View Full Version : Metal Gear Solid on...

05-12-2008, 10:39 AM
Watch this short flash movie - http://www.konami.jp/kojima_pro/mgst/?ref=kjp_eng

Then click this spoiler
http://uploadpicz.com/images/85TRK8I.jpg (http://uploadpicz.com)

http://uploadpicz.com/images/DPFF7V3.jpg (http://uploadpicz.com)

05-12-2008, 11:09 AM
Good bye Sony! This is srsly going to kill Sony, all my friends who have a PS3 only brought it for MGS. One of them even sold his xbox just to get it. They admited ages ago that they would happily **** off back to xbox if it came to the Xbox, simply for the online.

I'm sorry but Sony need to buck up their ideas soon, they're about to get merked. Multi-Platform MGS! :eusa_clap

05-12-2008, 02:12 PM
How does that prove is going on the 360 except the green colours. Almost every power button has that symbol on.

05-12-2008, 02:15 PM
How does that prove is going on the 360 except the green colours. Almost every power button has that symbol on.

Makes sense to me but that could just be a logo of a corporation within the next MGS game or something, I donno but if it is a hint to say it's on the 360 then that makes sense aswell

05-12-2008, 03:44 PM


Anyone notice that it looks a lot like the Beauty and the Beast unit costume logos?

05-12-2008, 03:47 PM


Anyone notice that it looks a lot like the Beauty and the Beast unit costume logos?

I wouldn't say betrayal really, they're obviously thinking for the best interests of the company if they plan to expand MGS onto the 360, they would rather earn money than remain loyal to one company, if you had the choice of more money or keeping a game exclusive just to keep PS3 owners happy, what would you pick? Personally I would go for the money, who cares what fanboys want

05-12-2008, 04:49 PM
i dont use my ps3 anymore apart from home, im a pc gamer nows

The fact is though... i can see it on the 360 but the wii no way, it simply isn't powerful enough for konamis standard, i mean you saw how detailed MGS4 was....

Exclamation mark, used in the logo of every game.

1st one represents snake, 2nd one is upside down so that might be raiden. Power off button, last in the series?

Merged by mangle (Forum Moderator)

05-12-2008, 05:33 PM

I seriously dont see it 'killing sony' if they move to 360. I could see a release on Both platforms. I for one dont like MGS though, MGO I like though.

05-12-2008, 06:34 PM
IN all honest this could mean it comes out on the DS..... it's a power button and two I's


05-12-2008, 07:17 PM
Been doing some digging and apparently MGS Ac!d, also had an i upside down in the first one, and a exclamation mark in the 2nd version, could be a third.

I wouldn't even think of MGS appearing on the 360, it'd just kill us all seriously, MGS4 sold 4 million copies and for a ps3 exclsusive, 'dat is wack'. Besides, I'm sure Sony give them a couple of million to stay on the black beast anyway.

Now if you'll excuse me... i gotta write an article about bloody half life.

05-12-2008, 08:01 PM
Meh, well everyone will always know that the home of MGS is the PS. Never gonna be 360, never has and never well be. Its like, Tekken, although its gonna come out on the 360, we all know that its an original PS Game, (well, PS/Arcade). But you get what I mean?

06-12-2008, 08:34 AM
Who cares, it's a rubbish game anyway, the 360 could run it, the PS3 isn't THAT powerful

If it does come to 360 then PS3 owners will have to grow up and admit the multi-platform is better

06-12-2008, 08:37 AM
Lol well whats the point putting it on xbox and wii... People might not of played the latest one and wont Know whats going on :S

09-12-2008, 08:50 PM
MGS4 is the last? That's what the creator said inside the guide or game box, can't remember.
Oh just googled quote: "
Meanwhile, series creator Hideo Kojima expressed his thoughts on multiplatform development and noted his frustration with constant inquiries regarding the oft-rumored possibility of Metal Gear Solid 4 on Xbox 360.
"Because MGS4 was optimized for the PS3 it is probably not possible [on Xbox 360]," he explained to Eurogamer (http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=225581), citing media and technology differences. "

It could just mean 5?
Anyway if it does multi-console then it's because the same people aren't making it (or so i've read.).

Edit: Just looked, what does that t mean at the end of mgs? --> /mgst/

10-12-2008, 07:49 AM
It could well be Metal Gear Acid on the iPhone platform.

"i" is often recognised as the apple iPod thing. Lots of developers have being jumping on the iPhone/iTouch platform

! is the metal gear acid symbol which appeared on PSP, the iPhone runs faster than the PSP.

Notice it also says 'A next metal gear' not neccesarily metal gear solid and a MGS4 re release wouldnt exactly be 'The next metal gear'.

10-12-2008, 08:12 AM
There was a thread a while ago about Konami thinking about releasing it on Xbox 360, so this is good news. I remembered them from PS2 and I loved just hiding and putting people in boxes and little things such as that. :P

10-12-2008, 09:28 AM
Meh, well everyone will always know that the home of MGS is the PS. Never gonna be 360, never has and never well be. Its like, Tekken, although its gonna come out on the 360, we all know that its an original PS Game, (well, PS/Arcade). But you get what I mean?
Yeah a bit like Saints Row, Bioshock and Oblivion. ;)

10-12-2008, 03:28 PM
MGS4 was the end of Solid Snake's story, not the end of MGS

10-12-2008, 07:26 PM
MGS4 was the end of Solid Snake's story, not the end of MGS

**MGS4 was the end of Metal Gear Solid Not the end of Metal Gear ________

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