Welcome to RuneScape, the massive online adventure game by Jagex Ltd.! RuneScape offers many features and varieties within itself to keep everyone playing it with something to do - a vital characteristic of a game you play! Throughout RuneScape, you will be able to play mini games that help level up various skills, battle ferocious beasts, complete quests that tax your intellectual abilities, congregate with other people playing the game, and much, much more!
The purpose of this guide is to help you take your first steps in RuneScape. Throughout this guide, we will explain a lot of things a new RuneScape player needs to know such as creating your character, controlling your character, interacting with various people and objects, and much, much more! However, as it has already been mentioned, you will be interacting with other players, of which runs security risks. To help prevent insecurity, it is recommended that you browse through our Security Centre for tips on how to keep you and your computer out of harm's way while playing.
When you're ready to create your RuneScape account, go to RuneScape.Com and click on the CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT (NEW USER) button. After you click this button, creating an account is very simple and explained very thoroughly.
Once you have created your account, click the "Free Users" button on the front page. This will redirect you to the main game screen. After the game loads, click on "World Select" and pick a world. Then, you can click "Log In" to enter your account information to log in. There are also various other options on the main game screen.
This is the scroll you first see
The following is an explanation of their function:
* Log In (Existing User) Enter your information here to play!
* Create Account (New User) If you do not already have a Runescape account, you can create one with this link.
* World Select (Click to switch) This allows you to change worlds without having to return to the world select screen.
* SD (Standard detail) Changes the game into the standard graphics settings.
* HD (High detail) Changes the game into the high graphics settings.
* Graphics Options (Press ‘Esc’ for Main Menu) Change all of your graphics options here. To learn more about the different graphics options click here.
* Audio Options Change all of your audio options here. To learn more about the different audio options click here.
* Music Volume Change your music volume here.
* Quit Takes you to main site.
*In High detail, you can resize the game window. If you expand or reduce the size of your web browser, the game window will adjust to fit all of available space.
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Control Panel
The picture in the middle of the table below is a of the main interface of the game. Around the picture, you will see a picture of the icon, what the icon name is, and what key you can press to quickly open that icon. When an icon is open, the background around is given a dark red tint. You can also click on the icon names in the table below to take you to the subsection explaining that icon in detail.
Note: The following are not shown on the Control interface:
* F9 loads the auto-response menu for QuickChat.
* F10 opens the QuickChat menu and the Context menu for QuickChat.
* F11 repeats the last sentence you spoke using QuickChat.
Fighting Style Icon Fighting Style Icon F-1 Main Interface N/A Familiar Icon Familiar Icon
Statistics Icon Statistics Icon F-2 F-8 Friends List Icon Friends List Icon
Quest Panel Icon Quest Panel Icon F-3 N/A Ignore List Icon Ignore List Icon
Inventory Icon Inventory Icon F-4 N/A Clan Chat Icon Clan Chat Icon
Equipment Icon Equipment Icon F-5 N/A Game Options Icon Game Options Icon
Prayer Icon Prayer Icon F-6 N/A Emote Icon Emote Icon
Spell List Icon Spell List Icon F-7 N/A Music Icon Music Icon
Inventory Inventory Inventory
The backpack (inventory) icon is the most important part of your control panel. You can easily reach this panel by pressing 'F-4' on your keyboard. Within this panel, there are 28 slots laid out in a 4x7 table that show everything that you have with you (excluding armour). Items can be clicked on for quick use, sometimes food will automatically be eaten or wearable items automatically worn, but usually you will "Use" and item and a white border will appear around it. After the border appears, you can use it with any other item on the gamescreen, but an action does not always occur. To get more item options, you can right-click on the item to get options such as examining or dropping the item. If you drop an item, it will disappear from your inventory and be placed on the ground, where it will be visible to only you for one minute, and other players after that. Re-arranging your inventory can be done by left-clicking on the item and dragging it to the spot you want it in.
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Equipment Equipment Equipment
The equipment menu is an area where you can see what you character is wearing, how much you currently weigh, and what stat bonuses you currently have. You can reach this area by pressing 'F-5' on your keyboard. Items you are wearing to not take up space in your inventory. If you want to wield an item that is currently in your inventory, right- or left-click on the item and select "Wield"; to remove an item you are currently wearing from the equipment panel, right- or left-click on it and select "Remove" (it will appear in your inventory). By clicking on the icon at the bottom with the shield and helmet (otherwise known as the "Show Equipment Stats" icon), a window will open showing a moving 3-dimensional picture of what you currently look like. Within this window, you can view your equipment stats, see how much you weigh, and change what you are currently wearing. By clicking on the icon with the skull and cross-bones, (the "Items Kept on Death" icon), you can see what three items you will keep if you die (considering you are not "skulled"). Some items also have an "Operate" option while they're being worn. Some items, such as the effect of the Ring of Life, will not have to be operated for the condition to be triggered, but others, such as the Amulet of Glory, do.
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Fighting Mode Fighting Mode Fighting Mode
The fighting mode panel is used in combat to decide which style of fighting you want to use. This area can be reached by pressing 'F-1' on your keyboard. At the top, the weapon you are using and your combat level is shown. There are typically four different fighting styles to choose from, the icon with the red background indicates that you are using that style. If you hover over the icon, you can get a description of what experience your fighting will go towards. Under the attack styles, you can toggle with the "Auto-Retaliate" button. Auto-Retaliate set to "Off" means that you won't automatically attack a monster or a player that attacks you first. If it is set to "On", you will automatically fight back when something attacks you, unless your character is still trying to reach a certain point on the map. At the very bottom, your special attack bar shows how much special attack you have left with a green bar. When you want to use your special attack, simply click on the bar and your next hit will be the special attack. You can take the use of the special attack away by clicking on it again before it is used.
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Quests Quest Panel Quests
In the Quests menu you will see a complete list of the RuneScape quests. This menu can be accessed by clicking on the Blue Star or by pressing 'F3'. When you haven't yet begun a quest, the name will appear in red. When you have started the quest, the name will be yellow, and when you have completed it the name will appear in green. Furthermore, you can click on the quest names to get a short description of what you have done in the quest and what you need to do next. (Detailed information for conquering quests can be found in our Quest Guides.) Your total quest points are shown at the top. Also, by clicking on the green Quest Star icon located within the Quest Log, you can switch to your Achievement Diary list, and clicking it again (when it is now blue) will return you to your Quests menu.
Quest List
Return to Control Panel
Stats Statistics Stats
In the Statistics menu, accessed by clicking on the red, green and blue Bar Graph or by pressing 'F2', you will find all of your stats/skills. When you hover over the icon of a skill, you will be able to see your current experience, and how much experience you need to get to the next level of the skill. You can click on each skill to bring up a small menu of information about that skill. This is very handy for a quick reference and usually has info about different things you can do at different levels. Detailed information about each skill, what can be done at each level and how much experience can be earned is shown in our Skill Guides.
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Prayer Prayer Prayer
In the prayer menu you will find a list of different prayers you can use. The Prayer menu is accessed by clicking on the silver Star icon or by pressing 'F6'. Prayer allows you to boost your stats for a short time to give you an added boost when you need it most. You can also activate certain special abilities with certain prayers, such as protection against certain kinds of attacks. (See Your Character for tips on beginning training.)
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Magic Magic Magic
In the magic menu you will find a list of different magical spells you can cast. The Magic menu is accessed by clicking on the Spell book icon or by pressing 'F7'. Magic is a powerful form of combat that allows you to attack your foes from afar with devastating effects. (See Your Character for tips on beginning training.)
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Familiar Familiar Familiar
If you are a member, have completed the Wolf Whistle quest, and have a pet out or a familiar summoned, the summoning icon (a wolf head) will appear in the bottom left of the inventory menu. Clicking it will display information about your pet or familiar. For pets it will say how hungry it is and how much it has grown. For familiars it will show special move points left and the time remaining. For more information on this check out the Summoning guide.
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Friends List Friends List Friends List
Your friends list is your way to keep track of players you want to remember that you have met in Runescape. You can access this menu by clicking on the yellow smiley face icon or by pressing 'F8'. On your friends list you're able to talk privately with your friends. You can do this by clicking on a friend's name, and then entering a message in the chat box under your game screen. This is explained in greater detail in the Chatting section of this guide. You also have two different options: one is to add a friend to your list, and second is to delete a friend from your list. Furthermore, you will be able to see what world your friends are using. If they are on the same world as you, their name will appear in green, while if they are on a different world, their name will be yellow, and if they aren't online, their name will be red. When you're talking privately with a friend, other players cannot see these messages.
Also at the top of your friends list you will find information telling you which world you are currently on.
World Info
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Ignore List Ignore List Ignore List
Your ignore list is the opposite of your friends list. The ignore feature enables you to ignore messages from other users who you do not wish to receive messages from (such as someone who is harassing you or being offensive). If you add a name to this list, any messages sent by this person will be ignored, and you won't see them. The user will see you online, and can trade with you, even if they can't speak directly to you. Again, you have the options to add or delete users from the list.
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Game Options Game Options Game Options
By clicking on the Wrench (or "Spanner"), you can access the Game Options menu. The Game Options menu contains several useful toggles and adjustments that allow you to customise the way you experience the game.
Graphics Settings
Audio Settings
Mouse Buttons
Chat Effects
Split Private Chat
Accept Aid
Run and Energy
House Options
Game Options
Here's a quick run through of what each one does.
Graphics Settings
Change all your graphical settings here.
Display settings:
* Standard detail: Standard graphics settings, standard detail's game interface.
* High detail (small): High graphics settings, standard detail's game interface.
* High detail: High graphics settings, high detail's game interface, adjustable window size.
* High detail (fullscreen): High graphics settings, high detail's game interface, game window matches your computer's resolution.*
*To find your screen resolution, right click on your desktop and click Properties. Click the Settings tab, and you should see a slider that says "____ by ____ pixels." That is your resolution.
Advanced settings
* Brightness
* Visible levels: All/Current
* Remove roofs: Always/Selectively**
* Ground Decoration: On/Off
* Texture detail: High/Low
* Idle animations: Few/Many
* Flickering effects: On/Off
* Ground textures: Few/Many (beta is “Always ‘Many’”)
* Character shadows: On/Off
* Scenery shadows: None/Static/Dynamic***
* Lighting detail: Low/High
* Water Detail: Low/High
* Fog: On/Off****
* Anti-aliasing: None/2x/4x
**Always means that roofs will never appear and you will see into buildings. Selectively means that roofs will only appear when your camera or your character is not in a building.
***The difference between Static and Dynamic shadows is that Dynamic shadows will react to additional light sources that may appear at different times, such as a lantern, whereas Static will cause shadows to be there at all times and no new shadows will be created.
****The Fog is designed to lessen the appearance of the Horizon pop-up effect (as new map areas load, they suddenly appear in the distance). The Fog causes these details to appear to load in gradually.
Audio Settings
Change all of your audio options here.
* Music Volume
* Sound Effects Volume
* Area Sounds Volume
* Mono or Stereo
Mouse Buttons
Mouse Buttons
The Mouse Buttons control configures RuneScape to work with either a one button or two button mouse. If you choose to have two (default setting), you will have a left click option, and a right click menu. If you choose one button, you will automatically get the menu when clicking.
Chat Effects
Chat Effects
The Chat Effects control determines whether you see in-game chat effects or not (these can get annoying after some time.) For more information about these, see the Chatting section of this guide.
Split Private Chat
Split Private Chat
This control allows you to split private chat! Amazing eh? You can either display private messages in the chat box (if off), or in the lower part of the game window (if on) - this will help you notice private messages when you are in a crowded public area.
Accept Aid
Accept Aid
This toggle allows you to turn off or on the ability for another player to assist you. This option strictly controls whether or not another player can cast healing, curing, or teleporting spells on you. Turn it off to keep from being interrupted during risky situations, however, because some players may try to teleport you. When this happens, a window appears asking for you to confirm the teleport; this window interrupts your actions, which can be fatal in combat.
Run (and Energy)
Run Speed
Run (and Energy) is as simple as it looks. This option selects between walking and running. You need energy to run. The percentage shown on this control tells you how much run energy you have left. When it hits 0%, your character automatically starts walking. (For more info on running, energy and weight, see our Getting Around guide.)
House Options
House Options
The House Options button brings a member to another menu which allows them to change modes in their player-owned house (see the Construction guide). You can turn building mode on or off, expel all of your guests, or leave your house.
Return to Game Options
Return to Control Panel
Emotes Emotes Emotes
Emotes are a nifty addition to the game. You can make your character perform various actions and poses by simply clicking your desired emote. These emotes are accessed by clicking on the appropriate image in your Emote menu, accessed by clicking on the waving man icon. The image displayed in each spot is the emote activated when clicking it. You can also hover the mouse over the image for a tooltip to appear displaying the name of the emote. Coloured emotes are ones you have unlocked, while grey emotes are ones you haven't unlocked.
Current Emotes
Start With: Obtained from Quests
(Members Only): Obtained from Random Events: Other:
Jump for Joy
Blow Kiss
Lost Tribe:
Goblin Bow
Goblin Dance
Glass Box
Climb Rope
Glass Wall
Zombie Walk
Zombie Dance
Stronghold of Player Safety:
Safety First
Stronghold of Security:
Slap Head
Lumbridge/Draynor Achievement Diary:
Holiday Emotes:
Rabbit Hop
Zombie Hand
Snowman Dance
Egg Transform
Exclusive (P2P):
Skill Cape
Air Guitar
* The "scared" emote could only be obtained during the 2005 or 2006 Halloween event, the "rabbit hop" emote during the 2006, 2007, or 2008 Easter event, the "zombie hand" emote during the 2007 Halloween event, the Snowman Dance during the 2007 Christmas event, the "Egg Transform" emote during the 2008 Easter Event, and the trick emote during the 2008 Halloween event. Read about holiday events in our Holiday & Rare items guide.
* The "skill cape" emote is reserved for members who have reached level 99 in a skill and are wearing a cape to commemorate it. Learn more in our Achievement Capes Guide.
* The Air Guitar emote can only be obtained after unlocking 500 pieces of music.
* To do the "Egg Transform" emote, you must wear and operate your chocatrice cape gained from the event.
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Music Music Music
The music menu will show you a list of all the different musical pieces in RuneScape. Clicking on the harp icon will open this menu. The different songs are only unlocked if you have been to a certain area in the game. When a song is unlocked it will appear in green. You also have the option to choose between Auto and Manual music selection. If you choose automatic, the music played will be the music that goes with your current location, whereas if you choose manual you will be able to choose to hear any unlocked music yourself. For more information about where you need to go to unlock each piece of music, check out our Music Locations guide.
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Clan Chat Clan Chat Clan Chat
The Clan Chat feature in RuneScape allows you to chat with a group of your friends or clan mates in RuneScape, no matter where or what server they are on!
To join a clan chat, go to the Clan Chat panel and click the "Join Chat" button. Next, type in the channel owner's name, NOT the clan name, in the box that appears. To set up your clan chat, click the "Clan Setup" button. The features are explained below. If you cannot join a clan chat channel, it could be because you are not on that person's friends list, your rank is not high enough, the channel has 100 people already talking in it (unlikely), or because you have been kicked from the channel before.
Clan Setup When you open the "Clan Setup" button, you will be confronted with a window that has four buttons on the left, and a list on the right. The five buttons allow you to control your chat channel settings in general, and the list allows you to control who, on your friends list, can enter the channel.
General Configuration (Four Buttons)
Clan Name
This button allows you to set the name of your clan. Clan names can be up to 12 characters long. If you type anything longer, it will be cut off.
Clan Enter
The "Who can enter chat?" button allows you to set who can enter your chat based on the ranks that you have given people on your friends list. If you select "Anyone", people that are not on your friends list can join. (NOTE: "Joining" does not include "Talking.")
Clan Talk
The "Who can talk on chat?" button allows you to set who can socialize in the chat screen. If you select "Anyone", people that are not on your friends list can talk.
Clan Kick
The "Who can kick on chat?" button allows you to set who can kick people out of clan conversations. Only give this access to people who can be trusted! (A "kick" will result in the person being kicked to be locked out of the channel for an hour!)
Clan Share
Use this setting to determine who will be included with loot sharing. People who want to be included must meet the required chat rank, and be within 16 squares of the monster that is killed.
NOTE: As Channel Owner, you can perform all of these actions without having to make special settings.
Ranks (List)
By clicking on people's names on the list to the right, a pop-up will show a list of rankings that you can set them for. Although the ranks are typically just names, here they are in order from lowest rank to highest rank:
The Ranks
These ranks are also used in the general configuration of your clan chat. (For example, if you have Sergeant+ as able to kick on your clan chat, Sergeants, Lieutenants, Captains, and Generals will be able to kick on your clan chat.)
Typing in the Chat
In order to speak in your clan chat, put a / before anything you type, otherwise it will be spoken publicly. Clan chat messages in the chat box are indicated in the following format:
[Clan Name] Person Speaking: Message
Loot sharing is a highly requested feature that allows members of a clan to share the drops from high leveled monsters more evenly than before. If you are on a server that allows lootshare(check the world select screen) and are the owner of the channel, click the moneybag in the clan chat menu. People that are in your clan chat and meet the required rank, assigned in the options menu, will be able to share the loot of monsters in a multi combat area. If you are within 16 squares of the monster that is killed, you will receive a notice in your chat box that tells you what was dropped and who gets it. If you don't get a drop, or you have a low value drop, you will have a higher chance of getting it next time. Over time, all members of the clan get equal drops.
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That completes the control panel, let's move on to some of the other important things in RuneScape.
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Scenery Interaction
In-game World Map
Item Lending
Moving around in RuneScape is quite easy. Simply point your mouse at where you want to move your character to, and click your left mouse button. When you click, a little yellow cross will appear, and you will start moving. Your character will automatically walk around tables, trees, fences and other objects if required. As you explore more and learn about the several areas in the huge RuneScape world, there will be different ways to get around the world. Refer to our Getting Around Guide for detailed information.
Scenery interaction
Interacting with objects in RuneScape is easy. All you have to do is point your mouse at the object or NPC (Non Player Character) you wish to interact with and click on it/him/her. While hovering over an object, the default option will be shown in the top-left hand corner of the screen, this action will be performed if you left click. For more options, right click and you will be able to select from a list. The default option is usually the action which is most used, for instance, all items on the ground are left click to pick up, and all doors are left click to open. All objects, items and NPCs may also be examined (in the right click menu.) This is useful for finding out some information about it.
The picture below shows the right click menu of a shopkeeper. The default left click option is to 'talk to' him, but you can also 'trade' with him, 'examine' him or walk over to him.
General Store Shopkeeper options
Sometimes you will need to see your character from a different angle to see what you're doing. To change the camera angle, simply use the arrow keys on your keyboard. Right and left make the camera angle go from side to side, and the up and down keys make the camera go up and down. Sometimes the game automatically moves your camera when you walk near cliffs and mountains.
Mini map
Above your control panel you will find a little map. This shows the area around you. When you are moving somewhere, a little red flag will be placed at your destination. You can also move your character by clicking on the map. It also has a little compass so you know which direction you're going. If you get lost, try looking at the world map or use your ingame world map (as explained below). Alternatively, you could buy a Newcomer's map from the general store in Lumbridge for one gp. Whenever you read it, it'll automatically pinpoint your location. Keep in mind that it only covers Varrock, Lumbridge, Draynor Village, Port Sarim, and Falador surface areas and all surface areas between them. If you are outside these areas, your location will not be shown.
In-game World Map
Beside your minimap, you will find a globe icon, which looks like this:
World Map Icon
Clicking on this icon will begin loading the in-game world map. While you are viewing the map, you will still appear logged in, but your chat box and friends list will be unavailable to you. This is why you should make sure that you do not open the map while conversing with someone or they might think you are ignoring them! (Note: You cannot open the world map during combat.) Once loaded, the map will be automatically placed at your current location. You can move around by dragging the map around. You will also be presented with some tools.
World Map Legend Clicking this button will bring up a legend for the icons found on the world map. Clicking on a listing in the legend will cause all of those icons in the area to flash. If you do not see anything flashing, move around and try again.
World Map Mini-map Tool Clicking on this button will bring up a mini world map. You can move the red rectangle around to navigate through the map more easily.
World Map Zoom Tool Clicking on this button will bring up 4 different zoom levels for the map you can choose from: 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% with 100% begin furthest out and 25% being closest in. The default zoom level is 100%.
World Map Search Bar Here you can search for different cities, towns and villages and have the map take you right to it simply by typing the city name into the box and pressing enter. As you type, it will bring up possible cities. If the city you are searching for comes up before you have finished typing, press enter and it will also take you right to the place.
The icons to the right of the mini map tell you a number of things, making it easier to check prayer, health and run percentage without having to change screens. As the level decreases, the colour level in the related circle will get lower. Each number display changes colour as the level decreases: green for full, then yellow, orange, and red as you run out of points.
Hitpoints left.
This tells you how much health you have. In addition to the colour drain and number colour change, the heart will flash red when you are almost dead!
Prayer points left.
This icon displays how many prayer points you have remaining.
Run energy left.
This is how much run energy you have remaining, and will decrease if you have set run on.
Summoning points left.
If you are a member and have completed the Wolf Whistle quest, you will get an icon displaying how many summoning points you have left.
Use this to log out.
Use this to logout.
Trading with other players is something that makes RuneScape great. You can trade almost every item in the game, except quest items. To trade with other players simply right click on their character, and select trade. The person will get a message on their screen saying "X wishes to trade with you" (Where "X" is your RuneScape name). If the other player accepts your wish, he needs to right click your character and choose trade as well. When both of you have done this, a new window will come up, where you can trade your items. Also, if someone wants to trade with you, you can just click on "X wishes to trade with you" to open the trade window.
The window will have 2 parts. The left side is your own offer. This part will contain the items you are willing to trade to the other person. To add items simply click them in your inventory. You have some more options if you right click the item. As shown below, you can easily offer 1, 5, 10 and all of the item. You can also select to offer "X" which enables you to enter the number on your keyboard, this is useful when making trades with large amounts of items. (Read the bank section below to learn about notes, too.)
Trade options
The right part of the trade screen is what the other person is offering you in exchange for your items. When you have reached a trade that is acceptable to both of you, you will both have to click accept in the middle of the screen. The small box in the middle tells you how many inventory spaces your partner has. Your opponent will automatically decline any trade offers that he/she cannot carry so take this into account when offering. When you have done that, another screen will appear asking you to accept again. Remember to always check this second trade screen! If you do not check this screen, you may be cheated/scammed. Check both your own side, and the other player's side to make sure everything is as it should be. After that, click accept again, and the trade will be executed. Also, the trade screen will notify you with a large exclamation mark (!) if your opponent changes any items in the trade window. A sample of the Trade screen is shown below:
Trade options
In F2P worlds, all players are limited to a 10,000 gp net wealth gain or loss every 15 minutes maximum. On the bottom center of the trade screen, the amount being transferred is displayed, along with the name of the person who is gaining the wealth. On either corner is the current trade limit. After every trade, the limit is adjusted with the current transfer amount. If your limit reaches 0, you cannot give someone even a single GP until it resets.
Your trade limit will increase over the base amount of 5,000gp depending upon the number of quest points you have earned.
* 270*+ qp: 60,000 gp
* 225 qp: 50,480gp
* 200 qp: 45,192gp
* 150 qp: 34,615gp
* 100 qp: 24,038gp
* 75 qp: 18,750gp
* 34 qp(maximum on free worlds): 10,000gp
* 0-10 qp: 5,000gp
Note that there are currently only 269 quest points available at this time.
This is a ratio-based scale, so each quest point you earn over 10 will increase your trade limit.
If you'd like more information about trade and other scams and how to stay safe while playing, we recommend you pay a visit to our Security Centre.
Shop screen
There are many shops in RuneScape, and they deal with a lot of different items. One of the most important shop types is the General store. You can find these all over RuneScape, and they will buy almost any item, and give you money for it. However, specialised shops will buy your items for more, and sell items to you for less, so it's often worth going to them.
To open up a shop window you will need to talk with the shop keeper or shop assistant. After a bit of talking, a shop window will appear. You can also right click the shop keeper and choose trade, which will open the shop window instantly without the talking. The window has two tabs on it - Main Stock and Player Stock. Left clicking on an item in your inventory will show you how much the shop will pay you for it, and left clicking on an item in the shop will show you how much you must pay the shop for it. To sell an item to the store you will need to right click the item to bring up a menu, and select how many you wish to sell - 1, 5, 10, 50.
Buying items from shops is very similar. Just right click the item in the shop window and select buy 1, 5, 10 or x. The main stock tab of the shop sells items that have an infinite stock. The player stock tab will sell anything that has been sold buy a Runescape player. Shops only accept coins, and you may need to save up a bit before you can buy some of the more expensive things.
You can also buy items through The Grand Exchange system. Here you can buy items from other players even if they are in a different world! The Grand Exchange is located North-West of Varrock's West Bank. Just follow the route, and you'll get there.
Once you get there, you must first go through a brief tutorial. To receive this tutorial you must speak to Brugsen Bursen or the Grand Exchange Tutor, both are located on the south side of the Exchange. After you have completed the tutorial, you can start trading your valuables! Please refer to our The Grand Exchange guide for more detailed information.
Banks in RuneScape are simple and easy to use. They can be used to store your items so you don't have to carry them around in your inventory. To access your bank account, you'll need to find a bank (check the world map), and left click on the bank booth to use it. After a little talk with the banker, he will give you access to your bank account. (You can right click and select 'use quickly' to skip the chit-chat.) Note that you can only deposit items that are in your inventory (not those which you are wearing.) Depositing and withdrawing items is similar to using shops and trading, you just click on the item in your inventory to deposit it, and click it in the bank to withdraw it. You also have the deposit/withdraw 1, 5, 10, X, all, or all but one options.
In the bank interface, there are many features that can be used to organize your items. Here is an image of a player's bank:
Bank Interface
The first thing you should notice are the icons on the interface. The icons and their functions are listed below:
New Tab
New Tab: When you drag an item onto this icon, a new tab will be created, and the first item in that tab will be represented at the top of the respective tab. All other items that are dragged onto the tab will go into that specific tab. A maximum of 8 tabs can be created, and the way they are organized are up to you. The bank will memorize which items belong in which tabs, so there is no fear of reorganizing everything after multiple withdrawals and deposits.
Insert Item Icon
Insert Item: When the "Insert Item" option is chosen, whenever an item is dragged on top of another item, the item will be placed one space before the corresponding item. This icon only appears if the current bank option is set to "Swap Items."
Swap Items Icon
Swap Items Icon: When "Swap Items" is chosen, whenever you drag an item on top of another item, they will switch places in the bank. This icon only appears if the current bank option is set to "Insert Item."
Note Icon
Note Icon: Pressing on this icon will make all items withdrawn from your bank into note form. Note form is commonly used to trade large quantities of goods, as the maximum amount of items that can be carried at one time is 28. A note of an item only takes one space in your inventory, and is stackable so you can carry as many of one item as you want.
Search Icon
Search Icon: If you have trouble finding a particular item, then use the search feature of the bank. Press this icon and a textbox will pop up. Type in the name of the item you are looking for, and the bank will display all items that match. Typing part of the name also works, and will display all items in your bank with that name.
Dump BoB Icon
Dump BoB Icon: This icon deposits all items that your Beast of Burden is carrying into your bank.
Searching Interface
Ever wanted to craft a glory? chop a magic tree? RC double nats?, but you just don't have the levels to do it? With the assist system, you can request someone else's assistance who has the levels you need to do something and providing they accept, you can "use" their levels to do anything in the skills they are assisting you in. To assist someone you just right click them and select "Req Assist".
Req Assist
When you request assistance, like a trade, a message will appear for that person to accept, but this time in a pinkish color:
Assistance request
Once the player has accepted, they must then choose which skills to assist you in. You can only be assisted in a few skills, as shown in the below picture:
Assistance Interface
Note: You cannot use request assistance to get help for Quests or Achievement Diaries.
For example: If you wanted to make a glory amulet, but only have 63 crafting, you could request assistance from another player that has 84 crafting. Once they accept the request, you can make a glory yourself providing you have the items required. This means you don't have to risk losing your items by giving them to someone else while they make it.
While you are being assisted you do not get any of the XP that you would normally, instead the person who is assisting you does. They can get a maximum of 30,000 XP in any 24 hour period. If you have reached your 30,000 XP you can still help people but you will not get any more XP. To be able to use the levels of the person who is assisting you, you must be within 20 squares of them.
Item Lending
Item lending is a feature that allows you to borrow another person's item or lend your items to someone else. To lend an item to somebody else, simply trade with them, and then right click the item you wish to lend.
Item Lending Interface
You can then choose the duration in which the item can be borrowed for. If you choose the "Just until one of us logs out" option, the item can be reclaimed at any time. However, you can also lend the item for a specific amount of time in hours, ranging from 1-24 hours. When the specified period of time is over, the item can then be reclaimed by talking to any banker in RuneScape and asking for your Returned Items box.
There are some things to note when using the item lending system:
* You may only lend out one item, and borrow one item at a time.
* The item lending system only supports a select few items, most of which are weapons and armour.
* A borrowed item always protects over everything else upon death.
* The borrowed item cannot be traded, alched, or brought to into the Bounty Hunter minigame. If the item is dropped or the person using it dies and loses it, the item will still go back to the Returned Items box after the borrowing time is over.
Warning Screens
Although most of Runescape are quite safe to stay in for indefinite periods of time, there are areas that will damage you (eventually knocking you out if you stay around long enough) if you do not have the appropriate equipment that will help you survive. An example of the warning screen is shown below:
Warning Screen Note: The option to have the warning message hidden only appears after you have seen the same Warning screen at least 6 times (e.g. have gone through the Shantay Pass 6 times).
When adventuring through these dangerous areas, it is advised, especially for the first time, to be fully equipped with the equipment needed for these hostile terrains.
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You find this below your game window
Chatting in RuneScape is of course important. You need to communicate with other players to play the game fully. To chat you simply enter your message in the typing box and hit enter. When your message has been sent, it will appear in the chat box, and above your character's head. Normal chat is blue in the chat box.
Private messages
Private messages are, as the name would suggest, private between you and another user. To send these, you will need to have the friend on your friend list (look above for more information), then click his or her name, and type in a message in the chat box. When you're done with the message, just hit enter and your friend should see the message on their screen. Only you and your friend who can see what you type. Private messages are red in the chat box.
Split private chat
In the Game Options part of your control panel you have an option to split your private chat. If you have this set to off, the private messages you receive will appear in your chat box. If you have it on, your private messages will appear as light-blue text above the chat box, in your game window.
Underneath the chat area there are three buttons to control your interactions with other players.
Public chat
The public chat button controls the chat that everyone can see. There are four options; simply click to change between them.
* On: Chat acts normally, you can see messages from everybody above their heads and in the chat box.
* Friends: You only see public chat messages from people on your friends list.
* Off: You see no public chat at all. If you talk, the button automatically changes to hide.
* Hide: You only see messages above people's heads, not in the chat box.
Private chat
The private chat button toggles how you filter the people who can private message you.
* On: Everybody can add you to their friends lists, and everybody can talk to you.
* Friends: Only people on your friends list can private message you, everybody else sees you as being offline.
* Off: Nobody can send you private messages, you appear as offline to everybody. If you private message someone in this mode, the button automatically changes to friends.
The trade/duel button toggles who you can try to trade you or challenge you to a duel (members).
* On: You see trade and duel requests from everyone.
* Friends: You only see trade and duel requests from people on your friends list.
* Off: You see no trade or duel requests. You may, however, still send requests to other players.
The Assist button toggles who can request your assistance..
* On: You see assistance requests from everyone.
* Friends: You only see assistance requests from people on your friends list.
* Off: You see no assistance requests. You may, however, still send requests to other players.
Chat effects
You might have seen someone who is typing with a red-coloured text, or text that's waving. Typing like this is called chat effects, and you can only see them if you have the chat effects part of your settings in your control panel on. Chat effects will only appear over the head of the person using them, not in your chat box - there, the text will look normal.
To use the chat effects, you will need to write the code, and a colon
( : ) right after it with no space, and then your message without a space before the first word. For example, writing red:Hello would make you say "Hello" with a red font, but if you throw in a space and write red: Hello, you would actually say "Red: Hello" in game... Here is a full list of the codes:
Colour codes: Movement codes:
Red: Text is red Wave: Text moves up and down.
Yellow: Text is yellow (default colour) Wave2: Text waves diagonally.
Green: Text is green Shake: Text shakes bizarrely.
Cyan: Text is cyan Slide: Text slides from up to down.
Purple: Text is purple Scroll: Text scrolls from left to right.
White: Text is white -
Flash1: Flashes between red and yellow text -
Flash2: Flashes between cyan and blue -
Flash3: Flashes between light and dark green -
Glow1: Text fades from red, to orange, to yellow,
to green, to cyan -
Glow2: Text fades from red, to magenta, to blue,
to dark red, to red -
Glow3: Text fades from white, to green, to white, to cyan -
Now, if you want to do something really advanced, you can use one of the colours AND movements at the same time. For this you need to write the colour first, and then scroll/wave. For example you could write something like this red:wave:Hello everyone and you would say "Hello everyone" with a red waving text.
QuickChat is a method of saying commonly said sentences or phrases without typing. Ranging from asking other player's skill levels to asking for assistance, there is a wide variety of chat options. Hit the F9 key to load the auto-response interface, F10 to open the context menu, and F11 to repeat the last sentence you spoke using QuickChat. You can load the main QuickChat menu by pressing the speech bubble on your chat interface or by pressing enter.
You can also use Clan QuickChat by typing a / then enter or right clicking the speech bubble and selecting Clan Quick Chat. In addition, you can use Private message QuickChat by right clicking a name on your friends list and selecting Quick Message.
Quick Chat Menu
QuickChat phrases are split into separate categories consisting of :
* General
* Trade/Items
* Skills
* Group Events
* Clans
* Context Variable
Here is a list of what each of the categories contains:
* General consists of various phrases such as questions, answers, compliments, general comments, and even smilies!
* The Trade/Items category is made up of buying and selling requests, along with general item information questions.
* The Skills category contains common questions and comments about all the Runescape skills.
* The Group Events category has phrases useful for organising and executing group events such as quests, fighting, and mini games.
* The Clans subset consists of phrases enabling you to quickly notify your clan of directions, equipment choices, and organisation, among other options.
* Context Variable options change according to your location and what you last did, such as options for mini games and training skills.
Using hotkeys for the QuickChat menu can speed up your typing even more. The letter and number codes next to the letters indicate these codes. For example, typing Enter, E, F, P, then 8, causes your character to say "Time for the dancing knights!".
In addition to common internet shorthand (brb, lol, g2g, etc.) RuneScape players have developed a set of slang for RuneScape items, places and terms.
Glossary - Items
Weapons and armour Items
2h - Two-handed sword
Addy - Adamant
Ammy - Amulet
Battle/B-axe - Battleaxe
Blk- Black armour
Chain - Chain mail
D or Drag - Dragon
DDP - Dragon dagger poisoned (p)
Full - Full set (i.e. Chest & legs, full helmet, and sometimes shield)
(g) - Gold trimmed
Helm - Helmet
Kite - Kite shield
Large/Lrg - Full helmet
Legs - Leg plate mail
Long - Long sword
Med - Medium helmet
Mith - Mithril
(p), (p+), (p++) - poisons of higher effect
Plate/pl8/chest - Body plate mail
R - Rune
Scimmy - Scimitar
Square/sqr - Square shield
(t) - Trimmed Airs - Air Runes
Ammy - Amulet
Axe - Hatchet
Bloods - Blood Runes
DOR - Disk of Returning
Earths - Earth Runes
Ess - Rune essence
Fires - Fire Runes
Glory - Amulet of glory
Gp - Gold coins (money)
Law - Law Runes
Lobs/Lobbies - Lobsters
Mask - Monster mask
Minds - Mind Runes
Nats - Nature Runes
Phat - Party hat
Pick - Pick axe
Pot - Potion
ROW - Ring of Wealth
Saph - Sapphire
Santa - Santa hat
Souls - Soul Runes
Swordies - Swordfish
Talis/Tally - Talisman
Unids - Unidentified Herbs
Waters - Water Runes
Wealth - Ring of wealth
Glossary - Generic
1337 - Elite, also "cool"
Ard(y) - Ardougne
Att - Attack level
Barb Village - Barbarian Village
CW - Castle Wars
Def - Defence level
Edge - Edgeville
F2P - Free to Play (Free version of RS)
Fally - Falador
FM - Firemaking
FTW - For the win
G2G - Got to go
GP- Gold pieces (money in game)
Hits/HP - Hit points
K - A thousand of something, usually gp (eg. 2k = 2.000gp), can also mean okay
KBD - King Black Dragon
KQ - Kalphite Queen
Lag - pauses or jumps in play due to slow internet connection speed
Lumby - Lumbridge
Lvl - Level
Mil - A million of something, usually gp
Newb - Player who is new to RuneScape.
NFS - Not for sale
Noob - Experienced player who acts like a newb (derogatory)
NP - No Problem
NTY - No, Thank You
NVM or NM - Never mind
OMG - Oh my God, or Oh my gosh
Owns - Very good, or best at something
P2P - Pay to Play (Members version of RS)
PC - Pest Control
Pker - Player Killer
RC - Runecrafting
RL - Real life
ROFL - Rolling on the floor laughing
RS1/RSC - RuneScape 1 (Classic)
RS2/RS - RuneScape (2)
Seers - Seers Village
Str - Strength level
TY - Thank You
WC - Woodcutting
WP - Wrong person
Wildy - Wilderness
Varr/Vrk - Varrock
YW - Your welcome
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Your Character
Changing your looks
You can wear many different clothes, hats, gloves and boots in the game, but there are ways to change even your basic appearance.
* Skin colour and gender: If you want to change your skin colour or your gender, you will need to visit the Make Over Mage. He is located south-west of Falador. He will charge 3,000 coins to change your appearance.
* Hair and beard: If you want a new fancy haircut, a nice smooth shave (he can make your beard grow as well!), or a new hair colour, jump by the Hairdresser in his shop in north-west Falador. He will charge 2,000 coins to change your appearance.
* Clothes: If you want some different clothes, drop by Thessalia in Varrock (her store is in the south-west corner of the market place.) She will charge 500 coins to change your top and another 500 to get your legwear changed. To change your boots visit the Fremennik tailor Yrsa on the west side of Relleka for 500 coins (only members who've completed the Fremennik Trials quest).
Getting started with your skills
Here you will find a few tips on how to start the different skills. If you want more information, click the name of the skill, and you will be transferred to the Tip.It guide about that skill. Also see the Skill Tutors section below to find assistance (and some free starter supplies) right in the game!
Free Version (F2P) Skills:
combat logo
Combat: (Attack, strength, defence and hits): What can we say...? Just fight low levelled monsters and you will improve your combat skills depending on your fighting mode. Around Lumbridge, fight level 2 and 5 goblins in the forest, or chickens and cows at farms.
ranged logo
Ranged: To begin ranging, you'll need a bow and some arrows. Unfortunately, these can be costly. See the Skill Tutor for free starter equipment, or when you get some money, have a chat with Lowe in the Varrock Ranged store. Start ranging in Lumbridge against goblins or chickens.
prayer logo
Prayer: There's not much to say about this skill, just pick up all the bones you see on the ground, and choose 'bury' when you have them in your inventory. Prayer will help protect you when you're fighting.
magic logo
Magic: To start you will need some runes (see the Skill Tutor or use various spawn points around RuneScape to get some for free.) Once you have the runes to cast a lower level spell, go to the magic part of your control panel and choose the spell you want to cast: then just click on a monster.
crafting logo
Crafting: You can mine clay southwest of Varrock, then wet it with water and use the pottery in the Barbarian Village to the west. You can try leatherworking, too: kill cows for hides in Lumbridge and get them tanned in Al-Kharid. Do the Prince Ali Rescue Quest to save the tollgate fee.
runecrafting logo
Runecrafting: To start this skill you need to complete the Rune Mysteries Quest. After that, mine rune essence and make air runes at the air altar south of Falador.
mining logosmithing logo
Mining / Smithing: You can mine tin and copper in the Lumbridge Swamp East Mine south of the graveyard. When you decide you have enough ores, go to the furnace northeast of Lumbridge castle and smelt them into bars. Then head to Varrock and get metal-bashing!
fishing logocooking logo
Fishing / Cooking: To begin fishing, you'll need a net; then just go to a sea and start clicking. If there's a tree nearby, take your axe and tinderbox to raise your cooking, too. At a chicken farm you can train combat, prayer and cooking at the same time!
firemaking logowoodcutting logo
Firemaking / Woodcutting: To start these skills, simply go to the forest between Lumbridge and Draynor. You can get a beginner's bronze axe and a tinderbox from the Skill Tutor south of Lumbridge furnace. Chop down some trees and choose 'Light log'.
Member Only (P2P) Skills:
An introduction to Member skills, guides, areas, and tips is included in the New Members (P2P) Guide. Member only skills are Agility, Construction, Farming, Fletching, Herblore, Hunter, Slayer, Summoning, and Thieving.
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Skill Tutors
If you want more information about or help with some of RuneScape's various skills, there are several NPCs called "tutors" to help you get started with your adventuring. Some of them give free training supplies if you have lost yours or run out. Most of the tutors are scattered around Lumbridge, but one can be found at the anvils in Varrock. Tutors are marked on the minimap by a question mark so keep an eye out for them. You can also see their locations by hovering your mouse over the question mark icon on the Newcomer Map.
Tutor Instructions Items Provided Location Map Location
Harlan Melee Training sword and shield* North of Lumbridge Castle Combat Tutor Map
Nemarti Ranged Training shortbow and arrows** North of Lumbridge Castle Combat Tutor Map
Mikasi Magic 30 Mind and Air runes*** North of Lumbridge Castle Combat Tutor Map
Wilfred Woodcutting Bronze axe and Tinderbox South of the furnace in Lumbridge Woodcutting Tutor Map
Yauchomi Prayer None Church east of Lumbridge Castle Prayer Tutor Map
Finlay Fishing Small fishing net and a crayfish cage On the beach south of the graveyard in Lumbridge Fishing Tutor Map
Monium Mining Bronze pickaxe Southeastern coast of the Lumbridge Swamp Mining Tutor Map
Cordero Cooking None South of Bob's Axes in Lumbridge Cooking Tutor Map
Cadmus Crafting None Upstairs in Lumbridge Castle, south of Duke Horacio Bank Tutor Map
Feoras Smelting None Furnace in Lumbridge, east of the General Store Smelting Tutor Map
Sani Smithing None Anvils south of Varrock's west bank Smithing Tutor Map
Bank Tutor Banking None Top floor of Lumbridge Castle Bank Tutor Map
* Training sword and training shield are equivalent to a bronze longsword and a wooden shield.
** Training shortbow and training arrows are equivalent to a wooden shortbow and bronze arrows. Free arrows can be obtained only if you are out of these arrows and 30 minutes has passed since you last got free arrows (or free runes from Mikasi).
*** Free runes can be obtained only if you are out of these runes and 30 minutes has passed since you last got free runes (or free arrows from Nemarti).
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The Wilderness
About The Wilderness
If you continue to head North in Runescape you will eventually come to a vast, deserted area of land known as 'The Wilderness'. In this area, dangerous ghosts and other monsters wander around waiting to make a quick meal out of a curious adventurer.
Entering The Wilderness
It is not possible to simply stroll into The Wilderness by accident. You will know when you are about to enter the wilderness as a ditch is placed at the boundaries to stop you wandering in. This ditch runs along the entire edge of the wilderness and requires one click to jump over it.
The ditch can be crossed with a simple click
A warning screen will also appear, reminding you of the dangers of the wilderness and giving you a chance to turn back.
The warning screen reminding the dangers of the wilderness
This screen will only appear the first time you enter The Wilderness since you logged on, not every single time you enter.
To find out more about the area of The Wilderness, check out our Wilderness Map.
Dangers of The Wilderness
Upon entering the Wilderness, you will start seeing and being attacked by revenant ghosts. These ghosts are more powerful than their level suggests, and can attack with magic, range, and melee. Not only are they dangerous with their actual attacks, but they also can use freeze spells to hold you in your spot, or spells that prevent you from teleporting away. The bottom edge of the wilderness is the "safest". As you head farther North, and deeper into The Wilderness, a small ghost icon at the bottom right of the screen will increase allowing revenant ghosts higher/lower levelled than yourself to attack.
Level of Wilderness
This number corresponds to the level difference in attacking revenants. For example, if you are a level 50 character, and are in Level 27 Wilderness then revenants from level 23 to 77 can attack you. If a revenant decides to attack in a single combat zone, you cannot escape them by attacking another monster. They will make the monster stop attacking you and they will finish their work. The best method for dealing with them is to simply run away. They are very strong and their hits will hurt.
It is also worthy to note that you cannot teleport out of The Wilderness after Level 20. (Level 30 on member worlds with certain jewellery teleport items: enchanted dragonstone jewellery and the Ring of Life. See the Getting Around Guide.) After that, you can only use the teleports that are part of the wilderness(portals and levers)
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If you are unlucky enough to die, you will lose all except your three most expensive (shop price) items. Stackable items such as money, runes, and arrows are also lost. At the place of your death, a gravestone will appear. Depending on which gravestone you have upgraded to, your items will remain there for a few minutes. If you can get to it before the timer runs out, you can destroy it and get all of your dropped items. Otherwise, it will crumble away and you will lose all of your items. It is possible to extend the lifespan of a gravestone to almost an hour.
If you have recently entered the abyss, you will have a skull floating over your head. Abyss skull If you die with this skull above your head, your gravestone will hold every item you were holding previously. Using the level 25 prayer Protect Items as stated in the Prayer Guide will let you keep 1 extra item if you die.
If you have a bounty hunter's skull, all of your items will drop on the ground without a gravestone. Your killer will be able to loot your items and keep them. The prayer Protect Item will not let you keep any items in this mini game. Red Bounty Hunter Skull If you are curious as to what items you will keep when you die, click the "Show Items Kept on Death" button from the equipment menu.
Unless you have upgraded, every player in Runescape will have a wooden plaque that stands in the place that you died, waiting for you to get your items. If you have completed The Restless Ghost, Father Aereck in the Lumbridge church will help you upgrade your stone, so items last a little bit longer. If you are a member that has completed The Giant Dwarf, you can speak with the sculptor that works east of the Consortium Palace for a greater range of headstones and extended time.
Headstone Information Standing Time Cost
default memorial
Memorial Plaque A simple plaque, bearing the name of the deceased. 2 minutes Default(0gp)
Flag A dignified little flag flutters in the breeze. 2 minutes 50 gp
Small Gravestone
Small Gravestone A simple little gravestone. 2 minutes 500 gp
Small Gravestone
Ornate Gravestone An ornately carved gravestone. 3 minutes 5,000 gp
Font of Life
Font of Life An elaborate font. As water collects in the bowl, it symbolises new life and hope. 4 minutes 50,000 gp
Stele A monolithic memorial stone bearing a selection of emblems. 4 minutes 50,000 gp
Symbol of Saradomin The four-pointed star is universally recognised as the symbol of Saradomin. 4 minutes 50,000 gp
Symbol of Zamorak This serpentine sigil represents the ruthless Zamorak. 4 minutes 50,000 gp
Symbol of Guthix Favoured by humans of a mystical or drudic inclination. 4 minutes 50,000 gp
Symbol of Bandos* Followers of Bandos are now scarce, but this symbol is still used by those who remember that violent god. 4 minutes 50,000 gp
Symbol of Armadyl** Armadyl's love of winged creatures is represented by this elegant symbol. Little else is remembered of him. 4 minutes 50,000 gp
Ancient Symbol*** Adventurers often request this symbol, although its origin and meaning have become obscure in the centuries since the god wars. 4 minutes 50,000 gp
Ancient Symbol
Angel of Death The ultimate marker for a grave, this statue evokes intimations of mortality in all who are faced with it. 5 minutes 500,000 gp
* You must have completed The Land of the Goblins.
** You must have completed the Temple of Ikov.
*** You must have completed Desert Treasure.
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RuneScape Rules
Like everything, RuneScape has rules. These are not to make the game harder, or to annoy anyone, they are to protect you. Please, adhere to them at all time - it makes the game better for everyone. The official rules can be viewed here. It's very important that you read them carefully. If you accidentally break one you could be banned from RuneScape.
Reporting abuse
If you see someone breaking one of these rules, you ought to report them to Jagex. If everyone reports abusive players, then the game will be a better place for all. You can report abuse by clicking the button in the lower right hand corner of the chat box. You need to type in the player's name and then select which one of the rules they are breaking. This sends a snapshot of the last 60 seconds of chat and trade activity to Jagex. If the person continues to annoy you, add them to your ignore list rather than responding. Please, only send in an abuse report if the player is genuinely being abusive, not just because they called you a 'noob.'
Don't break the rules unless you want to see this message when logging in
Alternatively, if the type of rule breaking would not be detected by a simple chat and trade log (such as the player is macroing) you will need to use the customer support section on the RuneScape main page to report the player. Please do not send abuse reports to Tip.It. We are NOT part of Jagex Ltd. and cannot deal with abuse reports regarding players on RuneScape.
Player moderators
Player moderators are RuneScape players just like you, except Jagex has selected them as being responsible members of the RuneScape community. They are able to temporarily mute players who are being particularly foul-mouthed, and their abuse reports receive additional priority. This does not mean that they can answer all your RuneScape questions or that they always want to buy or sell items. They want to play the game, complete quests and raise their skills just like you do. When a player moderator talks they have a small silver crown next to their name to stand out from other players. You can read more about player moderators in the Frequently Asked Question section on the official RuneScape site. Note that you can also speak to Town Criers found in the game for some information about Player Moderators, in particular what they can do and what they cannot do.
Player Moderator - Player Moderator
Jagex staff
Jagex staff members have a little Gold crown next to their names when they talk in-game. Follow all their instructions promptly and you will have no cause for worry. If a member of the Jagex staff asks you a question, it would be wise to reply to them. Please note that ignore chat messages will not work on Jagex staff or player mods.
Jagex Staff - Jagex Staff
Town Criers
In addition to these features about playing by the rules, there are also NPC's dotted in all major cities. These cities are Falador, Draynor Village, Varrock, Seers' Village and East Ardougne. These Town Criers inform players about all the Rules of Runescape, as well as information on player moderators: most importantly, what they can or cannot do for other players.
Gnomecopters & Members
At some point in your Runescape career you may consider buying membership to unlock many more features. You may be unsure whether or not to buy a membership, or what extra features you could get. Well, in the field North of Lumbridge you have the chance to visit some of the members areas from the skies. How you ask? Gnomecopters!
To ride in one of these amazing machines simply speak to Hieronymus Avlafrim in the field North of Lumbridge mill and he will explain how the gnomecopters fly. He will then advise you to speak to Sasquine Huburns to see which members locations you can fly over.
The members areas you can visit
To see more information about some of these areas please visit these links:
* Lletya
* Castle Wars
* Pest Control
* Games room
Below is the control panel which you use to control the gnomecopter. You can choose between autopilot (where you get flown around automatically) or manual in which you click to move around. Whenever you have finished whizzing around, click on the 'L' to return to the field beside Lumbridge.
Gnomecopter controls
Have fun flying around in these wonderful machines, and take in what members can enjoy!
Well! How's that for an 'introduction' eh? If you've read this far, you've gained the biggest head start in RuneScape that you could ever imagine. So get out there, explore the map, raise your skills and strive for your goals!
credits goes to me
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