View Full Version : [Bobba] about fast trading scam

20-07-2008, 04:21 PM
apparently whoever got scammed that way decided to get back what he lost the same way.

that's why there are hundreds of 'em scammers.

how annoying. They scam and spam and piss me off :(

Moved by Slowpoke (Forum Moderator) from Anything about Trading and Furni.

20-07-2008, 09:04 PM
it's old.
if you fall for it, shame on you.

20-07-2008, 09:41 PM
apparently whoever got scammed that way decided to get back what he lost the same way.

that's why there are hundreds of 'em scammers.

how annoying. They scam and spam and piss me off :(

Moved by Slowpoke (Forum Moderator) from Anything about Trading and Furni.

There would be less scammers getting away with this trick, if more people took their time when they traded and actually checked carefully what they are accepting, it's one of the oldest scams in the book, I'm sad to say.

20-07-2008, 10:21 PM
it's old.
if you fall for it, shame on you.
very very harsh words
but yet again, don't play it (so are they lol)

20-07-2008, 10:42 PM
I've never seen anyone fall for the fast trade scam apart from in RuneScape where i think i even have once ... can't quite remember... think i did -shrugs- lol

Anyway... on Habbo it's alot easier to see what's being traded and there is no reason to get scammed this way... i've infact made a 80cred profit from quick traders because half of them are even worse at the scam then i am xD

I have no idea why people still try this dead scam... there is so little money in it now... because basically = IT - DOES - NOT - WORK... The average Habbo now is acctually very wise and inter-safe with their furni and password... i'm impressed acctually... back in 2003 there were people every where falling for the lamest scams... now... there a few scammers because all the players seem much wiser.

/\ Whoah... that was a long post... xD

20-07-2008, 11:31 PM
I've never seen anyone fall for the fast trade scam apart from in RuneScape where i think i even have once ... can't quite remember... think i did -shrugs- lol

Anyway... on Habbo it's alot easier to see what's being traded and there is no reason to get scammed this way... i've infact made a 80cred profit from quick traders because half of them are even worse at the scam then i am xD

I have no idea why people still try this dead scam... there is so little money in it now... because basically = IT - DOES - NOT - WORK... The average Habbo now is acctually very wise and inter-safe with their furni and password... i'm impressed acctually... back in 2003 there were people every where falling for the lamest scams... now... there a few scammers because all the players seem much wiser.

/\ Whoah... that was a long post... xD

But there are always new players, who aren't so wise ;)

20-07-2008, 11:59 PM
But there are always new players, who aren't so wise ;)

But that's just the thing - surely you've noticed as well how even new players now don't trust in most scams...

I have no idea why it is... but I’ve seen a vast improvement in the vast majority of Habbos with safety knowledge...

There will always be the odd one or two that think someone might really be giving out free credits and only need your pass but even the newbist of newbs I’ve seen say "trade em in coinz plz?" I'm really impressed by it actually...

And also, you especially must of noticed how few scammers are actually live in trade rooms now - remember when we use to sit in Jrh's rooms kicking scammers? one would come in ever few minutes... now if you go in Vintus' room and no one is moderating there are only ever two or three...

It's odd but I’m happy it's changed/changing, scamming is such a lame pass-time.

21-07-2008, 06:37 AM

I love playing with this scam, see how many noobs i can catch out, sice terhy cant quick trade ><

Anyway most quick-traders now dont even tick the first time

21-07-2008, 04:59 PM
But that's just the thing - surely you've noticed as well how even new players now don't trust in most scams...

I have no idea why it is... but I’ve seen a vast improvement in the vast majority of Habbos with safety knowledge...

There will always be the odd one or two that think someone might really be giving out free credits and only need your pass but even the newbist of newbs I’ve seen say "trade em in coinz plz?" I'm really impressed by it actually...

And also, you especially must of noticed how few scammers are actually live in trade rooms now - remember when we use to sit in Jrh's rooms kicking scammers? one would come in ever few minutes... now if you go in Vintus' room and no one is moderating there are only ever two or three...

It's odd but I’m happy it's changed/changing, scamming is such a lame pass-time.

Yeah I remember, regularly we would get them, and it's good to hear it's improved. Something I have noticed though, and don't know if others have too, but on quite a few occasions I've been in my own room, and a complete stranger has come in and attempted to scam me lol. As if they could :rolleyes:

no waiii
21-07-2008, 05:21 PM

I love playing with this scam, see how many noobs i can catch out, sice terhy cant quick trade ><

Anyway most quick-traders now dont even tick the first time

So your admitting to scamming?

22-07-2008, 03:25 PM
rich-girl123 started it.
and who knows how many thrones did that bast*** get lolz.

24-07-2008, 07:49 AM
So your admitting to scamming?


I meant that i like beating the quick traders, not doing it.

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