View Full Version : 3 cheers for Habbo UK

14-01-2009, 05:42 PM
It is our 8th birthday and we will cry if we want to! Don't worry, our party will be one for the history books!

With Habbo UK turning a magnificent 8 years old on Saturday, we are beginning a long weekend festival of fun!

Please find below how you can win a birthday badge just by logging in, what events are being hosted and what competitions can be entered!
This birthday we have a huge amount of gifts to give away including a PSP, iPod Nano, Games and book combos, the first Habbo rares, a special gift pack including a piece of Furni from every year of Habbo UK AND much, much more.


Events will take place on Friday 16th and Monday 19th January and listed on the group page/card!

Our birthday "card" will be opened soon - so check back soon to leave your well wishes!


ALL Habbos who log in on SATURDAY 17th JANUARY, our official birthday, will receive a birthday badge and free sticker. Please note that this badge and sticker will be given out the following week! So make sure you get into the Hotel, then be patient!


Some old classics will be in the Catalogue for this weekend ONLY. Check back Friday afternoon to see what they are!


Calling all Pixel artists!
Do you have mad Pixel graphics skills? Are you a master of Pixel manipulation?

Now is your chance to show your abilities off in our two Habby Birthday competitions!

Competition 1:
Draw a brand new UK hotel view.
Design the hotel in however style you wish.
Just make sure it follows the same style of presentation and colours that currently are on the normal hotel view.

Please note that we are NOT changing the Hotel view and this is purely a competition!

Prize: TBC

How to enter: Send your entries from right now to [email protected] with the subject "PIXEL BDAY - HOTEL".

Please include your Habbo name as well.
This competition will close next Wednesday 21st January at 7pm.

Competition 2:

Create a new UK Office staff page.

The look of the office is the same but with all brand new staff coming and going, we could do with a refit! A new design with Pixel Habbo graphics is what is needed. Maybe you would like to use your imagination and completely change our office. Perhaps take us into space, underground, or even a real Hotel foyer? Use your imagination and follow these guidelines:

- You MUST use Pixel graphics
- You MUST involve all staff members as listed on the UK Office page
- You MUST take a look at our page to see what regular items we have on the page, like 'hot or not', 'coffee break', 'quote of the day' etc and find a space for them on the page.

- You MUST make room for all of our staff descriptions!
- You MUST leave space for 2 extra spaces for both design and desciptions! I wonder why ... ?

Prize: TBC

How to enter: Send your entries from right now to [email protected] with the subject "PIXEL BDAY - STAFF".
Please include your Habbo name as well.
This competition will close next Wednesday 21st January at 7pm.


A special birthday sticker is now available in the Web Catalogue.
Another sticker will be given out in competitions and events.
One more additional sticker will be given to all those who join the birthday card group that you can join very, VERY soon!

Bucho6 and Lost_Witness

May I ask, whats TBC?

To be.. ?

14-01-2009, 05:43 PM



14-01-2009, 05:43 PM
Very nice,
I wonder what the frni will be! :S


14-01-2009, 05:43 PM
Confirmed I think. Shame I can only get on hp :D!

14-01-2009, 05:45 PM
lol tbh i hope its dinos and stuff

14-01-2009, 05:45 PM
I doubt it'd be the Throne, but I can see it being some rares that haven't been released for a while, also tells us that two new staff members are on their way.

14-01-2009, 05:46 PM
Hmmmmmmmmm this should be interesting :P

14-01-2009, 05:47 PM
I want alll supers to be released lol would be epic hopefully not green pillows

14-01-2009, 05:51 PM
Lol, notice no events on the actual birthday, staff won't even think about making an exception and actually working :P lol

14-01-2009, 05:57 PM
haha dont blame them

14-01-2009, 06:01 PM
Sounds awesome! :D

14-01-2009, 06:03 PM
hope this closes the gulf between rich and poor habbos :D

14-01-2009, 06:03 PM
Oh my.... 8 years of my whole life :P

14-01-2009, 06:03 PM
watch the super market crash also :lol:

14-01-2009, 06:25 PM
why do people assume "old classics" means a rare, let alone a super rare? why not a poster or other norms? all this speculation achieves nothing

if it is a rare, it will be something like aloe veras or hammocks

14-01-2009, 06:27 PM
It might be rare re-colour they may release like some seasonals like tiki etc
Hopefully no supers

14-01-2009, 06:27 PM
its funny messing the market up for people who care too much.

14-01-2009, 06:31 PM
dont really care about the "old classics" to be quite honest... I'm more interested in the competitions advertised in that article - seem very cool and I will be sure to enter them :D

14-01-2009, 06:32 PM
unlike you to enter comps kyle :lol:

14-01-2009, 06:35 PM
its funny messing the market up for people who care too much.

considering you're habboxs head rare values reporter, i think its safe to say you are one of them :)

14-01-2009, 06:36 PM
Oh please, don't flatter me. I report the value I see dear - I hope even you can grasp that basic concept. You just made that earlier post because you're worried about your furni dropping and you won't be as worth as much on Habbo </3! Don't worry - you'll be playing for years to come so can build back up.

14-01-2009, 06:39 PM

Some old classics will be in the Catalogue for this weekend ONLY. Check back Friday afternoon to see what they are!

Interesting :rolleyes:


14-01-2009, 06:42 PM
If it was like throne or w.e it be in there for minutes not the weekend.

It says sticker out but it isnt :S?

14-01-2009, 06:44 PM
Oh please, don't flatter me. I report the value I see dear - I hope even you can grasp that basic concept. You just made that earlier post because you're worried about your furni dropping and you won't be as worth as much on Habbo </3! Don't worry - you'll be playing for years to come so can build back up.

......and? i didn't say anything about how you report values. i said you report them, therefore are in no position to say people care too much about rare values.


14-01-2009, 06:44 PM
If it is a super you will get noobs buying them and thinking there all good
"L00k at m3 i haz a sup3r"

14-01-2009, 07:02 PM
I bet it'll be the Father Of Habbo poster that gets released :P

15-01-2009, 07:05 PM
If it is a super you will get noobs buying them and thinking there all good
"L00k at m3 i haz a sup3r"

Noobs type like that now?

Once it was "i av a new supa rare hu wnts 2 buy it 4 habox prize"

15-01-2009, 07:18 PM
It'll most likely be a hologirl.

15-01-2009, 07:37 PM
May I ask, whats TBC?

To be.. ?
to be confirmed

15-01-2009, 08:46 PM

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