View Full Version : Playstation HOME: My Verdict of the 'Closed' Beta

24-11-2008, 09:46 PM
Hmm, im hoping that reviewing the actually game isnt technically against the ToS but who cares.

The first download you do will be roughly 77mb. With that comes your appartment. You don't get much to play around with at this moment in time. whether its different in the actual open beta we'll soon find out. The graphics gave me an instant WOW. Great colours and animation (if you call it that) are amazing and the view from your room, well, lets just say its good lol. There is a mini tutorial that you go through which is basically showing you how to talk and interact with things. The final stage is you going to the Main Plaza.

One of the biggest downsides of it so far is the loading and downloading of each area. Although necessary, you can get bored very easily just waiting. I dont mind a one of download of like 30mb but if it was a seamless transition between each area (like GTA) then it would be soo much better. Anyway, once you are in the plaza you are welcomed by once again another amazing view. The graphics are again almost crisp and the colours will astound you. Video screens are up and although you have to wait for them to download they are of a reasonable quality. Other areas include bowling and shopping. The bowling alley is reasonable well thought out. Bowling alleys in front, arcades to the side and pool tables to the left and right as you walk in. Once again amazing graphics. The arcade is great fun with games that you could play for an hour if you could be bothered. The shopping mall is also a nice idea. With typical shopping music it adds an ambiance of a typical shopping mall. Although no shops were open, the pictures they had up looked great (different apartments etc.)

Interacting with other Playstation 3 owners is great. Especially with friends. The voice chat is great. Clear voices are heard and you can have a right laugh with others. A few bad points is with the walking and running, you can sometimes tend to hover for a few seconds or two. Its annoying but a glitch sure to be gotten rid of soon enough in the public beta or release. I can see it being used more as a social area rather than meeting up to play a game. Yeh sure you can join a game from it with friends but with games becoming more aware of friends wanting to play each other, i think a lot of game designers will incorporate what LBP have and add an invite/join feature. More of a social network i am thinking.

I think what would be absolutely amazing is that if you could actually go shopping. Get a few shops to sponsor and add an actual shopping mall. so you can go clothes shopping, game shopping etc. Anyway, once its open, im sure youll find it a laugh for a week but if nothing new has happened to it then you will find it boring after a week or two. Their is very little furniture or clothes so atm, its not very customizable. I have seen people wearing other clothes that were from other HOMEs and it does look promising.

thats enough from me and i hope i dont get caught lmao

26-11-2008, 04:08 PM
Sounds good, I wish I had a PS3.

26-11-2008, 04:11 PM
I don't, apparently it's been getting heaps of negative reviews and such. At E3 it was the best thing out there but now nobody really cares seeing as it's been delayed so many times and with NXE out, nobody cares about HOME any more.

26-11-2008, 04:43 PM
what exactly is NXE. If you control those characters (the avatars) in a virtual world then its no where near as good as what the PS offers with home. The graphics are fantastic for it. As i said, the bad points are that their are no friends on it atm to speak too and to join games with. Very little furniture to decorate ur room with and nothing to buy. When everything is in place it will be a great selling point for the PS3

26-11-2008, 06:34 PM
what exactly is NXE. If you control those characters (the avatars) in a virtual world then its no where near as good as what the PS offers with home. The graphics are fantastic for it. As i said, the bad points are that their are no friends on it atm to speak too and to join games with. Very little furniture to decorate ur room with and nothing to buy. When everything is in place it will be a great selling point for the PS3
On NXE you dont use the characters in games etc, atleast not yet, its very uninspired.

I personally think Home on the other hand is a very interesting concept, it looks pretty fun and it will also be cool to see how it develops in the future. Ill play it on my friends PS3 when he gets, for now ill stick to animal crossing ^^.

28-11-2008, 02:08 PM
So really, it's like a super advanced version of habbo?

28-11-2008, 02:25 PM
What do avatars to represent what person you are on Xbox 360 have to do with Habbo? If anything PS HOME would be 'advanced Habbo' as you can get furniture and such.

28-11-2008, 02:35 PM
So really, it's like a super advanced version of habbo?

What do avatars to represent what person you are on Xbox 360 have to do with Habbo? If anything PS HOME would be 'advanced Habbo' as you can get furniture and such.

i think he was talking about PS Home?

It is in a way but if u would compare it to habbo then the onyl real similarity is its a place to chat. The furniture can go anywhere, you can customise yourself to an extreme extent, go anywhere rather than fixed to a square.

Its very similar to second life only you cant fly, the graphics are 100X better and you cant set up your own shop... yet

28-11-2008, 02:37 PM
Can you trade?

28-11-2008, 02:39 PM
no you cant. At least i dont think so. You may be able to give people stuff and buy things for people but not directly trade

28-11-2008, 02:43 PM
Oh right I thought he was speaking about NXE as that's what the topic sort of turnt to :P

28-11-2008, 09:59 PM
console habbo :P!

01-12-2008, 06:25 PM
Somebody just gave me a code on the playstation forums :D downloading now

01-12-2008, 06:31 PM
lol have fun, tell me if you agree with what i said :)

01-12-2008, 06:32 PM
Sounds good getting new PS3 soon

01-12-2008, 06:35 PM
this home thing looks good and is making me want to buy a ps3, when is it out exactly? is there a set date?

01-12-2008, 06:37 PM
this home thing looks good and is making me want to buy a ps3, when is it out exactly? is there a set date?

pfft a set date, with Sony? yeah right.

01-12-2008, 06:41 PM
its meant to be out before the end of 2008. Im unsure though lol

01-12-2008, 06:57 PM
It's good and the downloading part isnt bad, it takes like 2 minutes to download each area and you only need to download once.. and the loading time is only about 5-10 seconds for each area.

Bowling is fun :D although the game froze when i tried playing on an arcade game >.>

01-12-2008, 07:08 PM
sounds brill.

01-12-2008, 07:24 PM
It's good and the downloading part isnt bad, it takes like 2 minutes to download each area and you only need to download once.. and the loading time is only about 5-10 seconds for each area.

Bowling is fun :D although the game froze when i tried playing on an arcade game >.>

aww thats gay, never happened to me before ?? it looks like its not loading if youve downloaded it before but it eventually loads

01-12-2008, 07:32 PM
ill go on in a mo, wanna play a game of pool (youll have to show me where it is) or a game of bowling?

01-12-2008, 07:39 PM
the pool tables are on the left and right as you enter the bowling room ;) i cant go on atm, im gonna do some work

01-12-2008, 08:11 PM
Jack Buser confirmed it for 2008, so its in the next 30 days for sure.

Cant wait to get my PS3 so I can play this.

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