View Full Version : Omgg!!!

07-07-2005, 05:35 PM
Today i was in English and a teacher came round with a letter about the bomb attacks. As soon as she announced it i was in complete shock and i couldnt stop shaking she said "If theres anyone with any relations in London put your hand up" So i put mine up instantly and she was like "Who is it?"
"My Dad" so i started crying at this point. i have no idea what came over me.
"Do you have your mobile on you? Or do you know his number?"
"No :'( :'( " so she said "Ok go down and see your mum" (My mum works in Learning Support in my School) So as i was coming out Miss Duge said "Omg Katie whats the matter?!" "I think my Dads in London!!!!" At this poaint i was in utter shock and i was balling my eyes out. So miss Cartmel came out and she took my hand i we ran all the way down the 3 storey stairs and she banged on my learning support office door and my mum was noticed my thinking that something had happened to me "Whats the matter?!?!" So Miss Cartmell explained everything and my mum was like "Oh your Dads not working in London today!!" "He's in Watford!!" I was crying my eyes out with releif and i was shaking for liek 3 hours!!... i've never been so scared in my life.. I also found out that where my dads was working in London was exactly where the bombs were!! it was so lucky that he was working somewhere else! i cant describe my feelings. i didnt know what came over me! all day i've had people coming up to me "Katie are you okay?" "Is ya dad okay?!" all of the teachers and kids form school have been asking me and my mum if im okay as well... so the word must have got round quickly... i've been flooded on msn with people asking me if me n my dad are ok" i cant cant beleive how lucky my dad is... if he was working there today.. there could be a possibility that he wouldn't be here right now... [ Sorry its so long i just need to get it out of my system!!]

07-07-2005, 05:38 PM
loads of people at my school had people in London. ive got something interesting, my mates dad missed his usual train by 2 minutes, 17 minutes later, that train was blown up.

07-07-2005, 05:38 PM
a bet ur feeling really rrelieved

i was scared and i live miles away with no relations in london so i cant imagine how u was feeling

07-07-2005, 05:49 PM
loads of people at my school had people in London. ive got something interesting, my mates dad missed his usual train by 2 minutes, 17 minutes later, that train was blown up.

And sorry to here about you getting so upset . Happy to here that your dad is ok :) and that he was not near London

07-07-2005, 05:53 PM
glad to hear ur dads ok :) and i feel ever soo sorry for the unfortunate relatives friends and the people who had to go through this traumatic experience,im going to thorpe park 2moz and im a bit scared :(

07-07-2005, 05:54 PM
i was only just in london on monday at a school trip and then loads of people from school went yesterday too so its quite lucky for us considering

07-07-2005, 05:57 PM
o.O My dad is still in London, right near where the bombs were. Mum is going to the airport in London tomorrow.
Eep? :(

07-07-2005, 06:03 PM
Omg Ive been crying all day.. my dad lives in London along with my HUGE family, my cousins would be using the trains for school and other family for work and i cant get in touch with anyone :'(

07-07-2005, 06:07 PM
Sorry to hear about all your families :(
Have a good time at thorpe park and dont let it worry you :)
The year 7's were going on a school trip in London as soon as they got to Croydon they had to go straight back

07-07-2005, 06:21 PM
yer sumone i know was going there but they had to turn back,they were going somewhere for careers or summit,but its a shame that everyone has got upset because of sum very SELFISH and i wont say that dont wana get banned people who are brainwashed into doing things for their NEW RELIGIOn or w/e but again i am glad to hear ur dads ok and lauralol i hope u hear from ur family in london soon and that no-one has been hurt :)

07-07-2005, 06:37 PM
Lucky There, School Trip cancelled Tomarrow

07-07-2005, 07:03 PM
Yea, i wish my dad wasnt working in London, he passed away ..

07-07-2005, 07:04 PM
I Offer My Condolances

But I Think Your Lieing, Why Would You Be On Comp If He Died?
Youd Be Crying

07-07-2005, 07:08 PM
I Offer My Condolances

But I Think Your Lieing, Why Would You Be On Comp If He Died?
Youd Be Crying

You wouldnt understand, my emotions are weird, and i usually get more mad about things then sad. And tomorrow im going to his funeral. Sorry if u think otheriwse. My moms been crying all day, and i dont want to see it. I Know its weird, but thats me.

07-07-2005, 07:10 PM
Im Sorry:(

07-07-2005, 07:12 PM
Im Sorry:(
Its ok, im just trying to get my mind of things, really.

07-07-2005, 07:36 PM
Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that Pink.. :(
Darn. That reminds me - I'm going to London tomorrow with my mootha.. Shucks..

07-07-2005, 08:10 PM
Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that Pink.. :(
Darn. That reminds me - I'm going to London tomorrow with my mootha.. Shucks..

They may close the train lines going to london if you were going on train.

My aunty lives in London. Luckily it was by her but her boyfriend lives just around the corner from were it happened. It was quite worrying at first because the phones were down and couldn't get through

08-07-2005, 12:50 PM
It really annoys me. All the asylum seekers come in OUR country and blow the place up!! Grrr >:(

08-07-2005, 12:52 PM
It really annoys me. All the asylum seekers come in OUR country and blow the place up!! Grrr >:(
What makes it worse if that they don't even know how many asylum seekers they're letting in!

08-07-2005, 01:53 PM
I'm really sorry pink!

And you must be really relieved Katie.

I live in London, so all the kids were ringing their parents worried, and all the mobile networks were down and stuff so tonnes of people were worried and crying, so the library had to set up a place for everyone to call relatives.
Luckily my parents were at home but I am NEVER going on a train again.

08-07-2005, 02:07 PM
I'm glad your dad is ok.

I have a little story:

My mate, who lives in London, and has been for the past 4 years was going to catch a train to school because he was late. I'm not sure which train station, this is what he told me. He was getting up late and he told his mum he was going to catch the train, she said no she has no change. So he had to wait for her to give him some change for him to catch the train. It took about 5 minutes. And he said when he got to the train station everyone was crying.

Some of you may think, this is lies, seeking attention blahblah someone already said the same. But, this did happen. And my HEART goes to those who died and to the families and friends of the victims.

08-07-2005, 02:43 PM
I live in Luton and i always go to London (oxford circus)by train with my Mum and i love going London but now i'm kinda afraid that the bomb situation is going to happen again.. it's probably unlikely but still...i shouldnt be afriad because thats what the terrorists want us to be like.

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