View Full Version : CSS Font Help?

16-10-2008, 12:46 AM
Ok, I am using an unusual font for my layout. I am wondering, that if I use it on my layout and the viewer doesn't have that font, will they see it right, or some random thing?

if it does not work, can i fix it?

i explained that rly bad, but i think i got my general message across :S

16-10-2008, 01:07 AM
If you are using a font that is pre installed system font such as Arial for example, it will show.

If you are using a font you've download off da-font.com or something like that it probably won't work.

However, you can workaround this. If you're doing something like

body {
font-family: wierdfont;

add a comma and another font such as arial. That way any users who have your weird font installed will see it but users who don't will see arial, and your page isn't ruined. :)

16-10-2008, 01:11 AM
If you are using a font that is pre installed system font such as Arial for example, it will show.

If you are using a font you've download off da-font.com or something like that it probably won't work.

However, you can workaround this. If you're doing something like

body {
font-family: wierdfont;

add a comma and another font such as arial. That way any users who have your weird font installed will see it but users who don't will see arial, and your page isn't ruined. :)

He's right, if you done:

body {
font-family: Volter (Goldfish)

That would be the Habbo font, I have it downloaded so I would be able to see the text but where as Monopoly may not be able to see it. :P

16-10-2008, 01:18 AM
so there's no way i can get everyone to see it?

thanks for the help monopoly & Josh :]

PS - Someone told me that maybe i can upload it to my server i can do something with that.. is that true? and what if so?

16-10-2008, 09:09 AM
Well in CSS3 I think there is / will be support for something like this - however I have not looked into it yet.

I recommend ethier making a custom GD php script to generate the image/text on demand (then use the image rather than text) or


Which is the same idea, but with flash.

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