View Full Version : Standard Posting Font

11-11-2008, 05:21 PM
First of all you should know that this might not appeal to most of you as only some users like to post using the same font all the time.

If you do use a different font or colour when you post on here then you will know that you have to change your font and colour and even size everytime you post.

So what I have thought of is an option for any users to choose there standard text for everytime they post. This could be an option in each users control panel or even something for VIP's only. Meaning everytime they go to post, they automatically start writing in there chosen font. This is ofcourse if there is such thing.

Does anybody agree with this?

11-11-2008, 05:23 PM
It's been suggested a few times but if I remember correctly the idea was turned down due to it requiring a vBulliten hack/modification which is a security threat. Nevertheless, I do like the idea, I just don't think management would install the appropriate hack/modification for such a small change (plus it can get annoying when abused). Good luck with it and thanks for the feedback. :)

11-11-2008, 05:23 PM
This was brought up before I think.. or maybe that was on Habmate. Either way, it got really annoying whenever I've seen it used elsewhere lol

11-11-2008, 05:26 PM
I just added a few more things to it.

How could it be annoying? Because if you didn't like it then you could just leave it.

11-11-2008, 05:29 PM
I just added a few more things to it.

How could it be annoying? Because if you didn't like it then you could just leave it.

Exactly, how can it be annoying?? :S

Either way your going to read that post as the user wants it?

11-11-2008, 05:29 PM
I think it's quite a good idea tbh.

The Professor
11-11-2008, 05:32 PM
Good idea.

Wont happen.

Sorted :D

For more details, please see Slowpoke's post. Thank you and goodnight.

11-11-2008, 05:34 PM
So if it is a security threat, is there not anything you can do to make it safe?

The Professor
11-11-2008, 05:46 PM
Nope. Its not the fact that people will have different fonts that is the security threat (that would be weird lol) but its the process of adding extensions/plugins/whatever they call them. It requires editing of the coding of the forum, and mistakes are pretty easy to make in terms of that (even massive programs like IE have security holes and VB are constantly releasing updates to fix security flaws that people find). If there's a really useful addon that will make the forum run 50x better or will cook toast for you in the morning or something we consider balancing risk/reward, but with something like this it isn't worth the risk :)

Of course, Jin will probably nullify what I just said because he's god and I'm not :P But I'm pretty sure what I'm saying is right :)

11-11-2008, 06:23 PM
I don't like it because it would encourage more people to use different fonts all the time, like bright pink or something, which would annoy me.

11-11-2008, 06:42 PM
Exactly, how can it be annoying?? :S

How could it be annoying?

I don't like it because it would encourage more people to use different fonts all the time, like bright pink or something, which would annoy me.

And that's the answer to your question. We'd also probably have to apply limits such as font sizes which would probably require even more modifications to keep people from parading around with bright green, size seven font - Whilst it is a good idea in theory, I'd say it's a lot more trouble than it's worth.

11-11-2008, 07:02 PM
Good idea, but there is security issues plus i'd hate to read a thread with 101 different fonts.

11-11-2008, 07:07 PM
Sorry but I cannot standard anyone posting in other fonts, all this bold pink etc, it really irritates me to be fair and also bare in mind there is already a variety of skins so most colours don't show up for people. E.g. if someone always posted in yellow but used the space skin, it'd look great for them but all the people in the classic skin will suffer.

11-11-2008, 07:10 PM
Sorry but I cannot standard anyone posting in other fonts, all this bold pink etc, it really irritates me to be fair and also bare in mind there is already a variety of skins so most colours don't show up for people. E.g. if someone always posted in yellow but used the space skin, it'd look great for them but all the people in the classic skin will suffer.
Nice pun like it.

And yeah, people would type in bright pink size 4 to annoy you.

11-11-2008, 07:12 PM
There is a little hack for this that you can configure it how you wish under your options, it lets you select a font, colour & bold or whatever, today used to have it on his forum and it was pretty secure and stuff. But if you wanna 'save time' don't bother colour formatting your posts at all? It'll save you time.

11-11-2008, 07:23 PM
Suppose it is a bad idea overall.

11-11-2008, 08:29 PM
I would rather blend kittens than implement this, I can understand where your coming from however the option of users being able to change colour and font would lead to threads like this.

Sed vitae felis sit amet lectus ultricies semper. Quisque iaculis diam sed purus. Proin neque lorem, dignissim quis, tempus quis, sodales non, mauris. Quisque leo elit, ultricies eget, accumsan a, molestie sed, diam. Etiam nibh justo, sollicitudin interdum, iaculis suscipit, aliquam ut, leo. Aenean tristProin placerat sollicitudin sapien. Aenean eu leo ac turpis congue molestie. Phasellus tincidunt sem vel tortor. Proin volutpat, urna sit amet accumsan convallis, nisi lacus cursus nunc,ique pretium justo. Praesent enim. Phasellus iaculis. Vivamus aliquam, mauris blandit rutrum facilisis, velit velit rhoncus nibh, ut ultricies sapien nisi at ipsum. Vestibulum lobortis erat quis tortor. Nullam enim tellus, imperdiet mattis, hendrerit at, ornare in, pede.

Nulla sodales sollicitudin lacus. Etiam mattis est ac orci. Suspendisse vitae est. Etiam sit amet tortor a sapien dignissim porttitor. Sed neque nibh, condimentum sed, fermentum in, lobortis vitae, massa. nec convallis nunc ante sit amet magna. Vivamus vitae sapien in dolor aliquet sagittis. Cras id orci non massa lobortis tempus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin eleifend eleifend ante. Duis ut massa ut lectus mattis sollicitudin. Nam condimentum, enim sit amet ullamcorper aliquet, pede elit pulvinar risus, a tristique est nulla at mauris. Fusce eu sem eget justo laoreet volutpat.

Quisque nec urna nec augue blandit aliquet. Nulla eget nibh vel tortor consectetuer dignissim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean vitae arcu ut orci luctus fermentum. Sed sollicitudin. Praesent mi leo, consectetuer quis, lacinia sit amet, hendrerit nec, mauris. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse eu risus. Vivamus aliquam metus vitae ipsum. Ut sit amet

Which would really annoy me.

The other downside of this would be the concurrent style issues.

The benefit of having default text styles in posts is that the majority of users really cant be bothered to constantly change text style in every post they write.

This means they are using the styles default, and by doing that it means it will always be readable in any style it is viewed in.

An example of this would be looking at my sample text in different styles. In the non-habbo dark skin the white text is easily viewable but try reading it in site skin or classic skin and it becomes difficult to read.

So by introducing this modfication imagine having to highlight each persons posts so you can read what they are saying because their choice of text formatting doesnt work well with your style.

PS: This has nothing to do with security issues as its not really that kind of modification.

11-11-2008, 09:05 PM
If we can't have that then atleast change the colour away from this blue to black or something becuase i have never liked this colour, why do we have it in the first place?

11-11-2008, 09:07 PM
If we can't have that then atleast change the colour away from this blue to black or something becuase i have never liked this colour, why do we have it in the first place?
Blue is fine. Let everything be.

13-11-2008, 05:41 PM
Blue is fine. Let everything be.

I agree with this, let it all be, there is nothing wrong with any of the colours or the fonts. I have clearly explained the problems with this option and I doubt it will ever be implemented for these reasons. But thanks for the feedback none the less.

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