View Full Version : Suicide

24-07-2008, 10:15 PM
Okay, so im 13 years old.
and i feel like commiting suicide,
my life is a wreck and im overweight.
Everyday i get called "Mosher"
i spend my entire day on my computer, i dont go outside because my friends wont.
My Grandmother died about a year ago, my brother died when he was born.

We have a holiday in september to america which worries me because i dont think i will live that long to see it.

A holiday in september is not allowed by the government or whatever, my friend told me they fine you 50 pound a day for each day your off in september which i think is a lie but that also worries me because i found out that my mum was taking anti-depressant pills, i came home found her drugged from them and rang a ambulance and my father. The whole place covered in smoke from the cooker which had been on fire because she was knocked out cooking a meal.

Anyway, she was depressed because of life, Money Everything really...

I feel worried about the holiday as my friend also said they report your mum.
As we have money problems, i keep thinking she might get put inside,
am i being over-reactive?

I need support, i feel suicidal


Have i spoke too much?

24-07-2008, 10:19 PM
you seriously need to talk to someone you can trust, they can help you through the toughest times.
Get some help from the experts aswell, they must deal with these sorts of cases alot, so I'm pretty sure they can help you if you find the courage to talk to them.
If you commit suicide it would have a devastating effect on your parents, who are already having a rough time.
Yes it's tough now, but you will get through it.

24-07-2008, 10:21 PM
don't commit suicide, Life will get better.

24-07-2008, 10:24 PM
I keep a lot of things to myself, i dont tell anybody anything. Im a quiet person that is strong and keeps it all inside. But i think im gonna burst.

25-07-2008, 01:14 AM
okay yes your exagerating..

1) dont be selfish .. if your mum is already on anti depressants imagine what loosing another son would do to her?

2) fat people can loose weight - you just dont bother, deal with it.

3) dont like being called a mosher? change your style just becaus your friends are all moshers dosnt mean you have to be one & if they dont like the change stuff them go make some new ones. & honestly if all your friends do is sit on msn or moan around you really should make some new ones because thats worrying.

4) i think all that computer time has got to your head.. go out more smell the fresh air !!

5) they do not fine you your friends a ***** for lying.

6) lots of people die, get a hobbie or do something to deal with that.

7) get a diary or something or go somewhere! go to church tell god your problems!!!

honestly i hate people who threat to sucide + at the end of the day theres kids that are starving, getting beaten or much worse off that would kill to have your life.

so stop threating and deal with the issues you have honestly.

25-07-2008, 07:59 AM
Stop Fretting. CHange your style. Gain confidence. Find a talent and focus on it. I began learning piano when i was in a situation like yours (Not as bad tho, ill admit) and whenever things started up again, id just sit. Full blast, headphones on. and play to myself and truly get sucked into it. and i found that helped alot because it was your own way of getting away from the world
Goodluck, and dont die, because loosing another child will make your mum even worst and hten what might happen??

Edited by Jaiisun (Forum Moderator): Posts merged due to accidental double post.

25-07-2008, 08:03 AM
look, if things are really that bad they can only get better

use www.teenhelp.org, you may get better help there.

25-07-2008, 08:14 AM
Wow, where do you live? I haven't heard the word Mosher in years.

Things will get better, may take some time, but they will get better.
I had a tough time at school, but once I left and went to college things got much better, so in other words, at school its full of immature *****.

Your only 13, so I don't think your depressed at all. Around 13, you start getting more emotions, so I think its new emotions which make you think your depressed.

Sadly I'm not an expert in this sort of thing, but like cocaine said, visit www.teenhelp.org. There are more experts there :P

I hope things get better for you, and I'm sure they will, but one thing... Do not commit suicide.

25-07-2008, 08:27 AM
Suicide causes more problems than it solves and as N-Dubz said, it is selfish of you to think that, considering yours mums state at the moment.

Just find a hobby really, and it's a bit bad of your mum to book a trip to America (which is quite costly) for September when everyone knows that's one of the important months of the school year :P I'm amazed your school hasn't told her to cancel it! If you're worried about your mum, support her and take her places like the cinema, or maybe other places like London or any cities that are nearby with a few tourist attractions for you to see. Doing nothing will of course make people depressed, but doing something together doesn't.

25-07-2008, 09:12 AM
okay yes your exagerating..

1) dont be selfish .. if your mum is already on anti depressants imagine what loosing another son would do to her?

2) fat people can loose weight - you just dont bother, deal with it.

3) dont like being called a mosher? change your style just becaus your friends are all moshers dosnt mean you have to be one & if they dont like the change stuff them go make some new ones. & honestly if all your friends do is sit on msn or moan around you really should make some new ones because thats worrying.

4) i think all that computer time has got to your head.. go out more smell the fresh air !!

5) they do not fine you your friends a ***** for lying.

6) lots of people die, get a hobbie or do something to deal with that.

7) get a diary or something or go somewhere! go to church tell god your problems!!!

honestly i hate people who threat to sucide + at the end of the day theres kids that are starving, getting beaten or much worse off that would kill to have your life.

so stop threating and deal with the issues you have honestly.

agree with all of that ^

you're only 13, don't be so stupid.

25-07-2008, 09:17 AM
I think you need to start getting some more friends who don't spin you a web of lies, which make you feel worse. They can fine you but it's not £50 a day, I don't think. I'm assuming the same friend told you that they 'report your mum', 'fine you £50 a day if you go on holiday during term-time'

I think you can kill two birds with one stone here. You can sign up to a gym and make new friends there. As they're in the same boat (keeping fit), your new friends can support you. Gain more confidence and take control of your life.

25-07-2008, 09:20 AM
I think you need to start getting some more friends who don't spin you a web of lies, which make you feel worse. They can fine you but it's not £50 a day, I don't think. I'm assuming the same friend told you that they 'report your mum', 'fine you £50 a day if you go on holiday during term-time'

I think you can kill two birds with one stone here. You can sign up to a gym and make new friends there. As they're in the same boat (keeping fit), your new friends can support you. Gain more confidence and take control of your life.
Oh that stupid £50 fine if your on holiday for over a week?
That laws stupid.

25-07-2008, 10:01 AM

Through my line of work, I advise people to use this website if they are feeling suicidal. It's quite a suttle approach, and it will help you alot more than being told what to do by others. If you figure it out yourself, it'll be fine. :)

25-07-2008, 12:01 PM
Suicide won't help you or your family.
It'll only become worser.

Find someone to speak to, teenhelp, childline etc if your feeling unsure and just remember theres always a way out of this.
Be confident, and just remember, the hard times will go by.

25-07-2008, 12:06 PM
You can stop yourself from being over and being called a mosher.

I mean you could take up some excerise lessons, do some extra sport and go to the gym

If you have long hair (main reason why people get called moshers) get it cut, I mean even with money problems, a hair cut isn't going to make much a difference to that.

To be quite frank, suicide is the cowards way out, don't do it. You won't earn respect for it and it's only going to worsen your families lives even further, which I doubt you want. You need to take a manly approach to what's going on, sort the way you think out and work on building up a better life. I mean how old are you? Still do school? Well you'd be in summer holidays now, which I am, so you could take the oppourtunity now, while you have it, to better your life and to bette your families life.

25-07-2008, 12:36 PM

Edited by ,Jess, (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not make inappropriate posts.

25-07-2008, 01:54 PM
okay yes your exagerating..

1) dont be selfish .. if your mum is already on anti depressants imagine what loosing another son would do to her?

2) fat people can loose weight - you just dont bother, deal with it.

3) dont like being called a mosher? change your style just becaus your friends are all moshers dosnt mean you have to be one & if they dont like the change stuff them go make some new ones. & honestly if all your friends do is sit on msn or moan around you really should make some new ones because thats worrying.

4) i think all that computer time has got to your head.. go out more smell the fresh air !!

5) they do not fine you your friends a ***** for lying.

6) lots of people die, get a hobbie or do something to deal with that.

7) get a diary or something or go somewhere! go to church tell god your problems!!!

honestly i hate people who threat to sucide + at the end of the day theres kids that are starving, getting beaten or much worse off that would kill to have your life.

so stop threating and deal with the issues you have honestly.

someone explain to me how the above post was any way mean?!!!??

sometimes i worry about people on here..

25-07-2008, 08:02 PM
like someone said, there are plenty people would would kill to have a half good life, err like yours.
Half the people on here get called something, mosher emo ect and get called fat. Its not a big deal, years of bullying helps you deal with stuff eventually. Just look for good things like when you live on your own you can do whatever you want without people moaning or giving a dam.

25-07-2008, 08:07 PM
o dear :( one thing .... dont commit sucide

25-07-2008, 08:33 PM
Your best bet is to not be a fat mosher

25-07-2008, 08:39 PM
Things will get better, although posting on a forum might not help with something this big maybe you should see someone :)

25-07-2008, 09:24 PM
Seriously, killing yourself is the most selfish thing you could possibly do when there is people there who love you and it can't exactly do any good for your poor mother either.
Everybody goes through rough times, and everyone feels depressed at some points, and it's OK to feel that way aswell.
But really, if things aren't going well the only person who can change that is you, even if you want to blame others.

Really you should get OFF the computer, I find that it makes a person more crap sitting there doing nothing.
Suggest doing something with your mum, like getting a coffee and chatting, I'm not suggesting telling her how you feel but just chatting about nothing will make you feel closer and a bit happier.
On days you feel so, so low you should look for SOMETHING, anything to stay on for one extra day, it can be anything - like your favourite pair of jeans.
Do things that make you happy, such as exercising it really does make you feel better, eat better aswell if you're overweight! Bananas have seratonin which make you happy.

Well if your friends don't do anything, SUGGEST doing something.
There's no use in complaining! If you don't ask, you don't get!

You also mention people call you a mosher?
First of all, I can't believe people USE that word, it's so friggin cheesy.
Also, if you don't like it then change! If it's about being different, you can be different in that maybe you do a sport noone else does, or you are talented at something others aren't. If it's about showing off, then maybe you deserve it?
You should also understand people don't appreciate things that aren't the same as them, it's not necessarily your fault, but if being called a mosher makes you feel depressed and crap then, duh, don't be one.

Man, there's so many things you can do, and so many things for you to STILL do.
There's always the future, and studying and working hard at school will help you get the best out of things, obviously it sounds boring, but deciding what you want to be when your older can give you something to look forward to, make sure it's something you like, find out what qualifications you need and work hard in those lessons at school and it will give you a sense of pride.

But really, there is no use in writing all this out if you were just here to complain, not take any advice and just sit there and not actually do anything.

Anyway, good luck to you and you should get used to tough love, when you're older people aren't going to baby you anymore, and be as nice as some other people have been on this site.

25-07-2008, 10:10 PM
I went through this, life isn't always gonna be a walk in the park and sometimes it'll kick dirt in your face. But there's always a reason to plod on

25-07-2008, 10:13 PM
At least you dont get called goth and emo like me. I am a mosher, be proud of what you are. Dont take **** from the world.

25-07-2008, 10:21 PM
yh as some of the other forum memebers have said ... i think you need talk to someone, the best thing not to do is commit sucide.

26-07-2008, 07:37 PM
Yeah, let it all out. Even if it's to your pet cat or frog or something

Your best bet is to not be a fat mosher

That was a bit cruel Tom

31-07-2008, 10:43 PM
is he ded yet?

01-08-2008, 10:48 AM
No reply. I guess.


01-08-2008, 10:55 AM
Maybe he's gone to ask if he should kill himself, on another forum? He wants a election about it.

01-08-2008, 12:18 PM
Maybe he's gone to ask if he should kill himself, on another forum? He wants a election about it.


Truly hilarious post, it made me guffaw :) I think this thread is stupid, My bet would be none of what the guy said is true except that hes just a fat mosher who has no friends. I have no sympathy for people who commit suicide because life can always get better if you truly want it to.

01-08-2008, 12:43 PM

Edited by ,Jess, (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not make inappropriate posts.

01-08-2008, 01:23 PM
oo i think that he has problems i have problems iv even tryed to kill myself and worked out DON'T DO IT IT HURTS MORE PEPOLE THAN YOU THINK IT DOSE IF YOU HAVE BLOODY KILLED YOUR SELF I WILL PERSONALY SHOOT YOUR DEAD BODY

Well put it this way do you get kifed eveytime you use a school or public loo and then hide the fact that it happoned from every one ur perants your friends coz they put that knife right up to your kneck and told you not to tell NO YOU HAVEN'T YOU LIFE IS GOOOD COMPARED TO MYN IV WACH MY BF KILL HIM SELF JUST COZ I TRYED YH IF YOU ARE DEAD I LL GO BARMY


Glen Coco
01-08-2008, 09:37 PM
oo i think that he has problems i have problems iv even tryed to kill myself and worked out DON'T DO IT IT HURTS MORE PEPOLE THAN YOU THINK IT DOSE IF YOU HAVE BLOODY KILLED YOUR SELF I WILL PERSONALY SHOOT YOUR DEAD BODY

Well put it this way do you get kifed eveytime you use a school or public loo and then hide the fact that it happoned from every one ur perants your friends coz they put that knife right up to your kneck and told you not to tell NO YOU HAVEN'T YOU LIFE IS GOOOD COMPARED TO MYN IV WACH MY BF KILL HIM SELF JUST COZ I TRYED YH IF YOU ARE DEAD I LL GO BARMY


didn't really understand that tbh. and how would u know where his body was to shoot it?
& i would suggest search The Samaritans on Google. When I was feeling down I emailed them and they got in touch i about a day and they do talk to you and they are helpful.
Wouldn't think that killing yourself would be the answer seeing as your only 13 and there's really no point.

01-08-2008, 10:02 PM
0800 1111

Give them a ring, sounds like you have some serious problems which need to be dealt with ASAP.

01-08-2008, 10:03 PM
oo i think that he has problems i have problems iv even tryed to kill myself and worked out DON'T DO IT IT HURTS MORE PEPOLE THAN YOU THINK IT DOSE IF YOU HAVE BLOODY KILLED YOUR SELF I WILL PERSONALY SHOOT YOUR DEAD BODY

Well put it this way do you get kifed eveytime you use a school or public loo and then hide the fact that it happoned from every one ur perants your friends coz they put that knife right up to your kneck and told you not to tell NO YOU HAVEN'T YOU LIFE IS GOOOD COMPARED TO MYN IV WACH MY BF KILL HIM SELF JUST COZ I TRYED YH IF YOU ARE DEAD I LL GO BARMY


I think you've been watching too much Romeo & Juliet maybe?

Edited by ,Jess, (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not double post

01-08-2008, 11:07 PM
Some very useful and detailed posts so far, stick with them but just to touch on something else no one else has...

Your friend isn't too much of a friend, I used to know a person about 2 years ago who used to get you down and lead you astray, and it really worked too and I didn't feel much good about myself and I worried about the lies he said. Your friend almost knows your vulnerable and is almost kicking you while your down, but at other times I'm sure you get on very well?

Your friend will eventually grow up and if you show him who's boss in the friendship a few more times he'll get the message, begin proving him wrong and back yourself up with statistics, I understand finding friends isn't too easy for you but that friend isn't much of a friend so I'd be open about finding new one's.

They're jealous as hell about your America trip by the looks of it, they've made you actually worried about a dream trip for your family. I'm sure you'll have a fantastic time, probably the time of your life and I also imagine this'll improve things for you, maybe you could meet some new people there and it'll also be a great time for your mother to relax and to bond with your family a lot more than usual. Ignore your friends comments about the holiday, you should begin looking forward to it.

01-08-2008, 11:32 PM
I wish I could say something which would boost your feeling.
But I can't. :D

02-08-2008, 03:28 AM
If you comitted suicide - think of your parents, you would have given up on them.

My reccomendation is, stay in for as long as you want, make new friends, and no you don't get fined a day, but you may after a month or so of holidaying.

02-08-2008, 10:31 AM
oo i think that he has problems i have problems iv even tryed to kill myself and worked out DON'T DO IT IT HURTS MORE PEPOLE THAN YOU THINK IT DOSE IF YOU HAVE BLOODY KILLED YOUR SELF I WILL PERSONALY SHOOT YOUR DEAD BODY

Well put it this way do you get kifed eveytime you use a school or public loo and then hide the fact that it happoned from every one ur perants your friends coz they put that knife right up to your kneck and told you not to tell NO YOU HAVEN'T YOU LIFE IS GOOOD COMPARED TO MYN IV WACH MY BF KILL HIM SELF JUST COZ I TRYED YH IF YOU ARE DEAD I LL GO BARMY


your boyfriend took his life for you? you probably about 13 so i really doubt that.
your saying dont kill yourself but if you do i'll come and kill you pmsl wth & how would you get knifed and hide it.. its abit hard aint it.. :S

i think your post was blatently just to tell us all about your life considering theres not really any helpful info there espically because half of it you cant understand LOL.

03-08-2008, 03:51 PM
You're 13 you've got your whole life ahead of you...
And think of all the people you will hurt if you were to comitt suicide.

The bullys will just move to somone else once they get bored of you.. Just ignore them.

03-08-2008, 06:17 PM
I remember when i committed suicide, it wasn't fun.

I wouldn't bother if i were you, too much hassle.

03-08-2008, 06:28 PM
O dear he aint been online or replyed to this thread :(

03-08-2008, 06:34 PM
He's done it hasn't he...

He's left HabboxForum, poor lad.

03-08-2008, 09:37 PM
commiting suicide is a little selfish :\

you've been given a chance to live your life to the full and you're just gonna take it away .... that's just plain selfishness
and if you do you will go to HELL

03-08-2008, 10:04 PM


03-08-2008, 10:09 PM
Kenyan, I've bookmarked that link, cheers. :P

04-08-2008, 12:00 AM
Okay, so im 13 years old.
and i feel like commiting suicide,
my life is a wreck and im overweight.
Everyday i get called "Mosher"
i spend my entire day on my computer, i dont go outside because my friends wont.
My Grandmother died about a year ago, my brother died when he was born.

We have a holiday in september to america which worries me because i dont think i will live that long to see it.

A holiday in september is not allowed by the government or whatever, my friend told me they fine you 50 pound a day for each day your off in september which i think is a lie but that also worries me because i found out that my mum was taking anti-depressant pills, i came home found her drugged from them and rang a ambulance and my father. The whole place covered in smoke from the cooker which had been on fire because she was knocked out cooking a meal.

Anyway, she was depressed because of life, Money Everything really...

I feel worried about the holiday as my friend also said they report your mum.
As we have money problems, i keep thinking she might get put inside,
am i being over-reactive?

I need support, i feel suicidal


Have i spoke too much?
u will lose ur weight it is just puppy fat lol
stop bein a mosha n then u wont get called 1
look 4ward 2 ya holiday florida is mint
dnt fink about how u r not gettin ne sex 'cos its not that gud neway
but if u get offered ne take it

04-08-2008, 12:41 AM
Okay, so im 13 years old.
and i feel like commiting suicide,
my life is a wreck and im overweight.
Everyday i get called "Mosher"
i spend my entire day on my computer, i dont go outside because my friends wont.
My Grandmother died about a year ago, my brother died when he was born.

We have a holiday in september to america which worries me because i dont think i will live that long to see it.

A holiday in september is not allowed by the government or whatever, my friend told me they fine you 50 pound a day for each day your off in september which i think is a lie but that also worries me because i found out that my mum was taking anti-depressant pills, i came home found her drugged from them and rang a ambulance and my father. The whole place covered in smoke from the cooker which had been on fire because she was knocked out cooking a meal.

Anyway, she was depressed because of life, Money Everything really...

I feel worried about the holiday as my friend also said they report your mum.
As we have money problems, i keep thinking she might get put inside,
am i being over-reactive?

I need support, i feel suicidal


Have i spoke too much?
You're gna commit suicide because you're poor and you're mother takes legal pills? yeah...Nice idea

04-08-2008, 04:15 AM
Find a hobby or a club at school to get you out of the house also so that you can meet new people.

04-08-2008, 11:43 AM
Just remember one thing, the more mess you make the funner it will be.

04-08-2008, 11:50 AM
Your best bet is to not be a fat mosher

And if you can't do that, you may aswell do it.

04-08-2008, 06:47 PM
++keep ur mum away from the kitchen lol she seems abit untrustworthy with all them pots n pans n cookers

04-08-2008, 08:21 PM
To be quite frank, suicide is the cowards way out, don't do it. You won't earn respect for it

Well duh, you'd be dead. ;D

04-08-2008, 09:57 PM
go to church tell god your problems!!!

Ok. -God- ignores millions of innocent people who die all the time. If he actually exists, I really don't think he cares.

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