View Full Version : Late Nights

11-12-2008, 04:34 AM
Do your parents go mad if they catch you up at like 3am?

Cos the other day it was like 4am, i heard someone on the hallway i scrambelled to the plug socket and switched of my pc, then only having about 3 seconds decided not to try to get in bed,but pretend i was just coming out of my room to go to the toilet

she says 'you should be in bed' then you know what she does!, she feels my computer chair, and says 'its still warm' you been up.

its like bloody forensics

11-12-2008, 04:42 AM
Haha. My parents dont care, if i want to be up I just go in my room and play PS3 :S

11-12-2008, 07:42 AM
lol freaky!

uhm my mumshouts at me but if she scolded me before she went to bed, ill pretend to sleep then when i think shes asleep, ill get out of bed :P

she'll usually scold me when i read my fiction at nights but never when im on laptop :/
shes weird like that but weirdness runs in the family :P

11-12-2008, 11:09 AM
my mum still moans even though for like the past year I've been going to bed at 2am and stuff :rolleyes:

11-12-2008, 11:30 AM
My Mum doesn't care, it's my choice if I wanna go school tired :P

Heart Break Kid
11-12-2008, 11:54 AM
nah mine dont WOOOOOOO!!!!

11-12-2008, 12:14 PM
im usually too tired to stay up past midnight, but if i am im usually on the phone, but i doubt anyone hears me.

when i was in like year 9, i used to stay up in the holidays till like 4am, I once had a bet with a member on here (shes left i think) about who could stay up the longest :D no one knew i was up, my bedroom light was on and everything lmao

11-12-2008, 12:35 PM
On school holidays when I was like 13, when it got light was my bedtime LOL

11-12-2008, 12:55 PM
im Insomnic, so i just say i can't get to bed and such.

11-12-2008, 12:56 PM
My parents just come in, ask why I'm up and walk out LOL. My dads a real grump so he tries to send me on a guilt trip saying "You'll never be awake tommorow, youll fail college" and I just shrug and carry on. :P

11-12-2008, 02:30 PM
My parents dont care and just say its my own choice.

11-12-2008, 03:40 PM
lol they might pop their head in and be like "remember your in the morning" or something lol, but tbh it's up to me if I wanna stay up. Theres been nights I've sat up to 4 and 5 doing stuff.

Janet Snakehole
11-12-2008, 04:00 PM
that happened a while ago to me, my mum felt my chair and everything, i was like o snapppppp!!11

now shes not bothered :)

11-12-2008, 05:05 PM
My mum IS a forensic scientist so there's no point even trying with her. Still, she doesn't really care though what time I'm up till.

11-12-2008, 05:11 PM
During the holidays my mum doesn't care. But she wants me off xbox at around 1am

11-12-2008, 06:02 PM
they only care if I wake them up by doing so

11-12-2008, 06:22 PM
Nope my mum don't care. I was up at half 2 last night on the tredmill.

11-12-2008, 06:27 PM
They know I can run my own life, when they go to bed they might say "don't be too late" and I know and they know I won't be.

11-12-2008, 06:30 PM
They know I can run my own life, when they go to bed they might say "don't be too late" and I know and they know I won't be.

You are a mature man, i am proud :rolleyes:

11-12-2008, 06:32 PM
You are a mature man, i am proud :rolleyes:

Evidently more mature than you, judging on that post, dear.

11-12-2008, 06:35 PM
im too old to be told when to sleep :P i go bed when i need it

11-12-2008, 06:36 PM
Mine don't care. Infact when I'm at my dads house him and his girlfriend encourage me to stay up I'm like... going bed and they'll be like "Not watching the Hatton fight? It's on at 4am, only five hours left". And it's like... oh yeah.

My dad doesn't really care what time I get in at either. If I'm drunk he'll just say "Your pissed, go sleep it off".

11-12-2008, 06:54 PM
She'll say something if I am up late (my mum cuz she'll be the one that catches me) and be like "you should be in bed!!" but I just say "I'm not tired yet" lol so she goes "ok go to bed soon". But I'm never up late on a school night =D go to bed on school nites between btw half 9pm - 11pm =D

11-12-2008, 07:43 PM
Evidently more mature than you, judging on that post, dear.

What the hell?

I was just joking, Why the hell did you -rep me.

11-12-2008, 07:46 PM
My dad dont mind but aslong as i switch everything off. My sis gets annoyed cause she has work next day and dont want me making noise ha

11-12-2008, 08:00 PM
mine dont care as long as i dont wake them

12-12-2008, 12:52 PM
my parents dont rly care if its weekends,summer, or holidays on school nights they care :P

12-12-2008, 02:08 PM
What the hell?

I was just joking, Why the hell did you -rep me.

There is a difference between humour and attempted humour, your post falls under the latter category.

12-12-2008, 08:15 PM
I used to do alot of late nights, sometimes I was up till 10am the next day, international dating for ya. I usualy get to bed alot earlier than I did on previous school nights, which was still 12pm-2am. We're no longer together so it no longer happens unless im out with some friends. Parents are kinda used to it but I used to get a right shouting if I was up till like 1 lol.

16-12-2008, 03:08 PM
long distance didn't work?

16-12-2008, 04:41 PM
Hai Sean!

I used to do alot of late nights, sometimes I was up till 10am the next day, international dating for ya. I usualy get to bed alot earlier than I did on previous school nights, which was still 12pm-2am. We're no longer together so it no longer happens unless im out with some friends. Parents are kinda used to it but I used to get a right shouting if I was up till like 1 lol.

Mine only have a problem if I wake anyone up.

16-12-2008, 06:27 PM
On school nights my mum and dad moan and moan at me if im not in bed by 12, so its not reli worth arguing about and i just go to bed.
In the summer I'd stay up till like 4am playing cod4 which is rather sad, but fun, but id end up waking everyone up cos i was shouting at it, then get moaned at yet again because they were working.

16-12-2008, 06:32 PM
they only care if I wake them up by doing so
same here.

16-12-2008, 07:29 PM
Hai Sean!

Mine only have a problem if I wake anyone up.

Hi Alex!!!!!

16-12-2008, 07:34 PM
My mum doesn't like me staying up but she says that it's my problem if I don't get up for school the next day. She does send my sister down, if it is rather late though.

On weekends, she doesn't like me staying up really late and has to question why I was up so late.

16-12-2008, 07:39 PM
My parents don't care what time I go to bed; I know what time I need to get up for school, etc so it's my responsibility.

16-12-2008, 08:48 PM
If it's firday/saturday/holiday then it doesn't really matter as long as I'm in my room and not sat down stairs.
If I'm downstairs I end up waking people up as I go upstairs :P

16-12-2008, 09:00 PM
i go bed/go out/come in at anytime as i know of the consequences blahblahblah

16-12-2008, 09:06 PM
same as akeem^^^

16-12-2008, 09:23 PM
Lol my mum tells me

" Its your fault when you go to school tired and then dont remember what you got taught and then do bad at your exams"

However she doesn't send me to bed; she says:

Your old enough to decide which time you go to bed.

16-12-2008, 09:29 PM
my dad will just be like why are you up? ill be like idk,, than hes like, just get some sleep
than i do what i want

16-12-2008, 09:31 PM
Hmm, My mum is a bit stricter, on holidays with no school in morning she aint bothered too much.

But if im up really late, just to teach me a lesson, she gets me up at like 9am, and makes me go to town or something xD

16-12-2008, 10:37 PM
Explain this one;

I'll be dossing about on the PC till around 11pm, reading articles, chilling really. Mum or Dad will pop in, and tell me to get off - I'll ignore. It'll soon escalate into an argument, where I finally get to the point where I can no longer be bothered to do so. Now, they won't mind me watching TV till 2am, but they'll mind if I'm on the PC till 12pm. In my view, the PC is more beneficial to me - allows me to get my work done and can be more knowledgeable - I mean we all know the crap thats on at 1am. :|

If I don't get up the next day, I don't get up. At this moment in time I couldn't care or less, I'll just yawn it off at School, moaning how tired I am. Will I learn my lesson any time soon? Probably not. On a serious note though, I get so pissed off with my parents it's un-true, and I'd be a lot less stressed if they just let me got on with everything without having some over protective parents constantly whittling in my ear.

Anyway, on the holidays I sometimes end up gaming till the sun rises. A few times I've done COD4 tournaments where I stay up till 6am. Only downside to doing that though is I'm overly tired the next day, and I'm useless in sleeping during the day.

Meh. Life story over...lol.

16-12-2008, 11:45 PM
My parents aren't really bothered because they'll know that in the end I'll learn myself and go to bed earlier because I'll be tired. They don't seem to mind what time I go to bed as long as I go to school the next day and don't use being tired as an excuse to have time off. :)

Janet Snakehole
16-12-2008, 11:49 PM
Nope my mum don't care. I was up at half 2 last night on the tredmill.

oh aren't you a fitty ;)

During the holidays my mum doesn't care. But she wants me off xbox at around 1am

yeah, my mum lets me do what i want in the holidays
she lets my brother stay on the xbox, but hes gotta like stop talking to his mates on it at like no later than 2am when shes in bed lmao :eusa_danc

17-12-2008, 12:22 AM
Do your parents go mad if they catch you up at like 3am?

Cos the other day it was like 4am, i heard someone on the hallway i scrambelled to the plug socket and switched of my pc, then only having about 3 seconds decided not to try to get in bed,but pretend i was just coming out of my room to go to the toilet

she says 'you should be in bed' then you know what she does!, she feels my computer chair, and says 'its still warm' you been up.

its like bloody forensics

you got merked all over the place haha. mine arent bothered if im up late as long as im quiet

17-12-2008, 12:06 PM
Parent's don't mind as long as it's not noisy. 2AM onwards rly.

17-12-2008, 06:39 PM
My mum always gives me times, but she goes to bed earlier then me, so I win :D

18-12-2008, 07:46 AM
My parents don't care about me staying up anymore
they know that'll ill get up in the morning and all that

Just make your parents believe you'll get up/everything

18-12-2008, 06:47 PM
my dad dusnt lives with me so no way for him to no when i go to bed.as for mum,she couldnt be bothered,as im only home when on holz so yeah shes giving me the space :D.usually i stay up like until 5-6 am when im home but i usually get forced out of the bed at 1 pm.she just make sures tht no matter how late i sleep,ill wake up at 1 pm the next day lolol

19-12-2008, 07:45 PM
Mine don't care. Infact when I'm at my dads house him and his girlfriend encourage me to stay up I'm like... going bed and they'll be like "Not watching the Hatton fight? It's on at 4am, only five hours left". And it's like... oh yeah.

My dad doesn't really care what time I get in at either. If I'm drunk he'll just say "Your pissed, go sleep it off".

Is your bedroom next to your dads room?

If so then I'm not suprised they encourage you to not go to bed.

And i have to go to bed at 10PM on school nights. Well i don't have to but the router gets turned off ROFLMAO

At weekends up till about 11/12.

I honestly don't care about getting told to get off. But when me router gets turned off whilst in the middle of developing an API is when i get annoyed.

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