View Full Version : Shopped my sister

20-09-2008, 03:48 PM
I don't really know why I'm writing this, perhaps I just need to get it out of my system.

On the other hand, I suppose it's a half-effort rant about the way culture in the UK is today.

Anywho, I suspected for a while the way my sister had been acting over the past few weeks that she'd been hanging out with a bad crowd; bad attitude, panda eyes that would put pandas to shame, getting lazy, staying out until the early morning and such.

Fed up with the way that she'd been treating everyone in the house in that time, I decided to follow her to wherever she'd been hanging out with these idiots, which turned out to be a local park at dusk/night.
That night I left her to it, the area around where they mess about is inside a wood, near a kids play park. So I planned what to do the next night.

I regularly go paintballing and airsofting. However, I don't run around flailing balls and BBs off like a 12-year old doing it for the first time, I snipe from a distance, and I do it properly. I have a full ghillie suit for doing it in, and I took that with me to the park in a backpack, along with my camera.
I knew she'd gone one night so I left the house about 10 minutes after she did. I left the bag and changed about 200 meters from where they all where, and crawled to a huge bushy area that was about 30 meters away. (When we were all kids, we all used to mess about in the park so we know it like we know our homes, I'm sure you're the same in your local area). I was pretty much unspottable, and started taking pictures.
There was 23 of them, all happily doing drugs and drinking, making a noise, (Not that it mattered luckily, no-one around for quite a distance.) and being general 'yobs' that we know today. All the guys (and even a few girls, thankfully not my sister) were carrying knives, and were showing them off to one another.
I stayed where I was for close to four hours before they all packed up and left, made sure they'd all gone then retrieved my bag, went home after my sister and confronted her.

Needless to say we had a shouting match that could have probably been heard on far off continents, mum came in and saw the pictures, and reported it to the police.
They got involved and it turns out more than a few of them are known troublemakers, and they took copies of my photos away with them, no doubt as proof, as later I heard that they had been paid a visit by the boys in blue, and several of them arrested.
My sister's only 17, she she got let off with a slap on the wrist, not that mum let it die easily. I know for a fact some of the idiots who escaped the UK's failure of a justice system still go back to the park, but they're paranoid because for all they know the coppers are hidden in the bushes photographing them.
I didn't get my sister in trouble because I'm a git of a brother, I genuinely care about her, and I'm not going to let some failed abortions ruin the progress she was making in collage and work, like they were.
Point is, I hate the way this country's going at the minute. The police can't do anything because if they d they get in trouble for it - even though they're morally in the right - and it took me doing a Rambo act to get something done.
btw, never be mean to an older brother with military training and a knowledge of the local area.

20-09-2008, 03:49 PM

Edited by lAscend (Forum Super Moderator): Please don't post poiintlessly.

20-09-2008, 03:54 PM
Right so shes 17 and your following her round and checking up on her... what are u going to do when she starts going clubbing? put on a wig and dark shades and follow her out? she needs to make her own mistakes in life. I wouldnt be surprised if she rebels badly now.

20-09-2008, 03:59 PM
I think you've seen way too many movies. *** mate? You're dressing up as a gun man and going and hiding in bushes to spy on your sister? I think you're the one who needs help, not your sister. Your sister is 17, she's old enough to decide what she does, she doesn't need some idiot following her pretending to be James Bond. As if you told your mum aswell, you little grass.

-rep for being an idiot.

20-09-2008, 03:59 PM
There's a difference between saying you're going clubbing with friends when you've spent half the night getting ready, and just disappearing out the door without a word to anyone as soon as you get home from collage.
And I would think that this is more than a 'mistake'. What if she had gone to far? took up a drug habit? Got into knife fight? The park where it happened is a known place for all these idiots to turn up, and they play the PC game with the police. If the police are there, then they don't go to the park. Simple as, or they wait until they go away. If they aren't there, that's self-explanatory.

20-09-2008, 04:04 PM
I think you've seen way too many movies. *** mate? You're dressing up as a gun man and going and hiding in bushes to spy on your sister? I think you're the one who needs help, not your sister. Your sister is 17, she's old enough to decide what she does, she doesn't need some idiot following her pretending to be James Bond. As if you told your mum aswell, you little grass.

-rep for being an idiot.

lol that made me chuckle

20-09-2008, 04:08 PM
isnt it also illegal to take pictures of people without there consent?
This could go a few ways now
she could either rebel badly, turn against u and your mum and move out and as she is 17 she can pretty much do what she wants
she could see that hanging round in a park at the age of 17 is pretty lame and get a life
the kids she was with could completely turn on her for you and your mum turning them in to the police and they could make her life hell

which way does it seem to be going?

20-09-2008, 04:13 PM
That's pretty sad, it's her life, are you sure she wants you interfering?
She's old enough to make her own choices in life now. Leave her to it >_>

20-09-2008, 04:24 PM
I'm still chuckling

20-09-2008, 08:15 PM
Wow have you ever considers becoming a secret agent i mean you took them pics and they didnt even see you and you didnt even run when they had the knives :eusa_clap Mi5 needs someone like you.
on a serious note it is here life and *TEXT REMOVED* but what you did wasent totally wrong. She is your sister and you have to look after here so well done matie

Edited by lAscend (Forum Super Moderator): Please don't avoid the forum filter.

20-09-2008, 08:17 PM
1) See teens with knifes
2) Fire your airsoft gun at them
3) ???????

20-09-2008, 10:06 PM
Most secondry school pupils start going out doing drink and/or drugs but they learn from their own mistakes over time. Trying to force somebody to stop doing something will only make them more determined im afraid. By the time most of us get out of the bad ways you mentioned the sad kids and the ones with super strict parents are the ones who go off the rails big time. the ones who were left to it have realised their mistakes and started moving on with their lives.

20-09-2008, 11:05 PM
I think you've seen way too many movies. *** mate? You're dressing up as a gun man and going and hiding in bushes to spy on your sister? I think you're the one who needs help, not your sister. Your sister is 17, she's old enough to decide what she does, she doesn't need some idiot following her pretending to be James Bond. As if you told your mum aswell, you little grass.

-rep for being an idiot.The guy is over 17, I think he's old enough to decide what he wants to do and doesn't need someone on a forum telling him off cause he's pretending to be James Bond.

21-09-2008, 12:30 AM
lol Reading this thread made my day earlier, like everything else probably did anyway, but I've got visions of this dude in camo jumping through all the bushes lmao well not really laughing cos I can't even smile but yeh funny thought I guess

21-09-2008, 05:12 AM
Wow have you ever considers becoming a secret agent i mean you took them pics and they didnt even see you and you didnt even run when they had the knives Mi5 needs someone like you.
on a serious note it is here life and *removed* but what you did wasent totally wrong. She is your sister and you have to look after her so well done matie

Edited by brandon (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not avoid the filter

21-09-2008, 07:32 AM
What I don't understand is how you took photos at night, did you poke the lense out the bush and let the flash off? Taking photos in the dark is very difficult at any distance, even with a flash (which would of gave you away anyway).

21-09-2008, 10:48 AM
I can understand why you did this obviously you care about your sister and you were worried about her change in behavior and the people she hung around with. But I think it was the wrong way to go about it. Maybe you could have just spoken to her and let her know you were concerned about what she was doing. That way you could have avoided the whole 'shouting match' thing and it could have left questions in your sisters mind and she could have decided for her self if what she was doing was safe or not.

21-09-2008, 11:38 AM
Wow have you ever considers becoming a secret agent i mean you took them pics and they didnt even see you and you didnt even run when they had the knives Mi5 needs someone like you.
on a serious note it is here life and shtt but what you did wasent totally wrong. She is your sister and you have to look after her so well done matie
Exactly my point....come to think of it its my point ooo MIND READER!!!

21-09-2008, 12:23 PM
He obviously has nightvision

21-09-2008, 02:01 PM
He obviously has nightvision
Exactly!!! he has gone prepared!

21-09-2008, 02:18 PM
When I was reading that I thought you were going to shoot them.

21-09-2008, 02:33 PM
I don't think he brought his gun with him, but I'd love to see these photos LOL its probably pitch black but you can see aload of lit cigarettes or something

21-09-2008, 02:34 PM
isnt it also illegal to take pictures of people without there consent?

You're meant to get consent from parents if you are taking pictures of children, but I believe that is only if you are directly taking pictures of them. Otherwise taking pictures of people is legal, even if they ask you to delete a picture with them in it (like a picture of the main road in your town on a busy day) technichally you don't have to.

Anyway on topic:

Surely carrying an airsoft gun around isn't the best idea?

21-09-2008, 02:41 PM
He did it cos he cared for her and didn't want her to be getting in trouble. it might make her focus on her education more now.

it was a little over the top going 4 hours in an army suit thing

but ye respect for the military training :8

21-09-2008, 02:50 PM
You're meant to get consent from parents if you are taking pictures of children, but I believe that is only if you are directly taking pictures of them. Otherwise taking pictures of people is legal, even if they ask you to delete a picture with them in it (like a picture of the main road in your town on a busy day) technichally you don't have to.

Anyway on topic:

Surely carrying an airsoft gun around isn't the best idea?

a child is defined as under 18. but there are several other laws that float about that make the area fuzzy. the idea is that you can't take the picture on private property, but on public property then you can freely take pictures of anything or anyone as long as their are no signs about which tell you otherwise. very fuzzy

To be honest, i would of done what the threadstarter done had it been my sister (if i even had one) granted i probebly woudn't of dressed up for the ocasion.

21-09-2008, 02:54 PM
good military approach "brother"

+rep for the approach you took and the fact you did it for the right reasons. people dont see your trying to help, and you being flamed for it.

going into the army or the RAF when your older?

21-09-2008, 05:20 PM
I think its a great thing to do tbh.

I disagree with the way the countries going atm, and you've bought light on the situation!


Congrats from me i guess

21-09-2008, 05:37 PM
meh my sister didnt come home til 5am because she knew my mum and dad were out, and i went to the door like 'GET IN THE HOUSE. NOW'


i dont follow her or nothing though, i was jut angry because i couldnt lock the door until she got home so i couldnt go to bed lol

21-09-2008, 05:38 PM
You told the story well I will give you that. Its admirable that you care about your sister but tbh she wont see it like that. She will HATE you. :P

21-09-2008, 06:50 PM
Your heart was definitely in the right place, it shows you care about your family, I hope some good comes out of it!

21-09-2008, 07:00 PM
What a waste of 4 hours, get a life bud.

21-09-2008, 08:43 PM
meh my sister didnt come home til 5am because she knew my mum and dad were out, and i went to the door like 'GET IN THE HOUSE. NOW'


i dont follow her or nothing though, i was jut angry because i couldnt lock the door until she got home so i couldnt go to bed lol

I woulda just gone to bed lol and texted her saying go to your mates :p too bad im the oldest :rolleyes:

but to OP, you look out for your sis gratz but you took it a bit far ;] but gg :)

21-09-2008, 08:50 PM
This sounds fun i could probably do this with normal clothes on and a sun for my flash and the yobs around here wouldnt notice

+Rep - to make up for 1 -Rep from some yob saying its pathetic :)

21-09-2008, 08:52 PM
I woulda just gone to bed lol and texted her saying go to your mates :p too bad im the oldest :rolleyes:

but to OP, you look out for your sis gratz but you took it a bit far ;] but gg :)

she left her fone in her room lol
and i threatened her before she left that id lock the door on her haha

29-09-2008, 07:42 PM
;5120997']Exactly!!! he has gone prepared!

That made me lmao :P Don't know why it just did :P I'm probably a bit hyper :D But anyways, you obviously care about her and I give you credit for that, and what an idea to go in the suit and take pictures, 2bh when i was reading it I thought you wrote something like 'I got my stuff, hid in the bushes and got my paintball gun out and snipered the idiots, they were running around like headless chickens going "run we're getting paint on our joints!"' But none the less, you do care for her but i must be honest in saying she is old enough to take care of herself and if she makes mistakes she will regret them and she will hopefully say, "I should have listened to you". So I hope she realises that you are right :)

30-09-2008, 04:29 PM
she left her fone in her room lol
and i threatened her before she left that id lock the door on her haha

Then make it a threat promise! :P

01-10-2008, 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by [Jay]
Exactly!!! he has gone prepared!

That made me lmao :) Don't know why it just did :) I'm probably a bit hyper :D But anyways, you obviously care about her and I give you credit for that, and what an idea to go in the suit and take pictures, 2bh when i was reading it I thought you wrote something like 'I got my stuff, hid in the bushes and got my paintball gun out and snipered the idiots, they were running around like headless chickens going "run we're getting paint on our joints!"' But none the less, you do care for her but i must be honest in saying she is old enough to take care of herself and if she makes mistakes she will regret them and she will hopefully say, "I should have listened to you". So I hope she realises that you are right :)

06-10-2008, 05:22 AM
If you were my brother id beat your ass

07-10-2008, 07:46 AM
I find this story a little hard to believe if I'm honest.
But I wasn't there, I'm not entitles to judge.

Good on you for looking out for your sister, but that mate is way too far.

14-10-2008, 12:04 PM
I find this story a little hard to believe if I'm honest.
But I wasn't there, I'm not entitles to judge.

Good on you for looking out for your sister, but that mate is way too far.

I agree. You should look out for her, but not follow her around, etc. I do understand where you're coming from though!

Janet Snakehole
14-10-2008, 01:25 PM
Ah gee, wow.

14-10-2008, 01:46 PM
To be honest I'd be annoyed if I were in your sister's position but given who she was hanging around with don't totally disagree with the outcome.
It is also 100% illegal tho to take photos of ANYONE, child or otherwise, without their consent and that's probably another reason why the police took the photos.
An alternate scenario could also have been you threatening to fire @ the 'yobs' with your paintball gun while they held your sister at knifepoint, maybe next time eh...;)

16-10-2008, 05:06 PM
I hope your UKARA if you got your crappy JG bar 10 after oct 1st 2007

18-10-2008, 07:01 PM
It is also 100% illegal tho to take photos of ANYONE, child or otherwise, without their consent and that's probably another reason why the police took the photos.


Someone put together a handy quick-flick guide to your rights as a UK photographer. You can view it here if you want to: http://www.sirimo.co.uk/media/UKPhotographersRights.pdf

As to the OP: I'm sorry you are receiving so many insulting comments. I wouldn't resort to taking photos – because I don't have the capacity to do that – but I would be extremely concerned if any member of my family behaved like that.

People can justify her actions how they want by saying "oh everyone does it, let her learn", but it doesn't stick. Just because a number of visitors to this forum may have been through that process themselves doesn't mean other young people have to. Yes, learning from your own mistakes is good. Learning from the mistakes of other people, whenever possible, is even better!

There is nothing wrong with you being protective over your family. I'm sorry that she was roped into such bad circles. Although you might be on the more extreme side of rational, kudos for having those good intentions.

18-10-2008, 07:11 PM
You snitch, you must be 12

let your sister do what she wants to do, none of your buisness

stop being such a snitch!

18-10-2008, 07:17 PM
You snitch, you must be 12

let your sister do what she wants to do, none of your buisness

stop being such a snitch!
By your logic, you must be 11 for not understanding collective responsibility.

19-10-2008, 08:52 PM
Fair enough you care about your sister and fair enough you are just trying to keep her out of bother but dressing up as a bush and spying on her for four hours like some SWAT survaillance team is a bit drastic. I agree with the others - you need to let her make her own mistakes and leave it to the Old Bill to catch them.

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