View Full Version : [Bobba] [READ] Post Scripting youve sceen recently

22-07-2008, 04:39 PM
Post Scripting you've scene around the hotel recently eg : Mood Light hack.

Hopefully we can get a list going ;]

22-07-2008, 05:03 PM
Oil lamps that never go off...

25-07-2008, 07:38 PM
-!ME!-'s (habbox DJ) room went black and then errored while she was DJing lol

no waiii
25-07-2008, 08:18 PM
Scrennies would be nice

25-07-2008, 08:19 PM
SNiiP3R was doing these about two weeks ago, screenies were on SOM but their forum is down:

Habbo Guide Tool Error - Errors you when you accept to guide him.
Habbo Guide Re-direct - Accept it and it sends you to a public room he is in (lido for me)
Ghost Script - You can walk through him and stand inside him, but only in public rooms.

Other ones i've seen recently are:
Warp to furni - teleports around the room to different furni
Walk-through Bar script - '>' has mode bars in his room that you can walk through.

26-07-2008, 09:18 AM
Keep them coming, as Gapu said. screenies would be nice ;]

26-07-2008, 02:50 PM
I had a screenie of it but I've seen people randomly holding a calipo icer cream...
And is the mood light that makes entire room black one?

26-07-2008, 03:39 PM
The calipo ice cream machine could be on a retro, although i do belive its an actual piece of habbo furniture.

26-07-2008, 05:02 PM
Scrennies would be nice

This is the one that turns the room black:


26-07-2008, 07:08 PM
^^It just looks like a black picture.. you could have screenied yourself talking or the yellow arrow.. or even the habbo surround/buttons.

The only thing about screenie'ing most of the scripts out at the moment is they will look stupid and won't prove anything because they will just look normal, warping to furni and walking through bars will just look fake on a screenie, same goes for errors etc.. and you could just get a calippo from the italian hotel or a retro server.

I Know where alot of rooms are with working scripts in, but habbox forum isn't exactly the place to say.

27-07-2008, 06:09 PM
Enex with the Furni Warp. I got him on f/l hes rly good. and a few PIB rooms.

28-07-2008, 10:48 PM
Um... why is this in Bugs/Glitches/Errors

Scripting is exploiting Leaks/Bugs/Glitches/Errors but that doesn't mean they are...

Just saying...

and plus I already created this thread when they all came out :eusa_danc

29-07-2008, 10:29 AM
Um... why is this in Bugs/Glitches/Errors

Scripting is exploiting Leaks/Bugs/Glitches/Errors but that doesn't mean they are...

Just saying...

and plus I already created this thread when they all came out :eusa_danc
not all scripts are exploits of leaks/bugs/glitches/errors. Alot of scripting are exploits of things habbo meant to be there. Take Scripting drinks for example. Exploiting the AP packet
to get drinks from nowhere isnt exploiting a leak/bug/error/glitch. Its Just sending a packet that is meant to be there on your demand without the need for a drinks machine.
Just like furni warping exploits the @v packet (which is meant to be there)

29-07-2008, 11:07 AM
not all scripts are exploits of leaks/bugs/glitches/errors. Alot of scripting are exploits of things habbo meant to be there. Take Scripting drinks for example. Exploiting the AP packet
to get drinks from nowhere isnt exploiting a leak/bug/error/glitch. Its Just sending a packet that is meant to be there on your demand without the need for a drinks machine.
Just like furni warping exploits the @v packet (which is meant to be there)

New Drinks/New furni etc would = a Leak.
And using packets to obtains drinks etc from thin-air is still considered a Leak because Habbo could patch it...

All scripting is exploitation of leaks/bugs/errors/glitches - that's what scripting is... pretty much.

29-07-2008, 02:40 PM
Actually scripting is just writing or changing any program/script language, wether it be completely from scratch or an existing part of the script.

Scripting can fall into any category that you both wrote but not all scripting is exploits of leaks/bugs/errors/glitches. For instance; If You can write a script so when you walk forward on a game it then puts your players across the otherside of the map. That wouldn't be considered a leak/bug/error or glitch or anything else that is directly just using a function already with-in the game, it would not be considered a leak since the game is not trying to hide it or stop it being used.
Same goes for stuff on habbo, like giving yourself a drink isn't a leak since it's just a function on habbo that you are commanding but giving yourself a drink that isn't out yet is then obviously leaking since it shouldn't be used yet.

29-07-2008, 03:57 PM
Actually scripting is just writing or changing any program/script language, wether it be completely from scratch or an existing part of the script.

Scripting can fall into any category that you both wrote but not all scripting is exploits of leaks/bugs/errors/glitches. For instance; If You can write a script so when you walk forward on a game it then puts your players across the otherside of the map. That wouldn't be considered a leak/bug/error or glitch or anything else that is directly just using a function already with-in the game, it would not be considered a leak since the game is not trying to hide it or stop it being used.
Same goes for stuff on habbo, like giving yourself a drink isn't a leak since it's just a function on habbo that you are commanding but giving yourself a drink that isn't out yet is then obviously leaking since it shouldn't be used yet.

Scripting in Habbo has boundries - because you're on someone elses platform all editing of packets is considered bug-exploitation as Habbo say you are not allowed to change packets going into or coming out of Habbo.

If you are editing any packets in Habbo in anyway you are therefore exploiting leaks/errors/bugs/glitches inside Habbo.

The only reason that it stays in these boundries is because of Habbos T&C otherwise you would be correct,
but since Habbo states you should not try to do this and they have set measures to insure that it is not easy to do it therefore is bug exploitation and breaking-into or commiting force-editation which is directly against:
Copyright and Patients Act
Computer Misuse Act
I would say ;P

And that's why scripting is illigal ;]

(P.s. sorry for using weird vocab - couldn't think oh the right words... over tiered atm.)

29-07-2008, 04:25 PM
Scripting in Habbo has boundries - because you're on someone elses platform all editing of packets is considered bug-exploitation as Habbo say you are not allowed to change packets going into or coming out of Habbo.

If you are editing any packets in Habbo in anyway you are therefore exploiting leaks/errors/bugs/glitches inside Habbo.

The only reason that it stays in these boundries is because of Habbos T&C otherwise you would be correct,
but since Habbo states you should not try to do this and they have set measures to insure that it is not easy to do it therefore is bug exploitation and breaking-into or commiting force-editation which is directly against:
Copyright and Patients Act
Computer Misuse Act
I would say ;P

And that's why scripting is illigal ;]

(P.s. sorry for using weird vocab - couldn't think oh the right words... over tiered atm.)
i thought all scripting was a violation of the t & c. Neway i wouldent say that is a boundary, that wudent stop most scripters. The Real Boundary of scripting is how habbo's servers have developed over the years to reject certain packets.

30-07-2008, 07:59 PM
i thought all scripting was a violation of the t & c. Neway i wouldent say that is a boundary, that wudent stop most scripters. The Real Boundary of scripting is how habbo's servers have developed over the years to reject certain packets.
Not all of scripting is violating the T&Cs, some are alouded, and some are not viewable by anyone else (CS), but some SS are violation. The ones that aren't are drinks and PIB, and more.

30-07-2008, 08:49 PM
Not all of scripting is violating the T&Cs, some are alouded, and some are not viewable by anyone else (CS), but some SS are violation. The ones that aren't are drinks and PIB, and more.

ALL scripting is breahing the T&C NONE is allowed.
Some Habbo can't be bothered to deal with any more but that doesn't make them legal...
Even Client-Side is illigal - they can't easily track you for doing it but technically you could be taken to court for Client-Side injectory
(P.s. This will never happen but laws are in place that mean Sulake could.)

30-07-2008, 08:50 PM
Scripting in Habbo has boundries - because you're on someone elses platform all editing of packets is considered bug-exploitation as Habbo say you are not allowed to change packets going into or coming out of Habbo.

If you are editing any packets in Habbo in anyway you are therefore exploiting leaks/errors/bugs/glitches inside Habbo.

That's silly. There's no 'bug' in injecting packets out of context. Its not like something has gone wrong somewhere, you're just monitoring what's already there, and then adding to it. You're not finding an unticked box, or an unchecked hex and manipulating it (although most of the time your are lol, but not for things like PIB or drinks or w/e) you're just sending it at a different time.
Obviously with other things that aren't in action right now then finding bugs is how these things come about but as Elliot said, for the most part what we do atm, is just sending packets out of context.
For things like moodlights erroring. Thats not a 'bug' on habbo's part. It's being signed incorrectly, adding an extra char, without registering it in B64.

Someone also said something about being able to walk through a mode bar. This is defo possible, what the guy has done is reduced the boundaries of the furni. So where a mode bar or any other bar is normally 2x1, he's changed it to 1x1. Although the graphic of the second side of the bar will still be there, as far as taking up a space is concerned it isn't. I'm not 100% sure how this is done but the only way I can think of atm is some kindof

31-07-2008, 08:19 PM
ALL scripting is breahing the T&C NONE is allowed.
Some Habbo can't be bothered to deal with any more but that doesn't make them legal...
Even Client-Side is illigal - they can't easily track you for doing it but technically you could be taken to court for Client-Side injectory
(P.s. This will never happen but laws are in place that mean Sulake could.)

Poster in black, I heard, is allowed in a hotel.

31-07-2008, 09:27 PM
Poster in black, I heard, is allowed in a hotel.

i heard this aswell

01-08-2008, 11:23 AM
i heard this aswell
What hotel is this on?

01-08-2008, 12:40 PM
That's silly. There's no 'bug' in injecting packets out of context. Its not like something has gone wrong somewhere, you're just monitoring what's already there, and then adding to it. You're not finding an unticked box, or an unchecked hex and manipulating it (although most of the time your are lol, but not for things like PIB or drinks or w/e) you're just sending it at a different time.
Obviously with other things that aren't in action right now then finding bugs is how these things come about but as Elliot said, for the most part what we do atm, is just sending packets out of context.
For things like moodlights erroring. Thats not a 'bug' on habbo's part. It's being signed incorrectly, adding an extra char, without registering it in B64.

Someone also said something about being able to walk through a mode bar. This is defo possible, what the guy has done is reduced the boundaries of the furni. So where a mode bar or any other bar is normally 2x1, he's changed it to 1x1. Although the graphic of the second side of the bar will still be there, as far as taking up a space is concerned it isn't. I'm not 100% sure how this is done but the only way I can think of atm is some kindof

Because Habbo:
1.) Like to claim it's not possible (Yeah, they continue to claim this :eusa_wall)
2.) Have T&C against this happening

It is considered bug-exploitation because even though you're sending real-packets that have been modified to be a little weird - you're exploiting something that Habbo claims is unexploitable.

I'm not saying that we go and try and find bug (although the best and weirdest scripts are clearly bugs ;P) I'm just saying because of how Habbo put it into context and edited-packet outside of the boundaries Habbo has set for it:
eg. say the wall-placement values were: w-:1,1,00,00 to w-:2,2,50,50
(I know that's not the packet but I cba to go check what it is.)
if you edited a packet, kicked a client side clone so the poster went to w-4,4,99,99 that is bug exploitation because you're not doing something Habbo intended to happen.
Instead you're rummaging around Habbo's data looking for bugs and loopholes where you can shove it custom packets - if Habbo provided you with clones and a button that changed A_ to the right header then it wouldn't be exploiting...

If you crack the encryption and send direct packets however... like AP26 for example and get the Calippo... then you're not bug-exploiting... then you've hit worse territory - then you're breaking the:
Computer Misuse Act (Just although I'm sure it will be edited soon to include stronger laws on encryption cracking)
and also the Copyrights and Patience Act... And Habbo can really get you ****** over for that... if they could be bothered.

EDIT: and as for the bar thing - it would be very hard to change hard numbers like the space values of a furni because you'd have the change them server-side thus reducing them to a PH-box and also ServerSide furni using tags wouldn't let you walk through furni so it can't be done via tags... and i'd say it was impossible...

HOWEVER! it would be alot easier to do a smooth warp - walk towards the bar, warp inside it and then keep walking...

EDITEDIT: and as for the legalised-PIB I don't care if Habbo claim that you're allowed to do it - it's just because they're lazy that they're not stopping people... it's never going to be legal.

I asked them if the pods and chairs that were mostly scripted and stopped getting deleted recently were now legal and 0cra replied that infact they wern't and MODs were still perfectly within their rights to pick-up or delete the pods and chairs... I'm sure it's the same for posters/photos etc... they're still allowed to delete them, they just can't be bothered.

01-08-2008, 01:50 PM
I Asked MOD-Sarcasm the other week (before he left/got sacked or whatever) if all scripting is a bannable offense, and he said the majority of it is upto the MOD's disgretion. I've also asked a MOD before and she said that aslong as you do it in a private room or a locked room and it's not affecting anyone else then you won't be banned for it. So in conclusion.. MOD's don't have a clue, as per usual.

vito201 - The walkthrough bar script is possible, > had a furni shop open the other day and lots of people were walking through his bars, you can only walk through the left of the bar iirc.

01-08-2008, 05:07 PM
Loads of people scripting entrances to get in theese days, does anyone know how its done?. is it the walk through bar or somthing to do with the teleporter


01-08-2008, 08:51 PM
vito201 - The walkthrough bar script is possible, > had a furni shop open the other day and lots of people were walking through his bars, you can only walk through the left of the bar iirc.

Well i can walk through both sides so I win :8
and i've not heard of this... and I have no idea how it would work unless Habbo changed some code...

Loads of people scripting entrances to get in theese days, does anyone know how its done?. is it the walk through bar or somthing to do with the teleporter


Warping uses the teleporter-enter command to let people get teleported into any furniture in a room.

01-08-2008, 09:10 PM
Loads of people scripting entrances to get in theese days, does anyone know how its done?. is it the walk through bar or somthing to do with the teleporter

Well you type this code into a packet logger.

01-08-2008, 09:14 PM
Well i can walk through both sides so I win :8
and i've not heard of this... and I have no idea how it would work unless Habbo changed some code...

Warping uses the teleporter-enter command to let people get teleported into any furniture in a room.

same... I went over bar packets again, and they are basic as. Nothing has changed within them far as I can see. All you have is header, ID, coords rotation:

[AI] [X coord] [Y coord] [rotation]

@@LAI1234567 8 9 0

Nothing different from what I can see...
The fact that the guy can only walk through ONE side of the bar makes me think its more of a warp, cause warping only warps to a designated piece of furni and not a specific point. He couldn't control which side of the bar he went through, he'd warp to the side which is used to position it.

Originally Posted by Vauxhall Insignia http://www.habboxforum.com/images/buttons/space/viewpost.gif (http://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?p=4964276#post4964276)
[I]Loads of people scripting entrances to get in theese days, does anyone know how its done?. is it the walk through bar or somthing to do with the teleporter


Well you type this code into a packet logger.

It uses the 'warp' header taken from the way teleports work. The packet looks like this;



01-08-2008, 11:05 PM
same... I went over bar packets again, and they are basic as. Nothing has changed within them far as I can see. All you have is header, ID, coords rotation:

[AI] [X coord] [Y coord] [rotation]

@@LAI1234567 8 9 0

Nothing different from what I can see...
The fact that the guy can only walk through ONE side of the bar makes me think its more of a warp, cause warping only warps to a designated piece of furni and not a specific point. He couldn't control which side of the bar he went through, he'd warp to the side which is used to position it.

If he were to walk through it by changing 2,1 to 1,1
(which is impossible for a client to chan ge as far as i can see) he'd only be able to walk through one side also.

Like i said earlier:
1.) the space values are not changable for the client as they are included in the XO map on a hierarchy basis as far as i'm aware.
2.) there is only ONE way to walk through furniture and that's using a one-way-door anhd i've already tried exploiting this and got no where apart from some odd bugs.

So i'd say he just did a smooth warp:
walked towards the bar, warped, carried on walking.

It's much easier then changing hard-data ... to change that would be as hard as changing the credit value, because just because you can't see a furniture it dosen't mean the furni is walk-throughable.

Think back to FurniPhotos ... all furni created was possible to walk through and "invisable" furni wasn't walkthroughable.
Think back to ServerSide-tag furni ... all furni was walk-throughable and "invisable" furni wasn't walkthroughable.
Think back to ServeSide-Presents/Trophies ... all furni was walk-throughable and "invisable" furni wasn't walkthroughable.

never has furni been created that is real to the point you can't walk through it - without buying something from the catalogue
(bare in mind you could get cheaper rares etc but not for free.)

02-08-2008, 09:15 AM
same... I went over bar packets again, and they are basic as. Nothing has changed within them far as I can see. All you have is header, ID, coords rotation:

[AI] [X coord] [Y coord] [rotation]

@@LAI1234567 8 9 0

Nothing different from what I can see...
The fact that the guy can only walk through ONE side of the bar makes me think its more of a warp, cause warping only warps to a designated piece of furni and not a specific point. He couldn't control which side of the bar he went through, he'd warp to the side which is used to position it.

It uses the 'warp' header taken from the way teleports work. The packet looks like this;


Yes, I know that mate, don't need to elaborate.

02-08-2008, 09:29 AM
If he were to walk through it by changing 2,1 to 1,1
(which is impossible for a client to chan ge as far as i can see) he'd only be able to walk through one side also.

Like i said earlier:
1.) the space values are not changable for the client as they are included in the XO map on a hierarchy basis as far as i'm aware.
2.) there is only ONE way to walk through furniture and that's using a one-way-door anhd i've already tried exploiting this and got no where apart from some odd bugs.

So i'd say he just did a smooth warp:
walked towards the bar, warped, carried on walking.

It's much easier then changing hard-data ... to change that would be as hard as changing the credit value, because just because you can't see a furniture it dosen't mean the furni is walk-throughable.

Think back to FurniPhotos ... all furni created was possible to walk through and "invisable" furni wasn't walkthroughable.
Think back to ServerSide-tag furni ... all furni was walk-throughable and "invisable" furni wasn't walkthroughable.
Think back to ServeSide-Presents/Trophies ... all furni was walk-throughable and "invisable" furni wasn't walkthroughable.

never has furni been created that is real to the point you can't walk through it - without buying something from the catalogue
(bare in mind you could get cheaper rares etc but not for free.)

Alex, stop talking about this **** with people who wont understand it, get back to work on the site :)

11-08-2008, 01:59 PM
That's silly. There's no 'bug' in injecting packets out of context. Its not like something has gone wrong somewhere, you're just monitoring what's already there, and then adding to it. You're not finding an unticked box, or an unchecked hex and manipulating it (although most of the time your are lol, but not for things like PIB or drinks or w/e) you're just sending it at a different time.
Obviously with other things that aren't in action right now then finding bugs is how these things come about but as Elliot said, for the most part what we do atm, is just sending packets out of context.
For things like moodlights erroring. Thats not a 'bug' on habbo's part. It's being signed incorrectly, adding an extra char, without registering it in B64.

Someone also said something about being able to walk through a mode bar. This is defo possible, what the guy has done is reduced the boundaries of the furni. So where a mode bar or any other bar is normally 2x1, he's changed it to 1x1. Although the graphic of the second side of the bar will still be there, as far as taking up a space is concerned it isn't. I'm not 100% sure how this is done but the only way I can think of atm is some kindof

I agree to that but i wouldnt of thought you register it in B64 unless its a HEX code

11-08-2008, 10:51 PM
I agree to that but i wouldnt of thought you register it in B64 unless its a HEX code

I see what you mean, but everything (header included) gets taken into account with B64. So for a moodlight it'd be @@PEVII@G#FFFFFFQPB

Also their are various breaks in a packet, like you pointed out for the hex code in a moodlight, if such a break in data is present, then again B64 is used. For example in a furni sign packet it'd be:
@@RAJ@H12345678@DTRUE / EFALSE
Where the breaks are after the header to introduce the furni ID, and after that to introduce the actual signing.


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