View Full Version : What Really Annoys Me About The Habbo Population

21-07-2008, 02:44 PM
It's something I've only noticed this spurt of activity round (I take huge breaks), but when you say you want X item for whatever, and the Habbox rare values or just the person disagrees with the price, you get called a scammer.

Like today someone said "I need 7 HC, how much in creds?" so I said "110" looking for a little profit, then I get:


How on earth does that work?


21-07-2008, 02:49 PM
People just don't want to be bother paying that little extra but if you keep pushing it and then they say no. Chances are they could come back because they can't find anyone else, and you get profit. It's what a friend of a friend does and he's pretty well off because he asks for profit and sticks to it.

As for people saying scam, I've noticed it as well. If they lose a game and get kicked they come back saying "scammer" with some stupid reason. Everyone just makes everything out to be such a scam because it doesn't go their way, it's pathetic really.

no waiii
21-07-2008, 02:54 PM
Theres one word for these "noobs" when i was having a giveaway i ran out of furni and everyone shouted scam because hey got no furni because i gave it all away.

21-07-2008, 03:54 PM
I hate comments like that... people not knowing the meaning of the word "Scam"

I had some guy tell me I was a scammer because I gave him a BronzeCoin at a giverway I made instead of the 5 he asked for :eusa_wall

22-07-2008, 07:15 AM
People think that saying the word scam is the ultimate insult.
That once it's been said, that person's reputation has fallen.

22-07-2008, 07:34 AM
yeah I know, scam is unwillingly taking away something...

22-07-2008, 09:01 AM
Theres one word for these "noobs" when i was having a giveaway i ran out of furni and everyone shouted scam because hey got no furni because i gave it all away.

Giverways are pointless now. Noone's greatful. Like I used to sometimes trade random people furni and about 1 in 10 of them said thanks and others without even saying thanks kept trading me afterwards everytime I cancled wanting more furni without even asking.

I hate comments like that... people not knowing the meaning of the word "Scam"

I had some guy tell me I was a scammer because I gave him a BronzeCoin at a giverway I made instead of the 5 he asked for :eusa_wall

Some people just aren't greatful, they beg you and beg you for furni adn when they get it they don't say thanks they just ask for more.

22-07-2008, 01:02 PM
Well, they are little kids. What do you expect?

22-07-2008, 01:30 PM
What's even worse is the people who follow Habbox to the exact amount, even if you ask for 1RD More than it's worth. They start reading you out Habbox prices and usually resort to "LOL OMG WHAT A NUB", even though they don't need that extra pod chair or whatever, but they will demand it because it would add up to the correct habbox value.

Habbox values should be used as a rough guide, not a law.

22-07-2008, 08:53 PM
I got called a scammer for offering 12 credits on a mocha (intended as a joke) but to the guy it was a real offer, and he goes: "I want at least 17 creds. they're hc rares"
and im like :eusa_thin

24-07-2008, 03:31 PM
Ugh i hate that. It happens at some cozzie changes i go to. noobs lose and they go:

dats not fare
Dewnt go 2 dis krap cozzee change its

Really annoys me :@:eusa_wall

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