View Full Version : Back in runescape

16-08-2008, 04:26 PM
I have came back into runescape. I found I have 1000k in my bank from when I sold HCs for K and I have a few decent stats, mainly because Igot the account of a freind ages ago.

Basically I have been doing Magic after watching my freind irl doing it and now I am lvl 34 magic (after spending a few hundred K on Chaos Runes). I have air staff, amulet of magic and a wizard hat + chaos's lol. I wanna carry on magic however I need a way to make money to fund it. I also wanna level up in a few other stuff and fund money (eventually) to buy a members pin.

My best stats are:
Woodcutting: 44
Firemaking: 52
Mining: 43
Smithing: 26
Magic: 34
Prayer: 22 (I just bury random bones ;p)
Cooking: 20
Fishing: 5

My strentgh and stuff are around 35-40 and my combat is 47.

So what would be the quickest and best way of making money. Bare in mind I am really nooby. I know where/what varrock,white knights, wildy, barbarian village and stuff like that is but I dont instantly know where I can buy armour etc. Im thinking woodcutting or mining (if so are there any great spots).

Thanks guys!

16-08-2008, 10:27 PM
Well im pretty sure your f2p, so for f2p id say Cut yews, get like 70 wc and start, or get 80 then start, also mining iron/coal isn't bad either.

16-08-2008, 10:33 PM
Woodcutting is probably your best bet as F2P. Mining can also be decent, but i find it boring and it is a lot slower to train than woodcutting.

19-08-2008, 12:39 AM
hey dude, i think i remember you from last year or something, anyway!

if you want some really quick cash go to draynor bank (look on the world map) have about 5k in your inventory, walk to the magic shop buy eyes of newt walk back to the bank and repeat until you have 1k of eyes (takes about 40 - 50 minutes) then go to the G.E which you will have to learn about if you havent been on in a while and sell them for med to high price..

wham bam thank you mam 80k.


23-08-2008, 08:20 PM
Welcome back.

24-08-2008, 05:07 AM
Buy P2P otherwise it is extremely boring and you will not like it.

24-08-2008, 12:17 PM
Yea id buy membership or try cut willows the yews for money

you could try to merchant.. i never tried in f2p? although ud need more than 100k.

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