View Full Version : Fighting Tips

09-10-2008, 04:59 PM
Basically I've just never fighted much at all, most people fight their siblings and pick up the 'Ways of fighting' that way, my sister is 6 years older than me so we never really fought much lol. I'm generally a peaceful person too and I'd try everything else before turning to violence or 'Fighting' as it usually just makes things worse and you suffer the consequences, not to mention everyone gathers round 'Shouting fight' if your in school, I don't 'Play Fight' either, it's so damn immature.

I used to play a lot of rugby at primary school and I got a little reputation there that I'm pretty good at fighting but at secondary school I've never really fought and don't intend to but my mate stood me up today in English and threw me a small punch in an argument, I highly condemn it and I was surprised by it (Hardly anyone saw it surprisingly) but I'm not aware at how good I would be at throwing one back anymore, so I didn't risk punching him back and 'Shook it off'.

I'd much rather smack him back a little harder to tell him I'm not interested and show I'm not afraid to fight him.

Just wondering if anyone knew how to throw some good punchs and possibly throw someone on the ground? I wouldn't want to seriously hurt someone or begin a major fight, but just a few moves that would show good resistance.

Rep to all useful replies.

09-10-2008, 05:16 PM
fighting tip number one - don't do it.
fighting tip number two - don't hit your friends..
he was obviously joking.

yeh just pretend he has done/said somethin bout your family, someone did about mine n it rly annoyed me and i just wacked them. i dunno though im nt rly a fightin person...

09-10-2008, 05:17 PM
Err well you can't tell someone how to fight, you've got to of had experience in it really, for tips on throwing punches maybe join a boxing club or something, I boxed for a year and I think I've got a pretty decent punch, also if you get in a fight, try not throwing him to the ground because it'd be more satisfying if you punched him to the ground. Lol

09-10-2008, 05:23 PM
Punch straight through. People who dont know how to fight usually take big "handbag" swipes at people but that is always useless, you usually miss or dont do any damage. Punch straight like you see in boxing.

Dodging is more important than hitting, if someone cant hit you you cant lose. Watch them carefully and be prepared to dodge anything ( although its not always possible)

Watch out for dummies (like when someone raises there leg to kick you then comes in with a left hook)

Take up some kind of Martial art, like Karate, boxing that sorta thing

09-10-2008, 05:34 PM
Wear a black MCK jacket, wear a scarf covering your mouth and nose which goes under your jacket - apart from the bit covering your mouth and nose. Wear gloves - Nike ones if possible. Tuck them under your jacket while wearing them. Now you look up for it. The scarf will soften the blow if they do get a punch in. The gloves? Well apart from acting as a slight protection when you smash their teeth in you can also be dirty - put 50p's in them so they have mental connecting with their teeth, mouth nose etc. ;)

To get them on the ground - smash in the face, head lock - throw. Your go for a kick at the ankle followed by a punch then a push.

09-10-2008, 05:41 PM
Just wondering if anyone knew how to throw some good punchs and possibly throw someone on the ground? I wouldn't want to seriously hurt someone or begin a major fight, but just a few moves that would show good resistance.

Throwing big punches is for boxing and for those that want to harm and injure others. I'm sure that's not what you want. The best thing you can do, is to learn how to defend yourself, so try finding a good self defence club locally. They will teach you the moves to help prevent anyone striking you ;)

Virgin Mary
09-10-2008, 06:02 PM
Kick him in the balls or shins and/or slam his head against a wall/floor.

09-10-2008, 06:04 PM
id be scared of what i could do in a fight, usually if id ever be in one i can imagine i'd be really angry, i wouldnt really know when to stop.

but yeah, as someone said you should go to a self defence class, most people i know who go to them attend tae kwon do lessons. not sure how effective they are though as ive never actually seen anyone put it into use.

09-10-2008, 06:07 PM
Breathe out when you punch.

like, noises & speedy exhaling noises :L

09-10-2008, 06:42 PM
baseball bat.

09-10-2008, 06:44 PM
To begin, I would like to say that out on the street, there is no such thing as a fair fight.

Only under the controlled environment of a ring (sometimes not even then) is there anything resembling a fair fight.

For many, violence may make absolutely no sense except when a person is in defense of God, country and family.

Unfortunately there are others who engage in violence because of peer pressure, ignorance, an inherent streak of meanness or perhaps out of simple boredom. Regardless of the reason, the simple fact is people looking for a fight prefer to do it when they have the advantage. This advantage may be superior weapons, physical strength, numbers or any combination of the three.

In most any self-defense class the instructor will cover basic techniques against a club, knife, gun and a much larger assailant. Unless the class is an ongoing martial arts class, covering more than one assailant often isn’t feasible.

Even with proper martial arts training, the possibility of getting hurt in a fight against more than one attacker is high. Getting past this fear of injury is a must in surviving the confrontation though so remember there is no pain when you are dead.

First and foremost, if you are faced with a confrontation in which you are outnumbered and you see a way out, TAKE it. Run away at the fastest possible speed to safety and yell to attract attention. It is rare that any attacker is looking to be seen during a crime. If you are old enough to remember the old Monty Python movie “In Search Of The Holy Grail”, think of the knight’s response to the monster rabbit and simply “Run away!” There is no shame in avoiding a needless confrontation and living to fight another day. In these instances, retreat is the better part of valor and it certainly beats a rape, stabbing or a coffin.

Just as there is safety in numbers, there is courage as well. When two or more possible assailants are together, they seldom want to appear weak or scared in front of their buddies or you. Whereas one may think better of it if alone, the group often eggs each other along until even tricks or mean spirited fun can turn into homicide. If this seems paranoid to you just pick up the paper any given day and read the news. Read about the hate crimes that occur in every major city in the country.

When these types of things happen, it is very easy to go from victim to casualty in a matter of moments. There are a few do’s and don’ts that may allow you to go from victim to survivor though. It is to be remembered that no technique will work one hundred percent of the time in all given situations. If running away is not an option, then your only choice in a life-threatening situation is to fight and continue fighting until you are out of danger. A life-threatening situation is not a purse snatching or car jacking. These things can be replaced and NO material thing is worth losing you life over.

In June of this year, a woman going to her car in a mall parking lot decided to fight over her purse against two men. This decision cost her life and they still got away with the purse. As of the writing of this piece, the killers still have not been caught.

Whenever you are out in areas like parking lots or garages, parks, on greenbelts jogging or basically in any other environment, try to be aware of your surroundings at all times. If multiple attackers set you upon, keep your wits about you and attempt to locate an equalizing weapon. This weapon can be anything from a piece of pipe to a broken bottle, a curb to trip them over or a potted plant to bash them with. Umbrellas and rolled up newspapers, coats that are carried over your arm or that heavy, precious purse that so often weighs five or more pounds.

Once you have your weapon, try to move in a circular motion to reach it if necessary and also to get your assailants where they must come at you one at a time. If you are unable to get them lined up in the way of each other then start with the one directly between you and the road to your escape and try to punch a hole through their defenses by taking out one of the number.

While doing this, remember that they aren’t fighting fair so there are no rules as to your fighting techniques. Hit, punch, gouge, kick, and bite in whatever way possible. Poke them in the eyes, hit in the throat, and pop their eardrums by cupping your hands and hitting both ears simultaneously. Don’t wait for them to strike first, surprise them by taking the fight to them. If you can take out one of them your chances have just increased dramatically.

If you commit yourself to this course of action then I have only a couple recommendations:

1.After you hit him run like hell.

2. Circle try to keep one man in front of the other as you work your way into a position to run.

3.After about three steps, it is common to be chased once you run. Keep that in mind and after three or four steps, give out one good back kick and take off running again. True this little move requires practice but it works quite often against over zealous opponents and if you are lucky, your shot may do damage

Reading these suggestions is all well and good but they will do you no good whatsoever if you lose your head and have hysterics or freeze during the confrontation. In fact, these actions can often have deadly consequences. Even if you are scared to death (and you would be crazy not to be) try not to act it unless you think it may lull your attackers into thinking you are easy prey. If this is the case you will need to strike quickly as soon as you feel you have the opportunity to.

Regardless of what the action film makers in Hollywood would have you believe, it is unlikely that one person fighting two or more assailants is going to come out of the fight without getting hurt. The best you can do is to decrease the number against you and get away as quickly as possible. Remember you are not there to fight, you are fighting to survive.

To lower your risk of these types of assaults, stay aware of your surroundings and don’t take unnecessary risks. Most businesses, hospitals and school campuses have security personnel so take advantage of them. They are there for a reason and you should not be ashamed to ask for their escort.

If no security is available, look around, hold your head up and walk as if you have a purpose or set goal. Before leaving the building or getting out of your car, have your keys in hand because they can make an excellent weapon when needed. If you have pepper spray or a concealed weapon, make sure they are readily available. These items will do absolutely no good buried in the bottom of a purse, rolling around the floorboard of the car or sitting at home on the kitchen table.

When jogging, take a buddy along if you can, if not, leave the headphones at home as these dull the mind and takes away your sense of hearing. Assailants dislike any type of dog so get yours up off the couch and get some exercise as well.

Contact your local YMCA or community college and take a self-defense class.The best time for these is BEFORE you need the knowledge. Basic self-defense classes can at least give an understanding and knowledge in blocks, punches and kicks as well as suggestions on how to escape. Once you take the course, continue to practice what you have learned and keep in mind what you have read.

09-10-2008, 09:18 PM
Bang the **** out

09-10-2008, 09:19 PM
kick them in the nuts

09-10-2008, 09:21 PM
give a swing to the jaw!

09-10-2008, 09:29 PM
give a swing to the jaw!

i thought you said jew then at first lol.

10-10-2008, 12:35 AM
It come to you?? Its in your nature to know how to fight its just some people are btter then others. Just punch stright and aim for the face or ribs lol

10-10-2008, 01:14 AM
Nice fighting tips, They'll be helpgul to someone.

10-10-2008, 02:22 AM
Just all out whale on the guy. They wont see it coming so they wont be able to defend it./

10-10-2008, 01:16 PM
just swing for the bass

10-10-2008, 01:25 PM
This is something I get asked a lot when people start going to the boxing club I'm at. There isn't a technique to fighting/defending yourself, you just have to throw a punch and hope it hurts. Don't stand there and do that pushing/grabbing thing and wait for a teacher to come in and stop it because you want to show that you mean business so he doesn't try it again.

Make sure your fists are always up so if he throws a cheap shot you're not going to take a blow to the face and lose the fight miserably. Not a lot of people think about this because it's not the 'cool' thing to do in a street fight but it works. If he's swinging loads of punches try ducking a few and coming up with the left straights to the ribs or lower jaw, this will knock him off balance so you can come through with the head-butts and hooks.

If you want to take him down, grab hold of him and put your leg behind his, push him and he will fall like a ton of bricks - maybe even hitting his head off the floor for good measure.

The most important thing to remember is, don't get caught because you will look like a sissy.

10-10-2008, 04:28 PM
lol i kind of had a play fight today

was basically oneee big headlock
then we stopped and had a laugh

10-10-2008, 04:30 PM
Strip before a fight, get the guy unfocused and then ram at him.

10-10-2008, 04:31 PM
I've only ever been in 2 fights all my life, well, so far. And it was usually 2 or 3 vs me :rolleyes: and I was always told to go for the largest lad, I did, and the others scrammed.
and it's not about the muscle, it's about the power.

10-10-2008, 07:07 PM
Best advice I can give is hurt them, really badly. I can't fight at all, I'm built like a stick irl but what I DO know, is how to hurt people without necessarily being stronger.

1. Best way to stop someone, or make them stop, is grap their HAND and twist their wrist as far as it'll go and keep twisting, people try to make out this doesn't hurt but it hurts immensly and keeps hurting afterwards.

2. This works best with 1, just do what you see people do; Twist their ARM back and keep pulling it up. Again, this is agony and there's normally nothing the other person can do.

Doing stuff like this tho, won't win a fight. From experience the people you do it to are seriosuly annoyed afterwards and will probs still come after you, but the wrist thing somewhat prevents that cos the pain stays on. Try it if you have to.

10-10-2008, 07:18 PM
my cousin just hit my sister because she wouldnt buy him fireworks

then i was thinking, people are setting off fireworks in school, and hes one of them

and i was actually ready to go over and smack him LOL, have dont before hate him.

then i was like, i better not

dont fight

10-10-2008, 07:44 PM
I don't like to fight either. I've only ever headbutted a friend who got really really annoying one time. Maybe you should tickle the guy, and he'll be like '***' then POW!

10-10-2008, 07:45 PM
If you're about to swing for someones jaw move your shoulders back and swing forward with all your weight into that one punch and the impact should knock him out and maybe dislocate his jaw in many many places.

10-10-2008, 08:55 PM
If you're about to swing for someones jaw move your shoulders back and swing forward with all your weight into that one punch and the impact should knock him out and maybe dislocate his jaw in many many places.

Hire Mike Tyson in other words.

10-10-2008, 09:01 PM
I found that when people punch other they punch flat.. like close your fist and look at the flat bit :P You know what I mean..

Punch with your knuckles ppl!!!! hurts way more

or nut them in the nose, easily break it..

10-10-2008, 09:04 PM
Make sure you punch right through, dont stop your punch where is face is. Hard to teach someone to fight over a forum because experience helps, also dont be throwing windmills lol. Make it your arm be their and back. If you wanted to start a major nasty fight like you said, only chances of winning with your experience is to be dirty, biting noses, gauging eyes, but then your looking at being expelled. Just dont fight.

11-10-2008, 05:44 PM
btw u dont wanna swing, they can predict it and easily block it

hit them straight in the face with your knuckles, with your arm in a straight line

13-10-2008, 12:00 AM
or uno, carry a blade. auto win? lolol.

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