View Full Version : Any artists out there? Need some advice about a painting!

22-12-2008, 10:23 PM
Hey guys- in the middle of a painting and I'm rather stuck!


Its meant to be an aboriginal man. I haven't finished the beard yet which is why its just a big blob of white! So is there anything above the lips I can improve?

But, most importantly, I'm stuck with what to do with the background.. I thought about black... But it would take emphasis away from the face. Maybe a sky blue?

Lemme know please would really appreciate it!

Also post all yr latest drawings/paintings/photography or whatever! :D


22-12-2008, 10:39 PM
Ahhhh no! You are clearly extremely talented as an observational painter if that's your work, but you made a critical error - you should always do the background first. It's far more difficult to paint up to the lines and then have to retouch it where it doesn't quite fit or takes away from the edges than it is to do a background and paint the main subject over it.

With this in mind, if I were you I'd actually leave it without a background rather than risk ruining the piece. Haven't actually FINISHED anything myself in a while because I get bored or stuck half way lol but will post some older stuff in a bit when I find it

22-12-2008, 10:44 PM
Ahhhh no! You are clearly extremely talented as an observational painter if that's your work, but you made a critical error - you should always do the background first. It's far more difficult to paint up to the lines and then have to retouch it where it doesn't quite fit or takes away from the edges than it is to do a background and paint the main subject over it.

With this in mind, if I were you I'd actually leave it without a background rather than risk ruining the piece. Haven't actually FINISHED anything myself in a while because I get bored or stuck half way lol but will post some older stuff in a bit when I find it

You know, I've always had trouble with doing the backgrounds and never even thought to do it first with acrylics! Do with oils though cause it's all in layers... But don't you reckon it'll look a bit empty with plain white canvas? I see what you mean about ruining the painting though.. Took me long enough as it is to do that. Cheers for the advice! +rep of course

22-12-2008, 10:58 PM
Wow, you are extremely talented. I think the piece looks brilliant as it is; I think a background would only spoil it.

22-12-2008, 10:59 PM
Nah I think if it is purely just white and blank then it'll work well as a negative space, especially if it's put up against a white backdrop, it'll definitely make the figure stand out brilliantly. I use acrylics myself (not at all in the style you do though haha my paintings aren't at all figurative) and yeah they're pretty good for layering as long as you don't lay it on too heavy to start, and they dry really quick so it can be quite useful.

Don't suppose you've ever done a painting partially in oil and part in acrylic? Never tried it myself but might work nicely to have an oil background (for the layering) and then acrylic over to get something more solid... not sure if they'd mix well though.

22-12-2008, 11:10 PM
thanks Xarea

I know oils are such a pain, they just take sososo long to dry... Always have to get the hair drier out. I used to hate them but I've started experimenting recently. I read up on it a bit and found this technique where you draw what're you're going to paint heavily in charcoal - really makes a difference! I've never tried using oils and acrylics, no... Sounds interesting though! Although the acrylics quite so thin in comparison I dunno if it'd work? We'll have to try it.

Had a little sketch and came up with this-
so might use that to try the technique!

22-12-2008, 11:20 PM
what you could do is darken more of the left side of the face asif he is looking away from something or you could even brighten it up a bit and the background could be sunset/sunrise or simply sun and he is looking away from this

i see you are a extremeley great artist so i think you should keep to your skills and create something you thing will look good

wish i was that good of an artist great picture keep it up

merry xmas

23-12-2008, 02:55 AM
I am crap at art and my skills go as far as drawing stick men, so unfortunately I cannot help. But I must say you are amazing at art, keep doing it through GCSE, A level etc you will get very far! +rep

23-12-2008, 03:02 AM
Tones of light brown and grey in the beard would help I think.

23-12-2008, 04:35 AM
Wow, that is a great painting, and the drawing is awesome too. +rep.

23-12-2008, 05:05 PM
Thanks guys... comments have helped. Did it for GCSE but didn't carry it on for a level, just a hobby now...

24-12-2008, 12:45 PM
I think the creases in his forehead should be a little more shaded. At the moment they look like cracks or just lines you drew on.

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