View Full Version : Youmeo, the new leaf.

20-07-2008, 01:54 PM
As most of you well know I've been shouted at and abused because I mentioned Youmeo often when I was in this section. Mostly because the site itself was bloody awful in terms of system and general design. So just going to use this thread to inform you of things we have done to turn this around.

On the 13th July we finally got an inhouse coder, one that many of you will know from Habbo. Blueprints has now joined us in Coventry to be a fulltime coder, he owned Hab-World.com and MaunteBeach. The benefit of inhouse (and a coder with a high ability) is the fact things get discussed and produced so much faster. Nick has already recieved good mail about his work on the current Youmeo.

Main thing is Nick and myself decided to overhaul the ENTIRE site so we can get it 100% secure, working faster, better features that work and a design which is cleaner and more colourful. We've been at it since Thursday morning now and have done a lot (we were both working till 9am this morning). What I'm going to show you is the new homepage which sense by giving a guest the option to register or login as soon as they see the site. Registering has been cut down to just what is on the homepage, so you no longer have to fill out loads of information. The navigation has also been changed to display appropriate links for which ever usergroup the user is.

I'll stop rambling on now, as I'll probably get flamed for it. Just so people can actually see we're working extremely hard getting the site perfect.

Here's a preview of the new homepage, I will post more as the pages get completed - just one of two bugs to fix before I want to show them;


*** The reason it's a photograph is to prevent people copying and pasting, you know what people are like. ***

Got Twitter?
If you have Twitter you can follow updates as they happen by going to www.twitter.com/youmeo. Nick and myself have Twitterific open 24/7 ready to post :)

20-07-2008, 01:56 PM
I like it and Callum is doing fantastic hiring better staff :]

20-07-2008, 01:57 PM
That looks nice, but didn't you say there would be more colour? I see its just the signup page but some colour would be nice :P

Good luck with the new style and I love the name ;)

20-07-2008, 01:59 PM
That looks nice, but didn't you say there would be more colour? I see its just the signup page but some colour would be nice :P

Good luck with the new style and I love the name ;)
That page actually is really colourful, just the camera dulls it down. I did mean the actual control pages in Your Home, which before were pure grey.

20-07-2008, 01:59 PM
You could just remove the URL from the toolbar?

20-07-2008, 02:00 PM
Looks great! Finally you can have the system fully coded and get the site setup to a decent standard. Well done and goodluck.

20-07-2008, 02:00 PM
You could just remove the URL from the toolbar?

20-07-2008, 02:12 PM
You could just remove the URL from the toolbar?
He didnt want to post a direct screenshot as people can steal images that way...

20-07-2008, 02:16 PM
Looks good Greg (:

20-07-2008, 02:18 PM
He didnt want to post a direct screenshot as people can steal images that way...
Oh, and probably cause' it's a huge file to paste.;)

Looks good, but not too keen on the people

20-07-2008, 02:18 PM
He didnt want to post a direct screenshot as people can steal images that way...
Ah I see what he was trying to say now, yeah I meant copying and pasting the design. Not worried about the URL, can only access it from the office's IP.

20-07-2008, 02:21 PM
I knew what he meant :]

Yet, even though its a camera picture, it still looks effective.

20-07-2008, 02:23 PM
Yeah, I love doing screen pictures with the camera. Has an arty farty feel to it, makes you look like a plonker when you're taking the picture though. We have loads of the site being dual screened, just the pages aren't too clear on the normal monitor.


20-07-2008, 02:24 PM
Joshs Verdict!

Well, I'd usually flame you Greg about this but now you have Nick
I do have to say, it's looking great and I'm glad to know you're securing it now.

& as posted by someone you can finally have the site to a decent standard
and the system.

Good luck with it.

20-07-2008, 02:37 PM
This is looking fantastic, and I wish you the best of luck with this project.

The new website is certainly looking good!

Agnostic Bear
20-07-2008, 02:49 PM

nice coder, Greg!

I hope this coder you've got in is for php. If not you need someone in who's better than some indian guy.

20-07-2008, 02:49 PM
Am I the only one that thinks it looks a re-arranged version of the site as it is?

20-07-2008, 02:57 PM
Am I the only one that thinks it looks a re-arranged version of the site as it is?Are you the only one who cares?
By the looks of it, yes.

So what if it is, it looks tons better.

I agree with dan, easy to fix that loophole. Also, I doubt anyone agree's with me on this, but I don't like profiles on / I'd rather have something like /p

20-07-2008, 02:58 PM

nice coder, Greg!

I hope this coder you've got in is for php. If not you need someone in who's better than some indian guy.
Nick is a very good coder, he had actually fixed that but it seems the Indian coder has written over it once again.

20-07-2008, 02:59 PM
I never said it didn't look better so stop being so bitter and respect people's opinions and get over yourself, child.

It's just with the thread title being "a new leaf" and Greg saying he's "totally re-designing" the site I was expecting something completely different.

Agnostic Bear
20-07-2008, 03:01 PM
Nick is a very good coder, he had actually fixed that but it seems the Indian coder has written over it once again.

Then the Indian coder needs to be gone, anyone who lets an exploitable bit of code like that in shouldn't even be around, it's just common practice with php.

20-07-2008, 03:01 PM
I never said it didn't look better so stop being so bitter and respect people's opinions and get over yourself, child.

It's just with the thread title being "a new leaf" and Greg saying he's "totally re-designing" the site I was expecting something completely different.

I am a child get over it, I don't wish to argue in a thread.. if you wish to argue with me then feel free to do so over PM.

I like the tablet greg, did you use that for the people?

Edit: Sack the indian guy, because even I'd be able to fix a bug like that, and look how scrappy I am with php code.

But whatever floats your boat, I don't think you should have released it until you've coded it all, and have sorted every bug.

20-07-2008, 03:02 PM
No I haven't actually used the tablet at all, the people are from iStock - just edited the tshirts to have sites on them.

20-07-2008, 03:03 PM
No I haven't actually used the tablet at all, the people are from iStock - just edited the tshirts to have sites on them.
Oh right, fair enough.

20-07-2008, 03:05 PM
http://www.kg-hosting.co.uk/lovely.png that nver happens on facebook >:(

20-07-2008, 03:08 PM
That never happens on the BETA either.

20-07-2008, 03:11 PM
http://www.kg-hosting.co.uk/lovely.png that nver happens on facebook >:(
Don't take this the wrong way, but you should take it down until everything is working/fixed. Probably the bugs could be fixed in a few hours, I don't know how many bugs there are but habboxforum users have spotted tons, and I can't remember this but Caleb or GasFMatt found exploits and posted them, the bugs are due to the coders neglegence and other people may have found more bugs/exploits which have not been reported and may be abused, at least when they posted them you knew about them and fixed them immediatly.

20-07-2008, 03:15 PM
Indian coder

20-07-2008, 03:27 PM
On the new site there will be a brand new secure structure developed by myself. You won't get any errors on the new site, it's unfortunate youmeo didn't find me to develop the site initially because it really is a bit of a pain but it's all good.

The indian coders aren't too bad considering, I believe with a but of teaching about the new system all will be well.

If you notice any more errors, could you please report them, I don't really have time to go through the site looking for them.

Thanks :)

20-07-2008, 03:39 PM
We can't take the site down, that's why we're working on a BETA. People don't seem to understand the fact we can't just take the site offline without a lot of planning and announcements. We'd all love to be able to work on it without having the hassle of people finding loads of bugs but it's just not realistic in our situation. I've explained it MANY times before.

20-07-2008, 04:17 PM
We can't take the site down, that's why we're working on a BETA. People don't seem to understand the fact we can't just take the site offline without a lot of planning and announcements. We'd all love to be able to work on it without having the hassle of people finding loads of bugs but it's just not realistic in our situation. I've explained it MANY times before.
Sorry, but I barely ever read your threads as you don't paragraph, and it's all one blob.

Why don't you just build a tempory system which lacks the main features, until you've built a proper system, that's how my website went/is going.

20-07-2008, 04:21 PM
As I don't put every sentence on a new line as it's bad structure. A paragraph is meant to contain everything upon that blurb of speech. So until you're done explaining something you don't just start a random new paragraph.

Also the whole point to this thread was to show we're building a new site which has all the features and works. So why reliterate the main point as if you came up with it? :S

20-07-2008, 04:23 PM
Now Now! Greg isn't being an ***, and neither am I. (I'd usually flame Greg.)
Lets not start an arguement.

20-07-2008, 04:41 PM
Attn: Klydo

Please could you respond to the PM I sent you earlier this afternoon. Thanks.

20-07-2008, 05:46 PM
Looking good :)

20-07-2008, 06:00 PM
It's looking great, where do you get those icons that you put beside each field?

20-07-2008, 06:03 PM
looking nice. I don't like the navigation nor the footer but apart from that it's good. I think there's something wrong with the design but I can't find it... I'll PM you if I find what's bugging me.

Good luck to youmeo.

20-07-2008, 06:09 PM
Attn: Klydo

Please could you respond to the PM I sent you earlier this afternoon. Thanks.

No, you can't get involved.

20-07-2008, 06:13 PM
No, you can't get involved.

Aha, exactly what I was thinking :P!

20-07-2008, 06:16 PM
Attn: Klydo

Please could you respond to the PM I sent you earlier this afternoon. Thanks.No, you can't take pictures of the offices and then sell the photos back to them.

20-07-2008, 06:24 PM
C'mon Klydo, we all know production servers should have error reporting off?


Otoh great site, although that kind of italic font type thing is getting overused by you it's on wicture etc.

20-07-2008, 06:24 PM
Darren, ban yourself from youmeo or this thread please.

20-07-2008, 06:25 PM
No, you can't take pictures of the offices and then sell the photos back to them.
Hahaha, +REP!

20-07-2008, 06:25 PM
It's looking great, where do you get those icons that you put beside each field?

20-07-2008, 06:28 PM
C'mon Klydo, we all know production servers should have error reporting off?

What's the point in doing that? You always need a form of error reporting on a website such as this otherwise you wouldn't find half of the bugs on the site.

20-07-2008, 06:34 PM
C'mon Klydo, we all know production servers should have error reporting off?


Otoh great site, although that kind of italic font type thing is getting overused by you it's on wicture etc.How about this. You click the 'Log Out' button near the banner on the right of your screen. You then proceed to going to start and click 'Shut down' thanks.

Also do you know what BETA means or did you think it was a type of sweet?

20-07-2008, 06:38 PM
Not quite :)

20-07-2008, 06:40 PM
How about this. You click the 'Log Out' button near the banner on the right of your screen. You then proceed to going to start and click 'Shut down' thanks.

Also do you know what BETA means or did you think it was a type of sweet?

Hate to break this to you but you just got PWNED. He is on a mac ;)

Anyway looking good greg :)

20-07-2008, 06:40 PM
Not quite :)
But they're widely used and pretty awesome (Y)

20-07-2008, 06:42 PM
But they're widely used and pretty awesome (Y)
The ones we use are sexier, they have a lot more detail. There isn't quite as much in the set though. I'm still considering getting Mike to create all the icons so they'd be unique for Youmeo.

20-07-2008, 06:48 PM
I believe the one Greg uses on all his projects are from iStock, go stock up on some credits there, they have some really nice ones.

Reference the design, it finally looks..... good, amazing in fact. As long as the error's and security are fixed by the time the BETA is released then I'm more than content.

A thanks would be nice though, for the amount of bugs I keep reporting on a day to day basic.

20-07-2008, 06:52 PM
Hate to break this to you but you just got PWNED. He is on a mac ;)

Anyway looking good greg :)
In that case, click the little apple sign in the top left corner of your screen. Then hover over 'Shut down' and click it. I'm on a mac too, don't try be a wise guy.

20-07-2008, 07:18 PM
How about this. You click the 'Log Out' button near the banner on the right of your screen. You then proceed to going to start and click 'Shut down' thanks.

Also do you know what BETA means or did you think it was a type of sweet?

For once, I agree.

C'mon Klydo, we all know production servers should have error reporting off?


Otoh great site, although that kind of italic font type thing is getting overused by you it's on wicture etc.

Makes you want to test it's divs doesn't it?
Ohhh yeahhhh...

No, you can't take pictures of the offices and then sell the photos back to them.

You made me laugh twice now.

Good one.

20-07-2008, 07:20 PM
It's okay, he won't be joining Youmeo since he referred to the site as Klydo all the way through his PM. Always nice to see hard work going into researching the actual name of the company you want to work for :P

20-07-2008, 07:22 PM
It's okay, he won't be joining Youmeo since he referred to the site as Klydo all the way through his PM. Always nice to see hard work going into researching the actual name of the company you want to work for :P

Ahah! I was right, he wanted to join?

20-07-2008, 07:25 PM
It's okay, he won't be joining Youmeo since he referred to the site as Klydo all the way through his PM. Always nice to see hard work going into researching the actual name of the company you want to work for :PKlydo can I join Klydo?

20-07-2008, 07:29 PM
If anyone wants to suggest ideas, no matter how small or large please do. As this is the time where we can implement new features and get them to kick behind. Can either post in here or PM me :)

20-07-2008, 07:32 PM
Customisable colours like Klydo had?

20-07-2008, 08:05 PM
That's already in it :P, well will be

20-07-2008, 08:39 PM
Webcams to see you geeks working!

20-07-2008, 09:01 PM
I like today's idea too. ^_^

20-07-2008, 09:01 PM
Webcams to see you geeks working!

Judeing by that i think they have one

20-07-2008, 10:50 PM
That's already in it :P, well will be


Hmmm, something like Youtube has for Videos?
Reccomended etc?

Agnostic Bear
21-07-2008, 02:53 PM
Show me some of your code Nick I would like to see some of this code I would.

21-07-2008, 03:10 PM
Visisted Youmeo earlier, got various php errors on the "your home" page. Tried to submit via 'found a bug' form, but that lacks a submit button. Love the way the youmeo tv thing is youtube in disguise, literally. But apart from that, I quite like it tbh, hope it goes well!

21-07-2008, 03:15 PM
Visisted Youmeo earlier, got various php errors on the "your home" page. Tried to submit via 'found a bug' form, but that lacks a submit button. Love the way the youmeo tv thing is youtube in disguise, literally. But apart from that, I quite like it tbh, hope it goes well!

Hit return when you have filled everything in.

And the Youme TV is not youtube in disguise, it's JW Player.

21-07-2008, 04:40 PM
That isn't entirely obvious, most people would be looking for a submit button? Or at least an instruction to hit return when everything is filled in.

When I was watching the 'Staff at work' video on the careers page, it clearly said youtube.com underneath the pink disguise, firefox also told me it was transferring data from youtube.com? Other videos may not be the same, but this is the one i meant.

Thanks for getting back to me on that though.

21-07-2008, 09:20 PM
That isn't entirely obvious, most people would be looking for a submit button? Or at least an instruction to hit return when everything is filled in.

When I was watching the 'Staff at work' video on the careers page, it clearly said youtube.com underneath the pink disguise, firefox also told me it was transferring data from youtube.com? Other videos may not be the same, but this is the one i meant.

Thanks for getting back to me on that though.

Of course it's not obvious, it's youmeo that made it! :P

I thought you were refering to the standard Youmeo TV player, apologies.

21-07-2008, 09:26 PM
Most social networks use YouTube, even really popular ones like Netlog. So I don't see the harm in us doing it, it has our users videos so why not use it. Especially since our pull is the fact we allow people to incorporate their current social networks :P

21-07-2008, 09:32 PM
That wasn't my point Greg. My point was that you were trying to cover it up with your own player, which I do not agree with, however using youtube to display videos on youmeo is a good idea, just not with stuff over it.

21-07-2008, 09:46 PM
Most social networks use YouTube, even really popular ones like Netlog. So I don't see the harm in us doing it, it has our users videos so why not use it. Especially since our pull is the fact we allow people to incorporate their current social networks :P

Perhaps you should review YouTube's terms of service before covering up their corporate identities on their products.

Youmeo is pretty terrible... ran by a little kid.

21-07-2008, 10:22 PM
There isn't stuff over it, the player controls disappear after being inactive for a while. It just allows users to have a video player bigger without the need to think about adding on controls to the size. So we're not hiding the fact. We even have the YouTube logo on the homepage :l

21-07-2008, 10:27 PM
There isn't stuff over it, the player controls disappear after being inactive for a while. It just allows users to have a video player bigger without the need to think about adding on controls to the size. So we're not hiding the fact. We even have the YouTube logo on the homepage :l

You're using the Youtube player without Youtube's logo on it.

21-07-2008, 10:32 PM
We're using YouTube videos, not player...

21-07-2008, 10:34 PM
The controls didnt disappear for me lol :]

21-07-2008, 10:35 PM
Sorry just realised the player is broken. It shouldn't have a pick bar and the controls should fade out after a few seconds.

21-07-2008, 10:37 PM
Whats not broken on the site.. lol.

21-07-2008, 10:37 PM
We're using YouTube videos, not player...

Ah, I see.

Also do you have permission from YouTube?

21-07-2008, 11:50 PM
This looks great.

22-07-2008, 11:50 AM
The entire site is broken, not one place have I not found major security issues.

The staff never take care of them. It is like they don't care about their security issues, I have only found two places that were fixed, because I explictly made sure they knew it.

The design is okayyy, yet they are using the color picker I used for Klydo, with my coding on it.. I left a little mark in the JS :) Nice one guys.

Everything is buggy, try uploading a couple of pictures, or mess up and upload something wrong, no error message.. just the entire site locking up forever.

Plus, I don't know why you are making a directory on every page anyway.. the thumbnail is generated each time you view the page..

That is stupid, a waste of bandwidth... 100 easier and safer ways to do it.

Seriously.. I thought your coders were 'Best in the world', 'Can do anything', and 'Outsourced for good!'.

I believe it is Greg designing, and Calum coding.. and those other people are pictures they found on the internet at friends..

because I don't know anyone who could code that bad.

[TXT] class.youtube.php 16-Jun-2008 06:07 7.0K
[TXT] class_core.php 17-Jul-2008 05:23 1.9K
[TXT] class_mysql.php 17-Jul-2008 13:14 2.9K

That really reminds me of Klydo's files :rolleyes:, I hope nothing I made is being used there.. it isn't going to be pretty.

The new site may be 'better', but you need to get on the ball with the current one. As you claim, you have 400,000 users' data.. you better keep it safe.. you better abide by your privacy policy..

Agnostic Bear
22-07-2008, 09:50 PM
Should just outsource all the php to me :8

22-07-2008, 09:52 PM
Which.. would fix nothing.

Agnostic Bear
22-07-2008, 10:01 PM
Which.. would fix nothing.

It would fix everything cause I can code you see ;)

22-07-2008, 10:03 PM
It would fix everything cause I can code you see ;)
Aha, you sure are funny for a black man :]

22-07-2008, 10:03 PM
It would fix everything cause I can code you see ;)
Not that good.

22-07-2008, 10:07 PM
Jew Bear its really nice that you can code, and I'm sure your an alright coder. But no need to be so arrogant about it ^.^.

Dentafrice is 100000000% correct on everything he has mentioned. A bug I reported... 3 days ago now is still not fixed and can allow the user to see some of the files they use - it's things like that which wind me up. It's a what... 30 seconds job to put a redirect file in there?

Agnostic Bear
22-07-2008, 10:07 PM
Not that good.

Alot better than you think ;)

22-07-2008, 10:08 PM
Then why don't you show us..

Agnostic Bear
22-07-2008, 10:09 PM
Cause I'm too lazy.

22-07-2008, 10:11 PM
Hence why no-one would want to hire you.

22-07-2008, 10:11 PM
I saw an advert for this on facebook earlier.

I clicked it :)

Why are you advertising when the site doesn't work properly?

I think you should take the site down until you fix all the problems.

22-07-2008, 10:11 PM
Then your not a good coder. If your lazy surely thats represented in your work.

Agnostic Bear
22-07-2008, 10:12 PM
Then your not a good coder. If your lazy surely thats represented in your work.

Being lazy has nothing to do with coding, I'm not a lazy coder I'm a lazy person.

Hence why no-one would want to hire you.

Money changes everything ;)

22-07-2008, 10:12 PM
He probably uses $dongs as variable names, and $rofl.

22-07-2008, 10:13 PM
Hence why no-one would want to hire you.
I'd hire him to do me up ****

22-07-2008, 10:14 PM
Caleb don't insult comical variable names :( !! ^_^

Agnostic Bear
22-07-2008, 10:18 PM
He probably uses $dongs as variable names, and $rofl.

So the only thing you can get at me with is using "comical" variable names (which I don't), also before you start saying I can't code well you need to make sure you've never come to me for help with php before.

22-07-2008, 10:20 PM
Do you actually want a hand with getting your head out of there?

Just ease off, quite a few people on this forum are good coders, better than you. Just caus you can code a few languages doesn't mean you have the right to give yourself a higher class above the rest of the users on the forum.

22-07-2008, 10:21 PM
Youmeo will fail and I'm pretty sure at least 60% of the 'team' on there don't work at Youmeo directly because the site is astonishingly bad.

Correct me if I'm wrong though.

22-07-2008, 10:21 PM
I have.. and I'm not saying I haven't.

There was a time when I didn't understand regex very well, and I didn't need to.. because I used different methods.

Even when you did provide me with help (template php interpreter), it was awful, and wasn't worth me even using.

You had to return everything, and it was easier just to make my own.

I wasn't "trying to get at you".

You have come to me for help also before.. so you don't go that route either.

22-07-2008, 10:23 PM
I actually somewhat think they do, there was a video on Callums myspace ages ago which him, and two others were doing the 'news' and i belive that was for PPLParty (Youmeo renamed)

22-07-2008, 10:24 PM
The bit I don't get is does asking somebody for help mean they're better than you? If I was to ask Hypertext how to rip code in a certain way and he tells me does this mean he's better than me at ripping code? or just better at that method? ;)

On-topic: Sort out the bloody coding you bunch of apes.

22-07-2008, 10:25 PM
Oh Dan, you don't use variables like that?

Sense a bit of.. lieing?


22-07-2008, 10:25 PM
No Need for monkey business :P

But it does need sorting... which im sure it will in the new version tbh.

Agnostic Bear
22-07-2008, 10:25 PM
I have.. and I'm not saying I haven't.

There was a time when I didn't understand regex very well, and I didn't need to.. because I used different methods.

Even when you did provide me with help (template php interpreter), it was awful, and wasn't worth me even using.

You had to return everything, and it was easier just to make my own.

I wasn't "trying to get at you".

You have come to me for help also before.. so you don't go that route either.

That was a while back when I needed something quick and dirty, I've changed the code a lot since then, also I don't believe I've ever come for "help" so much as just making sure that it's the right thing I'm using, faster than using the php debugger.

Oh Dan, you don't use variables like that?

Sense a bit of.. lieing?


That's 6 months+ old.

22-07-2008, 10:26 PM
How does a broken site make money.

Also, how does it make money when all it's doing is importing people's data from other social networking facilities - it seems all a little pointless to me.

22-07-2008, 10:31 PM
Well apparently its 5,000,000 page views a month they get. Of which their ad agency pays them to have ad's on. But wait.... is that agency google ads ... caus thats what all their adverts are.

I find it hard to believe its as popular as they say it is and be ranked so low in alexa etc... I can understand that people may not have alexa toolbar's etc when they go on the site, but it must still get enough data to be relativly accurate.


I take some of that back, as alexa is showing it to be in the top 100,000 based upon a 1 week prediction. So I retract my comments.

22-07-2008, 10:32 PM
Adam babe, what your forgetting is before it turned into Youmeo it was actually another Faceparty/facebook/ type of site where you register look for people and get to know them hence "PPLParty" but then it slowly became unactive i guess and got name changed and a new action plan into this, and from what i guess is still currently taking place thus errors.


22-07-2008, 10:33 PM
I think I know where they get their money from. They all saved up their pocket money and put it together.

22-07-2008, 10:35 PM
That was a while back when I needed something quick and dirty, I've changed the code a lot since then, also I don't believe I've ever come for "help" so much as just making sure that it's the right thing I'm using, faster than using the php debugger.

That's 6 months+ old.
No.. no it isn't.. look at the date when it was released :rolleyes:

22-07-2008, 10:35 PM
I can't see it myself but hey, you never know.

It has to make around 200,000 a year, just to cover staff, about.
It then has to make around say 25,000 a year for economics, maybe more.
It then has to cover equipment/software/hardware etc around 10-15,000 depending.

There's extra costs on top of that but that's the basis.

That's 240,000 a year making no profit.

400,000 people of which I'd say less than half are active, let's call it 200,000 though.

Of that 200,000 that are classed as active, each one of them has to click a Google advert at least once - even then, the average adsense is like 12cents or something for a big site? So 200,000 / 6p = how many times users would have to click it.

That seems their only source of income, unless it's government funded.

Agnostic Bear
22-07-2008, 10:36 PM
No.. no it isn't.. look at the date when it was released :rolleyes:

The code is 6 months old, when I uploaded it is a different story. I don't lie.

22-07-2008, 10:36 PM
I can't see it myself but hey, you never know.

It has to make around 200,000 a year, just to cover staff, about.
It then has to make around say 25,000 a year for economics, maybe more.
It then has to cover equipment/software/hardware etc around 10-15,000 depending.

There's extra costs on top of that but that's the basis.

That's 240,000 a year making no profit.

400,000 people of which I'd say less than half are active, let's call it 200,000 though.

Of that 200,000 that are classed as active, each one of them has to click a Google advert at least once - even then, the average adsense is like 12cents or something for a big site? So 200,000 / 6p = how many times users would have to click it.

That seems their only source of income, unless it's government funded.
According to Greg, Investors.

22-07-2008, 10:37 PM
According to Greg, Investors.
In a company that looses money?

22-07-2008, 10:38 PM
In a company that looses money?
Which has had a decent media coverage and does have a good potential, yes.

Why am i even sticking up for these guys !?!?!

22-07-2008, 10:39 PM
The code is 6 months old, when I uploaded it is a different story. I don't lie.
But yet you said you didn't use $dongs, or $dongues, or whatever the **** it is, but yet in your code.. it seems you do, and have done so in the past?

So instead of saying you don't use "comical" variable names, you should have said.. I don't anymore..

Agnostic Bear
22-07-2008, 10:40 PM
But yet you said you didn't use $dongs, or $dongues, or whatever the **** it is, but yet in your code.. it seems you do, and have done so in the past?

So instead of saying you don't use "comical" variable names, you should have said.. I don't anymore..

Yeah well same thing to me.

23-07-2008, 02:55 AM
Why is there a logout button (as well as various other logged-in features) on the homepage when I'm not even logged in?

Oh, wait. Just another bug on Youmeo. I'd send in n email, but they probably get forwarded to the 'Don't give a crap' folder. Seeming as nothing has been fixed on the site.

The thing shouldn't even be released yet; there's still various problems, usually something to do with PHP. To be honest it just seems as if you wanted to get the site release - skipping all the important parts.

23-07-2008, 09:39 AM
As I said, we're working on a whole new site with Nick's coding. That way everything should be cleaner and simpler. Rather than editing the current site and wasting our time, we've completely redone everything. This way you guys won't have anything to complain about in the future. For now the site will sit being developed by our other coders while the BETA is being created. We will all just have to put up with this until we have completed the BETA.

Like I've said numerous times, we'd love to be able to make the site bug free in a week like you all say is possible but it's just not. First of all we can't close the site to work on it so every page has to be duplicated then worked on in private then uploaded once done. This normally causes so much extra work that in the end the edits you made seem worthless.

Trust me when I say that the new Youmeo is a million times better than the old. This time around we have no deadlines therefore it won't be rushed. We also have Nick and myself working as a team just across from each other therefore we can discuss just about everything that is happening. No longer will we have to communicate to our coders via MSN or email which often causes problems and set backs.

I wouldn't have gotten Calum to hire Nick if I was wanting to just sit back and watch the site as it is. You got to realise that Youmeo is very different from your average site you'll find on here. It has the media coverage and we have to be careful in what we do. To the media a broken site is still a site, however if we close it for weeks they it's no longer news.

So you can either have a broken site that's popular for the time being or a closed site that loses all coverage and activeness. Therefore getting hits and pageviews back will be a nightmare after Calum has spent years building it up.

Just be aware that we work constantly on this project, I had a half day yesterday as I had family visiting. That's all the time I've actually been out of the office other than to sleep this week - so we're working our behinds off to make our users happy.

23-07-2008, 09:46 AM
Work nights?

23-07-2008, 09:51 AM
We work more than nights, there's been days where I don't get to bed until 9am. So to say;

"Work nights?"

Is just taking the mick.

23-07-2008, 10:03 AM

Shut the site down from 12am -6am and work on it from there, every day for a week.

23-07-2008, 10:07 AM
Klydo we don't need to know how much time you spend working on this? Some people work alot longer than you do in work that involves physical elements and not just sat there in front of a screen conserving energy. Yes its hard, but no-one is forcing you to do this - you just said yourself you have no deadlines.

It seems like your trying to make us feel sorry for how hard your working in an attempt to use the site more. I'm normally wrong so forgive me if that is not the case. We only need to know there is going to be a BETA and you are working more than office hours.

Good luck with the BETA though, as everyone has said it needs to be redone. The current site at the moment in my eyes, can't even be classed as a site - more like a testing area for snippets of code :/ Just make sure you don't screw up the design making it overly complex, luckily we all know your brilliant @ web2.0 designs so that won't make it an issue. Sometimes the look has more todo with the site than functionality.

23-07-2008, 12:22 PM
As I said, we're working on a whole new site with Nick's coding. That way everything should be cleaner and simpler. Rather than editing the current site and wasting our time, we've completely redone everything. This way you guys won't have anything to complain about in the future. For now the site will sit being developed by our other coders while the BETA is being created. We will all just have to put up with this until we have completed the BETA.

Like I've said numerous times, we'd love to be able to make the site bug free in a week like you all say is possible but it's just not. First of all we can't close the site to work on it so every page has to be duplicated then worked on in private then uploaded once done. This normally causes so much extra work that in the end the edits you made seem worthless.

Trust me when I say that the new Youmeo is a million times better than the old. This time around we have no deadlines therefore it won't be rushed. We also have Nick and myself working as a team just across from each other therefore we can discuss just about everything that is happening. No longer will we have to communicate to our coders via MSN or email which often causes problems and set backs.

I wouldn't have gotten Calum to hire Nick if I was wanting to just sit back and watch the site as it is. You got to realise that Youmeo is very different from your average site you'll find on here. It has the media coverage and we have to be careful in what we do. To the media a broken site is still a site, however if we close it for weeks they it's no longer news.

So you can either have a broken site that's popular for the time being or a closed site that loses all coverage and activeness. Therefore getting hits and pageviews back will be a nightmare after Calum has spent years building it up.

Just be aware that we work constantly on this project, I had a half day yesterday as I had family visiting. That's all the time I've actually been out of the office other than to sleep this week - so we're working our behinds off to make our users happy.

Congratulations you have media coverage, and you have an secure site with 400,000 users' data on the line, and you refuse to fix the bugs?

I wonder what the media would think of that, as well as their investors.. YouMeo not sticking to their privacy policy and protecting users' data?

Ouch. The site they just gave major credit to.

Instead of starting on a brand new site, why put those users' data at risk, and not fix the major bugs in the first place?

Or either close the site, because as it is right now, it really is no use to anyone.. it is awful.

Who cares? A broken site is a broken site.. it is useless, about as useless as a wet tissue.

If you are going to loose traffic, you are going to loose traffic. You are going to loose even more traffic if some idiot hacks your site and releases user information.

23-07-2008, 03:40 PM

Looking very good there. Should be interesting to see further development and if you're taking investors, the future may look bright.

23-07-2008, 04:49 PM
I'd rather you have a non-popular but safe site than a popular but un-safe site.

23-07-2008, 07:32 PM
I've wondered this, but is your employer up to standards with conducts and regulations employers should be? He looks young and I wouldn't be surprised if some regulations on employment and working conditions are poorly looked upon.

23-07-2008, 08:14 PM
Its perfectly fine if the employee is volunteering todo those hours because he enjoys it.

But Calum probably does look over those factors.

edit // did I mention they are all the bestest of freinds :)

23-07-2008, 08:22 PM
I've wondered this, but is your employer up to standards with conducts and regulations employers should be? He looks young and I wouldn't be surprised if some regulations on employment and working conditions are poorly looked upon.
Yes, actually.

Working regulations state that under 18's CANNOT work past between 11PM and 6AM.

23-07-2008, 08:25 PM
And how many people actually obey that, please adam.

23-07-2008, 08:38 PM
Depends if hes working or hes doing it for the pleasure in those time zones.

23-07-2008, 09:07 PM
Depends if hes working or hes doing it for the pleasure in those time zones.
He was complaining so I'm guessing not the latter.

Although you can't call what he does a job :$

23-07-2008, 09:17 PM
He was complaining so I'm guessing not the latter.

Although you can't call what he does a job :$
What does he actually do lolol

23-07-2008, 09:19 PM
What does who do?

23-07-2008, 09:19 PM
What does who do?
Gregory .

23-07-2008, 09:22 PM
He's a web designer for Youmeo. (http://www.youmeo.com/go/public/team)

23-07-2008, 09:27 PM
Although i think hes a little higher? Getting others to do jobs..

23-07-2008, 09:30 PM
I fail to see how this argument can constitute a fourteen page thread.

God, all he is doing is promoting his work (which, for the record is pretty good). Who cares if he spends alot of time working on it - that shows dedication?

You all need to get checked out if you spend your time making techno digs at eachother because you think you've got the better image host or whatever this month's Habbox Forum Technology Section fad is.

23-07-2008, 09:37 PM
we aint arguing, we're discussing...

23-07-2008, 09:38 PM
I fail to see how this argument can constitute a fourteen page thread.

God, all he is doing is promoting his work (which, for the record is pretty good). Who cares if he spends alot of time working on it - that shows dedication?

You all need to get checked out if you spend your time making techno digs at eachother because you think you've got the better image host or whatever this month's Habbox Forum Technology Section fad is.
You call the current version YouMeo good? You need checked out then.

If you don't like seeing our petty arguments, don't read them. It isn't your call to decide what we argue about.

I really think you need checked out, we are not the ones visiting Habbo conferences, having Habbo mousepads (and taking pictures of them), and crying because Lost_Witness didn't DJ on our fansite.

23-07-2008, 09:46 PM
I fail to see how this argument can constitute a fourteen page thread.

God, all he is doing is promoting his work (which, for the record is pretty good). Who cares if he spends alot of time working on it - that shows dedication?

You all need to get checked out if you spend your time making techno digs at eachother because you think you've got the better image host or whatever this month's Habbox Forum Technology Section fad is.

Says the one campaigning because Lost_Witness is DJ'ing on a site other than ClubHabbo. :$

23-07-2008, 09:47 PM
Says the one campaigning because Lost_Witness is DJ'ing on a site other than ClubHabbo. :$

LOL!!!! :eusa_clap

23-07-2008, 10:04 PM
I fail to see how this argument can constitute a fourteen page thread.

God, all he is doing is promoting his work (which, for the record is pretty good). Who cares if he spends alot of time working on it - that shows dedication?

You all need to get checked out if you spend your time making techno digs at eachother because you think you've got the better image host or whatever this month's Habbox Forum Technology Section fad is.Piss off you clubhabbo scumbag. Stop crying because the scabbo hotel manager didn't DJ on your crappy little fansite. Oh and, LOL:
BELLY'S GONNA' GET YA':rolleyes:

Edited by Kaotix12 (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not post pictures of other members.

23-07-2008, 10:34 PM
Piss off you clubhabbo scumbag. Stop crying because the scabbo hotel manager didn't DJ on your crappy little fansite. Oh and, LOL:
BELLY'S GONNA' GET YA':rolleyes:


24-07-2008, 11:00 AM
I design and code the layout for the site. Also why would you not call what I do a job? Also I'm not complaining about my hours, I'm only explaining how long I work as you all think that we should work longer to get it done which just isn't possible. Any longer and I'd begin to get seriously ill.

24-07-2008, 11:09 AM
I design and code the layout for the site. Also why would you not call what I do a job? Also I'm not complaining about my hours, I'm only explaining how long I work as you all think that we should work longer to get it done which just isn't possible. Any longer and I'd begin to get seriously ill.
You lightweight (:

24-07-2008, 11:15 AM
I design and code the layout for the site. Also why would you not call what I do a job? Also I'm not complaining about my hours, I'm only explaining how long I work as you all think that we should work longer to get it done which just isn't possible. Any longer and I'd begin to get seriously ill.
It's illegal for you to work the hours that you do ;)

Web development is not what I would call a job, more of a stretched hobby with financial benefits.

24-07-2008, 11:32 AM
I fail to see how this argument can constitute a fourteen page thread.

God, all he is doing is promoting his work (which, for the record is pretty good). Who cares if he spends alot of time working on it - that shows dedication?

You all need to get checked out if you spend your time making techno digs at eachother because you think you've got the better image host or whatever this month's Habbox Forum Technology Section fad is.

I couldn't agree more, I seriously couldn't. As much as I think Olleh has a bigger ego than all of you put together, he's freakin right. All greg came to do is to promote his website, and to give us a preview of the new website. I loved the preview since the camera idea is rather unique and shows you exactly what the website will look like through the browser instead of through a image file (which isn't exactly... great).

I hate how you guys just used something completely unrelated to this matter, against Olleh. If you're going to hold that against him and ignore what he is saying, just because of that, then you're all pretty damn immature. In all honesty, only one or two people in this thread have made me think, "Oh, they know what they're talking about without having a personal grudge against the person posting". Shame I can't say it to most... Pssh.

If Youmeo is advertising on Facebook like I read in this thread, then it shows that they mean business and they're not some website which is just going to wait for people to come to them, they're going to go and get the people to come to them. It shows they're commited which, tbh is more than I can say for the majority of the Technology Forum. The life expectancy of websites I've seen created from the Tech Forum, is VERY short. Either they get left alone or just go down because the owner has decided to make something else (to follow the Tech fad, most likely).

When Youmeo becomes fully secure then I'm going to register, and I'm going to tell my friends about it and you know why? Because I think it's better than most of the crap that I see on this forum & because I think it stands a chance in this market. If they're dedicated and are making the right moves then they can get to the point that they're ultra popular. Remember, Facebook only started out as a school project for a University student in America and now look at it. The possibility of a project built by ambitious developers, becoming successful is rather likely.

Oh and Caleb, sorry but as much as I respect you, that was a low blow to say **** like that. You and Greg were in a partnership in Klydo, were you not, so that makes the coding/graphics on Klydo owned by both...? Correct me if I'm wrong, but the last time I did business I remember hearing something along the lines of that. What you said was really out of order and unsupportive, which just goes to show that your personal grudges get in the way of nearly every single project that Greg builds. You turned this thread against him, I'm sure you're aware of that.

It's a good job Greg deals with 'feedback' in a professional manner, instead of mouthing off. Oh and on a unrelated note, have you ever thought about doing something like Justin.tv have done, with live web streaming for Youmeo? Might be something to look into since I'd sign up for all of what you've mentioned, plus that and more.

Good luck on the site.

24-07-2008, 11:38 AM
I couldn't agree more, I seriously couldn't. As much as I think Olleh has a bigger ego than all of you put together, he's freakin right. All greg came to do is to promote his website, and to give us a preview of the new website. I loved the preview since the camera idea is rather unique and shows you exactly what the website will look like through the browser instead of through a image file (which isn't exactly... great).

I hate how you guys just used something completely unrelated to this matter, against Olleh. If you're going to hold that against him and ignore what he is saying, just because of that, then you're all pretty damn immature. In all honesty, only one or two people in this thread have made me think, "Oh, they know what they're talking about without having a personal grudge against the person posting". Shame I can't say it to most... Pssh.

If Youmeo is advertising on Facebook like I read in this thread, then it shows that they mean business and they're not some website which is just going to wait for people to come to them, they're going to go and get the people to come to them. It shows they're commited which, tbh is more than I can say for the majority of the Technology Forum. The life expectancy of websites I've seen created from the Tech Forum, is VERY short. Either they get left alone or just go down because the owner has decided to make something else (to follow the Tech fad, most likely).

When Youmeo becomes fully secure then I'm going to register, and I'm going to tell my friends about it and you know why? Because I think it's better than most of the crap that I see on this forum & because I think it stands a chance in this market. If they're dedicated and are making the right moves then they can get to the point that they're ultra popular. Remember, Facebook only started out as a school project for a University student in America and now look at it. The possibility of a project built by ambitious developers, becoming successful is rather likely.

Oh and Caleb, sorry but as much as I respect you, that was a low blow to say **** like that. You and Greg were in a partnership in Klydo, were you not, so that makes the coding/graphics on Klydo owned by both...? Correct me if I'm wrong, but the last time I did business I remember hearing something along the lines of that. What you said was really out of order and unsupportive, which just goes to show that your personal grudges get in the way of nearly every single project that Greg builds. You turned this thread against him, I'm sure you're aware of that.

It's a good job Greg deals with 'feedback' in a professional manner, instead of mouthing off. Oh and on a unrelated note, have you ever thought about doing something like Justin.tv have done, with live web streaming for Youmeo? Might be something to look into since I'd sign up for all of what you've mentioned, plus that and more.

Good luck on the site.

I read up to the middle of the second paragraph, saw the word immature and had to point this out;

You all need to get checked out if you spend your time making techno digs at eachother because you think you've got the better image host or whatever this month's Habbox Forum Technology Section fad is.

I'd also like to say Pyroka, as much as I love you, you don't know what you're talking about because this isn't Greg's website and it's a business. You know, one of those things with $xxx,xxx so no, you cannot compare it to what is being created in this forum due to the fact this is all for experience. If someone wants to create a site that they can't promote - let them because it all goes in the portfolio.

I'd also also like to say Pyroka, as much as I love you, I don't think any has had a bad word to say about Youmeo without either backing up their points or offering constructive criticism because to be honest, Greg was in the same pond as us and I'm sure 99% of this forum want Greg to do well in this project and we hope that they do. We're trying to make it better as we are teenagers, the prime majority of the users that Youmeo has so who knows better than us?

24-07-2008, 11:52 AM
LMAO that was so patronising it was incredible.

Right, from reading that thread I sensed alot of hostility towards Greg and the Youmeo project. If that detection was wrong, then apologies, but I've seen it so many times before. In all honesty, Olleh is right, there is a technology forum fad every month or so, one does one thing and everyone follows suit. If that offends you then fine, it doesn't bother me but it's bloody true.

From what I see in technology forum built websites, I see people trying to make a successful business, not a portfolio. That's just me, I like to see projects succeeding, not going into the waste bin (aka portfolio). I admit there is alot of politeness in this thread *shock* but there's always one or two who like to turn it sour, with comments which seem so damn harsh in my eyes.

24-07-2008, 11:52 AM
I couldn't agree more, I seriously couldn't. As much as I think Olleh has a bigger ego than all of you put together, he's freakin right. All greg came to do is to promote his website, and to give us a preview of the new website. I loved the preview since the camera idea is rather unique and shows you exactly what the website will look like through the browser instead of through a image file (which isn't exactly... great).

I hate how you guys just used something completely unrelated to this matter, against Olleh. If you're going to hold that against him and ignore what he is saying, just because of that, then you're all pretty damn immature. In all honesty, only one or two people in this thread have made me think, "Oh, they know what they're talking about without having a personal grudge against the person posting". Shame I can't say it to most... Pssh.

If Youmeo is advertising on Facebook like I read in this thread, then it shows that they mean business and they're not some website which is just going to wait for people to come to them, they're going to go and get the people to come to them. It shows they're commited which, tbh is more than I can say for the majority of the Technology Forum. The life expectancy of websites I've seen created from the Tech Forum, is VERY short. Either they get left alone or just go down because the owner has decided to make something else (to follow the Tech fad, most likely).

When Youmeo becomes fully secure then I'm going to register, and I'm going to tell my friends about it and you know why? Because I think it's better than most of the crap that I see on this forum & because I think it stands a chance in this market. If they're dedicated and are making the right moves then they can get to the point that they're ultra popular. Remember, Facebook only started out as a school project for a University student in America and now look at it. The possibility of a project built by ambitious developers, becoming successful is rather likely.

Oh and Caleb, sorry but as much as I respect you, that was a low blow to say **** like that. You and Greg were in a partnership in Klydo, were you not, so that makes the coding/graphics on Klydo owned by both...? Correct me if I'm wrong, but the last time I did business I remember hearing something along the lines of that. What you said was really out of order and unsupportive, which just goes to show that your personal grudges get in the way of nearly every single project that Greg builds. You turned this thread against him, I'm sure you're aware of that.

It's a good job Greg deals with 'feedback' in a professional manner, instead of mouthing off. Oh and on a unrelated note, have you ever thought about doing something like Justin.tv have done, with live web streaming for Youmeo? Might be something to look into since I'd sign up for all of what you've mentioned, plus that and more.

Good luck on the site.Don't tell me you're one of clubscabbos fansite activists protesting against Lost_Witness due to his unfaithful sin of not DJ'ing. We have offered greg and youmeo the advice we think and know is right. The fact of the matter is greg is advertising youmeo, fair does to him. The site is not even finished yet, there are copious ammounts of errors and flaws. You cannot possibly get a site popular or 'well known' with things such as that.. I really think greg should have waited until the errors were fixed originally to make a thread about this.

I think youmeo has their heads screwed on but right now are concentrating too hard on money and not on their users.

24-07-2008, 11:54 AM
Don't tell me you're one of clubscabbos fansite activists protesting against Lost_Witness due to his unfaithful sin of not DJ'ing. We have offered greg and youmeo the advice we think and know is right. The fact of the matter is greg is advertising youmeo, fair does to him. The site is not even finished yet, there are copious ammounts of errors and flaws. You cannot possibly get a site popular or 'well known' will things such as that.. I really think greg should have waited until the errors were fixed originally to make a thread about this.

I think youmeo has their heads screwed on but right now are concentrating too hard on money and not on their users.

Excellent, I hate you for saying that LOL. I do not like Clubhacko one bit, and idc about the DJing thing. Greg made the thread to advertise a new layout didn't he? A 'reverbed Youmeo', but EVERYONE knows reverbs come with bugs and glitches. It's just... technology for you heh.

24-07-2008, 11:56 AM
but there's always one or two who like to turn it sour, with comments which seem so damn harsh in my eyes.
Welcome to planet earth.

Excellent, I hate you for saying that LOL. I do not like Clubhacko one bit, and idc about the DJing thing. Greg made the thread to advertise a new layout didn't he? A 'reverbed Youmeo', but EVERYONE knows reverbs come with bugs and glitches. It's just... technology for you heh.Nothing against you though :) He sure did but theres no point starting a new layout when there is security issues with the current site.

24-07-2008, 11:59 AM
Doesn't seem you are getting the point Pyroka. You are trying to act as if you know everything about youmeo, you really don't. Absolutly no-one knows everything about anything nor most of the time a good insight.

The issue's we have with the site personally are the fact that we report big security issues to the staff, and 1 - 2 weeks later most of the time they havn't been fixed because they are working on the BETA, people want their data secure first before the BETA is released. Mainly because in that time anyone could decide "Hmmm, I want 400,000 users passwords". That's the issue, which you need to understand.

24-07-2008, 12:03 PM
So, im rather slow lately, does he work for youmeo too?

24-07-2008, 12:07 PM
LMAO that was so patronising it was incredible.

Right, from reading that thread I sensed alot of hostility towards Greg and the Youmeo project. If that detection was wrong, then apologies, but I've seen it so many times before. In all honesty, Olleh is right, there is a technology forum fad every month or so, one does one thing and everyone follows suit. If that offends you then fine, it doesn't bother me but it's bloody true.

From what I see in technology forum built websites, I see people trying to make a successful business, not a portfolio. That's just me, I like to see projects succeeding, not going into the waste bin (aka portfolio). I admit there is alot of politeness in this thread *shock* but there's always one or two who like to turn it sour, with comments which seem so damn harsh in my eyes.

I'm being patronising because you know nothing about web development, or how this section 'works' so to speak. There may be hostility, as in, he stealing Caleb's coding [not that I know anything about it] but that's about it. We all want to see Greg be successful because he's come from where we are now [as I've already said] and there is no hostility towards him, only criticising the site as it is and offering suggestions of how to improve so to speak.

A project is a project. Of course you aim for it to be successful but at a young age you can expect failure because of the lack of finance. But Ryan, do you understand web development? No. You don't because you probably only glance over threads in here. Same with Olleh, you come in trying to act as a safety officer in the middle of the Iraq war or something - when we're trying to help Greg rather than slate him and the site. There always have been one or two *****s in this forum and that's the way it has always been but if you spend time here, you'll know who they are and you know how people go about doing things.

Don't hate on me I'm just telling you how it is.

24-07-2008, 01:01 PM
I couldn't agree more, I seriously couldn't. As much as I think Olleh has a bigger ego than all of you put together, he's freakin right. All greg came to do is to promote his website, and to give us a preview of the new website. I loved the preview since the camera idea is rather unique and shows you exactly what the website will look like through the browser instead of through a image file (which isn't exactly... great).

I hate how you guys just used something completely unrelated to this matter, against Olleh. If you're going to hold that against him and ignore what he is saying, just because of that, then you're all pretty damn immature. In all honesty, only one or two people in this thread have made me think, "Oh, they know what they're talking about without having a personal grudge against the person posting". Shame I can't say it to most... Pssh.

If Youmeo is advertising on Facebook like I read in this thread, then it shows that they mean business and they're not some website which is just going to wait for people to come to them, they're going to go and get the people to come to them. It shows they're commited which, tbh is more than I can say for the majority of the Technology Forum. The life expectancy of websites I've seen created from the Tech Forum, is VERY short. Either they get left alone or just go down because the owner has decided to make something else (to follow the Tech fad, most likely).

When Youmeo becomes fully secure then I'm going to register, and I'm going to tell my friends about it and you know why? Because I think it's better than most of the crap that I see on this forum & because I think it stands a chance in this market. If they're dedicated and are making the right moves then they can get to the point that they're ultra popular. Remember, Facebook only started out as a school project for a University student in America and now look at it. The possibility of a project built by ambitious developers, becoming successful is rather likely.

Oh and Caleb, sorry but as much as I respect you, that was a low blow to say **** like that. You and Greg were in a partnership in Klydo, were you not, so that makes the coding/graphics on Klydo owned by both...? Correct me if I'm wrong, but the last time I did business I remember hearing something along the lines of that. What you said was really out of order and unsupportive, which just goes to show that your personal grudges get in the way of nearly every single project that Greg builds. You turned this thread against him, I'm sure you're aware of that.

It's a good job Greg deals with 'feedback' in a professional manner, instead of mouthing off. Oh and on a unrelated note, have you ever thought about doing something like Justin.tv have done, with live web streaming for Youmeo? Might be something to look into since I'd sign up for all of what you've mentioned, plus that and more.

Good luck on the site.

Okay Ryan.. that post was pretty pathetic. You are a great guy, and I respect you, but that post was out of line. Lets see why.

I hope you read it.

#1. Don't start throwing your opinions in, when you have no idea about the subject, or the thread.

This thread was not 'turned around by me'.

http://www.habboxforum.com/showpost.php?p=4924801&postcount=16 - First negative post towards security.

My first post was here:

Of course, I turned the thread around? No.. not at ******* all.

I'm not going to let someone advertise a site in this section, that claims to be 'original' (my color selector) and an insecure site that allows malicious hackers to get to users' data.

I hate how you guys just used something completely unrelated to this matter, against Olleh. If you're going to hold that against him and ignore what he is saying, just because of that, then you're all pretty damn immature. In all honesty, only one or two people in this thread have made me think, "Oh, they know what they're talking about without having a personal grudge against the person posting". Shame I can't say it to most... Pssh.HE isn't saying anything, he is being a total hypocrite, and voicing his opinion on a matter he has no clue about.

If you don't visit the D&D forums often, you have no idea, and neither does he. This section is like another forum, and it works differently. When someone from the Habbo sections come in, and be a ****, then yes.. we get pretty ill.

All greg came to do is to promote his website,Yeah? and we didn't say he couldn't.. he promoted it, we criticized it, read my signature maybe? :|

"Oh, they know what they're talking about without having a personal grudge against the person posting".I don't have a personal grudge against anyone in here, and I probably never will. I am still going to point out things, and criticize anyone.

I criticize anyone and everyone, to the point where they get very ill, but in the end.. they end up learning more then expected ;)

If Youmeo is advertising on Facebook like I read in this thread, then it shows that they mean business and they're not some website which is just going to wait for people to come to them, they're going to go and get the people to come to them.Which points that their business side of things is awful, congratulations, you have an advertisement on Facebook, telling you that your social network is better... YET

The site is full of bugs, it is released with major security issues, and it looks awful.

What is the point of that? Yeah, that is a good business plan, lets drive people to our defective site.

The life expectancy of websites I've seen created from the Tech Forum, is VERY short. Either they get left alone or just go down because the owner has decided to make something else (to follow the Tech fad, most likely).If you haven't noticed, most, users on here are around 13-16, what do you really expect? The next Google?

No, they are building their (usage?) skills up, and hopefully someday make something of them, not start the next big thing (although we think we are)

You have nothing to say, lets see something you started that has lasted.. other then Habbo.

Oh and Caleb, sorry but as much as I respect you, that was a low blow to say **** like that. You and Greg were in a partnership in Klydo, were you not, so that makes the coding/graphics on Klydo owned by both...?The design was owned by him, the coding by me. Yes we were in a partnership until he decided to turn into a *****.

What you said was really out of order and unsupportive, which just goes to show that your personal grudges get in the way of nearly every single project that Greg builds.Of course I do not support this, someone who puts off on security issues really drives me mad.

It took weeks for some of them to listen, and sometimes for me to prove to them how bad the issues were.. and they finally fixed them about 2 weeks later.. (that shows how much they care about your data)

So no, I don't support the project.. or Greg, based on a number of valid points.

This is his only project past Klydo, where it really began, so I really have no 'personal grudge that gets in the way of nearly every single project that Greg builds'?

Your argument is invalid.

Excellent, I hate you for saying that LOL. I do not like Clubhacko one bit, and idc about the DJing thing. Greg made the thread to advertise a new layout didn't he? A 'reverbed Youmeo', but EVERYONE knows reverbs come with bugs and glitches. It's just... technology for you heh.
And those bugs are worked out before, it is released.. not during a public BETA, the majority of all major security issues should be resolved, and then when they are found, fixed immediately.

Not weeks later, and just leaving most of them, especially leaving the site online with the exploits.. that doesn't make me respect them anymore.

A project is a project. Of course you aim for it to be successful but at a young age you can expect failure because of the lack of finance. But Ryan, do you understand web development? No. You don't because you probably only glance over threads in here. Same with Olleh, you come in trying to act as a safety officer in the middle of the Iraq war or something - when we're trying to help Greg rather than slate him and the site. There always have been one or two *****s in this forum and that's the way it has always been but if you spend time here, you'll know who they are and you know how people go about doing things.LOL +REP.


You don't have any idea what you are talking about, and acting just like a fanboy who can't step back and see the big picture.

If you are going to act like that, you shouldn't be near this forum.

24-07-2008, 01:32 PM
Bless ryan :(

24-07-2008, 01:33 PM
haha why do you say that?

24-07-2008, 01:38 PM
The thing is you get people who know absolutely nothing about web/dev such as that idiot Ollie from clubscabbo who come in here shouting the odds like a bloody judge. I haven't been here long enough to call myself a fully fledged member of the web/dev forums but I've been here long enough to know how the jungle works, and no offense to you Pyroka but I've seen you in the spam forums which is where you post about your things. It's clear to me you have no idea of these forums or how they work or how the users work so why bother trying to flame us for giving our opinions on a subject we know about? This defeats the object of 'free speech' surely? Dentafrice saw a major security flaw and he pointed it out, youmeo didn't do anything about this for a good few weeks. Maybe it's still exploitable? Also his colour changer, he saw the coding was his that greg has probably given to youmeo without Dentafrice's permission so this SHOULD be removed on request. We didn't come here flaming greg as we know with his design skills the site can take off. But the thing is we have been giving our opinions on a social networking site that apparently has 400,000 users? And yet.. nothing has been done but starting a brand new site.

24-07-2008, 01:39 PM
Not exactly all my coding, ColourLovers helped, but I added a certain module to it. :P I have to agree with your post though.

24-07-2008, 01:42 PM
Not exactly all my coding, ColourLovers helped, but I added a certain module to it. :P I have to agree with your post though.Well still these indians should be able to do it by themselves surely? It seems they like to take the easy way out all the time which is so annoying.. I'm sure everybody will agree youmeo has potential but they are just sitting back and doing nothing about it. Leaving flaws/exploits/errors around the site for their users to experience themselves? This is bad business and doesn't show professionalism one bit, I for one am dissapointed in the handleing of youmeo and really hope they can get this "new" site up soon and turn it around before people start loosing some serious money.

24-07-2008, 02:20 PM
Just awaiting Greg's 5 page reply on how we are all wrong :)

24-07-2008, 02:28 PM
So Caleb you coded the downloaded one from ColourPickers? Wow, so they employ you? Think you'll find I actually downloaded direct from ColourPickers as I didn't have any of the JS files on Klydo. All I have is the CSS and images.

Stop trying to claim it's yours :)

Maybe people would like to realise the fact this thread is about the BETA site not the current one. Stay on topic ;)

24-07-2008, 02:34 PM
Or klydo maybe you should realise that the code on Youmeo has been modified directly in the JS. The hue, sat etc... text fields have been taken out. We all know your no where near smart enough (js and php wise) todo that, so who did?

If you don't want to talk about the current version of the site... maybe we should make a Youmeo bug thread to help you guys see whats wrong with it.

24-07-2008, 02:41 PM
Hello. It's Calum here from youmeo. Founder etc

I've been watching the threads etc for ages. It's really interesting to see bits and peices that have been wrote about Greg and the website.

I appreciate that at present the website does have a few bugs, I can assure you our developers are working around the clock.

The point is there were much more serious issues that none of you guys had even picked up on that we have been fixing.

I'll reply to all feedback - feel free to email me direct [email protected], your even welcome to visit our office for a coffee.

I look forward to your replys.


24-07-2008, 03:32 PM
Hello. It's Calum here from youmeo. Founder etc

I've been watching the threads etc for ages. It's really interesting to see bits and peices that have been wrote about Greg and the website.

I appreciate that at present the website does have a few bugs, I can assure you our developers are working around the clock.

The point is there were much more serious issues that none of you guys had even picked up on that we have been fixing.

I'll reply to all feedback - feel free to email me direct [email protected], your even welcome to visit our office for a coffee.

I look forward to your replys.

CalumHey. I can appreciate you guys are working very hard on youmeo but that fact of the matter is your current site is failing majorly. You have so many errors that can easily be fixed by a coder but yet nothing is being done? I'm sure your 400,000 users won't take too kindly to not being able to use some of the features.. Also the security flaws, putting your users information at risk yet nothing is being done? Perhaps you should have a word with your staff about incompetance and priorities?

24-07-2008, 03:32 PM
If you don't want to talk about the current version of the site... maybe we should make a Youmeo bug thread to help you guys see whats wrong with it.

[email protected]

^^ e-mail and IM.. feel free to pass on any bugs!

Cheers for your help!

24-07-2008, 03:35 PM
What a random name to choose to register up on. :)

Ah well, all i can say is Youmeo will constantlly get slated by users on here, just for the fact greg works there.

24-07-2008, 03:36 PM
Hello. It's Calum here from youmeo. Founder etc

I've been watching the threads etc for ages. It's really interesting to see bits and peices that have been wrote about Greg and the website.

I appreciate that at present the website does have a few bugs, I can assure you our developers are working around the clock.

The point is there were much more serious issues that none of you guys had even picked up on that we have been fixing.

I'll reply to all feedback - feel free to email me direct [email protected], your even welcome to visit our office for a coffee.

I look forward to your replys.


Please tell us what these more serious issues are because I can't think of anything more serious than breaching the DPA :$

24-07-2008, 03:37 PM
Please tell us what these more serious issues are because I can't think of anything more serious than breaching the DPA :$
Adam babe, im sure they wouldnt break the DPA so hush.

24-07-2008, 03:38 PM
Also the security flaws, putting your users information at risk yet nothing is being done? Perhaps you should have a word with your staff about incompetance and priorities?

We've fixed the majority of security issues. As I mentioned there were more serious issues with the site, which we addressed without it effecting any users.

Our user base is an active any happy one and generally the changes to the site have been welcomed and celebrated.

I'll keep taking your feedback onboard.

Many thanks


24-07-2008, 03:41 PM
I'm not overly sure on the DPA, neither are most of the people here, but surely its not great if they are not doing much about security. Most of the security issue's could be fixed within a day, just by creating some cleaning functions for all the inputs.

Thats the issue the community has, the fact that these things are so easy to fix and yet nothing is ever done about them (well quickly at least).

I'll post a list of bugs later when I get the time, which in my opinion are essential to be fixed.

24-07-2008, 03:44 PM
Please tell us what these more serious issues are because I can't think of anything more serious than breaching the DPA :$
We don't and never have broken the data protection act. No personally identifiable information has EVER been released.

Any information provided to youmeo is done so on the basis that it will go on a website in the public domain. Although any other information we will NOT release without prior consent of the account holder.

Any attempt to access a database IS A BREACH, and they have broken the law. We as a company are more than happy to prosecute anyone who attempts to corrupt or access our systems.

However, we do accept feedback that has not resulted in the illegal access of our systems.

Again, please feel free to email me.

Best wishes

24-07-2008, 03:46 PM
I'm not overly sure on the DPA, neither are most of the people here, but surely its not great if they are not doing much about security. Most of the security issue's could be fixed within a day, just by creating some cleaning functions for all the inputs.

Thats the issue the community has, the fact that these things are so easy to fix and yet nothing is ever done about them (well quickly at least).

I'll post a list of bugs later when I get the time, which in my opinion are essential to be fixed.

Our developers are almost through all bugs and any flaws in the system.

Please cross reference your list before posting, to ensure they still exist.

Best wishes

Edited by brandon (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not multiple post within the editing time limit

24-07-2008, 03:53 PM
I agree with Source. You now have a brilliant PHP coder (nick) and yet some security issues have not been fixed?

24-07-2008, 03:54 PM
As we have more work than you can ever imagine, you just don't see it.

24-07-2008, 03:57 PM
As we have more work than you can ever imagine, you just don't see it.
Referring to my previous post.

Entities holding personal information are required to have adequate security measures in place. Those include technical measures (such as firewalls) and organisational measures (such as staff training).


24-07-2008, 03:58 PM
I agree with Source. You now have a brilliant PHP coder (nick) and yet some security issues have not been fixed?
Im sure Nick is working on it.

24-07-2008, 04:00 PM
We've fixed the majority of security issues. As I mentioned there were more serious issues with the site, which we addressed without it effecting any users.

Our user base is an active any happy one and generally the changes to the site have been welcomed and celebrated.

I'll keep taking your feedback onboard.

Many thanks


My replies take ages, so just so you know, they're appearing...

24-07-2008, 04:04 PM
My replies take ages, so just so you know, they're appearing...
Its due to the annoying post approveal of 15 posts -.-'

24-07-2008, 04:04 PM
Alright, I see.

Like I have explained, I want to see Youmeo do well as it's got history leading back to here and Habbo in general [Greg and Nick] so it's only natural that we want it to succeed. Don't think I don't ;)

24-07-2008, 04:05 PM
We all know they both (Nick & Greg) are excellent coders and the projects they have done in the past is proof.

24-07-2008, 04:11 PM
Totally agree. Just wish they would hurry up and utalise their skills to the full potential :)

24-07-2008, 04:11 PM
Yeah but from what we've seen said is the current coding was messy and many mistakes thus surly it takes longer to work with the current code then the code they written in the first place!?

24-07-2008, 04:14 PM
not at all to fix these security issues. Most are been fixed though.

24-07-2008, 04:15 PM
not at all to fix these security issues. Most are been fixed though.
So why exaclty are you lot moaning then..

24-07-2008, 05:00 PM
So why exaclty are you lot moaning then..

Because only around 25% are fixed. Its on their todo list.

24-07-2008, 05:08 PM
Yes, to do list, which means they will be done, the major ones have been fixed from what im aware and they are focusing on the new site.

24-07-2008, 05:11 PM
To do over the next 3 years.

24-07-2008, 05:27 PM
Eh, share the love people.

24-07-2008, 05:32 PM
Eh, share the love people.

Agnostic Bear
24-07-2008, 06:02 PM
Fixing errors like that is a 2 hour job max, it's not gonna take long to do.

24-07-2008, 06:54 PM
I dunno actually. Depends on the level of code re-write.

Agnostic Bear
24-07-2008, 07:26 PM
I dunno actually. Depends on the level of code re-write.

Fixing any errors = 2 hours max.

24-07-2008, 07:35 PM

24-07-2008, 08:04 PM


24-07-2008, 08:04 PM
I love it how it's now fixed.

Hi Nick!

24-07-2008, 08:06 PM
Glad someone's fixing up the site.

24-07-2008, 08:09 PM
Ouch, I think I just got burnt... You all have valid points, apologies.

24-07-2008, 08:16 PM
Wow. First person to ever admit he was wrong, thats extremly noble of you :)

24-07-2008, 08:17 PM
Gotcha' nick ;)

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/html/www.youmeo.com/pages/yourhome/index.php on line 57

24-07-2008, 08:21 PM
So Caleb you coded the downloaded one from ColourPickers? Wow, so they employ you? Think you'll find I actually downloaded direct from ColourPickers as I didn't have any of the JS files on Klydo. All I have is the CSS and images.

Stop trying to claim it's yours :)

Maybe people would like to realise the fact this thread is about the BETA site not the current one. Stay on topic ;)

You that thick, if you haven't noticed, the one directly from ColourLovers didn't include the features I included. As well as the code being almost the same, with the exception of ().


<script type="text/JavaScript">
_whichField = "hexValue_0";
CLCPHandler = function(_hex) {
document.getElementById("header_colour").value = _hex;
document.getElementById("header").style.backgroundColor = ("#" + _hex);
_CLCPdisplay = "none";
_CLCPisDraggable = true;
_CLCPposition = "relative";
_CLCPinitHex = "3b3834";


<script type="text/JavaScript">
_whichField = "hexValue_0";
CLCPHandler = function(_hex) {
document.getElementById("headerc").value = _hex;
document.getElementById("user_top").style.backgroundColor = "#" + _hex;
_CLCPdisplay = "none";
_CLCPisDraggable = true;
_CLCPposition = "absolute";
_CLCPinitHex = "60A1CC";

hmm... and that didn't come with the chooser :rolleyes:

Hello. It's Calum here from youmeo. Founder etc

I've been watching the threads etc for ages. It's really interesting to see bits and peices that have been wrote about Greg and the website.

I appreciate that at present the website does have a few bugs, I can assure you our developers are working around the clock.

The point is there were much more serious issues that none of you guys had even picked up on that we have been fixing.

I'll reply to all feedback - feel free to email me direct [email protected], your even welcome to visit our office for a coffee.

I look forward to your replys.


Some users picked up the serious issues, but didn't tell anyone. I'm glad it has picked up, and they are being fixed.

Nick is a great coder from what I have seen, did a great job on Hab-World, and all his other projects, and he seems to be fixing them well, and knows what he is talking about :eusa_clap

24-07-2008, 08:22 PM
Glad someone's fixing up the site.

Aye, it's about time :P

Kudos to Pyroka.

24-07-2008, 08:29 PM
First time I've ever seen someone admit they're wrong here (in this kind of situation) - kudos Pyroka.

@ Denta: Those are basically similar. Hmm.

25-07-2008, 03:59 AM

<script type="text/JavaScript">
_whichField = "hexValue_0";
CLCPHandler = function(_hex) {
document.getElementById("header_colour").value = _hex;
document.getElementById("header").style.backgroundColor = ("#" + _hex);
_CLCPdisplay = "none";
_CLCPisDraggable = true;
_CLCPposition = "relative";
_CLCPinitHex = "3b3834";

<script type="text/JavaScript">
_whichField = "hexValue_0";
CLCPHandler = function(_hex) {
document.getElementById("headerc").value = _hex;
document.getElementById("user_top").style.backgroundColor = "#" + _hex;
_CLCPdisplay = "none";
_CLCPisDraggable = true;
_CLCPposition = "absolute";
_CLCPinitHex = "60A1CC";
hmm... and that didn't come with the chooser :rolleyes:

<script type="text/JavaScript">
_whichField = "hexValue_0";
CLCPHandler = function(_hex) {
// This function gets called by the picker when the sliders are being dragged. The variable _hex contains the current hex value from the picker
// This code serves as an example only, here we use it to do three things:
// Here we simply drop the variable _hex into the input field, so we can see what the hex value coming from the picker is:
document.getElementById(_whichField).value = _hex;
// Here is where we color the BG of a div to preview the color:
document.getElementById("CLCPUpdateDiv").style.background = ("#" + _hex);
// Giving you control over this function really puts the reigns in your hands. Rewrite this function as you see fit to really take control of this color picker.
// Settings:
_CLCPdisplay = "none"; // Values: "none", "block". Default "none"
_CLCPisDraggable = true; // Values: true, false. Default true
_CLCPposition = "absolute"; // Values: "absolute", "relative". Default "absolute"
_CLCPinitHex = "0039B3"; // Values: Any valid hex value. Default "ffffff"

Direct from colourpickers, all I done was remove the commenting... :)

Agnostic Bear
25-07-2008, 09:30 AM
All I have to say is that the website isn't very pleasing to me atm, I can't upload photos without JavaScript enabled and I don't intend to enable it any time soon.

25-07-2008, 09:45 AM
Well then, I think Youmeo has to consider building an alternative image upload system, for users who haven't got Javascript enabled. I like stating the obvious, heh.

25-07-2008, 09:47 AM
Well then, I think Youmeo has to consider building an alternative image upload system, for users who haven't got Javascript enabled. I like stating the obvious, heh.

Yeah we agree..

Our image system is very complex and we have to plan changes like these carefully. There was hundreds of thousands of images all sorted into different folders/servers etc.

So (again) this is on the todo!

25-07-2008, 10:10 AM
Ah, that makes everything so much harder doesn't it. Prevention of data loss is paramount after all (or so I think). I'm sure there is a way to enable Javascript to run automatically, even with disabled Javascript but I can't remember how. I remember reading something along the lines of that when I was stumbling on StumbleUpon.

25-07-2008, 10:26 AM
Yeah we agree..

Our image system is very complex and we have to plan changes like these carefully. There was hundreds of thousands of images all sorted into different folders/servers etc.

So (again) this is on the todo!

Shouldn't you be working? :P

Have you got a public to do list like most sites or is it bts?

25-07-2008, 10:38 AM
I'm unsatisfied with Youmeos site.
It has 1 decent developer - Nick.

Meaning restricted work ability and production.
You're aiming to build a social network with 2 people?

Greg - Designer & Web Coder
Nick - Programming etc.
(Forgive me if I'm wrong there)

MySpace & Facebook etc, have a full development team of about 10 people.
You should consider that.

25-07-2008, 10:43 AM
I'm unsatisfied with Youmeos site.
It has 1 decent developer - Nick.

Meaning restricted work ability and production.
You're aiming to build a social network with 2 people?

Greg - Designer & Web Coder
Nick - Programming etc.
(Forgive me if I'm wrong there)

MySpace & Facebook etc, have a full development team of about 10 people.
You should consider that.
They do have a team... apparently.

25-07-2008, 10:45 AM
I'm unsatisfied with Youmeos site.
It has 1 decent developer - Nick.

Meaning restricted work ability and production.
You're aiming to build a social network with 2 people?

Greg - Designer & Web Coder
Nick - Programming etc.
(Forgive me if I'm wrong there)

MySpace & Facebook etc, have a full development team of about 10 people.
You should consider that.

I don't know who you are, or where your getting information.

youmeo has 5 developers. (4 full time and 1 p/t)

Facebook have hundreds of developers.

Facebook also secured MILLIONS OF $$ of investment :)

We're working on it, hopefully you'll love the new BETA in Sept!



25-07-2008, 10:47 AM
They do have a team... apparently.

Credited on the site - People who aren't assisting it's Development.

25-07-2008, 10:59 AM
I'm unsatisfied with Youmeos site.
It has 1 decent developer - Nick.

Meaning restricted work ability and production.
You're aiming to build a social network with 2 people?

Greg - Designer & Web Coder
Nick - Programming etc.
(Forgive me if I'm wrong there)

MySpace & Facebook etc, have a full development team of about 10 people.
You should consider that.

I'm unsatisfied with Youmeos site.
It has 1 decent developer - Nick.

Meaning restricted work ability and production.
You're aiming to build a social network with 2 people?

Greg - Designer & Web Coder
Nick - Programming etc.
(Forgive me if I'm wrong there)

MySpace & Facebook etc, have a full development team of about 10 people.
You should consider that.

At the moment, the main incentive is to fix bugs and ensure that the site is efficient and safe to protect our users and make their experience more enjoyable. Naturally, this is a long winded process with lots of testing and listening to feedback from the general public.

People don't work for free unfortunately, we have some interns that come in occasionally to help out but when we're growing it's important to get investment from companies to bring in cash to pay for these developers and designers so our work production is much faster. As has already been mentioned we have one key designer and 4 other coders that produce the site.

Myspace and Facebook are inevitably going to have a large development team. Myspace has over 100 million registered users... we have just over 400,000. They're also going to have more disposable income through advertisement and investment when compared to our site which is just reaching the mark at which ad agencies would be interested in working with companies on our behalf to get advertisements within the site to raise revenue. Then, as other investors see our platform and the development work behind it they too are becoming more interested within the site, its shares and future within the social networking and mobile networking industry.

As has been stated on numerous occasions, bug fixes are in place and are being developed right this moment ready for both the live version of the site and the BETA launch of our fixed up site shortly. Combine this with an apology e-mail that's being set up in regards to the bugs and user experience recently. I am however lucky that our members have remained loyal to the website and our innovative ideas. Especially in a market where user loyalty is extremely low.

We're also lucky to have Nick and Greg onboard who are dedicating a lot of their time and made a huge move down to the midlands.

I was made aware of this forum and it has helped me organise the team for bug fixes however, it would be much appreciated if you took Calums offer up and sent us a list of bugs that you have found because we appreciate the time you have took to find the bugs within the site. It makes our site a lot cleaner and more efficient which is good for an all round experience. I'll be out of the office during next week but if you send me an e-mail with anything you may find i'd be happy to schedule it all in as I probably won't have time to check this forum.

I would also welcome you with open arms into our BETA site if you'd like to test it all out.

Our to-do list is web managed privately but we do have a report a bug feature and you could also drop me an e-mail at [email protected] if you'd like to make me aware of anything you have found so I can schedule it in. Cracking the whip with Greg and Nick at the moment.

25-07-2008, 11:44 AM
At the moment, the main incentive is to fix bugs and ensure that the site is efficient and safe to protect our users and make their experience more enjoyable. Naturally, this is a long winded process with lots of testing and listening to feedback from the general public.

People don't work for free unfortunately, we have some interns that come in occasionally to help out but when we're growing it's important to get investment from companies to bring in cash to pay for these developers and designers so our work production is much faster. As has already been mentioned we have one key designer and 4 other coders that produce the site.

Myspace and Facebook are inevitably going to have a large development team. Myspace has over 100 million registered users... we have just over 400,000. They're also going to have more disposable income through advertisement and investment when compared to our site which is just reaching the mark at which ad agencies would be interested in working with companies on our behalf to get advertisements within the site to raise revenue. Then, as other investors see our platform and the development work behind it they too are becoming more interested within the site, its shares and future within the social networking and mobile networking industry.

As has been stated on numerous occasions, bug fixes are in place and are being developed right this moment ready for both the live version of the site and the BETA launch of our fixed up site shortly. Combine this with an apology e-mail that's being set up in regards to the bugs and user experience recently. I am however lucky that our members have remained loyal to the website and our innovative ideas. Especially in a market where user loyalty is extremely low.

We're also lucky to have Nick and Greg onboard who are dedicating a lot of their time and made a huge move down to the midlands.

I was made aware of this forum and it has helped me organise the team for bug fixes however, it would be much appreciated if you took Calums offer up and sent us a list of bugs that you have found because we appreciate the time you have took to find the bugs within the site. It makes our site a lot cleaner and more efficient which is good for an all round experience. I'll be out of the office during next week but if you send me an e-mail with anything you may find i'd be happy to schedule it all in as I probably won't have time to check this forum.

I would also welcome you with open arms into our BETA site if you'd like to test it all out.

Our to-do list is web managed privately but we do have a report a bug feature and you could also drop me an e-mail at [email protected] if you'd like to make me aware of anything you have found so I can schedule it in. Cracking the whip with Greg and Nick at the moment.

Thanks for taking the time to clarify all of that, and I'm glad to see that you are knowledgeable in this topic.

True there with MySpace when you grow bigger with your userbase, I take it you will hire on further team members and more investors?

25-07-2008, 12:08 PM
Cracking the whip with Greg and Nick at the moment.

OOooo. Kinky. :P

Great to hear someone who actually knows what the problems are and is doing something about it.

I'm still going to keep my judgement on how bad the site is until the beta, when hopefully (and I have extremly high hopes) it will amazing.

25-07-2008, 12:11 PM
Well then, I think Youmeo has to consider building an alternative image upload system, for users who haven't got Javascript enabled. I like stating the obvious, heh.
Oh ryan, you always state the obvious, all the time!

But it doe sound like all things are getting sorted and we'll have to wait till Sept for the new Beta site!

Agnostic Bear
25-07-2008, 12:15 PM
Yeah we agree..

Our image system is very complex and we have to plan changes like these carefully. There was hundreds of thousands of images all sorted into different folders/servers etc.

So (again) this is on the todo!

An image system isn't complex, get image put image store image retrieve image. I assume you have a db with all the stored filenames / md5 hashes ip's etc, if you don't, that's the way to go.

25-07-2008, 12:18 PM
At the moment, the main incentive is to fix bugs and ensure that the site is efficient and safe to protect our users and make their experience more enjoyable. Naturally, this is a long winded process with lots of testing and listening to feedback from the general public.

People don't work for free unfortunately, we have some interns that come in occasionally to help out but when we're growing it's important to get investment from companies to bring in cash to pay for these developers and designers so our work production is much faster. As has already been mentioned we have one key designer and 4 other coders that produce the site.

Myspace and Facebook are inevitably going to have a large development team. Myspace has over 100 million registered users... we have just over 400,000. They're also going to have more disposable income through advertisement and investment when compared to our site which is just reaching the mark at which ad agencies would be interested in working with companies on our behalf to get advertisements within the site to raise revenue. Then, as other investors see our platform and the development work behind it they too are becoming more interested within the site, its shares and future within the social networking and mobile networking industry.

As has been stated on numerous occasions, bug fixes are in place and are being developed right this moment ready for both the live version of the site and the BETA launch of our fixed up site shortly. Combine this with an apology e-mail that's being set up in regards to the bugs and user experience recently. I am however lucky that our members have remained loyal to the website and our innovative ideas. Especially in a market where user loyalty is extremely low.

We're also lucky to have Nick and Greg onboard who are dedicating a lot of their time and made a huge move down to the midlands.

I was made aware of this forum and it has helped me organise the team for bug fixes however, it would be much appreciated if you took Calums offer up and sent us a list of bugs that you have found because we appreciate the time you have took to find the bugs within the site. It makes our site a lot cleaner and more efficient which is good for an all round experience. I'll be out of the office during next week but if you send me an e-mail with anything you may find i'd be happy to schedule it all in as I probably won't have time to check this forum.

I would also welcome you with open arms into our BETA site if you'd like to test it all out.

Our to-do list is web managed privately but we do have a report a bug feature and you could also drop me an e-mail at [email protected] if you'd like to make me aware of anything you have found so I can schedule it in. Cracking the whip with Greg and Nick at the moment.Well thats just shut us all up hasnt it :P. Finally you are listening to our feedback which is great to hear. We don't post your bugs/errors to laugh at the site, we post them so they can fixed to secure Youmeo. There has obviously been a huge ammount of effort and work put into the CURRENT site in the way of design and standard coding but unfortunately before nick, just the old system. Now you have a dedicated team of employees I really think you should all crack on with getting the current site fixed first then work on BETA. To me, the current site is fundemental to be fixed as your current users are logging on to a few minor errors (most have been fixed). I for one wish you all the best with youmeo as it's pretty clear it has a lot of potential.

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