View Full Version : Habbo Finland Xs NOT to be axed

14-08-2008, 03:21 PM
It has been revealled (idc if this is old) That finnish Xs will not be axed. I cannot provide a link but a forum was made for Ex-Xs on all hotels and it states there that Finland's Xs will not be axed. I wonder why they axed them everywhere else. This guiding is rubbish tbh you only have to enter the room and leave and you get a badge.

15-08-2008, 06:04 AM
lol so people moaned about X's in favour of the Habbo Guides..

now.. people are moaning about habbo guides and want X's back..

Lmao. It's just hilarious tbh.
Just bring back Hobbas..
but then again.. people would probably complain..
you can't win guys.

15-08-2008, 07:57 AM
take ur top off w0000000000000000000000000

:eusa_danc:eusa_danc:eusa_danc:eusa_danc:eusa_danc :eusa_danc:eusa_danc:eusa_danc:eusa_danc:eusa_danc :eusa_danc:eusa_danc:eusa_danc


Edited by Slowpoke (Forum Moderator): Please do not post pointlessly.

15-08-2008, 08:40 AM
lol so people moaned about X's in favour of the Habbo Guides..

now.. people are moaning about habbo guides and want X's back..

Lmao. It's just hilarious tbh.
Just bring back Hobbas..
but then again.. people would probably complain..
you can't win guys.

Habbo Guides are crap and I agree, Hobba's were by far the best of the three.

15-08-2008, 09:05 AM

That is so unfair! I loved being a eXpert and so many people wanted to be one.... ooh I see, Finland saw how rubbish the crappy guide thing was, and they must of said "We're not letting this in our site" so, the rest of the hotels were like Ginny pigs testing out this crappy thingy...

lol, well, maybe they will bring Xs back.. who knows..

lol so people moaned about X's in favour of the Habbo Guides..

now.. people are moaning about habbo guides and want X's back..

LOL yeah, is just funny!

no waiii
15-08-2008, 09:36 AM

That is so unfair! I loved being a eXpert and so many people wanted to be one.... ooh I see, Finland saw how rubbish the crappy guide thing was, and they must of said "We're not letting this in our site" so, the rest of the hotels were like Ginny pigs testing out this crappy thingy...

lol, well, maybe they will bring Xs back.. who knows..

LOL yeah, is just funny!

Its only a game no need to get so worked up :P

15-08-2008, 09:47 AM
Its only a game no need to get so worked up :P

lol, I know.. I'm just annoyed thats all! :P

15-08-2008, 10:03 AM
Thing is, people will always moan unles they're the "important" ones.

Basically, even brining Hobbas back wouldn't stop everyone moaning.

15-08-2008, 10:20 AM
No-one hated Hobbas that I know of. It was just the security of Hobbas was seriously unreliable. There are safer ways of securing accounts, Habbo just haven't tapped into them yet.

15-08-2008, 10:35 AM
Has to be one hotel that's different ;)

Didn't Japan keep Hobbas after they were axed?

15-08-2008, 10:36 AM

I think it's testing the pros and cons of both systems, and seeing whats more productive. They may try and advance the Habbo X program through Finland, but in the meantime there's Habbo Guides to keep people interested.

15-08-2008, 10:39 AM
Maybe the finland X system was actually good...

15-08-2008, 10:43 AM
Maybe the finland X system was actually good...

I doubt that would be the reason they were kept, the finnish X Team has always been separate from the worldwide X Team... Various X Teams have had contacts, events and get togethers with each other - but Finland never have...

15-08-2008, 10:47 AM

I think they're testing it, like I said. (:

15-08-2008, 12:58 PM
No-one hated Hobbas that I know of. It was just the security of Hobbas was seriously unreliable. There are safer ways of securing accounts, Habbo just haven't tapped into them yet.

The only reason why Hobbas were not hated is because basically anyone could become one if you were above 16 (later 18) and had met the criteria. So there were no "staff favourites", etc.

15-08-2008, 01:00 PM
The only reason why Hobbas were not hated is because basically anyone could become one if you were above 16 (later 18) and had met the criteria. So there were no "staff favourites", etc.

No staff favourites in Habbo Guides either :)

15-08-2008, 03:04 PM
Habbo guides are rubbish, You cant go in without a stupid noob saying

15-08-2008, 03:40 PM
I don't see why they're worried about bringing back hobbas, as most mods are ex-hobbas anyway?

15-08-2008, 03:49 PM
Habbo guides are rubbish, You cant go in without a stupid noob saying

Yeah, that's one of this system's more annoying faults. Like someone said up there ^, perhaps they're just testing.

15-08-2008, 04:08 PM
The .FI X's will be removed, it's been confirmed by Sulake staff. I'm not posting the information because it's on a confidential forum.

.FI is like .JP, always out of date now - so no date of removal has yet been set.

They will be removed though, there's no doubt about it.

Unless you're an ex-X I don't know how you got this info, plus it actually says on the ex-x forum that they WILL be removed.

15-08-2008, 04:15 PM
Just bring the Hobbas back..

Must be over 18 and then everything is sorted, just have Hobbas with low priority calls and MODs who serve more important calls......


15-08-2008, 05:07 PM
Just bring the Hobbas back..

Must be over 18 and then everything is sorted, just have Hobbas with low priority calls and MODs who serve more important calls......

DO IT HABBO, DO IT :)Hobbas are totally irrelevant though. Habbo Xs and Habbo Guides are there to help people, the Hobbas were there to do a tiny bit of education and minor moderation.

You could easily have Habbo Xs and Hobbas running along side each other or Hobbas and Habbo Guides running along side each other. I'm personally against the hobba system as they were all so insecure but they were all mature, back in the day people weren't too fussed with Hobbas, you rarely came across them and they just generally didn't do to much with the community. If Hobbas came back today everyone would want to be a hobba for the badge and royalties that come with it, no for the moderation. Times have changed and you know what? Hobbas, Xs and Guides suck!

15-08-2008, 05:35 PM
Just bring the Hobbas back..

Must be over 18 and then everything is sorted, just have Hobbas with low priority calls and MODs who serve more important calls......

Yeh because Habbo users are just that honest. :rolleyes:

15-08-2008, 05:38 PM
the habbo x forum only has english and dutch, no finnish on there.


15-08-2008, 06:04 PM
now.. people are moaning about habbo guides and want X's back..

lol wot??? no one has said they want xs back apart from old xs of course

15-08-2008, 06:43 PM
the habbo x forum only has english and dutch, no finnish on there.


It has many more hotels than just UK and Dutch hotel, and yes there is a few .FI on there.

15-08-2008, 06:49 PM
OK I've just came up with an ingenius idea!

Make a Hobba system which is top secret to the public, and has no badge or privelige. Basically undercover Moderators, OH WOW I HAVE THE BEST IDEAS DON'T I. :rolleyes:

15-08-2008, 06:55 PM
A cool thing would be if they brought back something similar to Hobba's/X's and when a MOD receives a CFH, they could act on it themselves or click a button which says "send to helpers" and then the new scheme people act on it.

For like general questions or other non-urgent issues

15-08-2008, 06:57 PM
A cool thing would be if they brought back something similar to Hobba's/X's and when a MOD receives a CFH, they could act on it themselves or click a button which says "send to helpers" and then the new scheme people act on it.

For like general questions or other non-urgent issues

You r genius.

15-08-2008, 07:00 PM
A cool thing would be if they brought back something similar to Hobba's/X's and when a MOD receives a CFH, they could act on it themselves or click a button which says "send to helpers" and then the new scheme people act on it.

For like general questions or other non-urgent issues

It would never be implemented.

Certain X 'privileges' were removed because Sulake wanted Xs to be the same as all other users, therefore Sulake won't create any group where they have something that all users can't access. Such as the CFH tool.

15-08-2008, 07:01 PM
It would never be implemented.

Certain X 'privileges' were removed because Sulake wanted Xs to be the same as all other users, therefore Sulake won't create any group where they have something that all users can't access. Such as the CFH tool.

Keep zee group secret! I'm sure if it were over 18s they'd be required to sign an NDA (Non-Disclosure Form). Then again, same with under 18's.

18-08-2008, 10:59 AM
The .FI X's will be removed, it's been confirmed by Sulake staff. I'm not posting the information because it's on a confidential forum.Strange, you'r posting it now!

Time will bring it why FI keeps the X team, but they will be removed is what I was told.

19-08-2008, 09:19 AM
I seriously don't think you could bring back hobbas unless the screening was much better cause there was defo a couple hobbas that were underage back in the day, and if that happened today there'd just be mass bans. I think the idea of a secret moderation team is good, that way people who are just looking for badges etc are owned.

19-08-2008, 09:23 AM
IF Japan kept Hobbas after they were axed, and Japan is tech crazy. They obviously appreciate that they were effective.

www.habbo.co.uk/groups/BringHobbasBack (http://www.habbo.co.uk/groups/BringHobbasBack)

20-08-2008, 04:44 PM
I miss the US hotel were you could be a Hobba at the age of 12 :(

21-08-2008, 02:28 AM
From what I've witnessed everyone wanted to become an eXpert so what was the point in eXperts as it was for the Habbos with the eXpertees, no one seemed to be getting any help, just the random questions asked, so Sulake introduced Habbo guides so everyone could become something from working importantly in helping other Habbos, because its largely popular and avalable to everyone, the Habbos want a competition where the ''Important'' Habbos have the piority of the hotel, they see it as an audience based ''I'm mr.popular look at me'' No one really realises any more its just a chat room to have fun in, not guide your life.

And as for Hobbas, they will never be introduced again as it was a high secruity piority and many Hobbas abused there powers, yes it was a great system what helped the hotel alot, but there no longer needed as all secruity issues have been resolved and its even harder now to scam habbos.

Habbo eXperts wasn't there to replace, it was a new system to guide and help new Habbos as Sulake had said so.

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