View Full Version : Working Out..

15-10-2008, 09:03 PM
okay, so i've wanted to post about this for so long now but i've never plucked up the courage to do it because it's pretty personal. but i'd just like to know what the reasoning behind what's happened is and what i could do.

okay, so back in march i bought my first work out dvd and have used it everyday since. i cut out junk food and snacks altogether and have lost a lot of body fat, and i wasn't fat in the slightest. i was a size 8 and just really happy. i suffer from OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) and i have an obsession of reading the fat content and calories of every single thing i eat. i have to do a certain amount of exercise a day and if i don't i'll mentally punish myself.

anyways, the real issue that i'm worrying about is this. around april earlier in the year, my periods stopped. i'm only 13 and i had my first period in november 2007. and i've been told that if you lose too much weight your periods can stop. i'm quite worried, but can someone atleast confirm my periods will come back eventually? it's really been stressing me out lately. there is a possibility i guess that it's just that my periods haven't developed a regular pattern. but yes, it's october now and my last period was in late march/early april.

if you read that, thank you so much. please post any advice that you can, as i'm really quite worried.

15-10-2008, 09:18 PM
One thing I do know is that if your periods get irregular or you are worried about their pattern, your doctor can help you to stabilise them (whether it be through using the contraceptive pill or another method). It is definitely a good issue that doctors can really help with though.

You need to remember that although cutting out fat, and then exercising is obviously good for you - you need to have a realistic balance and not push it too far! I understand it may be a bit more difficult for yourself, but take each day as it comes and try and deal with it as you realise.

You could also mention this to your doctor, basically just explain to them everything you expressed on here! Good luck!

16-10-2008, 07:15 PM
As above - the doctor will help. If you MUST exercise and read the fat content on things then do so, but remember that it is more unhealthy to cut out all the fat from your diet than having the RDA of fat. Talk to your doctor about everything you have told us as it is very relevant to your issue :)

16-10-2008, 08:30 PM
By the sounds of it you are underweight or malnutritioned (Eating something you should e.g not eating any protein) This can lead to irregular periods.

as suggested go to the doctor.

16-10-2008, 08:30 PM
By the sounds of it you are underweight or malnutritioned (not eating something you should e.g not eating any protein) This can lead to irregular periods.

as suggested go to the doctor.

16-10-2008, 08:30 PM
By the sounds of it you are underweight or malnutritioned (not eating something you should e.g not eating enough protein) This can lead to irregular periods.

as suggested go to the doctor.

16-10-2008, 08:32 PM
opps sorry about quadruple posting, real bad lag.

16-10-2008, 09:18 PM
As above - the doctor will help. If you MUST exercise and read the fat content on things then do so, but remember that it is more unhealthy to cut out all the fat from your diet than having the RDA of fat. Talk to your doctor about everything you have told us as it is very relevant to your issue :)

Not always, the RDA of fat is VERY high, I would say for a sports person/athlete etc 45g of fat is far enough. But it depends on your bodys needs for certain food groups.

Eg, a bodybuilder would need a higher ammount of protien than the average gender. Because of his bodys needs for the repair of cells.

Anyway, you should really look at your fat in take. (Iv'e studied alot on this subject) anything below 20g a day is VERY dangerous. Your body actually feeds on the muscle mass and you will find that you could develop diseases like cancer (especially in the liver and kidneys) and heart disease alot easier than the average male.

But about your periods stopping.. Iv'e never come accross this topic but i suppose if your body isn't functioning properly it is possible. Because I know that if you don't get the bodys needs into a mans diet then he could grow problems like having a lower sperm count.

All could be sorted out by popping into a clinic so don't worry

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