View Full Version : Stacking..

18-08-2008, 04:06 PM
Is there anyway to stack furni without the use of rollers?

18-08-2008, 04:27 PM
only petballs/petfood/tables/shelves/doormats/rugs/patches

normal furni use to be easy to stack before rollers came out but Habbo patched that way as apparently it was hurting the game (yeah, i dono how either.)

18-08-2008, 04:45 PM
is there anyway of stacking 2 things, both on the same 'level', and getting them to raise? Like put an amber on the rollers and without raising it, put a vase on it, then raising both of them?

18-08-2008, 05:00 PM
yes, it's kindof complicated in words but...
Bare in mind that this guide presumes you have enough rollers for w/e you want to stack also baring in mind that the # of things you can put on a cicuit of rollers is equal to the number of rollers you have down in that room.
So, for this stack set up a circuit of 4 rollers if you're a beginner or a circuit of 2 rollers if you're not, by circuit i mean the rollers move the items in an infinite loop, back and forth or round in a square.
1. So now that you have your circuit, place a z shelf or a pressie or a mode corner or a lodge table, w/e you like of that catagory, onto the rollers and then put something else ontop of the zshelf, like a duck or something.
2. Now you have your duck raised in the air, take away the zshelf and then 'merge' in the amber lamp and then merge in the vase.
3. Now you have a raised duck, with an amber and a vase at the same height, below it. What to do now is look carefully at the way the rollers move the stack, then just before you think the rollers are going to 'roll' the stack along to the next roller, place a z shelf infront of the stack, on the rollers. If it's been timed right then the zshelf infront of the stack will move at the same time as the stack behind it and 'pull' the stack into the air.
4. Now you have a raised stack of a vase, amber, and a higher up duck. Now remove the duck as it is no longer needed and then repeat step 3 as necessary to raise the merged vase and amber higher. If at any time you wish to add something else to the stack, simply merge it onto the current stack, then repeat step 3 again to raise it, or roll it off if that's you done.
:) Hope this helps.

18-08-2008, 05:19 PM
Thanks sooooo much <3 +rep

18-08-2008, 05:36 PM
no problem :)

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