View Full Version : Throphys given to Xs

21-07-2008, 11:54 AM

21-07-2008, 12:05 PM
I think this is the best news we have had all year.

21-07-2008, 12:05 PM
I was wondering when this would get posted :P

21-07-2008, 12:06 PM
I think this is the best news we have had all year.
Shortly followed by "Habbo UK members get spelling lessons"...

21-07-2008, 12:17 PM
Is it just the regular trophy?

21-07-2008, 12:48 PM
What trophy is it? Is it the 'HABBO' one or just one out of a catalogue?

21-07-2008, 04:49 PM
Shortly followed by "Habbo UK members get spelling lessons"...
We wish......we wish
BTW that's what I think the X's should have gotten in the first place =/

21-07-2008, 06:18 PM
What trophy is it? Is it the 'HABBO' one or just one out of a catalogue?

It's the Habbo Duo trophie :]

21-07-2008, 07:00 PM
Habbo duo is the best one. imo

21-07-2008, 07:10 PM
It's nice that the UK Staff have given us these kind gifts, means alot from all the abuse you get from other Habbo's over certain issues these little gifts erase all the bad times some of us had whilst on the X Team.
Thankyou UK Staff =]

21-07-2008, 07:30 PM
I was wondering when they all got trophies :P

21-07-2008, 07:46 PM
a trophy for all there hard Xing work???? id be disappointed.. :(

22-07-2008, 03:14 AM
It's nice that the UK Staff have given us these kind gifts, means alot from all the abuse you get from other Habbo's over certain issues these little gifts erase all the bad times some of us had whilst on the X Team.
Thankyou UK Staff =]

Wow.. so pixel furniture eases your troubles huh?

22-07-2008, 10:38 AM
hm. lets think.
super rare sleeping bag. badge. trophy. leaving party. other stuff which i cant remember.
for what?
some Xs who'd only been there what, 4 months? standing around and playing games?
remind you of anyone/people?

22-07-2008, 10:40 AM
hm. lets think.
super rare sleeping bag. badge. trophy. leaving party. other stuff which i cant remember.
for what?
some Xs who'd only been there what, 4 months? standing around and playing games?
remind you of anyone/people?

haha your just jelous.

22-07-2008, 12:47 PM
haha your just jelous.

and you're not?
I believe you started an arguement also on it
and if you're gonna have a go at me, at least spell jealous correctly.
and besides, im not, im annoyed at the lack of work some Xs put in, and here you are laughing, now that's pathetic.

22-07-2008, 12:49 PM
If you are jealous over some pixels.. you really need a life :(

22-07-2008, 12:50 PM
I agree, the majority don't deserve a thing. But individuals who actually did help deserve it. It's a shame Habbo can't recognize the people who did frick all but stand there and play games than helping new users to the hotel.

22-07-2008, 12:50 PM
If you are trying to be mean to other people for no reason.. you really need a life :(

22-07-2008, 01:58 PM
If you are jealous over some pixels.. you really need a life :(

If you are trying to be mean to other people for no reason.. you really need a life :(

Are those both aimed at me?

22-07-2008, 02:29 PM
hm. lets think.
super rare sleeping bag. badge. trophy. leaving party. other stuff which i cant remember.
for what?
some Xs who'd only been there what, 4 months? standing around and playing games?
remind you of anyone/people?

its all pixels babe
dont cry.

22-07-2008, 04:30 PM
Lol =] Nice little gifts i guess!

22-07-2008, 04:31 PM
Awww, well deserved for their service

22-07-2008, 07:17 PM
its all pixels babe
dont cry.

im not crying.
and dont refer to me as "babe"

23-07-2008, 06:54 AM
@Info, Mine was, yes.

23-07-2008, 07:12 AM
grats to the x's i guess?

23-07-2008, 07:45 AM
and you're not?
I believe you started an arguement also on it
and if you're gonna have a go at me, at least spell jealous correctly.
and besides, im not, im annoyed at the lack of work some Xs put in, and here you are laughing, now that's pathetic.


le harry
23-07-2008, 07:52 AM
It's nice that the UK Staff have given us these kind gifts, means alot from all the abuse you get from other Habbo's over certain issues these little gifts erase all the bad times some of us had whilst on the X Team.
Thankyou UK Staff =]

Must be pretty hard being an X then eh, surely you'd lead by example and put them on ignore if somebody was abusing you. Hmm..

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