View Full Version : Laptop battery problems. (+rep)

19-08-2008, 01:38 PM
I've had this problem before on 2 other batteries, But I cant be bothered to go buy another.

Anyway, On topic
My laptop battery wont charge and when I've been charging it for like 6 hours and I take that charger out It has about 3% battery.

How can I fix this? :(
+rep fo who can :)


Thread closed by ,Jess, (Forum Super Moderator): Due to bump.

19-08-2008, 03:28 PM
Im not really good with batterys,
But the most sensible idea is to check all the connection in the laptop.

19-08-2008, 09:33 PM
Hey my dad knows quite alot about it and so do i all you really need to do is buy some batterys that will fit your laptop if you dont know then take it all apart then take apart the battery and find out what make or size it is then take one of the batters to a computer store like Maplins www.mapins.co.uk (http://www.mapins.co.uk) and they might have one!

Hope it helps! Elliot...

23-08-2008, 07:51 PM
Hey my dad knows quite alot about it and so do i all you really need to do is buy some batterys that will fit your laptop if you dont know then take it all apart then take apart the battery and find out what make or size it is then take one of the batters to a computer store like Maplins www.mapins.co.uk (http://www.mapins.co.uk) and they might have one!

Hope it helps! Elliot...

So your general advice is just buy anotherone...

But your advice in the process is to "take apart the laptop" ... by which i hope you just mean eject the battery using whatever "switch lock" method the laptop company has added

and then your advice is to take apart the Battery itself... - which i can recomend to anyone NOT TO DO... Just don't!

The main cause of that happening to your battery though (if its happened several times) is that of power surges, sometimes brownouts and not allowing the battery to drain every few months before charging again.

Stabbing the battery and taking it apart also causes it.

The Professor
24-08-2008, 07:05 PM
Eliminating the obvious, does the laptop detect the charger? My laptop's charger just suddenly stopped charging batteries so we asked for a new one and it was fine.

24-08-2008, 10:13 PM
Unplug the charger from your laptop and look at the bit that goes into your laptop. Are all the pins straight and OK? This may sound strange but is surprisingly often the problem. Have you tried getting another charger or claiming one on insurance or something?

Also try the obvious of unplugging/plugging into different mains etc..

26-08-2008, 01:06 PM
it sounds like the cells in the battery have went this means like you need a new battery for your laptop what kind of laptop have you got >?

26-08-2008, 01:12 PM
another thing that might be the problem is the socket were the plug goes into on the laptop just recently the inside of the socket on my laptop came lose and i was unable to charge my laptop so my dad had to go and by me a new one


27-08-2008, 11:31 PM
sounds weird but try shaking it, they tell you to do that with ipod ones i think because when they get older christals (spelling awful, am tired) or something forming inside them

28-08-2008, 12:43 AM
Buy a new charger. Or look on your laptop manafacturer website.

30-08-2008, 09:07 PM
well it depends on the laptop

some batterys have chips in that tell the battery to die after so many charges could be that

31-08-2008, 01:04 AM
Check that your battery is correctly in laptop and theres no gunk on the connection. Check that the charger is plugged in snugly.
Check that the outlet is working.
Worst is you have to get a new battery.
The average life of a battery is 100 Recharges.

And there is no battery that has a chip in it that tells it to die :P

11-01-2009, 06:47 PM
there is in some of the old ipods/

12-01-2009, 12:40 AM
well it depends on the laptop

some batterys have chips in that tell the battery to die after so many charges could be that
That's new to me. :S

My advice is:

- Un-plug your charger and take out your battery
- Insert battery again, and then insert charger into the correct socket.

Just to verify, have you checked the wire for any cuts?

12-01-2009, 06:53 AM
Way to bump a thread

12-01-2009, 10:11 AM
Way to bump a thread

Way to pointlessly post?

Yesterday, 08:47 PM - skate4life

Has this issue been resolved?

12-01-2009, 04:54 PM
Way to pointlessly post?

Yesterday, 08:47 PM - skate4life

Has this issue been resolved?

what are you on about?

that made no sense, seeing how you bumped.

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