View Full Version : Im fed up with the results of my workout!

12-08-2008, 10:45 PM
Hey, basicially, for the past 2 and a half months Ive been going to the gym about 4 times a week, I do 10 minutes on the bike, 10 minutes on the steppers, 10 minutes on the tredmill (on a really steap angle but fast walking) about 10 minutes on the rowing machine, and then about 10 minutes on the weights it varies really I do about 40 reps all together to do my triceps 20 on one weight level then 20 on another, thenthe same but for biceps, then sometimes if its available the abdomnial crunch weight thing. I do every day 60 situps 60 crunches and 20 press ups then 10 on my fists. I eat very healthily, I have some protein so I can work out well, I dont have too much fat or calories or etc.
Now I'll tell you the problem, even in my summer holidays I'm like going 4 times a week and waking up early and not having a sleep in to go and forcing my self because I don't want to end up fat. I know Im like a good figure and quite thin, not like boney thin at all. Just slim I guess, since ive been going to the gym Ive got broader and my muscles have developed in my arms, but the thing that really is annoying me is unless im lying down and i look at my self in the mirror or I tense you can see a bit of a pack but If im standing straight up my stomach is toned I guess like you can see a bit of muscle round the edges but not a 6 pack or even a 4 pack lol. All you can see really is a slim figure with a bit of muscle. I've taken all the advice I need to gain a pack, ive got everything else I want but not the pack. Im getting very tired of forcing myself to do this workout and healthyness im still gunna do it ill never give up, its just why am i not getting a bit of a clear pack of some sort??

12-08-2008, 10:54 PM
Hey, basicially, for the past 2 and a half months Ive been going to the gym about 4 times a week, I do 10 minutes on the bike, 10 minutes on the steppers, 10 minutes on the tredmill (on a really steap angle but fast walking) about 10 minutes on the rowing machine, and then about 10 minutes on the weights it varies really I do about 40 reps all together to do my triceps 20 on one weight level then 20 on another, thenthe same but for biceps, then sometimes if its available the abdomnial crunch weight thing. I do every day 60 situps 60 crunches and 20 press ups then 10 on my fists. I eat very healthily, I have some protein so I can work out well, I dont have too much fat or calories or etc.
Now I'll tell you the problem, even in my summer holidays I'm like going 4 times a week and waking up early and not having a sleep in to go and forcing my self because I don't want to end up fat. I know Im like a good figure and quite thin, not like boney thin at all. Just slim I guess, since ive been going to the gym Ive got broader and my muscles have developed in my arms, but the thing that really is annoying me is unless im lying down and i look at my self in the mirror or I tense you can see a bit of a pack but If im standing straight up my stomach is toned I guess like you can see a bit of muscle round the edges but not a 6 pack or even a 4 pack lol. All you can see really is a slim figure with a bit of muscle. I've taken all the advice I need to gain a pack, ive got everything else I want but not the pack. Im getting very tired of forcing myself to do this workout and healthyness im still gunna do it ill never give up, its just why am i not getting a bit of a clear pack of some sort??

it takes a while just be patient also, try different exersizes for your abs.

i find that ab workout to be good ^

heres some other vids to help:

hope they help

12-08-2008, 10:55 PM
they say running etc. it don't work.
you need weights - they tighten your abs.

13-08-2008, 12:04 AM
do more weights. also dont do weights 2 days ina row because the off day is when the muscles grow.

13-08-2008, 08:26 AM
Im gunna try and go on the crunches weight thing alotmore, i take a break every 1 day anyway so ill go monday then wednesday then friday then sunday

le harry
13-08-2008, 10:22 AM
It sounds like you're there but you just need to tone the muscle, keep doing what you're doing and perhaps slowly increase your workout program.

13-08-2008, 10:40 AM
The videos posted above by Scouse on YouTube are good, try using those.

I used to be a little overweight, and didnt bother to loose that weight. I just trained and trained and trained and now the fat that i had on my body has been converted into muscle and the rest of the fat left over was burned off throughout workout and now i love my body.

13-08-2008, 11:26 AM
hey been to the gym this morning, and did more weights like the abdomnial crunch weight machine they have did like 120 reps like on different weights obvs. then on one of the videos i was given he was doing a type of crunch where you lift one leg up and leave one down and did 60 of them and it stung like hell but felt good. I looked a my stomachwhen i got home andthere was a little bit of a difference!:) i hope its not a one of anyway :P

13-08-2008, 02:15 PM
Having a great sixpack is all about your body fat % > how much crunches you do

You might want to go to a clinic, they should accurately test how much body fat you have.

Also what is the size of your arms in width? Just being curios as i'm 15 and have 16.7 inch arms and iv'e been going for about 1 year and 7 months.

If you answer this one question for me i will be able to tell you how to get bigger and some tips that bodybuilders don't want you to hear about

Are you trying to gain muscle mass or tone?

13-08-2008, 06:03 PM
be patient, you aren't going to get an overnight change.

now i need some information, what size weights/dumbells are you using and what reps are you doing exactly? and what exercise are you doing with the dumbells/weights? need as much information about these as possible, don't be vague, so then i can help you!

14-08-2008, 02:10 PM
In my opinion you need a better diet and you need to do more sit ups and crunches if you want better abs.

14-08-2008, 02:13 PM
Lol, your like the same as me almost, if i stand and look at my stomach it does not look like a 6 pack or that, but if i look in the mirror i see one, its weird xD

14-08-2008, 02:59 PM
1. You're not getting enough rest, you MUST get 7-8 hours of sleep per day because your muscles need time to rest.

2. Sounds like you're doing too many situps and arm exercises. Find a weight you can only do 6 reps with (maximum) for 3 sets and do that for the arms.

3. For the situps only do 50 per every few days, this will give your muscles time to rest and BUILD.

4. Just because your exercise doesn't hurt doesn't mean it isn't working.

14-08-2008, 08:46 PM
1. You're not getting enough rest, you MUST get 7-8 hours of sleep per day because your muscles need time to rest.

2. Sounds like you're doing too many situps and arm exercises. Find a weight you can only do 6 reps with (maximum) for 3 sets and do that for the arms.

3. For the situps only do 50 per every few days, this will give your muscles time to rest and BUILD.

4. Just because your exercise doesn't hurt doesn't mean it isn't working.

Although valid points, you can't do too many of something (aslong as you are giving it enough rest between sessions). 'Repping to failure' is a widely-used method of training and although it isn't the one you use it is still effective.

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