View Full Version : Help Building a Website

05-01-2009, 12:10 AM
I dont know which one to put this in so if a mod could move it to the correct area id be grateful ^.^

Well im wanting to start up a website, Im wanting to make it look like http://www.daizex.com/ (http://www.daizex.com/). Not exactly like it but the concept of it. Links to various pages. News/updates bit, add a forum ect.

What i need help is how would i go around doing this? i know i would have to buy a domain ect but then i get lost the only thing i have really done is basic html at school. and even with that i wasnt really any good.

So any help would be appreciated ^^

05-01-2009, 03:57 PM
I dont know which one to put this in so if a mod could move it to the correct area id be grateful ^.^

Well im wanting to start up a website, Im wanting to make it look like http://www.daizex.com/ (http://www.daizex.com/). Not exactly like it but the concept of it. Links to various pages. News/updates bit, add a forum ect.

What i need help is how would i go around doing this? i know i would have to buy a domain ect but then i get lost the only thing i have really done is basic html at school. and even with that i wasnt really any good.

So any help would be appreciated ^^

My opinion here:

"The best way to learn is to do".

However that is my way of learning. Some coders may disagree with me, but I'm sure you learn faster & better when you are actually doing something. Just copy code (DO NOT RELEASE IT HOST IT PRIVATELY) and edit the code a bit.

For instance, edit height in the css file, mess around with it all :p

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