View Full Version : [Bobba] Pretty sure this is a scam..

29-06-2005, 11:59 PM
I received an email today.. and.. I'm pretty sure it's a scam =S but who on earth is it? o___O;; This is what it said:

Dear d3stined,

???????????? You have been selected to become a Hobba!
????? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

You have been chosen out of 1,000 habbos, and due to your excellent habbo record, you are chosen one out of three!

The Habbo Way
Habbo Hotel is a place where people come to relax, hang out, and make new friends in a safe, non-threatening environment. The rules are very simple. If you tick to them, you'll have fun; break them and you'll get yourself banned.

You must not:
Use any hacking, scripting or editing program within the hotel, steal other habbos' credits or furniture, describe sexual acts to other habbos, pester people who don't want to talk to you, swear or use sexually graphic terms or be racist, ask other habbos for their password, email addresses or other personal information, give away, trade or sell your habbo, break the law in the hotel or talk others into breaking it.

You should:
Have fun, hang out with your friends, make new friends, and respect other people's views and beliefs.

Hobbas have several roles, which are:

Discipline - if a Hobba sees a Habbo breaking the Habbo Way, he/she can use special Hobba commands to warn, kick out or even ban that Habbo.

Emergency assistance - Hobbas pick up 'Calls for help' and rush to the aid of Habbos who need assistance.

Reporting - Hobbas report any offensive Habbo names, missions, room names and descriptions, and any negative developments in the hotel to Habbo Ltd.

Hosting - Hobbas help Habbos feel welcome, by answering their questions and guiding them around the hotel.

Please fill out the following details to confirm yourself:

Name:???????Birthdate(dd/mm/yyyy):?????????Habbo password:

Please COPY AND PASTE this letter back to me with the correct detail

Thank you and enjoy your future hobbaness!

Habbo Hotel

I'm like.. extremely confuzzled right now.. All the people from habbo that are on my list are all close friends of mine =S the email was:

From : Callie Habbo Hotel Manager <callie_hobba_appli********.com>
Sent : June 29, 2005 3:22:50 PM
To : My email- which you will not see xD
Subject : Congratulations!

And no, I haven't visited any strange site today, except for that thing that happened to Habbox... and I haven't given my email to any complete strangers.. Nor have I sent in an application o__O;; lmao

30-06-2005, 05:54 AM
Yeah, thats a Scam.
Why would Callie want your password? :rolleyes:

30-06-2005, 06:16 AM
Just remember NO habbo staff/hobba
would ask for your password. Anyone that does
is a scammer. That email is obviously a scam.

They do that all the time i guess.
I dont know how they got your email.

I got that once *I Think* It happens to
alot of people. Just send them a //MSG
back saying:

"Im sorry but [Your name]
does not use this email.
I am [Your name]'s mother.
I am disgraces and will take
further action contacting
habbo services about this. "

That'll get them :p

30-06-2005, 07:10 AM
I know who sent you that. Do you know someone named Chanel?

30-06-2005, 08:44 AM
well, its really really easy to get someones habbo email, all you need is wpe lol its that simple, not even a program for it to use. so please people, be careful.

04-07-2005, 04:24 PM
Nope, I don't know a Chanel =S

04-07-2005, 04:31 PM
Lol i had summit like habbo_uk_manager add me the other day,yer shes real :P cough sarcasm cough

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