View Full Version : Grand Slalom Competition

Judge Judy
11-12-2008, 12:00 PM

All this talk of skiing has led us into a problem. Do YOU know of a cool place in Habbo to go skiing?
You know what it's like. You desperately want to go skiing but everywhere you look is grey, wet and windy with a distinct shortage of snow. We may not have the exact climate necessary for skiing, something we love to be reminded of whenever the Winter Olympics come along, but that could all be about to change.
How would you like to help us with the snow shortage and create the biggest Winter Wonderland Ski Resort ever? The new Arctic Furni range offers you huge piles of snow and ice, not to mention the flaky blizzards of the snow storm. We have everything needed to create Ski Jumps, Slaloms and races!
Think you know of a perfect Skiing cold-spot? Decided to create your own version of a Skiing game on Habbo and want to show us? Enter our competition below and you could win a special Rare item, have your room visited by Habbo Staff and maybe even be enrolled into the Christmas Hot Rooms list.
Enter Our Competition
Send an email to: [email protected]
Use the subject: Grand Slalom
Don't forget to include a screenshot of your Skiing room and your Habbo name. If you are sending us a Skiing game, then include a short explanation of how to play and attach a screenshot of the game room.
Dates and Prizes
You must send your entry no later than Thursday 18th December. The winners will be chosen and announced on Friday 19th December. The 5 best entries will win a chilly Strawberry Ice Cream Machine which will add a very nice finishing touch to your party room this Christmas. This exceedingly Rare item of Furniture will be sure to catch the eye of traders and ice cream enthusiasts alike. If you'd like to get your hands on this item, check the competition entry details above.

Pretty explanitory...

Dunno whether to do it or not.

11-12-2008, 12:10 PM
Sounds like an intresting competition but it really depends on the amount of money you have, and willing to spend. If you want to win you have to have a lot of artic stuff as that shows habbo that you've payed money to them :D

11-12-2008, 12:19 PM
I love love to see someone build some sort of tobogan run for this comp, as seen sooo many skii resorts be nice to have sumin diffrent.

11-12-2008, 04:01 PM
hmm, no thankyou.
ive spent too much on credits already me thinks

12-12-2008, 12:09 AM

another? there are hardly any room competitions these days

this is the first super rare prize in alongggg time!

12-12-2008, 06:49 AM
still, i dont get it, you can exactly make it go downhill... lol.

Judge Judy
12-12-2008, 10:34 AM
another? there are hardly any room competitions these days

this is the first super rare prize in alongggg time!

ah well, everytime I see a thread about a new room competition, there's a few moaners and groaners :P

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