View Full Version : [Alteration] Said something about Microphone chat?

13-12-2008, 09:08 PM
This is definitely not original but it struck me, we need a microphone chat on Habbo.

WHY? Because im a lazy Jerk who CBA to type, im literally hurting typing this up now.

Here’s a picture of my idea -

You get the Jest rite?

If not then you click the big microphone icon in the bottom right half and box comes up... you press the Green triangle and it starts recording, press the red circle and you stop recording. The time limit would be around 10seconds, after you’ve finished recording your message you may press enter while in the habbo chat bar so that your voice message is sent out, people can hear your voice after this but they cant when the recording ends. If not happy with your message and you don’t want to send it you can press the backspace (delete) and get rid of it to do whatever.

There’s a disable microphone a the top half which mutes all Microphone messages. Before you can emit Microphone messages you first require to enable it in the settings and agree with the same conditions and terms as you would when you turn the filter off.

Tell me what you think of my attempt at shedding light on this idea.

Its my first alt, but more of a suggestion than a work of art.

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