View Full Version : "Stoner Army"? Legalize weed site

Duck Hunt
12-08-2008, 11:50 AM
http://stonerarmy.com/ (http://stonerarmy.com/referral/73747277)

Join the site if your interested with weed.
Print posters, copy & paste onto forums, etc. Weed is only illegal because its all natural so the government cant tax it legally. Send your referral links out, theres some stuff i read (Print 50 or more "posters" and put them in high up-able to read places and they will send you a "Legalize Marijuana" T-shirt)

There might be more stuff but i just found this site.

Referral link removed by Slowpoke (Forum Moderator) as it's against the rules.

12-08-2008, 11:52 AM
Blerrgh, hate the stuff. I don't see the point in any drugs, especially one that stinks so badly, like weed :/

12-08-2008, 12:04 PM
Blerrgh, hate the stuff. I don't see the point in any drugs, especially one that stinks so badly, like weed :/

You don't see the point in getting high? :P

12-08-2008, 12:05 PM
I'm up for that, gunna make an account thing now.

12-08-2008, 12:19 PM
You don't see the point in getting high? :P
Eat a few bags of sugar, you'll get a high and for alot cheaper :P Drugs are just a waste of money really :/

12-08-2008, 12:20 PM
That would just increase your chances to become diabetic and make you hyper so you can't sleep lol. Atleast weed could chill you out so you can sleep etc.

12-08-2008, 12:24 PM
That would just increase your chances to become diabetic and make you hyper so you can't sleep lol. Atleast weed could chill you out so you can sleep etc.
Take some sleeping pills with the bags of sugar, obviously :P

12-08-2008, 12:27 PM
Hahah, why not :D

12-08-2008, 12:28 PM
10,000 refferals for a tshirt :(

12-08-2008, 02:31 PM

12-08-2008, 02:34 PM

no u


12-08-2008, 02:42 PM

12-08-2008, 03:10 PM
http://stonerarmy.com/ (http://stonerarmy.com/referral/73747277)

Yes, its a referral link. What i get if u click it? one point towards a sticker.

Join the site if your interested with weed.
Print posters, copy & paste onto forums, etc. Weed is only illegal because its all natural so the government cant tax it legally. Send your referral links out, theres some stuff i read (Print 50 or more "posters" and put them in high up-able to read places and they will send you a "Legalize Marijuana" T-shirt)

There might be more stuff but i just found this site.

Tobacco's natural and that's one of the most heavily taxed consumables you can buy.. also legalising weed will only lead to more problems - it'll be difficult to control who's producing it and there will still be illegally imported or homegrown strains, plus of course different people like different types and different strengths, and you'd have to monitor how much people are buying and all that... It's far too complicated. The system in place at the moment works perfectly to be honest, it's technically illegal but police are trained to only monitor marijuana activity: if there's a known cannabis cafe or dealer house then they'll know where it is but only go to shut it down when it gets out of hand, because if you shut a place down it moves elsewhere, and it's easier for them if they know the locations and let it go in small amounts.

Take some sleeping pills with the bags of sugar, obviously :P

Possibly the best idea ever hahaha

12-08-2008, 03:12 PM
or they make it illegal because of the effects it has? Not because off taxes.

* Even hardcore smokers can become anxious, panicky and suspicious.
* It affects your coordination, which is one of the reasons why drug driving is just as illegal as drink driving.
* Some people think cannabis is harmless just because it’s a plant – but it isn’t harmless. Cannabis, like tobacco, has lots of chemical 'nasties', which can cause lung disease and cancer with long-term or heavy use, especially as it is often mixed with tobacco. It can also make asthma worse.
* Cannabis is risky for anyone with a heart problem as it increases the heart rate and can affect blood pressure.
* There’s also increasing evidence of a link between cannabis and mental health problems such as schizophrenia. If you’ve a history of mental health problems, depression or are experiencing paranoia, then taking this drug is not a good idea.
* Frequent use of cannabis can cut a man's sperm count and suppress ovulation in women. If you’re pregnant, smoking cannabis may harm the baby.
* Regular, heavy use makes it difficult to learn and concentrate. Some people begin to feel tired all the time and can't seem to get motivated.
* Some users may want to buy stronger herbal cannabis to get ‘a bigger high’ but unpleasant reactions can be more powerful when you use stronger strains, and stronger varieties may lead in time to more severe dependence or more severe mental health effects.

12-08-2008, 03:18 PM
or they make it illegal because of the effects it has? Not because off taxes.
I think you need more sources than TalkToFrank, and theres alot of good sides to weed aswell which is some peoples eyes can outweigh the cons of it.

i did a case study on the safety of weed and got an A*, hurrah :P

12-08-2008, 04:06 PM
That would just increase your chances to become diabetic and make you hyper so you can't sleep lol. Atleast weed could chill you out so you can sleep etc.
Actually, some weed smokers have sleeping problems later in life.

12-08-2008, 04:14 PM
Actually, some weed smokers have sleeping problems later in life.

Sleeping problems? Ive never heard of that.

12-08-2008, 05:04 PM
Also weed leads to harder drugs.

12-08-2008, 05:11 PM
Also weed leads to harder drugs.
the gateway arguement is so flawed...

12-08-2008, 07:59 PM
the gateway arguement is so flawed...
i have known it myself.
My mate said she wudnt go harder than weed.
She then took blow
she then took coke
what next herion?

12-08-2008, 10:20 PM
i have known it myself.
My mate said she wudnt go harder than weed.
She then took blow
she then took coke
what next herion?

That isn't necessarily because of weed. I'm pretty sure that it wasn't the first drug your mate would've tried and I'm willing to bet it all started at tobacco which, in my opinion, is just as bad (if not worse) than weed. If you're going to use the old 'it leads harder drugs' argument then you first need to analyze the situation properly and ponder the possibility that it could've been your mate getting bored of the effects of cigarettes that made her want to try weed.

That's why the argument is so flawed.

12-08-2008, 10:24 PM
i have known it myself.
My mate said she wudnt go harder than weed.
She then took blow
she then took coke
what next herion?
blow is coke..?

and thats like saying stealing sweets from the shop will lead to being a thief in later life.

having fights at school leads to going to prison in later life for assault?

to let weed lead to other drugs you have to want it to happen, some people have self control :) i've done stronger stuff but i know i would of done it regarless of if i ever did weed. And i know people who do E but have never smoked..

12-08-2008, 10:39 PM
Weed smells lushhh

12-08-2008, 11:36 PM
i have known it myself.
My mate said she wudnt go harder than weed.
She then took blow
she then took coke
what next herion?

Also weed leads to harder drugs.

Just because she had weed doesn't mean that's why she took harder stuff.

or they make it illegal because of the effects it has? Not because off taxes.

* Even hardcore smokers can become anxious, panicky and suspicious.
* It affects your coordination, which is one of the reasons why drug driving is just as illegal as drink driving.
* Some people think cannabis is harmless just because it’s a plant – but it isn’t harmless. Cannabis, like tobacco, has lots of chemical 'nasties', which can cause lung disease and cancer with long-term or heavy use, especially as it is often mixed with tobacco. It can also make asthma worse.
* Cannabis is risky for anyone with a heart problem as it increases the heart rate and can affect blood pressure.
* There’s also increasing evidence of a link between cannabis and mental health problems such as schizophrenia. If you’ve a history of mental health problems, depression or are experiencing paranoia, then taking this drug is not a good idea.
* Frequent use of cannabis can cut a man's sperm count and suppress ovulation in women. If you’re pregnant, smoking cannabis may harm the baby.
* Regular, heavy use makes it difficult to learn and concentrate. Some people begin to feel tired all the time and can't seem to get motivated.
* Some users may want to buy stronger herbal cannabis to get ‘a bigger high’ but unpleasant reactions can be more powerful when you use stronger strains, and stronger varieties may lead in time to more severe dependence or more severe mental health effects.

Number of people who live in America: 304,840,000
Number of people who die per year in America by ODing on Weed: 0

That not enough for you, how about this?

Population of Earth: 6.684 billion
Number of people who die per year on Earth by ODing on Weed: 0

Some clippings from Hemp for Health By Chris Conrad

According to the US Government's own research, the lethal dose of marijuana is at least one-third your body weight, consumed in fifteen minutes. If it is smoked, about half of the active ingredient is lost in sidestream smoke, so you would have to smoke about two-thirds of your body weight in marijuana, in about fifteen minutes. There has never been a recorded lethal overdose in humans from the use of marijuana in any form.

It relieves glaucoma, epilepsy, migraines, insomnia, asthma, the nausea associated with AIDS and chemotherapy, and a host of other maladies.

And I can testify that it does relieve migraine pains.

13-08-2008, 01:12 AM
And I can testify that it does relieve migraine pains.

And I can testify that it does relieve Asthma, as crazy as it sounds.

13-08-2008, 01:16 AM
Can I then question the need for it to be legalised? It's not difficult to get hold of (for under 18s it's easier to get weed than alcohol most of the time) and there just doesn't seem to be any practicality to be upheld by legalising it.

13-08-2008, 01:29 AM
Can I then question the need for it to be legalised? It's not difficult to get hold of (for under 18s it's easier to get weed than alcohol most of the time) and there just doesn't seem to be any practicality to be upheld by legalising it.
Indeed, and keeping it illegal means no horrible smell :D I don't see why people think it needs to be legalised when there's no real reason. The way things are going, tobacco is becoming less and less attractive to people.

13-08-2008, 06:30 AM
Dont see the point of legalising it

13-08-2008, 08:56 AM
If it was legalised alot of people would stop doing it as the 'glamour' element of it is lost.

Also i think it would be harder to get hold of, if was legalised and had an age limit you'd have to do what under 18's do to get alchohol now (ask people/fake id/get older friends etc) where at the moment (since it's not) you can just ask dealers.

Going back on my earlier posts i don't really mind if it's legalised or not because there will ALWAYS be a way to get hold of some.

13-08-2008, 09:42 AM
Tobacco's natural and that's one of the most heavily taxed consumables you can buy.. also legalising weed will only lead to more problems - it'll be difficult to control who's producing it and there will still be illegally imported or homegrown strains, plus of course different people like different types and different strengths, and you'd have to monitor how much people are buying and all that... It's far too complicated. The system in place at the moment works perfectly to be honest, it's technically illegal but police are trained to only monitor marijuana activity: if there's a known cannabis cafe or dealer house then they'll know where it is but only go to shut it down when it gets out of hand, because if you shut a place down it moves elsewhere, and it's easier for them if they know the locations and let it go in small amounts.

Possibly the best idea ever hahaha

That is by far the most intelligent answer of this thread and several reasons why it will never be legalised in the UK.

Indeed, and keeping it illegal means no horrible smell :D I don't see why people think it needs to be legalised when there's no real reason. The way things are going, tobacco is becoming less and less attractive to people.

Quite simply because people are realising the health implications for something that has little effect on you, (other than to supply a crave)

13-08-2008, 04:32 PM

13-08-2008, 04:39 PM
Thanks for your Autobiography, but kinda off topic.

If it was legalised, you'd have all these Ad Campaigns saying quit smoking, taxes blahblahblah... just not worth it.

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