View Full Version : Features for a support ticket system?

22-08-2008, 10:30 PM
Okay well i sold off all my other projects that i had (the coded of what was done) so i want to start over with a project and i am going to make a support ticket system like Esupport.

So what features would you like to see?

Some of the main thing that i will have is:
database layers (mysql,mysqli,pgsql),
php and smtp mail handlers,
Easy to use skinning,
Bits of JS here and there,
Usergroup (Admin,Staff,ticket holder,) and you can make custom groups.

And i am also looking for names for the script!

Moved by Invent (Forum Moderator) from Designing & Development: Please post in the correct forum next time, thanks :).

24-08-2008, 01:29 AM
Okay well i sold off all my other projects that i had (the coded of what was done) so i want to start over with a project and i am going to make a support ticket system like Esupport.

So what features would you like to see?

Some of the main thing that i will have is:
database layers (mysql,mysqli,pgsql),
php and smtp mail handlers,
Easy to use skinning,
Bits of JS here and there,
Usergroup (Admin,Staff,ticket holder,) and you can make custom groups.

And i am also looking for names for the script!Nice signiture stolen from Tomm.

On topic: Dynamic, nice default template, account credentials updating, rate support replies.

24-08-2008, 01:40 AM
Offtopic: did he copy right words with @ in front of them :|


The default template i have made i think it looks nice ill show it off later!
"rate support replies" i will have some thing like this when you close the ticket you can give it a rating on how good the rep was and only admins and that rep can see the rating.

24-08-2008, 11:28 PM
You should have an option to select using htaccess, mod rewrite.
Could come in handy :)

25-08-2008, 06:09 AM
Can not edit other post but this is a small list of what it has so far.

- this is the main page were you can see the number of open tickets waiting for a rep to reply and other misc stuff.

Staff Notices
- this is more or less news posted by the admins for the staff to read.

Staff Members
- here you can see the list of staff and view there profiles.

Manage Tickets
- here you can view tickets reply, edit the status, close etc. to tickets.

- from here you can search ticket from name and status.

- here from admins and the reps that reply to a ticket can see the rating the customer done.

Manage Categories
Manage Articles
Comments (0 pending)

Admin Center
Panel Settings
Panel Options
Manage Staff
Manage Groups
Manage Departments

some of the stuff i did not say what they do as the name says it all!!

what else would you like to see?

17-10-2008, 04:09 AM
Okay i know this is a bit old and all but i do not see the point in openning anther topic for this.

This project is getting getting done it has not died if you would like to see how things are going i have set up a forum were you can talk about this and see how things are coming. http://www.laydesk.com and go to the forum link.

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