View Full Version : Saving the world from homosexuality is like saving rainforests

23-12-2008, 06:28 PM

The Pope has said that "saving" humanity from homosexual or transsexual behaviour is just as important as saving the rainforests.

Pope Benedict XVI sparked a furious reaction from other Christian groups as he also suggested that a blurring of the distinction between male and female could lead to the "self-destruction" of the human race.

The pontiff was delivering his end-of-year address to senior Vatican staff and his words were later released to the media.

The Roman Catholic Church teaches that, while homosexuality is not sinful, homosexual acts are.

It opposes gay marriage and, in October, one leading Vatican official described homosexuality as "a deviation, an irregularity, a wound".

In his address to the Curia, the Vatican's central administration, the Pope himself described behaviour beyond traditional heterosexual relations as "a destruction of God's work".

He said the Roman Catholic Church had a duty to "protect man from the destruction of himself" and urged respect for the "nature of the human being as man and woman."

The pontiff added: "The tropical forests do deserve our protection. But man, as a creature, does not deserve any less."

His remarks were immediately denounced as "totally irresponsible and unacceptable in any shape or form" by the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement.

Its chief executive, the Rev Sharon Ferguson, said: "It is more the case that we need to be saved from his comments. It is comments like this that justify homophobic bullying that goes on in schools and it is comments like this that justify gay bashing.

"There are still so many instances of people being killed around the world, including in western society, purely and simply because of their sexual orientation or their gender identity.

"When you have religious leaders like that making that sort of statement then followers feel they are justified in behaving in an aggressive and violent way because they feel that they are doing God's work in ridding the world of these people."

The Rev Dr Giles Fraser, Vicar of Putney and president of Inclusive Church, the pro-gay Anglican movement, said: "I thought the Christmas angels said 'Fear not'.

"Instead, the Pope is spreading fear that gay people somehow threaten the planet. And that's just absurd.

"As always, this sort of religious homophobia will be an alibi for all those who would do gay people harm. Can't he think of something better to say at Christmas?"

Thank god he doesn't have that much power. He would be the next Hitler.

Virgin Mary
23-12-2008, 06:42 PM
the world needs saving from the pope's application of eyeshadow under his eyes =s

23-12-2008, 07:12 PM
the world needs saving from the pope's application of eyeshadow under his eyes =s


Also, lol at the effect one sentence in a book of myths has.

23-12-2008, 08:19 PM
The pope secretly likes them.

23-12-2008, 08:59 PM
How can the pope moan about homosexuals and transsexuals? He's the one wearing the ******* dress! (Bad joke sorry :P)

To be fair I think the world is pretty bad at 'saving' both of them?

Edit: I thought it was Gordon brown saving the world anyway, not the pope? This man has got it all wrong!

26-12-2008, 05:00 PM
Its strange how Christianity holds so much power in so many places, same with other religions. I just don't get it. Richard Dawkins is my god!

26-12-2008, 05:02 PM

Also, lol at the effect one sentence in a book of myths has.
They were all gay.

26-12-2008, 05:59 PM
It makes me laugh how in this day and age a person who is held with such high regard by so many people can actually believe something as stupid and backward as that.

Here is a man who is suposed to be promoting peace and unity, ripping to pieces the notion of acceptance, and parking himself in the way of progress.

I can't see how politicians can expect to be able to help improve the world when they have to deal with such well respected idiots as Pope Benedict XVI.

26-12-2008, 08:13 PM
Thats really stupid, you dont choose too be gay its genetic :S

27-12-2008, 01:41 AM

I would have thought that all the kids put off sex for life by the most efficient paedophile organisation in the world disguised as a religion would have had a much more devastating effect.

27-12-2008, 02:09 AM
I'm guessing he follows the gay stereotype of the annoying, party hard homosexuals that seem to have attitude problems. Quite a majority of homosexuals are just normal citizens. Same as heterosexuals who party hard and act annoying. Sexuality doesn't make any difference, and a man or a woman who has sex with the same sex isn't at all unnatural.

30-12-2008, 01:01 AM
Good old religion, eh? Flawless.

30-12-2008, 01:54 AM
Lol, silly christianity and theyre silly leader :S

30-12-2008, 02:26 PM
Long live the Pope! The sooner gays are wiped out, the better.

Edited by Myke (Forum Super Moderator): Please respect other peoples opinions.

30-12-2008, 03:11 PM
It's wrong and unfair what he said, but is it completely unjustified? If the majority of the population was homosexual then man kind would be in a hell load of trouble. And don't say something like 'mankind doesn't really deserve to live we toxify our planet blah blah blah' because if you really believed that you would have killed yourself ages ago.

02-01-2009, 03:50 AM
Long live the Pope! The sooner gays are wiped out, the better.


If I had it my way the entire "pope" system would be abolished, people can believe what they wish to believe no matter how illogical and insane they are. But such a figurehead with millions who conservatively follow his ignorant and bigoted opinions is just dangerous in modern society.

03-01-2009, 01:22 PM
Long live the Pope! The sooner gays are wiped out, the better.

03-01-2009, 02:06 PM

If I had it my way the entire "pope" system would be abolished, people can believe what they wish to believe no matter how illogical and insane they are. But such a figurehead with millions who conservatively follow his ignorant and bigoted opinions is just dangerous in modern society.Totally agree with you but sadly the Vatican isn't in this 'Modern Society' as this thread demonstrates :P

03-01-2009, 04:00 PM

03-01-2009, 04:11 PM
the world needs saving from the pope's application of eyeshadow under his eyes =s

that was just hilarious... it made me lol..

It's kinda out of order... if gay people weren't allowed to be gay.. why did "God" let them have that gene? Why does "God" let them get married in a christian church...

03-01-2009, 04:11 PM
Long live the Pope! The sooner gays are wiped out, the better.

Edited by Myke (Forum Super Moderator): Please respect other peoples opinions.

That's not right. It shouldn't matter if your straight, gay, bisexual, white or black. Or whatever it is. You still have a right to live in this world. Just because people hate gays, doesn't mean everyone does.

03-01-2009, 04:17 PM
"If you ***** us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?"
-- William Shakespeare

That is what it should be.

That's what half of you fail to see, and that's what makes peeople scared of coming out because people are so god damn ignorant... it annoys me when other people judge...
They are no different.

*reminds me of the movie I watched yday*

03-01-2009, 04:18 PM
that was just hilarious... it made me lol..

It's kinda out of order... if gay people weren't allowed to be gay.. why did "God" let them have that gene? Why does "God" let them get married in a christian church...
It is rather odd, they can't pull out the freewill argument either, because as you said, genes = genetic. Something no-one has control over.

03-01-2009, 04:21 PM
Long live the Pope! The sooner gays are wiped out, the better.

Edited by Myke (Forum Super Moderator): Please respect other peoples opinions.

What's wrong with gay people? Has a gay person ever done anything to you? Do you know any personally? But seriously you wouldn't say that infront of a group of gay people so don't say it here please.

03-01-2009, 04:23 PM
Like the pope gets any action.

03-01-2009, 06:05 PM
Like the pope gets any action.Well that's a no brainer as he's not allowed to get married (He's married to God) and of course, no sex with out marriage.

03-01-2009, 11:37 PM
I think alot of you here are missing the point, the Catholic church (from what I've gathered) says that it's okay to be gay, it's just the sexual acts that are frowned upon. Yeah, messed up I know.

Away from that, isn't it a little bit ironic that I got an infraction saying "Respect others opinions"...? :lol:

04-01-2009, 05:09 PM
Well that's a no brainer as he's not allowed to get married (He's married to God) and of course, no sex with out marriage.

Age difference!

04-01-2009, 07:11 PM
that was just hilarious... it made me lol..

It's kinda out of order... if gay people weren't allowed to be gay.. why did "God" let them have that gene? Why does "God" let them get married in a christian church...

:eusa_danc:eusa_danc He's not real. :eusa_danc:eusa_danc

04-01-2009, 07:37 PM
that was just hilarious... it made me lol..

It's kinda out of order... if gay people weren't allowed to be gay.. why did "God" let them have that gene? Why does "God" let them get married in a christian church...

It is not a 'sin' to be homasexual it is a sin to perform homasexual acts with another person... It is not God allowing homasexual people get married in the church..

Virgin Mary
04-01-2009, 08:14 PM
There isn't a gene, at least not a proven one, scientists are only researching it. Gays who use that excuse make themselves look stupid and desperate.

04-01-2009, 08:19 PM
:eusa_danc:eusa_danc He's not real. :eusa_danc:eusa_danc

Thanks for that... very... contributive post :rolleyes:

It is not a 'sin' to be homasexual it is a sin to perform homasexual acts with another person... It is not God allowing homasexual people get married in the church..

Well, yes, it is God.

A church is God's home. Now, I'm not religious, but I'm talking as if I am. Idc.

Like I said, it's God's home. If it wasn't allowed, then... it wouldn't be happening. It's just hypocritical.

04-01-2009, 08:25 PM
Thank god he doesn't have that much power. He would be the next Hitler.

Where could he possibly get his Naziesque opinion from?!

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