View Full Version : Are Hc's any better than Non Hcs?

05-07-2005, 07:56 PM
Pfft.. I don't think so. Some Hc's think they're SOOO great.. Appear to be richer etc and rub salt in the wounds on the non Hcs. Post you veiws on the difference between Hcs and Non Hcs here.

[Edited By Partie2] (Forum Moderator) Moved from Habbo Ideas, Please post in the correct forum!

05-07-2005, 08:00 PM
Are hc's better than non hc's?

my reply: no

05-07-2005, 08:02 PM
Non HC's = POOR N00b's - Thats the general conception, although you should never judge a book by its cover.

I am currently using a different account to store my 100+ thrones, and he is a non hc, looks like a pure n00b. I say 20 hcs for my throne, and someone says PROVE U HAVE A THRONE!!!! lol, little do they know. Either way, we should all give everyone the same respect we give to our friends, you never really truly know someone on the inside until you throw aside all assumptions and just listen to them..

05-07-2005, 08:04 PM
My best friend used to be a newb.. Now look where we are :)

05-07-2005, 08:33 PM
Some HCs only but Habbo Club so they can seem bigger than the common Habbo Folk. Rather pathetic really, they're no different nor are they rich, they're rich in furni...

05-07-2005, 08:41 PM
(I like the clothes though) Hehe.

05-07-2005, 08:52 PM
Nope, Im Currently A Non HC, Coz My Main Is Safety Banned :(
But Never Judge A Habbo By Its Clothes

05-07-2005, 08:54 PM
Cant you get your safety ban removed? :o

05-07-2005, 09:10 PM
No. Habbos with and without HC are no different apart from the obvious clothes and furni they get when joining HC.

Yes, most people who are in HC are richer but this is because they get rare furni when they join and this sells well. But as people, they're just the same really.

05-07-2005, 09:12 PM
Yep :) Most Non hcs are richer than me anyway! :P

06-07-2005, 03:13 AM
Well, I'm a Non-HC. And I think that these "HC only" partys are pretty dumb. Why not invite everyone? How are HC's better than the rest of us. *Shrug* Well, nothing's going to change anytime soon so I guess everyone has to get used to it.

Yeah I agree that they have better clothes. T_T

My answer...NO

06-07-2005, 03:14 AM
I don`t Think there any different - Its A matter of hair ect. And Sure Your A NON-HC when you first start out but some non HC`s are a ton richer than us HC`s -

Long Live The Non HC`s xD

06-07-2005, 03:17 AM
True. I know I'm a lot richer than some HC's that I know.

06-07-2005, 01:04 PM
Very true...

08-07-2005, 02:07 AM
I hate people who hate you just because you are a non-HC or people who love you just because you are HC. When I was non-HC I got like a couple to none friend requests to a room. When I was HC, I would get like 10 and more friend requests from one room! I find that very rude. :( Habbo's should be treated the same way no matter if they are non-HC or HC!

08-07-2005, 08:04 PM
Im Now Non Hc.. Boys Treat Me Differently.

08-07-2005, 08:42 PM
of corse not! I only ever joined HC for the rares ;) and now i continue to buy it because i like my gold badge :)

09-07-2005, 09:01 AM
there not better in person but they have better stuff

us hcs get

furni chooser
higher access/priority
more clothes
rares evry month
new room styles
and more

a hc party is a way of showing off that were hc to be honest ive never been to a hc party

Dan Williamson
17-07-2005, 01:13 AM
I Think Non-HCS Are Just As Smart As Hc's But Maybe Non-HC's Dnt Wanna Spend Money On Habbo. Habboism Is Not Tolerated

17-07-2005, 08:42 PM

People with HC think they own the hotel, act like they are richer, and think they have the right to call Non-Hcs.

When HC people make clubs called "HC's Only Club" and a Non-HC walks in, they get kicked immediately, and there's no point..

HC or not, we should all be treated the same.

17-07-2005, 08:44 PM
judging my hc and non-hc is just like being racist?
i dont fink u shud judge people by what they look like

17-07-2005, 10:05 PM
Some Hc's act Snobbish..

20-07-2005, 09:26 AM
I hate hcs like that
im hc but i
1.hide my badge(mainly cos its so goddamn ugly)
2.dress like a non hc but use hc colours

20-07-2005, 09:27 AM
The clothes r better thats all

20-07-2005, 02:51 PM
I thought this was going to be a forum about discussing how HCs and Non HCs are just the same sorts of people except for the fact that HCs paid a bit for some more stuff! But what I got was...

1. People Yelling about the others.
2. People arguing.
and 3. People saying 'HCs aren't cool' 'I hate HCs'

Hmmm... Maybe think that number three isn't very Cool as you thought it would be? I don't say 'Hahahahahaha I'm HC! I'm better than you!' to non-Hcs, I do make fun of clubbies however, whom can be either HC or Non-HC, it's not right, but I hate the way they use those exotic colors mixed with dull colors and the put their name or boyfriend/girlfriend in their mission and use those bad alt codes like the letters. Argh.

20-07-2005, 02:57 PM
No. They're not everyone on habbo hotel is equal. And should be treated that way.
I feel as though some people who cant afford habbo club or don't want it get a bad/newb image against them I mean that is totally unfair and should not be accepted. Although some people with Hc can also be 'newbie' like? In the sense they speak 'lyk dis nd it'z totally unreadablex' but hey if they like talking like that then it's all fine and the greater majority of habbo hotel can read that. Although if you're HC you get treated like royaly like ''HC ONLY CLUBS'' which are totally unfair. It's like saying ''Go buy some HC and then you can enter this popular crazy club'' You go buy the HC and it contains a duck and isn't popular. -.- Although you can be mocked for having HC too example; ''Hey you spend all your money on habbo hotel and don't have a life'' but some people mock you because you con't have it ''Go away newb you're not HC go away'' So in conclusion. Habbo with or without HC are treated badly. So my verdict ; don't buy it if you don't want to and buy it if you want. Whatever makes you feel better, I guess?

20-07-2005, 04:25 PM
Pfft.. I don't think so. Some Hc's think they're SOOO great.. Appear to be richer etc and rub salt in the wounds on the non Hcs. Post you veiws on the difference between Hcs and Non Hcs here.

First of all:

Hcs work hard trying to even get hc.. O.o And those are hc ' froobs ' who think there better than anyone else sometimes just because there hc doesnt mean there rich.. And sometimes YOU dont know but Non hcs could be doing it to hcs to.. EH EH EH! ;]

But calling people ' newb ' wont help anything but make it worst :$

20-07-2005, 04:27 PM
I think that being biast against HC's or Non-HC's is just like being racist, it shouldnt happen.
Second of all, wrong forum, how is this Habbo ideas?

20-07-2005, 04:43 PM
Well techincally they are better, as they have better privaledges, such as a HC badge, :furni and :chooser commands etc. But morally they aren't :), it's only the "Salon girl" types that think they're better than you.

20-07-2005, 04:56 PM
Some Non Hc's are richer than HC's , Some HC's pretend that they are rich for attention(no offence to any HC's) but Hc's get better clothes and Hair , I think that non hc's could get a few months of free hc

20-07-2005, 08:45 PM
Well im a non HC and I am richer than most of my HC friends.

Yes I get treated diff coz im a non HC
I think its like racism in a way
I spend money on habbo but I dont buy HC bcoz I like standing up for Non HCs becuase I think it is the right thing to do.

Some HC's can be n00bs...

I hate people that make those HC clubs :( They make me sick and most of the time they got no furni hah !!

21-07-2005, 12:17 AM
No. I have noticed like what she said about getting more f/r's as hc, and your right its not right, very annyoing... Also, in one of these "HC Only" clubs I went in dressed like a non hc, no badge, no cool colors, etc. I said hey he kicked me, I put on my normal hc 'attire' and went back just to make them feel bad for judging me to be non-hc just because of how I looked.

21-07-2005, 12:22 AM
i dunno wat i was looking at it was a scripters thing anyway coz i was on habboxforum which is this and i cliked on a web and there was all scripting stuff and there is 1 where u can get unbanned o i wish that happened 2 me when i was on habbo uk i wasin my room and some habbo camein and she was like hi and then she asked me 2 b her friend and i said yes and she was like wow a hc has never bin my friend before coz she was non hc i didn't really care if i was a hc or not i talk 2 hcs and non hcs all the time i don't treat non hcs differently were all the same and some hcs are poorer the non hcs and i hate the hc partys its so annoying like its mean

21-07-2005, 08:27 AM
No. I have noticed like what she said about getting more f/r's as hc, and your right its not right, very annyoing... Also, in one of these "HC Only" clubs I went in dressed like a non hc, no badge, no cool colors, etc. I said hey he kicked me, I put on my normal hc 'attire' and went back just to make them feel bad for judging me to be non-hc just because of how I looked.

O.o The only reason why we get f/rs is because we look rich.. =llll But it doesnt mean it..

If your mad at hc's having hc clubs only why dont you just make a non hc club? O.o

21-07-2005, 12:25 PM
My answer to the question 'Are Hc's Better Than Non HC's?' is: Nooooo

Just because a Habbo isn't in HC doesn't mean that we should treat them any different. We should treat others as we would want to be treated. Everyone was Non HC sometime. I must admit though i do like the different things you get in HC. If i was in HC i wouldn't treat HC's or Non HC's any differently that i would if i wasn't in HC.

Love Glitzing (Faye)

21-07-2005, 01:32 PM
Well said Faye! :p

24-07-2005, 07:36 PM
They aren't better, some are worse. However this works both ways, HC's call non-hc's noobs or poor or whatever and make HC only clubs...but Non-hc's call HC's snobby or whatever for making the clubs.

I have been in HC from quite near the beginning of it and got quite a lot of stuff from the furni each month, i was in it a year before i decided that its not worth paying for because of the furni repeating. I have had trophies once out of HC and when trying to trade them or for them people say "Prove you have a trophy" or "Stop lying you dont have 8 thrones", I took them to my room with 25 or so thrones and they shut up.

Its a choice whether or not to be in HC, if you want to pay £2.50 a month whether it is for the clothes, the colours, or the furni...or even just so you can say "I'm better than you" to some Non-hc person.

If not you can spend that same £2.50 and buy some sweets or a magazine or some habbo furni or whatever.

You just have to ignore the people who will say "you are a poor noob" and vice versa "you are a rich snob" because we are all better than those people ;)

31-07-2005, 03:20 AM
Lol Almost all my friends are Non-HCs. I find some HCs rather annoying, stuck up, and just plain noobs. It doesnt matter to me, with some badge... I dont even show mine anyways x]

02-08-2005, 07:24 PM
Non HC's = POOR N00b's - Thats the general conception, although you should never judge a book by its cover.

I am currently using a different account to store my 100+ thrones, and he is a non hc, looks like a pure n00b. I say 20 hcs for my throne, and someone says PROVE U HAVE A THRONE!!!! lol, little do they know. Either way, we should all give everyone the same respect we give to our friends, you never really truly know someone on the inside until you throw aside all assumptions and just listen to them..
Very true.
Irl one of my mates is convinced the hobo in town is rich, despite his shabby exterior... :P ... that reminds me of non hc vs. hc... somehow...
*runs away*

02-08-2005, 09:46 PM
I think that that is discriminative aginst us hcs wat havei done wrong u cant say that i odnt treat u differently so dont stereotype us

03-08-2005, 02:29 AM
Habbo Club Members are not better then Non-Hc's. I have to admit that some HC's can be noobs them self. "/

03-08-2005, 07:32 AM
I am a dj on habbox radio and i am a non hc, are u calling me a noob if i am, then i say u don't then. I have people hc friends and they are nice to me, its only counts with the person inside. Habbo is a game and has fake cloths. Nother thing is that every people on habbo has the same furni if they are in hc or non as my point has shown

please close this thead!!!

03-08-2005, 07:36 AM
hcs pay for it ( im hc ) and non hcs beg for it

03-08-2005, 07:38 AM
so, habbo is just a game

03-08-2005, 08:08 AM
No. End of story.

03-08-2005, 08:14 AM
non h-c's usually have lots of stuff, i know 1 who put £250 werth of creds on it lol.
from txting

03-08-2005, 03:10 PM
Hcs Nor Non Hcs Are Better then each Other, The only reason i buy HC is because the look i like wearing on habbo involves Long hair. I Always hide my hc badge and dont like the Hc rooms. Many Hcs have little furni and are new to habbo and got persuaded to join the HC because of the page that habbo made. Many Non hcs have lots of furni because they either WERE Hc and its ended or just dont benefit from the extra features.

03-08-2005, 03:14 PM
hc's dnt think ther better, they have privileges, yes, they earnt them, they bought them so non hcs shudnt b hasty towards hc ppl jst cos hcs hav privileges and non's dnt. im hc, im not tht rich but i dnt think im the gr8est, sumtimes i dnt like ppl noing im hc so i change into non-hc clothes and walk around with my badge off. people treat you differently, worse if you will. its weird. i get hc for the monthly furni and the privileges. but i find my non-hc friends are better m8z than hc m8z.

03-08-2005, 03:17 PM
Well im a non HC and I am richer than most of my HC friends.

Yes I get treated diff coz im a non HC
I think its like racism in a way
I spend money on habbo but I dont buy HC bcoz I like standing up for Non HCs becuase I think it is the right thing to do.

Some HC's can be n00bs...

I hate people that make those HC clubs :( They make me sick and most of the time they got no furni hah !!

if thats not offence i dnt no wot is. u cant say, hcz r wurse than non hc'z, some are, but some arent. everyone is different and you cant say one thing about someone and not another if the only problem you have with one of them is because they have a badge saying hc then ur hippicritical. sorry if i seem harsh, but im into law.

03-08-2005, 03:50 PM
no they're not better.
When I buy HC does it make me great and then after a month im stupid and dumb?
I dont think so ;)

04-08-2005, 10:57 AM
N/o everyone whos bought hc does change they think they don't when they get it but I know , When I bought hc I became Snobish and rude I didn't accept f/r's and its wrong sometimes it may be annoying but some people dont have friends on habbo and get lonely and plus have you noticed that your friends arent really your friends I had people on my list when I was hc they talked to me now I will ask where they are and they ignore me its so rude , and I hate the clubs with the fancy lettering and the private sections that all those girls with the colored ponytails or the braided pigyails and the names with numbers and !'s and how they talk in there dumb alt codes and there little bfs that act girlie and match them and talk all stupid like preppy freaks and I hate people who have all hc clubs and kick you I also hate the hc people that when you say hi to them to try and make friends they look at you all weird well anyways if you became hc you would probably act like this 2

09-08-2005, 07:46 PM
HCs aren't better than Non-HCs. My best mate is Non-Hc.

BUT I hate people who hate me only because I'm HC. I never said I am greater only because I am HC. People who say that are just JEALOUS. That's it. They are JEALOUS.

09-08-2005, 07:49 PM
Theres is so Difference except one is in a club and one isint , its just the Noob Hc's who think there sooo clever, Not all of us

09-08-2005, 07:51 PM
even the richest habbos were noobs at some time.

09-08-2005, 09:20 PM
Yeh, I hate people who buy HC so they can strut about with a "flashy" badge and new clothes and "exclusive" furni. But so many peeps buy it that it's become a style war- and that's why many HCs win modelling "contracts" and fashion competitions on Habbo. But some non-HCs do well too.
I just buy HC cos I want to.

09-08-2005, 09:23 PM
one word says it all

10-08-2005, 02:27 PM
Of course not... I'm a non-HC :D

10-08-2005, 05:39 PM
i dnt call any non hc noobs im just hc for the extras

10-08-2005, 08:03 PM
Some Hc's are big headed to non hcs
rember isaid "some"
im currently hc but im mostly non hc.
The only diff is how they sometimes act
again some ppl use this a sterotype so:
Non hcs must be poor
Hcs must be rich
but it doesnt matter hc or not :p

10-08-2005, 08:04 PM
Pfft.. I don't think so. Some Hc's think they're SOOO great.. Appear to be richer etc and rub salt in the wounds on the non Hcs. Post you veiws on the difference between Hcs and Non Hcs here.

[Edited By Partie2] (Forum Moderator) Moved from Habbo Ideas, Please post in the correct forum!
well no, coz alot of the rich ppl, 8ballbomber as an eg, arnt hc and they are rich

and my answer is no, coz im not a hc :P lol jkz but i say no

24-09-2005, 03:45 PM
There are plenty of noobish hcs, and plenty of un nooby non hcs.

24-09-2005, 03:56 PM
Hc's have got even more new features now ...

24-09-2005, 04:36 PM
I hate people who judge habbos because they're non-hc. I was non-hc a while ago and I was accused of being a scripter, just because I had a shaved head.. :(

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