View Full Version : Harsh :|.

29-08-2008, 03:22 AM
I went to my girlfriends today at 6:10ish becasue I wanted to talk to her about her birthday and some other things,

Anyways, when i got there, she opened the door, Not even a hello to me ;/ and just ran back up stairs and carried on talking to her mates on msn. Anyways, I'm standing leaning on her door just looking at her, and this goes on for about 7 mins..

so i said, "heyy babes, we need to talk". And she just looks at me and turns her face back to the screen. And conutines to laugh at whatever her mates are saying on msn (i'm not nosey so i didnt read whatever they were talking about) anyays, I said "I'm serouis, we need to talk.."
"You shouldnt have come here, **** off, blah blah blah blah blah"
In my thoughts, I knew i was harsh for coming over without telling her but i needed to sort our realtionship out and to sort about her birthday and what she wanted to have/do.
Anyways, She thinks i was wanting to talk to her about something else (long story) and didnt want to talk about it..

Anyways, I was like.."why blame me for this stuff, what have i done wrong? your being selfish now.."

She kept looking at the pc, typing so she was actully being really selfish..

"Oh, talk to me on msnn then..didnt have to come around..blah blah"

I said, "No, I'm here, you dont even know what i'm here for anyways"

She didnt talk then, she just kept chatting to her mates on msn laughing, smiling :rolleyes:, I swear down, some people i know here like jen would just have slapped her for being like that.

Anyways, I said it again, and she just shutted up, then i tell her what she wanted to do for her birthday..

"Oh, i have everything, i told my mum i want nothing"


So i asked if she wanted to go out or anything (She doesnt know i gonna spend ******* 80-90 quid on her :eusa_wall:rolleyes:)

She kept saying no, then i thought i should just have a go at her, which i did.

"Oh, okay, tell me, what the hell have i done wrong? look at you, your actully being selfish, i must have done something to piss you off? we havent spoken all week since that arguement i had with my mate? and i know that not the problem becasue you said you was fine with it.."

She said, "it not you, it everybody blah blah, they pissed mee off, it not you, you havent done anything wrong!"

I said, "So why wont you talk to me?, why keep blaming me? ;/"

I forgot what happened then but after a few of crap which kept going around in circles i said,

"Okay, before i leave; You're gonna promise me that we gonna be fine as soon i leave your house that we still going out?"

she said "yeh yeh"

anyways, i went down stairs and her brother and mum is in the kitchen as i put my shoes on, and i'm abit upset so her mum asking me what wrong ect, and i'm like oh she pissed off blah blah, wasnt a good day to come overr then i said

"oh, do you know me and your daughter are going out?"

The funniest thing was that her brother 19 year old look on his face which made me crack up becasue it was like a shock ahaa.

But her mum knew and she was like aww yeh, you are nice together blah blah, then i was about to leave, and she goes

"so you still on then?" meaning am i still going out with her daughter

i went yeh yeh, we are alrightish..

Anyways, I saw my nan after and she died..I gonna make another thread about it becasue i dont want to clogged up

But what should i do with my girlfriend? she was being selfish but i did went to her house without her knowing but i think it was disrespectful for her to treat me like it?

29-08-2008, 04:05 AM
then i thought i should just have a go at her, which i did.

Wait WHAT. That's never a good idea lol, and tbh sounds like you're crowding her a bit.. give the girl space init or she'll get freaked out

29-08-2008, 04:12 AM
Wait WHAT. That's never a good idea lol, and tbh sounds like you're crowding her a bit.. give the girl space init or she'll get freaked out

I havent seen her or spoke to her face to face since friday -.-
Well we did speak on msn but only hi and byes ect

29-08-2008, 07:15 AM
That is one sodding cow.

le harry
29-08-2008, 07:52 AM
Break up.

29-08-2008, 07:56 AM
Break up.


i gonna kick her in if i see her

29-08-2008, 02:12 PM
Shes in the wrong ^^ throw her out the window!!

No dont.

Talk to her (Y) if you can..

29-08-2008, 04:03 PM
my gf came over yesterday and she went straight on msn even though she came over to see me. :/ so I just left her to it. but, I reckon thats because she is scared of just being alone with me. as in, the intimacy thing. im not some kind of rapist. :P

29-08-2008, 04:06 PM
Shes in the wrong ^^ throw her out the window!!

No dont.

Talk to her (Y) if you can..

Yehh how? she just talks to her mates on msn....and i'm standing there like a fool.

my gf came over yesterday and she went straight on msn even though she came over to see me. :/ so I just left her to it. but, I reckon thats because she is scared of just being alone with me. as in, the intimacy thing. im not some kind of rapist. :P

lmaoo, trust me, i remmeber them times :P used to happen to her.

29-08-2008, 04:13 PM
write her a note on how you feel & if she shows her mates you know she aint worth it lolol. either that or you've done something wrong & she is trying to teach you a lesson, maybe about the girl you were "grinding" with.

29-08-2008, 04:30 PM
Try hitting her.

29-08-2008, 07:31 PM
Sounds like she has a bit of an attitude tbh.
you came over to try and sort out your relationship and all she could do was ignore you and chat to her friends.
chuck her.

29-08-2008, 11:54 PM
You are gonna spend £80-90 on her??


She's been treatin you like poo and your gna spend that much on her ;\

30-08-2008, 12:03 PM
From reading this thread and a few others i really dont think shes worth all this! She seems to be playing u for a fool and not putting any effort in to your relationship! If i was u i would finish things! Your too good for her boy!

30-08-2008, 12:08 PM
She's being selfish.. and seems like she doesn't want to talk to you, and only said that to get you away.

Try asking her on MSN to come over again one day.. and if she says no reguarly.. then well, maybe something is up.

30-08-2008, 12:41 PM
Edit: nevermind :l Don't keep her for the boobies jake

01-09-2008, 01:18 AM
Seeing her tommrow.

wish me luck please

really need it

if i come back argumeantive then you you know happened LOL

01-09-2008, 03:37 AM
I read the opther threads you made, i'd break up with her. she sounds like a *****.

01-09-2008, 09:25 AM
she sounds like shes kinda using you??????

I dont know like she wants to call you her boyfriend but doesnt actually want to do anything with you?

01-09-2008, 11:40 AM
Seeing her tommrow.

wish me luck please

really need it

if i come back argumeantive then you you know happened LOL

good luck. ;D

hope it all works out for you.

01-09-2008, 01:12 PM
good luck mate
if it doesnt turn out right when you see her, seriously, she isnt worth your time

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