View Full Version : GTA IV "The Lost and Damned" Trailer

15-12-2008, 01:26 PM

New GTA IV trailer show Part 1 of 2 of the DLC for Xbox 360. Not posting in Microsoft section as its not been confirmed only for Xbox 360 consoles.

More news at http://www.gta4.net

Some of whats in the DLC posted in gta4.net.

Rockstar's new DLC for their hit game Grand Theft Auto IV will expand everywhere, adding new content in every form, along with a new character; a biker named Johnny. The game is based on biker-style content, but does not fail to include new content in other aspects. New vehicles will include; the Cheetah, the fast, 1980's stlye sports car. It'll keep it's old style, but will be graphically beautiful. Besides that, 2 new bikes will be included. One bike called the Marauder, a single head-lighted chopper with great speed, driven by Johnny and his closest friends from his gang, the Lost. Another is an unamed bike, similar to the NRG-900, but with more control at fast speeds and better stability around corners. Rockstar also stated the tank would not return this episode, but hinted in would come in a future package. New weapons will include a handy pocket-knife, which you will start with at the beginning of the episode, car bombs, as a hand weapon instead of pick-up from a friend, 2 more sub-machine guns, and a new pistol. Gameplay aspects will be greatly improved, as you will now be able to use more weapons in vehicles. Passengers will be able to use assault rifles, and bikers can melee, either while riding or driving. There will be a total of 30 missions, with one decision near the end, which will determine the final scenes of the game. Two radio station will make it into the DLC, one being a blues station called Suave Jam 104.3, and a hair metal station similar to V-Rock from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, containing tracks such as the previously announced Crazy Train from Ozzy Osbourne, and Megadeth. Multiplayer will be improved with 3 additional modes, one of which is a 2-4 player game called Drug Bust. The other 2 games will be a Destruction Derby-esque game with an arena created especially for the mode. However, the arena will be explorable in single player also. Another mode was mentioned, but given little detail about. Rockstar only stated "It will provide more freedom than free mode."

15-12-2008, 01:32 PM
This looks awsome!

15-12-2008, 05:06 PM
LOL the ps3 fanboy is still crying cos they ain't getting their DLC. Its been confirmed as X360 only when it was first announced as Microsoft paid extra for it.

mod move to Microsoft please.

15-12-2008, 05:21 PM
Damnnnn this looks good. May have to enquire into a 360 sooner or later....

15-12-2008, 05:21 PM
Exclusive DLC has been announced for Xbox 360 yes... but no one knows what PS3 & Xbox 360 consoles will get in comparison.

15-12-2008, 05:21 PM
Video doesn't work

15-12-2008, 05:26 PM
Been removed here is it again:


15-12-2008, 05:42 PM
Exclusive DLC has been announced for Xbox 360 yes... but no one knows what PS3 & Xbox 360 consoles will get in comparison.

They confirmed that this was the first "major" exclusive DLC for the 360 a while ago, so no, PS3 will not be getting it.

15-12-2008, 05:47 PM
Thats ********. Asif there not doing it for the PS3. So we pay for the game, yet they treat PS3 owners like that?

This would put me off buying any other RS product :l

15-12-2008, 08:34 PM
its what the console giants have done for years. id say the way they do these exclusives breaks some sort of competition law

15-12-2008, 08:59 PM
I can't wait for it, I hope they update the current in-game radio though.

15-12-2008, 09:06 PM
its what the console giants have done for years. id say the way they do these exclusives breaks some sort of competition law
Can you rephrase that pls :P

15-12-2008, 09:10 PM
Well i read on a site somewhere that both ps3 and xbox 360 would get DLC, cant remember if it said it would be a timed thing for 360 they get it months before ps3 or if the ps3 got a diffrent load of DLC.

15-12-2008, 09:11 PM
saw this on the video game awards last night.
funny thay come out with dlc after a lot of people have already sold the game.

15-12-2008, 11:08 PM
Maybe people will buy it again, who knows. Thats why I didn't sell it though, people are short sighted and impatient nowadays and don't want to wait for it.

15-12-2008, 11:13 PM
Maybe people will buy it again, who knows. Thats why I didn't sell it though, people are short sighted and impatient nowadays and don't want to wait for it.
I sold my copy about 2 weeks after realease . Its not that I'm impateient, didnt even know about a dlc at the time, but i didnt like the game at all, so why keep it so i could buy a dlc i probably wouldnt like too much either?

15-12-2008, 11:17 PM
Well thats fair enough if you didn't like the game, but those who completed it and actually liked it but then sold it cos they didn't have anything else to do for a while are.

15-12-2008, 11:22 PM
Wow, see that new minigun in there? Sh-weet! Guarenteed to get new clothing too, co's if not... bummer :/

16-12-2008, 04:51 PM
if you dont like the main game, dont expect the dlc to be any better

Ashley 12344
16-12-2008, 10:39 PM
Well thats fair enough if you didn't like the game, but those who completed it and actually liked it but then sold it cos they didn't have anything else to do for a while are.

Wouldn't call it short sighted. I got £16 back for it, with pre-owned copies available for less than a £1 more.
Whens the DLC out?

16-12-2008, 10:42 PM
Yeah but you've paid like what £55 for it overall, then you have the DLC on top of it.

But hell, it's your money :)

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