View Full Version : Why do so many...

06-08-2008, 07:29 AM
Why do so many social networking websites have hundreds of developers, e.g: Facebook has 800 active developing staff, when it would probably save time if less than 20.

My site only has 3 developers, but that's all we really need.

06-08-2008, 07:33 AM
maybe because facebook has like a billion members..

06-08-2008, 07:37 AM
maybe because facebook has like a billion members..

Yes, but that does not mean they need to code a billion things.

06-08-2008, 07:40 AM
so they can broadcast new ideas x

06-08-2008, 07:42 AM
so they can broadcast new ideas x
But the developers code, but I suppose facebook do "hackathons" where developers code their new ideas.

Thanks for that :P

06-08-2008, 11:33 AM
That's actually a good point.
I personally think the more people, the longer it takes as you are always waiting for one person to finish somthing, ect..

06-08-2008, 03:30 PM
No, come on. You're not seriously comparing Facebook to your website are you?

The facebook developers have to maintain a website used by millions of people every day, keep it/the code running efficient, code new things, fix issues/bugs, update the API and much more.

If Facebook had 3 developers, it would still be where it was a few years ago.

06-08-2008, 05:24 PM
No, come on. You're not seriously comparing Facebook to your website are you?

The facebook developers have to maintain a website used by millions of people every day, keep it/the code running efficient, code new things, fix issues/bugs, update the API and much more.

If Facebook had 3 developers, it would still be where it was a few years ago.
Fair point, but surely you have to agree 300 is a few too many coders? Even for a site like Facebook.
I'm probably wrong but Tom made MySpace and still does most of the work for it... (Okay, maybe he didn't do it all himself but I bet he only had a team of around 10 working on it)

06-08-2008, 05:43 PM
Calon, nivade has around 30 users (if I'm right) and you have 3 developers. Facebook has around a billion users and 800 developers, if you do the math they could actually do with more developers :P

They need to update the code and the website, develop new things. If only you could be in the boardroom at Facebook or behind the scenes they will be planning/making things that we will see 2-3 years from now. They're constantly working on new features that we have no idea about until 1 month away from them releasing it.

At lolwut: Myspace had hardly no users when tom and others made it, now they have millions = a lot of developers..

06-08-2008, 10:35 PM
Because they sub contract work.

07-08-2008, 06:20 AM
Fair point, but surely you have to agree 300 is a few too many coders? Even for a site like Facebook.
I'm probably wrong but Tom made MySpace and still does most of the work for it... (Okay, maybe he didn't do it all himself but I bet he only had a team of around 10 working on it)

No, come on. You're not seriously comparing Facebook to your website are you?

The facebook developers have to maintain a website used by millions of people every day, keep it/the code running efficient, code new things, fix issues/bugs, update the API and much more.

If Facebook had 3 developers, it would still be where it was a few years ago.
I forgot about facebook's API actually, so that's a fair point, I took some research into facebook's F8 keynote and they only have 80 website developers, which is hard to believe.. Surely they must clash with each other etc.. as TomSpit said.

Calon, nivade has around 30 users (if I'm right) and you have 3 developers. Facebook has around a billion users and 800 developers, if you do the math they could actually do with more developers :P

They need to update the code and the website, develop new things. If only you could be in the boardroom at Facebook or behind the scenes they will be planning/making things that we will see 2-3 years from now. They're constantly working on new features that we have no idea about until 1 month away from them releasing it.

At lolwut: Myspace had hardly no users when tom and others made it, now they have millions = a lot of developers..
Developing one feature doesn't take a million developers, facebook only have 80.

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