View Full Version : What should I do?

08-08-2008, 03:18 AM
Hey, as you all my know I've had a toothache over the past few days. It's my 1st molar which around 2 years ago got a filling, the dentist drilled right down into the bottom of it so basically when the filling came out it was just a shell really, most of the shell crumbled and there is only about 2/4 of the tooth left now that being the roots and a small visible bit of the top. It's causing me an extreme amount of pain but each day that's getting lower and lower, should I either wait for the nerve to die or go to the dentist and get it removed or get a root canal because I think he's going to offer me those options. I am scared of the dentist big time though so put yourself in my shoes, I hate blood aswell and I am scared of the anesthetic wearing off in the middle of the surgery. I havent seen my dentist in 2 years and really am scared of going to see him and will do anything to avoid him. I brush my teeth twice a day and floss when I can though I do admit my teeth arent the best so if I do go for a check-up I'll probably have to get 1-2 fillings also. Im so confused on what to do right now so please dont just say "go to the dentist" right away, put yourself in my position when you think about this, that you are scared of blood and dental surgery.
Thank you.

edit; also could the dentist even apply root canal treatment to it, as there is barely any visible and the roots are remaining, I dont even know if he could extract it, can you tell me if you have or know what he would do in these surgeries.

08-08-2008, 03:20 AM
They do this sort of thing all the time, I doubt the anesthetic will wear off.

At the end of the day, you have to face your fears sometime.
Can't let them run your life.

08-08-2008, 03:23 AM
Yeah but dont you think they'd have a hard time extracting 2/4 of a tooth or applying root canal treatment to it, is the surgery sore?
Im just so scared of the dentist lol :P

08-08-2008, 07:03 PM
I got my mum to book me an appointment for next Thursday, Im getting it pulled, so yeah I think he's giving me a needle in my arm to put me asleep and then when I wake up it should be gone. Im just scared now lol, I hate it when I have to wait in the waiting room.

12-08-2008, 11:49 AM
Just go to the DENTIST.
It'll be all worth it.

12-08-2008, 11:52 AM
Do what any other person would do and go dentists, could of saved you the time instead of typing up this thread.

13-08-2008, 07:38 AM
I know, i absoloutely hate anything to do with the hospital

ANTHING, i shake in the waiting room and think about if i need surgery or something.

And anitestics wont wear off, in research only 0.001% of all patient have woken up. but thats in america.

And here we have super NHS!, so they'll give you the best stuff, and you wont even notice your falling asleep, you will be there and they ask you to count down from 100, and you get to about 90 then bam your in the hospital, with your parents like 'wake upp, wake upp', Its freaky.

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