View Full Version : UK Rules
19-09-2008, 11:07 PM
Hello i live in the USA and i do not like it at ALL.
I wish england won in the war...:eusa_wall
so how many of you guys feel like this torward the usa i mean it is "ok" but for the most part people go crazy of nothing all the time.
22-09-2008, 08:39 PM
What's the problems in the USA? You mention UK Rules? What rules don't you like over in the US. I know that all the states may have different laws between them etc.
25-09-2008, 06:45 PM
Its not about the rules its about where you live in the country. There must be some part in america which is good
25-09-2008, 07:07 PM
The UK's rules are pretty pathetic im afraid :o We need to be much tougher on criminals because they are getting pathetic sentences for serious crimes. If you are hard working or drive a car then you get penalised :o and also look at the price it is to buy things in the UK. all in all the UK is against its own law abiding citizens.
What war do you wish England won? as far as im aware the UK and US have always been allies :s
26-09-2008, 05:02 PM
The UK's rules are pretty pathetic im afraid :o We need to be much tougher on criminals because they are getting pathetic sentences for serious crimes. If you are hard working or drive a car then you get penalised :o and also look at the price it is to buy things in the UK. all in all the UK is against its own law abiding citizens.
What war do you wish England won? as far as im aware the UK and US have always been allies :s
Does he mean the war very far back in time, when we found America or something? I'm not quite sure on that History though. I wish we got rid of all the protestors for people who drive cars, and to stop planes. I mean they want us to use trains, but when can you get to the USA on a train?
Lol whats wrong with america? Unless you live in Florida/Texas where the mexiacns are taking over.
26-09-2008, 05:35 PM
In the UK, you commit a crime such a murder... now to me, you take someone elses life, then why should you live yours? That may seem cruel to some people.
But these murderers who kill innocent people and get like 4 years in prison? Whats the point in that... 4years is nothing for another persons life..
the UK is like a doormat in my opinion... people come over here DEMANDING things, such as muslums wanting us to 'fast' and 'pray to mecca' with them, thing is, you are in England, we dont do that, you want to come here for a better way of life? Then follow OUR laws/rules.
If i go to somewhere like Turkey I follow their laws, i cover my body up when having meals, i dont diss people or cause trouble, i dont start telling people to pray to god...
We need to stop acting like girls and lay some tough laws down! get this country back on top!
*gasps* rant over (:
26-09-2008, 06:07 PM
In the UK, you commit a crime such a murder... now to me, you take someone elses life, then why should you live yours? That may seem cruel to some people.
But these murderers who kill innocent people and get like 4 years in prison? Whats the point in that... 4years is nothing for another persons life..
the UK is like a doormat in my opinion... people come over here DEMANDING things, such as muslums wanting us to 'fast' and 'pray to mecca' with them, thing is, you are in England, we dont do that, you want to come here for a better way of life? Then follow OUR laws/rules.
If i go to somewhere like Turkey I follow their laws, i cover my body up when having meals, i dont diss people or cause trouble, i dont start telling people to pray to god...
We need to stop acting like girls and lay some tough laws down! get this country back on top!
*gasps* rant over (:
I just so happen to go to college with a group of people who are fasting because of relgious reasons at the moment and I don't think any of them have ever demanded that I do the same thing... I don't think any muslims have ever tried to 'convert' me -_- the real trouble with this country at the moment is the ammount of prejudice that seems to be going around. Just because people are living in the UK doesn't mean they shouldn't be aloud to celebrate ramadan just like I'd expect a christian would celebrate christmas in a muslim country...
Oh and I'm a Christian not muslim by the way..
26-09-2008, 06:11 PM
I just so happen to go to college with a group of people who are fasting because of relgious reasons at the moment and I don't think any of them have ever demanded that I do the same thing... I don't think any muslims have ever tried to 'convert' me -_- the real trouble with this country at the moment is the ammount of prejudice that seems to be going around. Just because people are living in the UK doesn't mean they shouldn't be aloud to celebrate ramadan just like I'd expect a christian would celebrate christmas in a muslim country...
Oh and I'm a Christian not muslim by the way..
*REMOVED* there is an obvious problem of immagrants and people fighting over religion, and you do gooders cant see that.
*REMOVED* and take a nice look around.
For example; Mosques... Why should they build them on English ground? This is our country, why should we have to cover our skin up just to enter somewhere... its out of order..
And before you start saying im a racist, im not, im just speaking the truth.
Edited by Slowpoke (Forum Moderator): Please do not post to cause arguments.
26-09-2008, 06:33 PM
*REMOVED* there is an obvious problem of immagrants and people fighting over religion, and you do gooders cant see that.
*REMOVED* and take a nice look around.
For example; Mosques... Why should they build them on English ground? This is our country, why should we have to cover our skin up just to enter somewhere... its out of order..
And before you start saying im a racist, im not, im just speaking the truth.
For your information alot of muslim, hindus, sikhs are british citizens and were born in the UK. I'm not a do gooder either.. I'm actually proud to live in a country where it is ok to practice what ever faith you want. Yes we do have imagration problems but I find it highly annoying how people like you seem to think it's all muslim as hello? its not :l. *REMOVED* take a few steps forward away from the stone age and walk into the 21st century.
26-09-2008, 06:50 PM
For your information alot of muslim, hindus, sikhs are british citizens and were born in the UK. I'm not a do gooder either.. I'm actually proud to live in a country where it is ok to practice what ever faith you want. Yes we do have imagration problems but I find it highly annoying how people like you seem to think it's all muslim as hello? its not :l. I think it is you who needs to take your head out of you back side take a few steps forward away from the stone age and walk into the 21st century.
You'll soon see when this isnt an English country anymore. We've already got an all black school. They complain about our Easter, Christmas and New year traditions.
They even have the cheek to complain when they get told to wear school uniform? Why should they be allowed to wear headscalfs etc... ? :s
Obviously not eveyone will agree with me, but i bet theres a few who would..
Our country = our rules.
Y We've already got an all black school.
Who cares if you have an all black school? We have all black schools all of hte place where i live. and theres all black colleges all of the USA, who cares?
My high school is about 60% black 40% white. who cares?
26-09-2008, 07:38 PM
Why shouldn't white people be allowed to go to that school? Why are we the ones getting pushed out of our own country...
And ive seen Americans on the news complaining about muslums, so dont give me all that 'who cares'
26-09-2008, 08:47 PM
And I also think people like YOU are the problem with this country, there is an obvious problem of immagrants and people fighting over religion, and you do gooders cant see that.
Pull your head from your backside and take a nice look around.
For example; Mosques... Why should they build them on English ground? This is our country, why should we have to cover our skin up just to enter somewhere... its out of order..
And before you start saying im a racist, im not, im just speaking the truth.
Oh go join the BNP already
26-09-2008, 08:47 PM
Why shouldn't white people be allowed to go to that school? Why are we the ones getting pushed out of our own country...
And ive seen Americans on the news complaining about muslums, so dont give me all that 'who cares'
I think some people would take your words VERY offensively.
How DARE you question someone born on this GREAT ISLAND and say they aren't British/English? If someone has their own PRIVATE house, they are allowed to tell people to cover up to come in. Why is that ANY different to a mosque? (apart from what a mosque looks like). Why is it a problem that there is an all-black school? The MAJORITY of them are all born in the UK, and are British Citizens. How dare you question someone's nationality based on their skin colour?
I'm white with british/european ancestory and i find that offensive.
There are obviously problems with some immigrants that emmigrate here to the UK and i do personally think the pathway to immigration should be narrower (but that is simply because of over-population). What our real problem is that some citizens (and some immigrants) think it is their 'right' to benefits, what we need to do is have 'national home service' where if you don't have a job, you have to work doing jobs like cleaning the streets, picking up dog poo etc.
Why shouldn't white people be allowed to go to that school? Why are we the ones getting pushed out of our own country...
And ive seen Americans on the news complaining about muslums, so dont give me all that 'who cares'
whites arent allowd becuase its an ALL BLACK school not an ALL BLACK and a few whites school.
I do find it racist htough becuase if whites had an all white shcool than blacks would be screaming racism like it was the 1950s again.
and americans complain about muslums becuase tbh here in america poeple are stupid enough to think that if they see a person with a turban on they';re automatically a terrorist becuase of 9-11.
we americans sterotype wayy too much.
26-09-2008, 08:56 PM
Blue.neon, one of my closest friends is muslim, he was born in Britain and is currently fasting. He has never tried to convert me and he wishes me happy chirstmas and easter each year and i wish him a blessed eid, are you saying that he isn't british?
26-09-2008, 08:57 PM
Blue.neon, one of my closest friends is muslim, he was born in Britain and is currently fasting. He has never tried to convert me and he wishes me happy chirstmas and easter each year and i wish him a blessed eid, are you saying that he isn't british?
yeah, he is.
26-09-2008, 10:13 PM
You'll soon see when this isnt an English country anymore. We've already got an all black school. They complain about our Easter, Christmas and New year traditions.
They even have the cheek to complain when they get told to wear school uniform? Why should they be allowed to wear headscalfs etc... ? :s
Obviously not eveyone will agree with me, but i bet theres a few who would..
Our country = our rules.It's people with that sort of thinking which is the problem. I am also proud to be British. Your posts anger me so much and I could debate this with you for ages. It's not your country anymore than it is their's? I have a Seek (SP?) friend and he was born in the UK, his parents were born in the UK, are you telling me he isn't British? He's just as British as you. So what if your grandparents were here before his, if you really want to bring History into everything, then the majority of 'White British' were actually German's in the 800s (Anglo-Saxon), the majority of us would find out we were German if it was possible to follow our family history back that far, and before we were German we were probably dozens of other Nationalities!
You moan at mosque's cause you don't care to respect Islam's traditions, but I don't see you moaning at Churchs? Britain isn't ran by any religion, there isn't a particular religion in the UK, most our politicians are atheist's for starters. We're not ran by the Christian's anymore than we are the Muslim's, we're a multi-cultural society which respects all religions and the majority of religions have a small input into the country. Besides you say it as if all Muslim's are Saudi Arabian or Pakistani, that's like saying all Catholic's are Italian, or if you want to go back really far again, it's like saying Christian's are all from Jerusalem (Palestine/Israel) because that's where the religion started.
You hear political correctness quite a lot in the media, particularly extreme cases, and these are your only source's that they [Immigrants] all hate 'White British' and Christian's festivals and British law.
Immigration isn't the fault of people who are escaping crime and poverty in their country, if you lived a life of poverty and crime, are you telling me you wouldn't move to a wealthy country like Britain? It's not their fault the immigration service and the EU is a mess, it's our government's. You can't blame them for trying to get in, they just want a better lifestyle, and everyone's aim in life is to have a nice lifestyle (Correct me if I'm wrong...). Most (Not all) work extremely hard in the UK, regularly working hours over the legal limit and they're the backbone of our economy, they do a lot more for the country than a lot of white, working class British who are often racist and have never done a days work in their life, and they're proud to be on benefits. They're the problem, not people wanting a better lifestyle.
26-09-2008, 10:56 PM
;5136238']I think some people would take your words VERY offensively.
How DARE you question someone born on this GREAT ISLAND and say they aren't British/English? If someone has their own PRIVATE house, they are allowed to tell people to cover up to come in. Why is that ANY different to a mosque? (apart from what a mosque looks like). Why is it a problem that there is an all-black school? The MAJORITY of them are all born in the UK, and are British Citizens. How dare you question someone's nationality based on their skin colour?
I'm white with british/european ancestory and i find that offensive.
There are obviously problems with some immigrants that emmigrate here to the UK and i do personally think the pathway to immigration should be narrower (but that is simply because of over-population). What our real problem is that some citizens (and some immigrants) think it is their 'right' to benefits, what we need to do is have 'national home service' where if you don't have a job, you have to work doing jobs like cleaning the streets, picking up dog poo etc.
Why wouldn't I dare say what Ive just said? Its my opinion. If you dont like the way I think, well that just tuff luck isnt it? You wouldn't get away with going over to a muslum country and builiding a catholic church sorry to say, so why should the UK allow it?
whites arent allowd becuase its an ALL BLACK school not an ALL BLACK and a few whites school.
I do find it racist htough becuase if whites had an all white shcool than blacks would be screaming racism like it was the 1950s again.
and americans complain about muslums becuase tbh here in america poeple are stupid enough to think that if they see a person with a turban on they';re automatically a terrorist becuase of 9-11.
we americans sterotype wayy too much.
Well tbh, if you look in the UK news, London has seen over 40+ stabbings in the past 2 years of teenagers, 90% of them are black people, we have terrorism in this country, the terrorists are black. We have black communities which are against white people. They are racist just as much as everyone else.
Blue.neon, one of my closest friends is muslim, he was born in Britain and is currently fasting. He has never tried to convert me and he wishes me happy chirstmas and easter each year and i wish him a blessed eid, are you saying that he isn't british?
You speak like I dont have any black friends? I also have a friend who is currently fasting, he wakes up every morning at 4am to have dinner... his parents find it offensive to see people eating during the day...
It's people with that sort of thinking which is the problem. I am also proud to be British. Your posts anger me so much and I could debate this with you for ages. It's not your country anymore than it is their's? I have a Seek (SP?) friend and he was born in the UK, his parents were born in the UK, are you telling me he isn't British? He's just as British as you. So what if your grandparents were here before his, if you really want to bring History into everything, then the majority of 'White British' were actually German's in the 800s (Anglo-Saxon), the majority of us would find out we were German if it was possible to follow our family history back that far, and before we were German we were probably dozens of other Nationalities!
You moan at mosque's cause you don't care to respect Islam's traditions, but I don't see you moaning at Churchs? Britain isn't ran by any religion, there isn't a particular religion in the UK, most our politicians are atheist's for starters. We're not ran by the Christian's anymore than we are the Muslim's, we're a multi-cultural society which respects all religions and the majority of religions have a small input into the country. Besides you say it as if all Muslim's are Saudi Arabian or Pakistani, that's like saying all Catholic's are Italian, or if you want to go back really far again, it's like saying Christian's are all from Jerusalem (Palestine/Israel) because that's where the religion started.
You hear political correctness quite a lot in the media, particularly extreme cases, and these are your only source's that they [Immigrants] all hate 'White British' and Christian's festivals and British law.
Immigration isn't the fault of people who are escaping crime and poverty in their country, if you lived a life of poverty and crime, are you telling me you wouldn't move to a wealthy country like Britain? It's not their fault the immigration service and the EU is a mess, it's our government's. You can't blame them for trying to get in, they just want a better lifestyle, and everyone's aim in life is to have a nice lifestyle (Correct me if I'm wrong...). Most (Not all) work extremely hard in the UK, regularly working hours over the legal limit and they're the backbone of our economy, they do a lot more for the country than a lot of white, working class British who are often racist and have never done a days work in their life, and they're proud to be on benefits. They're the problem, not people wanting a better lifestyle.
The thing is, they come over to our country only to abuse our Governments benifit schemes. They cause trouble in schools over religion, school uniform and the subjects the schools teach.
And saying that black people seeking a better lifestyle work harder than 'white' people I find pretty racist. Our great grandparents fought for this country, why should we lose it?
Just you watch... 10/15 years time, this wont be our country anymore.
And can I just say, why dont you lot who think im a racist go over to a country such as Iraq/India/Russia/Pakistan, and try and do whatever you please... see how long and how far you'd get before their governments throw you out.
26-09-2008, 11:12 PM
The thing is, they come over to our country only to abuse our Governments benifit schemes. They cause trouble in schools over religion, school uniform and the subjects the schools teach.
And saying that black people seeking a better lifestyle work harder than 'white' people I find pretty racist. Our great grandparents fought for this country, why should we lose it?
Just you watch... 10/15 years time, this wont be our country anymore.
And can I just say, why dont you lot who think im a racist go over to a country such as Iraq/India/Russia/Pakistan, and try and do whatever you please... see how long and how far you'd get before their governments throw you out.Stop referring to immigrants or none-white British citizens as 'They', fgs, British Citizens are as British as you, how many times!
I'm repeating myself here, 'they' don't come over here to cause Political Correctness mayhem, a very small minority do, all of which is reported in the media. The majority don't cause trouble, does your Muslim friend constantly cause trouble like you claim 'They' do.
In my post I never said a group as a whole, I said a lot of white working class don't work, NOT ALL, it's a bit like I also said, a lot of immigrants work very hard, NOT ALL.
And why are you bringing the bloody war into it? Our grandparents fought for their country 60 years ago mainly because they were lied to by the government or forced to sign up. They were also fighting against a radical dictatorship, not desperate immigrants coming into the country looking for a better life style. Believe it or not, 50 years we encouraged people from the west indies to come to the UK as we needed them, dude if you wanna talk history, I'm here.
It's not YOUR Country, YOUR bit of the country is a useless vote in an election every 5 years, your probably not even old enough to vote yet. Your other bit of the country is the services your entitled to, health care and education which your parents pay horrendously for by the many ways of 'Taxes'. In 10/15 years what do you mean it won't be ours? I think what you really mean is the black ethinicity will of grew much bigger than white ethinicity, however like I said, it's their country as much as yours.
And so what if Muslim countries are allegedly racist, I'm not going to do anything about it and nor is anyone else, it's what you expect when you go to the country. In Saudi Arabia it's that bad it's against the law to practise your own religion INSIDE your own home, does that mean we can't call you racist?
Most the people in BNP could at least put up an argument, your just pathetic.
26-09-2008, 11:15 PM
The thing is, they come over to our country only to abuse our Governments benifit schemes. They cause trouble in schools over religion, school uniform and the subjects the schools teach.
And saying that black people seeking a better lifestyle work harder than 'white' people I find pretty racist. Our great grandparents fought for this country, why should we lose it?
Perhaps you should pay attention in your History classes - a good majority of men form India and Pakistan fought on behalf of Britain during WW2 because they were part of the Empire, in my opinion, by doing that they DEFINATLY have the right to reside here in Britain.
26-09-2008, 11:18 PM
Stop referring to immigrants or none-white British citizens as 'They', fgs, they're as British as you, how many times!
I'm repeating myself here, 'they' don't come over here to cause Political Correctness mayhem, a very small minority do, all of which is reported in the media. The majority don't cause trouble, does your Muslim friend constantly cause trouble like you claim 'They' do.
In my post I never said a group as a whole, I said a lot of white working class don't work, NOT ALL, it's a bit like I also said, a lot of immigrants work very hard, NOT ALL.
And why are you bringing the bloody war into it? Our grandparents fought for their country 60 years ago mainly because they were lied to by the government or forced to sign up. They were also fighting against a radical dictatorship, not desperate immigrants coming into the country looking for a better life style. Believe it or not, 50 years we encouraged people from the west indies to come to the UK as we needed them, dude if you wanna talk history, I'm here.
It's not YOUR Country, YOUR bit of the country is a useless vote in an election every 5 years, your probably not even old enough to vote yet. Your other bit of the country is the services your entitled to, health care and education which your parents pay horrendously for by the many ways of 'Taxes'. In 10/15 years what do you mean it won't be ours? I think what you really mean is the black ethinicity will of grew much bigger than white ethinicity, however like I said, it's their country as much as yours.
And so what if Muslim countries are allegedly racist, I'm not going to do anything about it and nor is anyone else, it's what you expect when you go to the country. In Saudi Arabia it's that bad it's against the law to practise your own religion INSIDE your own home, does that mean we can't call you racist?
Most the people in BNP could at least put up an argument, your just pathetic.
Lol thank you! Im pathetic, yes wooo x
I really dont care what YOU think or other people, its my opinion.
London buses
Glasgow airport
London stabbings
London tubes
Transatlantic flights going from Heathrow to the US
^^ All acts of terror within the last few years. None of which was done by white people.
I've been old enough to vote for the past few years actually. And will continue to vote for Labour. My parents pay taxes along with other tax payers to help those who need it, and also those who which to abuse it.
26-09-2008, 11:20 PM
Lol thank you! Im pathetic, yes wooo x
I really dont care what YOU think or other people, its my opinion.
London buses
Glasgow airport
London stabbings
London tubes
Transatlantic flights going from Heathrow to the US
^^ All acts of terror within the last few years. None of which was done by white people.
Yes, but done by an extream minority. If you really think that every Muslim is like this, then you seriously need putting down or something.
26-09-2008, 11:26 PM
Yes, but done by an extream minority. If you really think that every Muslim is like this, then you seriously need putting down or something.
As ive said in previous posts, ive got black friends, they are some of the best people ive ever met in my life and i'll be friends with them forever.
So no.. I dont need 'putting down' People that need putting down are those who think about slamming 2 planes into a tower with 4k+ people in (All of which are innocent)
People who think about pushing a knife into someones chest.
People who think about blowing up planes in midflight.
People who think about blowing up airports, buses and trains.
Edited by Slowpoke (Forum Moderator): Please do not be rude.
26-09-2008, 11:30 PM
As ive said in previous posts, ive got black friends, they are some of the best people ive ever met in my life and i'll be friends with them forever.
So no.. I dont need 'putting down' People that need putting down are those who think about slamming 2 planes into a tower with 4k+ people in (All of which are innocent)
People who think about pushing a knife into someones chest.
People who think about blowing up planes in midflight.
People who think about blowing up airports, buses and trains.
OK, I'll watch my little mouth, because I'm like, really scared of what you might do to me. :rolleyes: How old are you? 8 or something?
Edited by Slowpoke (Forum Moderator): Please stay on topic and do not be rude towards other members.
26-09-2008, 11:32 PM
As ive said in previous posts, ive got black friends, they are some of the best people ive ever met in my life and i'll be friends with them forever.
So no.. I dont need 'putting down' People that need putting down are those who think about slamming 2 planes into a tower with 4k+ people in (All of which are innocent)
People who think about pushing a knife into someones chest.
People who think about blowing up planes in midflight.
People who think about blowing up airports, buses and trains.
So watch your little mouth.That's just at this moment in time and besides that's a very tiny proportion. Not even 20 years ago it was white Irish terrorists. Brighton Bombings, they tried to blow up Margaret Thatcher and the Trafford Disaster, and numerous other terrorism attacks by the IRA.
If you don't want people to comment on your opinion then a forum is ENTIRELY the wrong place for you, that goes against everything what forums are for.
26-09-2008, 11:33 PM
OK, I'll watch my little mouth, because I'm like, really scared of what you might do to me. :rolleyes: How old are you? 8 or something?
No you could try adding about 10 years onto your guess..
I just dont agree with you calling me, when theres people out there doing these SICK, HORRIBLE, VILE things... :S
26-09-2008, 11:35 PM
That's just at this moment in time and besides that's a very tiny proportion. Not even 20 years ago it was white Irish terrorists. Brighton Bombings, they tried to blow up Margaret Thatcher and the Trafford Disaster, and numerous other terrorism attacks by the IRA.
If you don't want people to comment on your opinion then a forum is ENTIRELY the wrong place for you, that goes against everything what forums are for.
Lol, you think I agree with people doing that? Ofcourse I dont, I think its disgusting.
Edited by lAscend (Forum Super Moderator): Please don't double post.
26-09-2008, 11:38 PM
No you could try adding about 10 years onto your guess..
I just dont agree with you calling me, when theres people out there doing these SICK, HORRIBLE, VILE things... :S
Of course I know people are doing these things, and everyone knows that these acts should be condemed, however the way you go on, your view appears to be is that non-whites = terrorists, which is not the case. Muslims are killed on a daily basis in attacks in Iraq and arround the Middle East. Most Muslims just want to be left in peace and for them not to have this terrible reputation they have.
Edited by Slowpoke (Forum Moderator): Please do not be rude towards other members.
[quote=Blue.Neon;5136673] Well tbh, if you look in the UK news, London has seen over 40+ stabbings in the past 2 years of teenagers, 90% of them are black people, we have terrorism in this country, the terrorists are black. We have black communities which are against white people. They are racist just as much as everyone else. quote]
Lol 40+ stabbings in 2 years. in the USA we have so much worse things we have probably 200+ stabbings in the US every month.
27-09-2008, 03:30 AM
Ok, just a little over-view of what i meant by "UK rules" i meant it rules as in "yeah its awesome!" and not like the rules as in "Laws" thanks. :D
27-09-2008, 10:15 AM
LMAO at someone saying we shouldn't build mosques on british land LOLLLL.
thats the problem with our country, there's always an excuse.
our country is christian yes, but people covert freely all the time so we have to accept all diffrent beliefs. every country has to accept what people believe, and we do that by building them a place to worship.. makes sense dosnt it? lol.
and yeah there's stabbings in london, there's stabbings all over the world. black people? lmfaoo thats because there's a lot of BLACK people in london, and dont go around like white people have never stabbed someone.
yeah i agree that black people play the racist card to get out of it, but thats because white people take it. im sure if someone turned around and called you racist tomorrow you wouldn't wanna go "YEAH SORRI I AM" lol.
and fact is yeah there's black communites againsts whites, but we also have a very famous grouping against black people, or have you forgotten? :rolleyes:
and blowing up things lol!!! well that was obviously going to happen somewhere along the line? an yes its very sick but when you look at iraq in a whole .. you couldn't say they was civilized really could you? there country looks like ****.
theres sick people all over the world. white people who stabbed people 666 times and then ate them alive..? white people do A LOT of things, you can't rule them out. there just as sick as everyone else. hitler was white, and what did he do? he killed lots of jew's..
and please for the love of god dont bring benefits into this.
Virgin Mary
27-09-2008, 11:09 AM
You'll soon see when this isnt an English country anymore. We've already got an all black school. They complain about our Easter, Christmas and New year traditions.
They even have the cheek to complain when they get told to wear school uniform? Why should they be allowed to wear headscalfs etc... ? :s
Obviously not eveyone will agree with me, but i bet theres a few who would..
Our country = our rules.
I doubt black people wanted their land taken and to be enslaved by white people. We let people follow their own religion because we're nice. If we copied them then we'd be as bad as people say they are. Most immigrants are seeking a better lifestyle and will work harder for it than we do, hence why most employers take advantage and make them work long shifts for minimum wage without breaks.
27-09-2008, 11:10 AM
LMAO at someone saying we shouldn't build mosques on british land LOLLLL.
thats the problem with our country, there's always an excuse.
our country is christian yes, but people covert freely all the time so we have to accept all diffrent beliefs. every country has to accept what people believe, and we do that by building them a place to worship.. makes sense dosnt it? lol.
and yeah there's stabbings in london, there's stabbings all over the world. black people? lmfaoo thats because there's a lot of BLACK people in london, and dont go around like white people have never stabbed someone.
yeah i agree that black people play the racist card to get out of it, but thats because white people take it. im sure if someone turned around and called you racist tomorrow you wouldn't wanna go "YEAH SORRI I AM" lol.
and fact is yeah there's black communites againsts whites, but we also have a very famous grouping against black people, or have you forgotten? :rolleyes:
and blowing up things lol!!! well that was obviously going to happen somewhere along the line? an yes its very sick but when you look at iraq in a whole .. you couldn't say they was civilized really could you? there country looks like ****.
theres sick people all over the world. white people who stabbed people 666 times and then ate them alive..? white people do A LOT of things, you can't rule them out. there just as sick as everyone else. hitler was white, and what did he do? he killed lots of jew's..
and please for the love of god dont bring benefits into this.
1: I've been called racist many a time in school. Silly little reasons such as saying the word 'Coloured' < That makes me a racist.
2: For not wanting to learn about Muslum gods in R.E
3: I've never once said white people are all innocent and havent done anything.
4: I sad English land.
5:This is a christian country, therefore people should respect that and not demand us to learn other religions if we dont want to.
27-09-2008, 01:38 PM
Well tbh, if you look in the UK news, London has seen over 40+ stabbings in the past 2 years of teenagers, 90% of them are black people
Why are you making stuff up? - These statistics have never been published and aren't true.
27-09-2008, 01:59 PM
Why are you making stuff up? - These statistics have never been published and aren't true.
Stabbings in 2008, thats not actually upto date, as there has been a lot more in 2008 on the news.
There was 27 London stabbings in 2007 by teenagers that where on the news.
So Im not making things up. If you'd keep up with the news, you'd know.
27-09-2008, 02:01 PM
1: I've been called racist many a time in school. Silly little reasons such as saying the word 'Coloured' < That makes me a racist.
2: For not wanting to learn about Muslum gods in R.E
3: I've never once said white people are all innocent and havent done anything.
4: I sad English land.
5:This is a christian country, therefore people should respect that and not demand us to learn other religions if we dont want to. 1) I have to agree with you there on the term 'Coloured', I personally don't deem that racist.
2) RE is part of the National Curriculum so it isn't up to you on what you want to learn. I find it disgusting that you're 18 and can't even spell the word Muslim correctly, I can't stand RE either, but all I do is respect the religions and understand them, that's all there is to it.
5) We're not that much a Christian country, our laws regularly conflict with the Church of England and the Catholic Church these days, it's true that the Queen is the head of the Church of England but most out politicians and lords are atheists. Most people do respect that we celebrate Christian holidays, and no one demands we learn their religion other than in very few exceptional cases.
27-09-2008, 02:04 PM
Slowpoke, there is also another bbcnews link that states there has been 27 teenage stabbings in london this year, which exceeds the 26 in 2007.
And Jordy... my english skills have nothing to do with you :)
27-09-2008, 02:13 PM
I'm not racist, but Muslims shouldn't come to the UK and expect there to be mosques, or all religious schools and stuff. It does them no good and doesn't encourage integration.
27-09-2008, 02:16 PM
I'm not racist, but Muslims shouldn't come to the UK and expect there to be mosques, or all religious schools and stuff. It does them no good and doesn't encourage integration.
Virgin Mary
27-09-2008, 02:45 PM
The Church supports providing asylum for immigrants. Also, most muslims are very tolerant of Christians because their bible tells them to be. If they preach hatred against us then they'll be deported or jailed for incitement.
27-09-2008, 06:03 PM
Why wouldn't I dare say what Ive just said? Its my opinion. If you dont like the way I think, well that just tuff luck isnt it? You wouldn't get away with going over to a muslum country and builiding a catholic church sorry to say, so why should the UK allow it?
Well Iraq, Palestine and other 'muslim' countries DO have Christian churches and population. Even places like Hong Kong and China do.
Just you watch... 10/15 years time, this wont be our country anymore.
I'll still be holding my british passport and will be proud of it regardless.
27-09-2008, 06:28 PM
^^ All acts of terror within the last few years. None of which was done by white people.
Ever heard of the IRA?
As I've said before, England is the hostel of Europe and America is the restaurant of the world
27-09-2008, 09:02 PM
As I've said before, England is the hostel of Europe and America is the restaurant of the world
Blue.Neon, there's a difference between "opinion" and damn right nonsense, which is what you've been babbling on through this whole thread. The majority of muslims really don't care about the cross, Easter, Christmas, Jesus etc. Infact, loads of them enjoy these times of the year. They show and teach morals which in their faith they don't have. I work in a Reformed Church, and I've learnt that in non-extremist churches / mosques / religions, they all follow and accept the same thing. In my church, they pray for the muslims and their fasting month and hope all goes well for them. The same occurs for muslims, they pray at Christmas and hope the event is successful. Heck, there have been muslims in the church who wanted to see how a Christian service goes and they enjoyed it, they said it's a different approach to worshipping God.
What you're babbling on about, and being incredibly rude to, are the extremist muslims, the ones that terrorise the western world. The non-extremist muslims are incredibly peaceful people, who don't push their beliefs upon others. Again, that's extremist muslims. Also, the reason behind hot cross buns, the cross, Santa and other symbols being removed around events is because the Government are dumb and stupid, and some how got this idea that anyone who isn't a Christian will get offended by these, the fact you don't have to pay attention or join in with such events goes right over their heads.
28-09-2008, 12:40 AM
Stabbings in 2008, thats not actually upto date, as there has been a lot more in 2008 on the news.
There was 27 London stabbings in 2007 by teenagers that where on the news.
So Im not making things up. If you'd keep up with the news, you'd know.
I'm on about you saying 90% of the stabbers are black - That's not true. Also you have to take into account that a lot of stabbings won't actually be reported.
28-09-2008, 08:08 AM
cmon guys UK does rule
i mean its the U
and of course K
The U
Of the S
OF the A
The U
Of the S
OF the A
Isnt as awesome as
i mean its the U
and of course K
04-10-2008, 06:03 PM
This thread is stupid it started of with uk rules and turned into kids tallking about imigration and them having no idea what thier on about. Just put yourself in thier shose. Some people are blind. A muslim caused a terror attack "OMG!!!! ALL MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS" No you idiots muslims do not belive in killing not even if its for the religion. Thos people who cause them terror attacks are not muslim. They may say they are but thier not. Its common sense to know this stuff and people dont. There is no point in tallking about something you have no idea about. I have no idea either to tell the truth so what i just said could be bull.... but i know one thing his thread is pointless.
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