spends on certain tasks like sleeping, fishing etc…

High level logic allows a Sim to tutor other Sims - Cooking unlocks recipes (Moodlets like divine food) - Fishing unlocks bigger fish (Caught fish can be put in an aquarium at home, and even given a name)

Careers have more gameplay - No longer just sent to work - Can now decide how hard to work - You can choose a less stressful day but will gain less skill - You could sacrifice hard work for doing more socializing at the workplace

Specific homework tasks for kids, like read a certain book or catch a certain fish.

Moodlets replace memories.

Moodlets are icons in the UI and are based on activities and events that are happening that day (moving home, being comfortable, getting married, having a kids etc.)

Moodlets give an insight into why a Sim is acting the way it is.

Brush teeth is back - Gives a "minty breath" moodlet.

Cell phone notification system to noify you of opportunities and can be used for contacts etc. All Sims have one.

Funds and worth as 2 separate values now (worth includes property and object values)

Difficulty levels per family (suggest how hard a family is to play based on personalities etc)

Now includes far more behavioural traits and changes as well as visual stuff.

Facial detail (now includes moles).

Hair includes 4 layers: Roots, Base, Tips, Highlights. You can choose any color to apply to these 4 layers and can be saved as a preset.

Eye color by any RGB (freeform color pallet) and can also be saved as a preset.

You can now choose shoes which will locked to your chosen outfits.

Foot shape changes with show style (high heels, flat sandals etc.)

Gloves, socks and stockings, jewellery (rings, bracelets, earrings).

Change voice and even pitch so thousands of unique vocal sounds. You will be able to recognise by sound which Sim is talking!

"Loves" list in personality (Classical, Belgian Waffles for example).

Favourites: Music, Food and maybe Colour (in the game now but may be removed).

Stronger moodlets when eating or listening to a favourite.

Traits make up a Sim's true personality like never before! Traits are like atoms: you choose a mixture to generate unique personalities

Sims can acquire traits. Limited at start but can develop more. Could in theory have all traits that don't contradict each other.

Approximately 75 different traits, for example: Insane, dreamer, hates outside, genius, angler, absent minded, excitable, heavy sleeper, childish, artistic, handy, rude, green thumb, no sense of humour, virtuoso, computer wiz, snob, sweet talker, mean spirited, party animal, dislikes children, boring, anti TV, flirty, schmoozer, frugal, wollywart, hot headed, can't stand art, easily bored, mooch, loner, shy

Young Adult and up have 5 traits, Teen have 4 traits, Kids have 3 traits, Toddler has 2 traits.

Inappropriate trait Sims for example, will use other people fridge's and might walk around in underwear.

Mean Spirited trait Sims will be happier the more enemies they have.

Excitable trait Sims get excited when you tell them to do something.

Sim thought bubble in UI more detailed than before ("thought Cindy was being funny")

Green bars: Influenced by moodlets and needs. Now only have 4 icons for needs: Bed, Toilet, Entertainment, Food.

"Wishes" replace wants and shows what a Sim is thinking that she wants to achieve, like a certain career path. These are relevant to what is going on at that time. If on her way to the park she might want to meet a guy for example.

Lots of 'wishes' opportunities will arise and you get to choose to fulfil it or ignore it. You can just do the ones that interest you. They cycle frequently so should come up again.

New socials like "Change topic of conversation". Options are contextual. If you get a new job you can talk about that - Visit a Sim in a new home you can talk about that.

Athletic skills can help Sims stay fitter and even live longer.

Free placement of objects allows you to put things exactly where you want them.

Grid option to help with room design and placement.

Can move around quarter tiles, so can centre a 3 tile couch to a 1 or 2 tile TV.

Hang TV's and pictures on diagonal walls with sofas in front on an angle too.

Hold ALT key for freeform movement allowing full 360 degree rotation and placement.

Place multi tile objects up against diagonal walls.

Table and chairs link and can move as 1 object (same with beds and end tables)

Decorative slots on surfaces - can place a vase almost anywhere on a table, not just centred.

Multiple decorative items on 1 surface (as long as they don't overlap).

Adjustable stair width slider (place 4 tile wide stairs in one action for example).

72) 'Auto Roof' now fixes the shape when you add/change walls.

73) No specific basement level but easier to make than Sims 2.

74) Drag out an area to delete multiple items.

75) Can move the house to a bigger Lot (upgrade as funds allow)

76) Upper wall cabinets in kitchens.

77) 5 floor limit on Lots including a foundation.

78) Parking spaces rather than garages. Parking spaces can also be rotated 360 degrees and places anywhere on the Lot. Can be enclosed on 3 sides but no garage doors (yet). Car fades in/out, doesn't drive off the lot

Land values based on more than just size, waterfront/beach etc.

Trees and shrubs sway in the breeze!

Plants and trees can be placed in dense layouts (overlapping).

Water reflection and ripple effect.

Moveable Mailbox on Lot. Place it where you like.

20-07-2008, 11:30 AM
Just as I get sims 2 aswell :(

Looking good, deffo getting it!

20-07-2008, 11:34 AM
Can't wait for this to be released.

21-07-2008, 11:52 AM
Yay for no grid! I hated everything being uneven when I had to place them.

07-08-2008, 06:43 AM
I can't wait, Haven't played on sism 2 much but just started again.

07-08-2008, 06:58 AM
Gonna have to buy some more RAM for this, looks great! :D

08-08-2008, 08:20 AM
I think alot of people will stick with sims 2 untill there like laods of expansions because sims 3 sounds like there's not alot of extra featurs tbh.

09-08-2008, 08:17 PM
People said that about Sims 2 but they still did.

09-08-2008, 09:55 PM
One second Sims time = 1 minute real time? No, that can't be right.

09-08-2008, 10:03 PM
Sounds cool :D
Might have to uninstall all Sims 2 to be able to put it on though :'(

09-08-2008, 11:08 PM
might need to buy a new comp for this :P:P:P:P

19-08-2008, 03:22 PM
After all the money I spent for TS2 and all it's EPs, I don't think I'm gonna buy TS3, although it sounds pretty cool...

19-08-2008, 03:47 PM
You could buy it when aload of eps are released for Sims 3, might be cheaper and you can give the last Sims 2 game a good going over before you turn to Sims 3 :) I'm not fussed, they're different really so I'm easily persuaded :P

19-08-2008, 04:05 PM
The Sims 3, in terms of content will be worse than than its predecessor with all the expansion packs it has and it'll take 2 or 3 Sims 3 expansion packs and a load of patches until it's any match.
In terms of gameplay though it's bound to be way better, it happens with loads of games, and I've always been astounded by Maxis. I bum them big time.

If you look at the screenshots, the textures are worse than the Sims 2 at the moment. Obviously they'll change that, and it's only so they can show people quickly, but it can ruin it.

One second Sims time = 1 minute real time? No, that can't be right.

I thought you'd have been smarter than that, it's obvious he got it the wrong way round.

19-08-2008, 04:48 PM
I'll buy it, play it for a day then get bored of it. I enjoy playing The Sims 1 more than the new ones, superstar, makin magic, on holiday, i still love them all.

19-08-2008, 05:21 PM
The original The Sims was far more enjoyable than the sequel, it just got too cartoony. Also, why buy the new one when you're just going to have to spend a whole heap of money over The Sims 3's lifetime just to get the same content you had at the end of The Sims 2's? The graphics are "updated" although there is not much difference in what has been released thus far. Right up until the final expansion pack of the current game, you've had to collect most of the content you already had in the first.

19-08-2008, 07:42 PM
Shouldn't it be:

1 second = 1 min sim

Cuz for sims 1 second it would take a minuit irl? isnt that abit long?

19-08-2008, 07:50 PM
Shouldn't it be:

1 second = 1 min sim

Cuz for sims 1 second it would take a minuit irl? isnt that abit long?

We have established my post is wrong thanks

20-08-2008, 07:32 AM
Lets see how many others moan about the time error. :$

20-08-2008, 08:28 AM
You could buy it when aload of eps are released for Sims 3, might be cheaper and you can give the last Sims 2 game a good going over before you turn to Sims 3 :) I'm not fussed, they're different really so I'm easily persuaded :P

I'll probably do like that.

20-08-2008, 09:20 AM
Well, unlike many of you poor people, I have money. So as usual, I shall excite myself and buy it, along with every expansion pack, as soon as they're released.

Unless it's an atrocity, which I doubt it, I won't go back to the Sims 2, I don't know why but I never went back to the original Sims--I found it unbearable. The content doesn't usually bother me: Makin' Magic and Superstar didn't do anything for me.

20-08-2008, 09:22 AM
Makin Magic and Superstar were pointless ones tbh.

As with some others too. I'll buy it no doubt the day it comes out or preorder along with any addons they create too.

and then sell sims 2. (:

20-08-2008, 11:24 AM
Makin Magic and Superstar were pointless ones tbh.

As with some others too. I'll buy it no doubt the day it comes out or preorder along with any addons they create too.

and then sell sims 2. (:

They were my favourite packs with On Holiday

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