View Full Version : Future Habbo Updates

14-10-2008, 04:34 PM
I got an email fowarded to me sooo yeah readd

Trust all is ok where you are, I remember you had some work troubles recently hope this has settled!? As per usual wanted to fill
you in on what we are doing as I know you have big interest. Some of the below are coming soon others we are looking at. Hope you enjoy, was strange to see a big list like this when witting.

E-mail myself when you get free time or call me if you need anything to discuss.....

- Scoreboards and Scoring system in event and games rooms (Screen Shot attached) (Current sprite for Scoreboard will be
changed and all owners will see they have an updated furni item)
- The create your own furni line mentioned on a web magazine recently related to customizable items
on Sulakes behalf. We are now able to change the colour of various items and also add text ie advertising
It is mentioned that users may also be given to right to change the colouring of various items in a later release
- Animated stickers on your homepage are on the way! We are also working on customizable stickers
- Add another page to your home (up to 3 pages)
- Habbo Club received a hidden upgrade in the last version. We will soon grant different permissions to a user depending on
how many years they have been a member. You will see commands such as :pickup, :mute and maybe even :alert for older
Habbo Club members. We are still running through which ideas would be good although the majority of commands will be
restricted to your own rooms
- Due to many errors we were unable to add purchasable doors when we introduced purchasable windows. This was due to
Habbos coding making a Habbo go to a certain point when entering a room. It has been anounced that we will soon be able
to purchase doors and place them anywhere in a room and habbos will enter at the same point of the door. (Hope this is good
english for you to understand?)
- See the users online bar at the top of the client? Staff of Habbo will be able to customise messages here and send to certain
user groups ie Staff, HC, Guides and the message will remain until the client is closed. A user will be able to view a history of
alerts in their settings. History will also work for the time you logon, logoff, recieve a friend request, accept/reject a friend request
purchase coins/furniture/stickers, recieve a in client alert and many other things! Great security log
- Web catalogue; much debated but we hope to add catalogue to coins pages so you can purchase without being in the Hotel!
- New items of accessories include high boots for female, fur coat, workers jacket for with builders hat and many more
- I know you like your furniture items and we do have small new pieces but not many due to custom line, 4 new drinks machines
new lodge items including burning fire and hunters poster. We have also changed the colour to much darker wooden on lodge item
- In public garden bus will no longer be visable when it is not in service. Lucky users will see bus drive into garden when a staff
is on board! (Not actual drive just apear)
- We have a file 12 new rooms to add in future including office area, Hotel carpark and a new nightclub for HC members. We
have been asked not to design any more rooms for the future.
- A colege of myself has been asked to design 2 new hotels views one for habbo hq and another for habbo china
Did the last section question you? haha read on my friend
- Habbo HQ is a global hotel where you can go to meet other habbos from worldwide. It will be run by team of US, UK and FI
there will be a limit to how many users can use at once although. You can not register for this habbo and neither buy furniture items, you will have a account created such as NAMECOUNTRY auto by your hotel and emailed a password. If you have a
HC you will have this on HQ and HC members have priority over normal for access.
- We will be attempting to open CN again but under total different rebrand, new hotel look, new items (only for CN), many free.

Enjoy yourself this week

Kind goodbyes

14-10-2008, 04:37 PM
How do we kno its real ?

14-10-2008, 04:39 PM
If it's true then sounds good :P

14-10-2008, 04:39 PM
Some of this stuff seems fake, any proof that this is real?

14-10-2008, 04:40 PM

14-10-2008, 04:41 PM
Oooer, all sound good, pretty much what we've all asked for.

Did a foreigner right this? lol

14-10-2008, 04:43 PM
The grammar in that is shocking!

14-10-2008, 04:44 PM
Oooer, all sound good, pretty much what we've all asked for.

Did a foreigner right this? lol


It's a fake email, the wording is fine however the sentence structure and parts of the email "Eg :mute ect" would not be something that a stakeholder would know about.

14-10-2008, 04:49 PM
if that's a sulake employee god help sulake. fire that guy!

14-10-2008, 04:52 PM
As I've said it was fowarded to me by someone who recieved the email due to them being close to staff etc I was allowed to put it on here but no names are too be reveiled so here is your proof, if you still don't believe it, too bad




14-10-2008, 04:54 PM
Definatly fake, Many of the things mentioned on their are already mentioned by habbos to want them, Habbo doesn't always listen, and why on earth would they pick you out @_@, And that door idea would be extremely silly as people would be appearing in rooms off screen or if its even a posted high up? Also their is already animated stickers, so how come he mentions creating Animated stickers :l!

And for that Daft printscreen, it looks like you've c+p'd it in sent it went to your sent emails and hid that button from the printscreen, And your so guliable for believing that Msn guy if so, It sounds like a daft non threathing chain mail going round to me. And im sure staff already mentioned the next update "Habbo Imager on Webstore coming back".

14-10-2008, 04:57 PM
Definatly fake, Many of the things mentioned on their are already mentioned by habbos to want them, Habbo doesn't always listen, and why on earth would they pick you out @_@, And that door idea would be extremely silly as people would be appearing in rooms off screen or if its even a posted high up? Also their is already animated stickers, so how come he mentions creating Animated stickers :l!

I haven't been picked out by habbo if you maybe read what I said? I said that this was email to someone who has been close with habbo since long before you ever registered btw and I was allowed to see it as you can see from the msn convo =]

14-10-2008, 04:58 PM
Who ever this is isn't sulake staff, or he would have a sulake email not hotmail.

14-10-2008, 04:59 PM
Who ever this is isn't sulake staff, or he would have a sulake email not hotmail.

Yeah I obviously didnt get it from Sulake staff?! CAN YOU READ? SOMEONE WHO WAS CLOSE WITH SULAKE STAFF? GOT THAT YET? Plus the email is from permsimmonhomes.com or something because that is the person's work email and the fact I have scribbled out in black on the email is because it has all of his work details ( not the sulake staffs details so dont jump up and down)

14-10-2008, 05:04 PM
I just have an instinct feeling, this could be true. Although the "evidence" you provided made it less believable. The person wants it posted, that's clear they want to cause controvesy. We'll wait and see I suppose.

14-10-2008, 05:15 PM
If this is real, then it would be great, but if it was fake, why would someone type that up?

14-10-2008, 05:19 PM

Edited by Slowpoke (Forum Moderator): Please do not be rude towards other members.

14-10-2008, 05:33 PM
it says they had a screenshot of the scoring system, if it was forwarded can you most the image of that? (it says it was attached)

14-10-2008, 05:35 PM
hmmm, this real?

14-10-2008, 05:50 PM

Go see when Imp! was last on habbo =]

14-10-2008, 06:17 PM
Interesting. :D

no waiii
14-10-2008, 06:28 PM
i would love some of them to be true!

also - Web catalogue; much debated but we hope to add catalogue to coins pages so you can purchase without being in the Hotel!

i posted this and got banned because people flamed me so much and i hated on thm back

14-10-2008, 06:37 PM
The Habbo HQ made me doubt the whole thing, why have 30 odd separate hotels if they're going to do a global one? Yes, not everyone can use it or buy furniture, but it's not as if it's going to stay that way forever.

At the moment, I don't think it's real - but we don't know until the next update :)

14-10-2008, 06:40 PM
I'm going to firstly pick out a few things that struck me;

- The create your own furni line mentioned on a web magazine recently related to customizable items - bit of an odd thing to write, the kind of thing you'd say to to back up a point/lie.
- Add another page to your home (up to 3 pages) - why would you want to?
- Habbo Club received a hidden upgrade in the last version. We will soon grant different permissions to a user depending on - if it's already on the server it would have been found by now
how many years they have been a member. You will see commands such as :pickup, :mute and maybe even :alert for older - Highly doubtable
Habbo Club members. We are still running through which ideas would be good although the majority of commands will be
restricted to your own rooms
- We have a file 12 new rooms to add in future including office area, Hotel carpark and a new nightclub for HC members. We - Suprising since the majority of public rooms are rarely used
have been asked not to design any more rooms for the future.
- A colege of myself has been asked to design 2 new hotels views one for habbo hq and another for habbo china - So who ever apparently sent this email is one of the designers.. a designer who happens to know about every other field going on in habbo.. i see.
Did the last section question you? haha read on my friend
- Habbo HQ is a global hotel where you can go to meet other habbos from worldwide. It will be run by team of US, UK and FI
there will be a limit to how many users can use at once although. You can not register for this habbo and neither buy furniture items, you will have a account created such as NAMECOUNTRY auto by your hotel and emailed a password. If you have a
HC you will have this on HQ and HC members have priority over normal for access. - Sounds like a load of made up crap.
- We will be attempting to open CN again but under total different rebrand, new hotel look, new items (only for CN), many free.

Enjoy yourself this week

Kind goodbyes

An E-mail between two long/old friends is very distant.. and the structure is very unlikely to be a normal e-mail from someone, formal or non-formal.

I'm calling the same as rest of the skeptics.

14-10-2008, 07:10 PM
Well I trust my source and if these updates do actually appear, I will refer back to this thread and then we'll see

Oh and by the way the whole designer knowing about other fields? He's one of the original designer staff

14-10-2008, 07:33 PM
it says they had a screenshot of the scoring system, if it was forwarded can you most the image of that? (it says it was attached)
to thread creator: you seem to have avoided this question.

14-10-2008, 07:39 PM
the amount of spelling mistakes lmao

14-10-2008, 07:47 PM
This is true, the same person has also been contacting me aswell, and from my previous post he's genuine.

14-10-2008, 07:53 PM
to thread creator: you seem to have avoided this question.

To Bean,

The image was not attached to my email as this was a copy and paste from the original email and was then sent from my friends work email thus the people at his work who can see into his files would wonder why is there an animated score board but if you are all desperate for more proof I will try my best to get it, satisfied?

14-10-2008, 07:54 PM
With the exclusion of Toxic's response, I gather that I must be the only intelligent person to actually reply to this thread.

Firstly and more importantly, how on this Earth do you guys really think that this is geniune? It is beyond me why so many repliers haven't even questioned the sources reliability? I am just wondering how any person could believe that these updates will be added to Habbo Hotel at all.

Now it's time for somebody to disprove all of these updates - I shall do this with nothing but a bit of common sense. Here we go.

I got an email fowarded to me sooo yeah readd

This introductory statement arises immediate suspicion, considering most emails forwarded are chain emails or intentionally faked/exaggerated messages. This will soon be proved to be the latter.

- The create your own furni line mentioned on a web magazine recently related to customizable items

What an absolutely preposterous idea! Do you know how complicated it would be for the programmers at Habbo Hotel to build such a tool? Can you imagine the difficulty Habbo Hotel will have with the server connecting to your furniture files? In fact, it is near impossible (only because nothing is impossible) to allow users to manufacture their own furniture due to how furniture is created in CCT files and uploaded onto an external resource.

- Add another page to your home (up to 3 pages)

The entire point of a Habbo Home(page) is for it to be a single page. The addition of up to two more pages will certainly not be applied as Habbos don't want to waste their time clicking NEXT >> and << PREVIOUS on someone's homepage and it's not like the Habbo Homes system is the most popular feature on the website, is it?

- Habbo Club received a hidden upgrade in the last version. We will soon grant different permissions to a user depending on

I, without any doubt, agree with Toxic on this. If it was a so-called hidden feature, it would have been found/exploited by now. Let's face it, it's not difficult to find new features nowadays on Habbo Hotel. Oh and just to point out, it's obviously not "hidden" now considering it was mentioned in this apparently reliable email you received.

- how many years they have been a member. You will see commands such as :pickup, :mute and maybe even :alert for older

This is where it gets amusing. This is also where it starts to sound more unrealistic. Habbo Hotel would never have the pickup command because that would promote further laziness and hey, Habbo staff don't like users having tools - you dropped the furniture without any trouble so why can't you pick it up without any trouble? Habbo Hotel already has a mute and alert command yet this is for staff only. Why would a non-staff user EVER receive these commands. They would get abused a lot, especially ":alert MOD-Noct Hello there."

- We have a file 12 new rooms to add in future including office area, Hotel carpark and a new nightclub for HC members.

As designing public rooms is a major task, fitting them into the public rooms category on the navigator is also challenging, as they don't want to overcrowd things. I highly doubt Sulake will add 12 new rooms all at once, as they only add 1 new public room occasionally. Most of the time, they just rename or make a few adjustments to public rooms as it's a lot easier.

- A colege of myself has been asked to design 2 new hotels views one for habbo hq and another for habbo china

Not that I frequently read Habbo Hotel updates anymore, but didn't Habbo China close down for the foreseeable future with technical and politically-induced problems?

- Habbo HQ is a global hotel where you can go to meet other habbos from worldwide. It will be run by team of US, UK and FI
there will be a limit to how many users can use at once although. You can not register for this habbo and neither buy furniture items, you will have a account created such as NAMECOUNTRY auto by your hotel and emailed a password. If you have a HC you will have this on HQ and HC members have priority over normal for access

This is the final nail in the coffin for me. There will never ever be a global Habbo Hotel because users won't want to lose out on their furniture, a variety of languages will induce racism and misunderstandings, Sulake would not waste the time to email users separately with login details and it will not be rather popular as users will mainly use their primary hotel in their native country, which is where they have their badges, furniture, credits and friends.

- We will be attempting to open CN again but under total different rebrand, new hotel look, new items (only for CN), many free.

As I've already mentioned here, technical and political barriers are currently preventing Sulake from maintaining a Habbo Hotel in China.

It has been an absolute joy analysing this fake email. The signs are extremely clear. I read this thread and all of the responses about "it could be real"... I immediately chuckled at the gullibleness of most repliers. I do actually agree with Toxic who is obviously not so naive and gullible.

The problem that I have with this is firstly the formality of the email. It has a vast amount of spelling and grammatical errors, these errors would not be expected by somebody working at a professional company. I also find that the spelling mistakes by Imp! show some sort of resemblance to the spelling mistakes in the "email", so I gather she (or a friend) typed it up and sent the email to herself, which explains the fake screenshots too. I just refuse to accept that any person hired by Sulake could make such a poorly constructed email with features which are just damn ridiculous. I also question the probability that a Sulake collegue would ever send an email to anybody regarding future updates, as I guess most of these updates would still be in the planning stages or pre-production if they were real.

This is nothing more than a fake (a rumour) by some stupid teen.

I hope you enjoyed reading this analysis as I enjoyed typing it.

14-10-2008, 10:11 PM
if this is genuine habbox should remove it as to the new fansite way it states..

Fansites Must NOT:
- Publish any unreleased news regarding updates, new Furni or features without Sulake's prior permission.

so yeah?

14-10-2008, 10:18 PM
I doubt that sulake staff would write like that. But then again, it does say about the habbo exchange...

Maybe these updates will come over a period of time, slowly, one by one. I doubt they will put all them updates at once.

14-10-2008, 10:42 PM
if this is genuine habbox should remove it as to the new fansite way it states..

so yeah?
But in this case, we call it a rumour :)

14-10-2008, 10:57 PM
With the exclusion of Toxic's response, I gather that I must be the only intelligent person to actually reply to this thread.

Sorry but who exactly do you think you are coming into this thread and insulting other members' intelligence? Just because someone has a different opinion to yourself doesn't make them any less than you or anyone else.

This introductory statement arises immediate suspicion, considering most emails forwarded are chain emails or intentionally faked/exaggerated messages. This will soon be proved to be the latter.

If you'd bothered to read what the thread starter actually wrote, you'd have seen that he/she was talking to a friend on MSN who then asked if they'd like the email forwarded to them.

What an absolutely preposterous idea! Do you know how complicated it would be for the programmers at Habbo Hotel to build such a tool? Can you imagine the difficulty Habbo Hotel will have with the server connecting to your furniture files? In fact, it is near impossible (only because nothing is impossible) to allow users to manufacture their own furniture due to how furniture is created in CCT files and uploaded onto an external resource.

Pretty ironic since Sulake have actually confirmed that this feature will be implemented in the near future.

The entire point of a Habbo Home(page) is for it to be a single page. The addition of up to two more pages will certainly not be applied as Habbos don't want to waste their time clicking NEXT >> and << PREVIOUS on someone's homepage and it's not like the Habbo Homes system is the most popular feature on the website, is it?

Other websites have this (ClubTropica as an example). If this is implemented, it'll be a big money maker for Habbo because it'll mean more customers will buy stickers to fill their extra pages meaning a big profit for Sulake - I think it's propostrious to rule this out.

I, without any doubt, agree with Toxic on this. If it was a so-called hidden feature, it would have been found/exploited by now. Let's face it, it's not difficult to find new features nowadays on Habbo Hotel. Oh and just to point out, it's obviously not "hidden" now considering it was mentioned in this apparently reliable email you received.

It's not like a piece of furniture that is visible in the externals. It may well have been added and may well be hard to find - You're just guessing and assuming here, like myself.

This is where it gets amusing. This is also where it starts to sound more unrealistic. Habbo Hotel would never have the pickup command because that would promote further laziness and hey, Habbo staff don't like users having tools - you dropped the furniture without any trouble so why can't you pick it up without any trouble? Habbo Hotel already has a mute and alert command yet this is for staff only. Why would a non-staff user EVER receive these commands. They would get abused a lot, especially ":alert MOD-Noct Hello there."

How exactly is that amusing or unrealistic? I don't a clue what you're talking about in regards to the pickup command and all that stuff about laziness makes no sense whatsoever. As for the mute and alert commands; yes, they are solely for staff at the moment but that doesn't mean members will never be allowed to use them in their own rooms. Nobody believed that Habbo would ever let members ban other members from their rooms, need I say more?

Not that I frequently read Habbo Hotel updates anymore, but didn't Habbo China close down for the foreseeable future with technical and politically-induced problems?

Yes, the 'foreseeable future'. That was over two years ago now so it'd make sense if they worked to get it up and running again.

As I've already mentioned here, technical and political barriers are currently preventing Sulake from maintaining a Habbo Hotel in China.

The closing of the China Hotel had absolutely nothing to do with either of the reasons you've mentioned. Had it of been a political reason, they would have never been allowed to open the hotel in the first place - Habbo China closed due to a lack of users.

It has been an absolute joy analysing this fake email. The signs are extremely clear. I read this thread and all of the responses about "it could be real"... I immediately chuckled at the gullibleness of most repliers. I do actually agree with Toxic who is obviously not so naive and gullible.

The problem that I have with this is firstly the formality of the email. It has a vast amount of spelling and grammatical errors, these errors would not be expected by somebody working at a professional company. I also find that the spelling mistakes by Imp! show some sort of resemblance to the spelling mistakes in the "email", so I gather she (or a friend) typed it up and sent the email to herself, which explains the fake screenshots too. I just refuse to accept that any person hired by Sulake could make such a poorly constructed email with features which are just damn ridiculous. I also question the probability that a Sulake collegue would ever send an email to anybody regarding future updates, as I guess most of these updates would still be in the planning stages or pre-production if they were real.

This is nothing more than a fake (a rumour) by some stupid teen.

I oh so love how at the start of this reply you commented on how you were so much more smart and intelligent compared with the rest of the forum but here you are making up your own words, "gullibleness" - for future reference, the correct term is "gullibility". As for the spelling, grammar and format of the email, it's quite possible that whichever staff member wrote and sent this email was not from the UK. It's also quite obvious that the email was never meant to be formal and meant for a friend which explains the format.

Until proven that the email is false, it's completely unfair to pass judgement on the thread starter and totally out of order to start throwing insults. Like you said, anything is possible. ;)

14-10-2008, 11:19 PM
To be quite honest I couldn't care less if it wee true or not. The only idea I don't like is the 'Make your own furni' I just think it'll be a train wreck.

15-10-2008, 12:02 AM
Who ever this is isn't sulake staff, or he would have a sulake email not hotmail.

This is so untrue.
The old housekeeping list that featured all the staff's passwords showed that nearly all of their accounts wern't registered to sulake emails. (Cept for mark)

so there you go.

All im saying is, nice rumour, hope its true :)

15-10-2008, 07:24 AM
In response to alot of people's question such as edward or w/e he is called, I noticed you called some of the things mentioned " amusing " Okay well if you think so you'll maybe notice that tiny little word that says "Maybe?" can you find it there? Because I always thought that maybe wasn't a definate =]

Oh and second of all to all those people who said the typing or language is terrible? The guy who wrote the email is Finnish and you hardly expect him to write like shakespeare so get a grip x

15-10-2008, 08:15 AM
Wow that's pretty cram packed with features, I like the idea of the Habbo HQ, would be cool to meet other players from around the world :) The new lodge will be nice, and the info bus animation and new public rooms will be sweet as!

+ LOL at that edwardo guy takin' up like half of page 3 to get burnt :P Lol 4 posts.

15-10-2008, 11:03 AM
A simple WhoIs search shows HabboHQ.com isnt owned by Sulake unless they buy it off the owner or call it something else

15-10-2008, 12:26 PM
Fake, verrrrry fake!

15-10-2008, 02:12 PM
Fake email, I hope this isn't true. It will ruin Habbo for good. Hang on, can it get any worse?

15-10-2008, 02:44 PM
This is so untrue.
The old housekeeping list that featured all the staff's passwords showed that nearly all of their accounts wern't registered to sulake emails. (Cept for mark)

so there you go.

All im saying is, nice rumour, hope its true :)

Their accounts might not have been registered to a sulake e-mail but they will have still been made to actually have a sulake e-mail, there was a big list of sulake e-mails leaked about a year ago covering most of Habbo's staff at the time.

However, like most people.. they probably have e-mails for different purposes and most likely use their sulake e-mail for sulake/habbo business and their own personal e-mails for outside of work.

15-10-2008, 02:45 PM
The grammar in that is shocking!

LOL indeed

15-10-2008, 02:53 PM
What an absolutely preposterous idea! Do you know how complicated it would be for the programmers at Habbo Hotel to build such a tool? Can you imagine the difficulty Habbo Hotel will have with the server connecting to your furniture files? In fact, it is near impossible (only because nothing is impossible) to allow users to manufacture their own furniture due to how furniture is created in CCT files and uploaded onto an external resource.

Not impossible at all, since the way they would do it wouldn't involve creating any items from scratch or uploading anything, if they done it then it would be as limited and simple as making your group badge options; choose a style, pick a texture/colour, give it a name etc.. out of very limited (at least at first) options on the same basic chairs/sofas.

The idea for creating your own posters/furniture was taken from 'Taatu', which is very similar to Habbo (often referred to as Habbo's Clone) and on there they have a similar function for creating your own stuff and infact, you can upload images for your own posters.. but Habbo wouldn't allow uploading due to exploits and the amount of bad images that would circulate due to it.

15-10-2008, 03:34 PM
if that command thing came into place like for different HC ranks would be an amazing addition to the hotel, well in my opinion it would be.

15-10-2008, 06:30 PM
Sorry but who exactly do you think you are coming into this thread and insulting other members' intelligence? Just because someone has a different opinion to yourself doesn't make them any less than you or anyone else.

Thanks for your response. Boy, what great comedy you have posted here sir, you must be a stand-up comedian for Habbox.com. Let's get this straight then.

If you'd bothered to read what the thread starter actually wrote, you'd have seen that he/she was talking to a friend on MSN who then asked if they'd like the email forwarded to them.

I was probably the only member to read this thread. There is no way ever that a Sulake employee would send their "friend" the email. Perhaps to clear up this mess, the friend should tell us the SENDER and their EMAIL ADDRESS so we know it's actually true - with a print screen too.

Pretty ironic since Sulake have actually confirmed that this feature will be implemented in the near future.

Evidence please? I don't keep up to date with Habbo Hotel happenings, so I probably missed it.

Other websites have this (ClubTropica as an example). If this is implemented, it'll be a big money maker for Habbo because it'll mean more customers will buy stickers to fill their extra pages meaning a big profit for Sulake - I think it's propostrious to rule this out.

You're the only person to actually think this.

It's not like a piece of furniture that is visible in the externals. It may well have been added and may well be hard to find - You're just guessing and assuming here, like myself.

It's rather funny because of the lack of specifity in the email about the "hidden" feature. If it's hidden, it means it CAN BE FOUND, hence the term.

How exactly is that amusing or unrealistic? I don't a clue what you're talking about in regards to the pickup command and all that stuff about laziness makes no sense whatsoever. As for the mute and alert commands; yes, they are solely for staff at the moment but that doesn't mean members will never be allowed to use them in their own rooms. Nobody believed that Habbo would ever let members ban other members from their rooms, need I say more?

The email never stated anything about room owners getting commands. These commands, especially the alert command, will still get abused in rooms and why should users have the mute command when you can just click the shutup button instead?

Yes, the 'foreseeable future'. That was over two years ago now so it'd make sense if they worked to get it up and running again. The closing of the China Hotel had absolutely nothing to do with either of the reasons you've mentioned. Had it of been a political reason, they would have never been allowed to open the hotel in the first place - Habbo China closed due to a lack of users.

If it closed due to a lack of users, don't you think this closure would be permenant? Why bring it back when they shall just suspect the same scenario all over again? I've also read articles about the technology side of Adobe Shockwave and how unpopular and infrequently used it is by Chinese onliners.

On 14/08/07 it closed indefinitely, that being the first time a Habbo community was closed. It was allegedly closed due to the competent Chinese market and the high operational costs of this hotel, however some Sulake employees have argued that the closure was because of the unpopularity of Shockwave in China. Their users were redirected to other Habbo communities, mainly notably Singapore.
I oh so love how at the start of this reply you commented on how you were so much more smart and intelligent compared with the rest of the forum but here you are making up your own words, "gullibleness" - for future reference, the correct term is "gullibility".

Not only do you believe these stupid rumours, you also take my intended play of words seriously too. You are one of the idiots I was talking about.

As for the spelling, grammar and format of the email, it's quite possible that whichever staff member wrote and sent this email was not from the UK. It's also quite obvious that the email was never meant to be formal and meant for a friend which explains the format.

Look at this! Un-bloody-believable. Why would somebody working in a non-Moderator position for Sulake be friends with a Habbo Hotel user? Imp's friend is obviously a teenager, so if this is real, I smell a paedophilia law suit emerging? The thing is, a Sulake employee would never be so damn right stupid to send upcoming features to a Habbo user - and why would they send it to Imps' friend? This STILL hasn't been justified.

Until proven that the email is false, it's completely unfair to pass judgement on the thread starter and totally out of order to start throwing insults. Like you said, anything is possible.

This email has been proven false already by myself. It was nothing but a fake message sent to try and fool somebody and it obviously worked - it fooled you. Well done victim, pat yourself on the back and go buy yourself something special.

Not impossible at all, since the way they would do it wouldn't involve creating any items from scratch or uploading anything, if they done it then it would be as limited and simple as making your group badge options; choose a style, pick a texture/colour, give it a name etc.. out of very limited (at least at first) options on the same basic chairs/sofas.

The idea for creating your own posters/furniture was taken from 'Taatu', which is very similar to Habbo (often referred to as Habbo's Clone) and on there they have a similar function for creating your own stuff and infact, you can upload images for your own posters.. but Habbo wouldn't allow uploading due to exploits and the amount of bad images that would circulate due to it.

I do believe creating your own furniture line means creating new furniture, not using templates? The problem is, me and the rest of this forum have different understandings as the email was extremely vague and unprecise. If it's about recolouring furniture, then fair enough I guess, it's easy to do, but I still don't believe this email was sent by somebody working at Sulake. I reckon this email is just full of circulating rumours and ideas from other Habbos - especially that mute command idea, made me laugh like hell.

Edited by Slowpoke (Forum Moderator): Please do not be rude.

15-10-2008, 06:36 PM
I believe it, for the simple reason that they're all good ideas that have never been said before, and for one guy to suddenly come up with all that by himself on an elaborate plot to fake something on a forum, it'd seem a bit of a waste.

Plus I'd trust Imp, he's not a stirrer.

15-10-2008, 06:41 PM
I believe it, for the simple reason that they're all good ideas that have never been said before, and for one guy to suddenly come up with all that by himself on an elaborate plot to fake something on a forum, it'd seem a bit of a waste.

Plus I'd trust Imp, he's not a stirrer.

Just because it's a good idea in your eyes doesn't mean it's true. Who said Imp made this up? It was his "friend" apparently, so that explains how it could have been faked.

15-10-2008, 06:44 PM
Just because it's a good idea in your eyes doesn't mean it's true. Who said Imp made this up? It was his "friend" apparently, so that explains how it could have been faked.

I guess thats true, I wouldn't believe I won the lottery if someone just told me. :P I trust Imp not to fake stuff like this, it'd be a shame that I had the wrong impression of him but I think he's innocent until proven guilty?

There's enough Sulake staff for a leak to get by undetected anyway...

15-10-2008, 06:46 PM
I'm confused by my sudden fame from someone I know nothing about :S

15-10-2008, 07:07 PM
Thank you pryoka and Edward you don't really seem like a person who is going to be convinced even if all the evidence was shown so should there be any real reason in you persuing how you believe this email is fake? I know its genuine, my friend has sent me old old files from sulake meetings and presentations and I know now your probably thinking this "friend" has no life or does not exsist but he has a pretty good career and was very well known through out habbo during a certain stage (no not evolution) So I mean thats all I can tell you to try and make you believe that he is real and that this email is genuine but if you want to continue, its a free forum x

15-10-2008, 07:11 PM
Thank you pryoka and Edward you don't really seem like a person who is going to be convinced even if all the evidence was shown so should there be any real reason in you persuing how you believe this email is fake? I know its genuine, my friend has sent me old old files from sulake meetings and presentations and I know now your probably thinking this "friend" has no life or does not exsist but he has a pretty good career and was very well known through out habbo during a certain stage (no not evolution) So I mean thats all I can tell you to try and make you believe that he is real and that this email is genuine but if you want to continue, its a free forum x

The ONLY reason you will convince me is providing screenshots of the sender of the original message (not your friend's email address but the Sulake "mole").

15-10-2008, 10:39 PM
well I'm not gong to be able to give you their actual email adress for sulake or tell you who they are but I'll try and get a screenie x

16-10-2008, 01:11 AM
If this is real, then it would be great, but if it was fake, why would someone type that up?
People do it all the time, I guess to put them in the spot light or to see how far it would go.

I don't know anything about this though, just curious.

16-10-2008, 04:28 AM
you cant say its fake because of spelling or structure errors! if it was a finn who wrote this then you would expect these mistakes because their native language is unrelated to english

i hope it isnt fake!

16-10-2008, 01:18 PM
well I'm not gong to be able to give you their actual email adress for sulake or tell you who they are but I'll try and get a screenie x
still waiting.

16-10-2008, 07:19 PM
still waiting.

Oh I'm sorry I haven't been able to get your screenshot, See I have this thing called a life? and coursework? and my friend has this thing called a job? ever heard of one of those? =]

17-10-2008, 03:23 PM
Okay so I have your proof. If this isn't good enough for you all then there is nothing more I can do.

"As the previous email stated the features mentioned are not all going to happen, they are simply a list of ideas some of which will be implemented in future releases."

Voting in Guest rooms and new scoreboard


Messanger bar in habburgers meaning you can type in a message and then it will go along the top and people can read it or something like that


Habbo Messenger. This I really do like. its called Com3 and its mission is to communicate, community, chat ( Idunno I got it from a sulake powerpoint) Anyways this IM supports msn, AIM and ICQ. The four bars along the side allow you to go to your room or around habbo, second one is habbo tv, third habbo shop and fourth coins. Now this is my favorite part of the powerpoint, this is what habbo have to say about making you user the messenger


»How do we get users to switch from there current IM?
–The enthusiastic Users will switch without persuasion. The more casual users could be persuaded with a “Switch now and get free coins”

17-10-2008, 03:48 PM
Looks like alterations to be honest. The scoreboards look tackey, the room voting looks pointless, the message on the website (red text) looks awful and the Habbo IM looks completely fake.

Personally, when you said you have a life, you were lying because you went this far to make up some stupid rumours and even went to the trouble of creating the fakest screenshots I've ever seen.

Thanks for wasting our time.

If these ideas do go through (boy that is a big if), I shall be gobsmacked!

PS: Habbo never encourage MSN and other instant messenger programs, so why would they allow MSN icons etc on the Habbo IM?

Edited by Slowpoke (Forum Moderator): Please do not post to cause arguments.

17-10-2008, 03:55 PM
Grammar is disgusting tbh

17-10-2008, 05:08 PM
Looks like alterations to be honest. The scoreboards look tackey, the room voting looks pointless, the message on the website (red text) looks awful and the Habbo IM looks completely fake.

Personally, when you said you have a life, you were lying because you went this far to make up some stupid rumours and even went to the trouble of creating the fakest screenshots I've ever seen.

Thanks for wasting our time.

If these ideas do go through (boy that is a big if), I shall be gobsmacked!

PS: Habbo never encourage MSN and other instant messenger programs, so why would they allow MSN icons etc on the Habbo IM?
i agree with all of this.

17-10-2008, 05:17 PM
I love the HC features for older members :O

21-10-2008, 12:38 PM
Time to bump to see if all of these features are really on the hotel today ;)

21-10-2008, 12:41 PM
Time to bump to see if all of these features are really on the hotel today ;)

Time to bump to see if ANY of these are really on the hotel today, it doesnt say they will all be added in this version. I personally think some of them could be added in the future.

21-10-2008, 12:48 PM
Time to bump to see if ANY of these are really on the hotel today, it doesnt say they will all be added in this version. I personally think some of them could be added in the future.

Exactly what i was going to say..

21-10-2008, 12:52 PM
Let's see if he was writing the truth, if he is I think he needs rep. I will be giving it him.

21-10-2008, 01:05 PM
Well I don't see what's so wrong with the email, I don't see why those ideas wouldn't have been even considered by Sulake. What Edwardo said is ******** obviously, but that doesn't mean I think the email is true.

You can't judge the legitimacy of it by the grammar, when I read it back, I don't believe the person writing it is foreign, not unless they used an automatic translator, but they commented on their own english so it's unlikely.

Those images though I know are crap, the first is about 3 years old; I've seen it plenty of times and I know it was made by someone ages ago.
The second one I don't believe because the first. The same goes for the third, but it looks like crap anyway and Sulake wouldn't make something like that--not unless it was a quick mock up to test programming or something.

Especially after this post, I don't believe any of it now. You may as well post that 3D Habbo video and say it's all part of Habbo 2.

Voting in Guest rooms and new scoreboard


21-10-2008, 01:07 PM
Well I don't see what's so wrong with the email, I don't see why those ideas wouldn't have been even considered by Sulake. What Edwardo said is ******** obviously, but that doesn't mean I think the email is true.

You can't judge the legitimacy of it by the grammar, when I read it back, I don't believe the person writing it is foreign, not unless they used an automatic translator, but they commented on their own english so it's unlikely.

Those images though I know are crap, the first is about 3 years old; I've seen it plenty of times and I know it was made by someone ages ago.
The second one I don't believe because the first. The same goes for the third, but it looks like crap anyway and Sulake wouldn't make something like that--not unless it was a quick mock up to test programming or something.

Especially after this post, I don't believe any of it now. You may as well post that 3D Habbo video and say it's all part of Habbo 2.

Are they the images of the supposed new things? Definately fake then -.-

And I don't see ANY of the new features at all? Suppose it'll be the next version :rolleyes:

21-10-2008, 03:26 PM
I remember those screenshots floating around as v7... Well the voting one.

21-10-2008, 03:53 PM
I actually would think this is an old message sent to you, concidering Habbo have just basically done prototypes before hand using simple methods as in the screenshots you've used.

With the voting one, thats been done with the phumbs up, phumbs down.

The saying feature, it's probally been decided to do.

The IM had been done, also look at the design of it.

21-10-2008, 03:56 PM
Sounds Good! +Rep :)

21-10-2008, 04:02 PM

22-10-2008, 03:20 PM
bump, look at powerpoint

22-10-2008, 03:21 PM
bump, look at powerpoint
yeah, no one's bothered replying cus we all know you're bull-pooing. let this useless thread die.

22-10-2008, 03:26 PM
I trying to provide proof, if your interested, dont reply or read the thread xx

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