View Full Version : oh dear..

07-10-2008, 07:13 AM
When I was playing COD4 yesterday my TV sound went a bit funny. So I paused the game, and titled my TV towards me (its only a small 15 inch one) to check the SCART cables at the back.

Except I.. forgot to hold the TV when it was titled back - kinda stupid. It landed not gently, but not hard either on the top of my xbox. A very loud grinding sound occured, so I turned my Xbox off. I turned it back on, and I checked the disc.

It's got a biiggggg circle halfway down the disc all the way around.

I put it back in to play it, it said disc unreadable. I then used a cheapy CD cleaning tissue on it, and it works. With the exception of that it clunks every two seconds or so when its playing.

So what I want to know is, is it safe to keep playing, because its the disc thats making the clunking, or should I not play COD altogether because it might give my Xbox the RROD? I've tried other discs and no clunking, so I'm guessing its the disc.

Is it safe to keep playing COD or should I leave it until I can get a replacement...? thankss.

07-10-2008, 07:20 AM
I can't imagine the grinding noise you described would have done it any good and seeing as we don't really know what caused that I'd advise you don't play it until you get a replacement. Although using the disk may not cause any harm to the machine it's probley better to be safer than sorry in this case imo.

07-10-2008, 11:25 AM
I believe the chunking noise you hear every two seconds is where the discreader is reading the scratched surface. It should be ok but I wouldn't play on COD for a prolonged period of time as it could damage the disc reading lens, then you are pretty screwed.

07-10-2008, 12:45 PM
Yeah my mates said something about the disc reader might get damaged...

thanks, +rep

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