View Full Version : The always salon winner!

04-07-2005, 03:22 PM
Well done to littleredevil for winning the always salon! If you see her give her a big pat on the back!

04-07-2005, 03:25 PM
heres a screenie :)


04-07-2005, 03:27 PM
Well done to her :D

04-07-2005, 03:29 PM
Wooo Atleast man didnt win Wd Littleredevil <3

04-07-2005, 03:31 PM

04-07-2005, 03:32 PM
your all gay, and if you referring to BRIGHTFAIRY as man, you should be ashamed, you bullying scumbag

04-07-2005, 03:33 PM
Lmao Laura

04-07-2005, 03:33 PM
Yayayayay! :D
Congratulations to her! :)

04-07-2005, 03:34 PM

04-07-2005, 03:34 PM
your all gay, and if you referring to BRIGHTFAIRY as man, you should be ashamed, you bullying scumbag

Er right.


04-07-2005, 03:34 PM
WOOO! go littlre

04-07-2005, 03:36 PM
nouthing is fair on habbo inless you have yer head stuck up staff asses! and **** up like hell HINT HINT dam this

04-07-2005, 03:38 PM
nouthing is fair on habbo inless you have yer head stuck up staff asses! and **** up like hell HINT HINT dam this
Wth? That is BrightFairy you're talking bout there so it proves you wrong

04-07-2005, 03:39 PM
Excuse me I am on about littleredevil not her persoanly but other ppl like her mates bullyed brightfairy and had there heads up the staff !

04-07-2005, 03:41 PM
You dont even know what you're talking about. BrightFairy is the one that was always round Callie 24/7

04-07-2005, 03:43 PM
your just a bully and you ruiend /hurt sumone really bad :( spreading rumours you should be ashamed

04-07-2005, 03:44 PM
Congrats, Let us know if you get your gift? Should be added to callies list of things to do. I would say you are in spot # 1,386,293rd right after she picks her nose.

04-07-2005, 03:45 PM
If you knew the truth you'd be shocked plus littleredevil is very layed back and is always helping other so dont call her names she's the one trying to help habbo'sWd littleredevil Very proud a H.H memeber won too and your great <3

04-07-2005, 03:46 PM
I said nouthing abt her just abt her mates who aare bullys

04-07-2005, 03:46 PM

But LRD's mates are to'ssers and should be all IP banned for bullying

04-07-2005, 03:47 PM
yes bullys can be very bad :( and I don;t want to name anyone but i think she knows who she is :( Sumtimes I just want to slap bullying :"(

04-07-2005, 03:49 PM
Well this thread is not about bullying. So please stay ON topic.

04-07-2005, 03:53 PM
Um this thread is not about bulyying but bullying went on inthe salon and this thread is about the always salon

04-07-2005, 03:53 PM
Well this thread is not about bullying. So please stay ON topic.

oh really,

04-07-2005, 03:54 PM
yes realy lol and go devil :P congrats

04-07-2005, 03:57 PM
congrats to devil :D She rocks to can;t denie that

04-07-2005, 03:57 PM
your just a bully and you ruiend /hurt sumone really bad :( spreading rumours you should be ashamed

It's not a rumour if it's true.. Anyway, well done<3

04-07-2005, 04:04 PM
Yes, congratulations to Sarah.

It's a shame she couldn't have won it without her friend's having to spread rumours, bully and attack me because they were too frightened I would beat her.

Laura - All I can say about you, is you are nothing but a pathetic young child. You think everything has something to do with you, and I cannot say I have ever met someone so two faced and backstabbing in my life.

As for you, lesbianghost - you are the biggest hipocrit I have ever spoke to. If i remember correctly, before this competition you were the one saying that people were idiot's for discriminating you for your name, as you have lesbian in it, but now you hear something and you are one of the first to go attacking and harrasing me.

You all thought you knew so much about me, saying I was a clone or definetaly going to win because I was with Callie or some other childish rumour along those lines, but by Sarah winning you have proved yourself wrong. Maybe in future alot of you will think twice before reading rumours.

I have no hard feeling's against Sarah, and glad that she won, I just don't understand what her sad, bullying, hipocritical, pathetic young kid friends get out of bullying me.

It is obvious you were all too frightened she wouldn't win, therefore had to attack another member of the Salon.

Once again, the bullies win.

Has now left Habbox Forum

04-07-2005, 04:05 PM
Aww sorry to here this hunny cheer up stay strong

04-07-2005, 04:06 PM

04-07-2005, 04:08 PM
Yes, congratulations to Sarah.

It's a shame she couldn't have won it without her friend's having to spread rumours, bully and attack me because they were too frightened I would beat her.

Laura - All I can say about you, is you are nothing but a pathetic young child. You think everything has something to do with you, and I cannot say I have ever met someone so two faced and backstabbing in my life.

As for you, lesbianghost - you are the biggest hipocrit I have ever spoke to. If i remember correctly, before this competition you were the one saying that people were idiot's for discriminating you for your name, as you have lesbian in it, but now you hear something and you are one of the first to go attacking and harrasing me.

You all thought you knew so much about me, saying I was a clone or definetaly going to win because I was with Callie or some other childish rumour along those lines, but by Sarah winning you have proved yourself wrong. Maybe in future alot of you will think twice before reading rumours.

I have no hard feeling's against Sarah, and glad that she won, I just don't understand what her sad, bullying, hipocritical, pathetic young kid friends get out of bullying me.

It is obvious you were all too frightened she wouldn't win, therefore had to attack another member of the Salon.

Once again, the bullies win.

Has now left Habbox Forum

It makes me wonder why you did not say this whilst the competition was going on? Did you want people to think you was all nice and kind?
When really you was waiting for the competition to end to and then show this side of yourself.
You should of just said congratulations and left it at that. Not gone into a whole blone story. Im sure Littleredevil didnt ask people to do these things to you. But it has been done.
So leave and get over it

04-07-2005, 04:10 PM


yay i wanted sarah to win :D

04-07-2005, 04:11 PM
Yay, maybe sarah should join the forum <3

04-07-2005, 04:12 PM
Yay, maybe sarah should join the forum <3

She has :/ her name bein 'littleredevil'

04-07-2005, 04:12 PM
It's a shame she couldn't have won it without her friend's having to spread rumours, bully and attack me because they were too frightened I would beat her.

It is obvious you were all too frightened she wouldn't win, therefore had to attack another member of the Salon.

You make me laugh, you really think that much of yourself? You honestly thought u would win over Sarah?

You know for a fact that noone of this is made up, nor is it a 'rumour'; You know it is fact.

04-07-2005, 04:15 PM
You make me laugh, you really think that much of yourself? You honestly thought u would win over Sarah?

You know for a fact that noone of this is made up, nor is it a 'rumour'; You know it is fact.
Lmao i got bad rep did you

04-07-2005, 04:15 PM
Bright, notice how I said 'IF' it's true. Read before you jump in. But yes, personally I do believe it's true.

04-07-2005, 04:15 PM
rofl bright is sooo upset i bet hes crying rofl lmao, sarah won it fair n square, she has good friends. People advertising it on messenger etc,

04-07-2005, 04:19 PM

You make me laugh, you really think that much of yourself? You honestly thought u would win over Sarah?

You know for a fact that noone of this is made up, nor is it a 'rumour'; You know it is fact.

Edited by crashb555 (Forum Moderator): Partial Post Removed, do not be rude to other members / staff

04-07-2005, 04:19 PM
rofl bright is sooo upset i bet hes crying rofl lmao, sarah won it fair n square, she has good friends. People advertising it on messenger etc,

waaaaaaaa mongoles gay

04-07-2005, 04:20 PM

Ohhh swearing, that'll really get your message across. Hard man.

Edited by crashb555 (Forum Moderator): Quote Removed due to swearing

04-07-2005, 04:20 PM
Lmao i got bad rep did you
o.O no lol

04-07-2005, 04:21 PM
even tho ppl thought bright would win well done little!

04-07-2005, 04:22 PM
I swear cause i like ok, you dumb people, ITS HABBO why so interested in peoples life, i thought thats what BigBrother or Removed

Edited by crashb555 (Forum Moderator): Partial Post Removed, please do not be rude on the forum

04-07-2005, 04:25 PM
I swear cause i like ok, you dumb people, ITS HABBO why so interested in peoples life, i thought thats what BigBrother or w.e is for. fu
ck you all
Stop trying to bad rep me :@

04-07-2005, 04:27 PM
Congreatulations littleredevil, well done. :D

04-07-2005, 04:37 PM
Now the competition is over we can all go and celebrate (and argue if you wish) elsewhere. This thread is fast becoming a warground and the claws are definately coming out now that votes are no longer needed perhaps?

04-07-2005, 04:44 PM
Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssss !

Congratulations to her ;)

04-07-2005, 04:47 PM
lol tyche true :P

04-07-2005, 04:49 PM
dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeee :rolleyes: eee

04-07-2005, 04:49 PM
Yes, congratulations to Sarah.

It's a shame she couldn't have won it without her friend's having to spread rumours, bully and attack me because they were too frightened I would beat her.

Laura - All I can say about you, is you are nothing but a pathetic young child. You think everything has something to do with you, and I cannot say I have ever met someone so two faced and backstabbing in my life.

As for you, lesbianghost - you are the biggest hipocrit I have ever spoke to. If i remember correctly, before this competition you were the one saying that people were idiot's for discriminating you for your name, as you have lesbian in it, but now you hear something and you are one of the first to go attacking and harrasing me.

You all thought you knew so much about me, saying I was a clone or definetaly going to win because I was with Callie or some other childish rumour along those lines, but by Sarah winning you have proved yourself wrong. Maybe in future alot of you will think twice before reading rumours.

I have no hard feeling's against Sarah, and glad that she won, I just don't understand what her sad, bullying, hipocritical, pathetic young kid friends get out of bullying me.

It is obvious you were all too frightened she wouldn't win, therefore had to attack another member of the Salon.

Once again, the bullies win.

Has now left Habbox Forum

Don't cry little girl,
It's only a competition.

and was it not you who added Matt, Cheezy2 to bribe for votes?
I think so.


04-07-2005, 04:55 PM
No why can't people just let things rest.

Littleredevil won fair and square - I admit to biasedly wanting her to win, but votes were votes, in the end people make their own decisions.

I can't help but feel BrightFairy along the lines, you use the word bullies as a way to sum me up - well I think its wrong. The only reason I didn't want you to win was because of the console message i received on the 2nd of july at 19:55 BST - which included the following - "For every vote you make I will give you one furniture".

That is the only reason I did not want you to win... and littleredevil won fair and square, let it be.

04-07-2005, 05:13 PM
Congrats Lil, Im sure your proud you won by being the best.. yeah.
Whatever has gone on, Thankfully heartless 'Bullies' (And yes the word is Bullies, because I beleive people who harrass, spread rumours and generally are jsut downright mean and selfish can be called that) Im sure you can be proud that you did your best as well.

Good Guying guys! So whos next? Maybe you'll give Brightfairy some peace now, she deserves that putting up for your slander for so long.

04-07-2005, 05:15 PM
No why can't people just let things rest.

Littleredevil won fair and square - I admit to biasedly wanting her to win, but votes were votes, in the end people make their own decisions.

I can't help but feel BrightFairy along the lines, you use the word bullies as a way to sum me up - well I think its wrong. The only reason I didn't want you to win was because of the console message i received on the 2nd of july at 19:55 BST - which included the following - "For every vote you make I will give you one furniture".

That is the only reason I did not want you to win... and littleredevil won fair and square, let it be.

ACTUALLY, thatg was for live 8 so maybe if you read better in future?

I had a live8 giveaway and said for every person who signed up and voted on the list then I would give them furniture, you can ask around the 100 people who came.

04-07-2005, 05:17 PM
What BrightFairy was fair and correct.

04-07-2005, 05:20 PM
ACTUALLY, thatg was for live 8 so maybe if you read better in future?

I had a live8 giveaway and said for every person who signed up and voted on the list then I would give them furniture, you can ask around the 100 people who came.

wasnt you leaving?

04-07-2005, 05:20 PM
Yes, congratulations to Sarah.

It's a shame she couldn't have won it without her friend's having to spread rumours, bully and attack me because they were too frightened I would beat her.

Laura - All I can say about you, is you are nothing but a pathetic young child. You think everything has something to do with you, and I cannot say I have ever met someone so two faced and backstabbing in my life.

As for you, lesbianghost - you are the biggest hipocrit I have ever spoke to. If i remember correctly, before this competition you were the one saying that people were idiot's for discriminating you for your name, as you have lesbian in it, but now you hear something and you are one of the first to go attacking and harrasing me.

You all thought you knew so much about me, saying I was a clone or definetaly going to win because I was with Callie or some other childish rumour along those lines, but by Sarah winning you have proved yourself wrong. Maybe in future alot of you will think twice before reading rumours.

I have no hard feeling's against Sarah, and glad that she won, I just don't understand what her sad, bullying, hipocritical, pathetic young kid friends get out of bullying me.

It is obvious you were all too frightened she wouldn't win, therefore had to attack another member of the Salon.

Once again, the bullies win.

Has now left Habbox Forum

It's a computer game. Don't get worked up over nothing..

04-07-2005, 05:25 PM
Aww, someone's jealous <33
It's hilarious watching little kid's getting worked up over a virtual game.
My final words to you are..
*Paints nails green*
Don't be so pathetic as to taunt someone who you have never met.

You lot pay to be a "VIP" on this forum, in my view that is sad. You are paying for extra colours and other pathetic features.

Some of you really need to stop bad repping people like me pointlessly with htings like "you smell" and other childish things.

Although some of you are only about 12 and probably go to state schools you still need to grow up and learn to treat people with respect.
And if any of you do seriously want to have a fight with me. Tell me the date and i'll meet you in Brighton and we'll see whos so clever.

Now leave off Brightfairy and grow up.

04-07-2005, 05:26 PM
your really sad, fu'ck you all!!!!! GLOBAL DIE

04-07-2005, 05:29 PM
your really sad, fu'ck you all!!!!! GLOBAL DIE

I think that generally applies to the Forum. And i agree with it.

Some of you kids post not knowing what +44 is, what causes lag, scripting, politics, staff, business and express stupid opinions especially as you don't know what these things are.

If you don't know what something is use Google. Ignorance is no excuse.



04-07-2005, 05:35 PM
Don't be so pathetic as to taunt someone who you have never met.

You lot pay to be a "VIP" on this forum, in my view that is sad. You are paying for extra colours and other pathetic features.

Some of you really need to stop bad repping people like me pointlessly with htings like "you smell" and other childish things.

Although some of you are only about 12 and probably go to state schools you still need to grow up and learn to treat people with respect.
And if any of you do seriously want to have a fight with me. Tell me the date and i'll meet you in Brighton and we'll see whos so clever.

Now leave off Brightfairy and grow up.

I don't know why you're talking about VIP, but I didn't buy mine, kthx. Uhm.. I don't bad rep people with pointless thing's like "you smell", because that is idotic. I think the people who need to grow up are the one's addicted to Habbo Hotel, and don't really seem to understand the fact that it's a game. Can you not see what BrightFairy is doing? Since she didn't win, she is now coming out that she was "bullied" and all the awful thing's that happened during the competition. I don't want to fight with you kid, that's lame.

04-07-2005, 05:38 PM
I don't know why you're talking about VIP, but I didn't buy mine, kthx. Uhm.. I don't bad rep people with pointless thing's like "you smell", because that is idotic. I think the people who need to grow up are the one's addicted to Habbo Hotel, and don't really seem to understand the fact that it's a game. Can you not see what BrightFairy is doing? Since she didn't win, she is now coming out that she was "bullied" and all the awful thing's that happened during the competition. I don't want to fight with you kid, that's lame.

Dude, i wasn't saying what i said applied to you, i am saying though that as you said most of the people on this forum are very immature.

04-07-2005, 06:31 PM
Right Brightfairy say what you want after this.
Do you remember our console message with you saying I was the unpopular one that stood in the corner that no one cared about and that you knew I got into the Always Salon and was one of the first final 10 and then you said to Callie you didn't know where I was. Well thats what you said and you might find that, that is why I dislike you and I believe what others say about you. I don't know if its 100% true but very close mates told me and friends don't lie.
I wouldn't class it as bullying either. Because you hurt me very much when all I asked you was, are you really a man coz i've heard you are etc,and you got in a state with me. I couldn't care less anymore.
Its habbo not real life. I got over being replaced in the Always Salon, I didn't even get a chance. Atleast you got through to it and once again thanks for not telling me I had to be at the always salon to recieve my badge when you was on my list and you had recieved the email and you knew I got through.
I'll leave it at that.
Well done Sarah you did great hun, real proud of you :)
Wooooooooooooooooo !! :D
Lissie :) :rolleyes:

04-07-2005, 06:45 PM
I just want to say thank you for voting for me to win i thought i wouldnt win because brightfairy was really good and i hope that me and brightfairy are still friends xxx
and just thank you all :) hehe

04-07-2005, 06:52 PM
Right Brightfairy say what you want after this.
Do you remember our console message with you saying I was the unpopular one that stood in the corner that no one cared about and that you knew I got into the Always Salon and was one of the first final 10 and then you said to Callie you didn't know where I was. Well thats what you said and you might find that, that is why I dislike you and I believe what others say about you. I don't know if its 100% true but very close mates told me and friends don't lie.
I wouldn't class it as bullying either. Because you hurt me very much when all I asked you was, are you really a man coz i've heard you are etc,and you got in a state with me. I couldn't care less anymore.
Its habbo not real life. I got over being replaced in the Always Salon, I didn't even get a chance. Atleast you got through to it and once again thanks for not telling me I had to be at the always salon to recieve my badge when you was on my list and you had recieved the email and you knew I got through.
I'll leave it at that.
Well done Sarah you did great hun, real proud of you :)
Wooooooooooooooooo !! :D
Lissie :) :rolleyes:
Well said Lissie :)

And congrats Sarah, well done :)

04-07-2005, 07:13 PM
OMGOMG A FLY Just cacked in my Tea, I bet your all going to believe that too, Stupid.

So if i walked around saying Yellowparasol is a Girl, are You all going to jump to a conclusion and believe me, It's stupid, Hardly none of you no what to believe, but just go along with wrong things because you think the 'cool' people are right 24/7, About time most of you realise popularity isnt everything, and even the 'coolest' nerds get things wrong.

04-07-2005, 07:14 PM
You're not funny.

04-07-2005, 07:14 PM
I dont intent to be funny you freak - Is everything people say a joke or tries' to be a joke in your world ?

04-07-2005, 07:15 PM
You're not funny.
Agreed. :)

04-07-2005, 07:16 PM
All stupid, I admitt sarah did a good Job in TAS - But everyone just believe's everything people say, and one day their gonna believe something that will ***** themup.

05-07-2005, 07:59 AM
Blimey, I just hate all this bickering.

The fact is - Littleredevil won, the other Always Salon members lost.

Can't you just leave it at that?

Voting wasn't fixed, Littleredevil won fair and square. It annoys me so much how people can't accept the fact that this time, they lost out. And yeah, it happens, happens to us all some times and It takes the brave, mature people to stand back and applaud those that win - instead of go "I worked really hard" "Once again the bullies win"... honestly, thats not the way to be - I think thats more bullying than I've seen anyone do... so please, can't we just accept the fact that littleredevil won and get on with our lives!

05-07-2005, 08:29 AM
Blimey, I just hate all this bickering.

The fact is - Littleredevil won, the other Always Salon members lost.

Can't you just leave it at that?

Voting wasn't fixed, Littleredevil won fair and square. It annoys me so much how people can't accept the fact that this time, they lost out. And yeah, it happens, happens to us all some times and It takes the brave, mature people to stand back and applaud those that win - instead of go "I worked really hard" "Once again the bullies win"... honestly, thats not the way to be - I think thats more bullying than I've seen anyone do... so please, can't we just accept the fact that littleredevil won and get on with our lives!

well said :D

05-07-2005, 08:33 AM
Brightfairy should of won =]

06-07-2005, 01:40 PM
Can you not see what BrightFairy is doing? Since she didn't win, she is now coming out that she was "bullied" and all the awful thing's that happened during the competition. I don't want to fight with you kid, that's lame.

Wow thats funny, Because im sure throughout the competition Ive been talking to brightfairy and have actually witnessed the proceedings carry on. So its not exactly something shes now 'coming' out with. But you know, whatever gets you through the day.

I think the only sad people on here are people that abuse a game to upset others.

06-07-2005, 01:51 PM
:eusa_ange Ok what I say is... It's pixels :) It's only little pixels ! Let's not let pixels get us sad ! THere is better things in life than habbo and furni ! :D I mean I would not care if I had a stool on habbo as long as I had my mates.
And I think that this comp was a bit of a waste of time( puts lipstick on you and washes hair :P lmao ok it was a bit fun) :eusa_sile But Congrats to Littleredevil hope she does well in the future. And Brightfairy doin very well getting this far ( as so did the other contestants) Now lets all make up and eat cherry pie ;) :eusa_danc

06-07-2005, 02:46 PM
your all gay, and if you referring to BRIGHTFAIRY as man, you should be ashamed, you bullying scumbag
You should be ashamed for using the word gay as an insult. How immature.

littleredevil deserved it because she didn't ask people to vote for her as much as BrightFairy did.

06-07-2005, 03:06 PM
Yeah whats bad about gay people? :eusa_naug

06-07-2005, 03:24 PM
.littleredevil deserved it because she didn't ask people to vote for her as much as BrightFairy did.

I thought people deserved to win because they were the best salon worker. How silly of me.

06-07-2005, 04:57 PM
I thought people deserved to win because they were the best salon worker. How silly of me.
BrightFairy! was good but I found her over doing it with half the things, especially that topic of her actually doing word and someone posted everything she said. And besides, are you saying littleredevil was doing nothing and BrightFairy! was the only hard worker, she basically was flirting and chatting with everyone...

06-07-2005, 06:34 PM
BrightFairy! was good but I found her over doing it with half the things, especially that topic of her actually doing word and someone posted everything she said. And besides, are you saying littleredevil was doing nothing and BrightFairy! was the only hard worker, she basically was flirting and chatting with everyone...

You were the one that said she deserved to win because she didnt ask people to vote for her. You mentioned nothing about how she deserved to win on her merits of being the best worker. Not me.

06-07-2005, 06:44 PM
You were the one that said she deserved to win because she didnt ask people to vote for her. You mentioned nothing about how she deserved to win on her merits of being the best worker. Not me.
That is true, but it wasn't when I asked friends and people I know with her on their friendlists that she actually advertised herself to be voted in and then that changed and looking at her efforts they were overdone.

06-07-2005, 06:46 PM
The Plot thickens.. Heh.

06-07-2005, 07:26 PM
Apparently bullied her way to win it. IF that's true then that's so sad and mean.

06-07-2005, 07:33 PM
Apparently bullied her way to win it. IF that's true then that's so sad and mean.

Thats not true, so move on.

06-07-2005, 07:35 PM
What I do know but I need BarbieGirl05 and PepsiChick here is that BrightFairy! made up rumours about other contestants and is lying now that she was "bullied".

06-07-2005, 07:43 PM
Lets forget about it ? Brightfairy still deserved to win:) but nothing happens the way i expet it to

06-07-2005, 08:47 PM
Bright i feel for you , it didnt help you campain these silly rumours i disagree with everyone , i would like to ask how do you know this stuff is true?

06-07-2005, 09:21 PM
The whole concept of an online salon is pointless. Added with the fact littleredevil begged for votes makes it purely sad.

06-07-2005, 10:20 PM
What I do know but I need BarbieGirl05 and PepsiChick here is that BrightFairy! made up rumours about other contestants and is lying now that she was "bullied".

and What I do now is that various people such as that of friends of littleredevil harrased and bullied Brightfairy with rumours.. I beleive on many a occasion she did take it to higher authorities. Beleive me, I have seen this happening over the past weeks of the competition.

06-07-2005, 10:42 PM
NO1 CARES U ****

07-07-2005, 01:44 AM
and What I do now is that various people such as that of friends of littleredevil harrased and bullied Brightfairy with rumours.. I beleive on many a occasion she did take it to higher authorities. Beleive me, I have seen this happening over the past weeks of the competition.
Perhaps that is because lauralol told them the rumour of her actually being a man and they fell for it? BarbieGirl05 told aload of people that BrightFairy! was making up rumours to try and get BarbieGirl05 out of the competition and said that she is close friends with Callie.

07-07-2005, 08:00 PM
Of course the probably fell for the lies. Its called Gullible, Nothing new here.

Ah well, Its ancient history now. Life goes on.

07-07-2005, 08:05 PM
This is why there called rumors there hardley ever true:)

08-07-2005, 12:56 AM
This is why there called rumors there hardley ever true:)


08-07-2005, 12:58 AM
why did you revive this thread Owen? I saw it and I though wow this is old news. But this was opened a couple of days ago :/ oh well i guess it doesnt matter really.

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