View Full Version : New Quest - Lost Temple

16-01-2009, 05:23 PM
The Place I'll Return To Someday
Posted 16-Jan-2009 Competitions and Polls, Events

Join our expedition into the North Eastern corner of Habbo in search of a mysterious lost Temple.
As the Winter sunshine breaches through the thick grey Arctic clouds, we find ourselves making our way along a familiar route. Indeed, we have hiked our way through these paths before, yet somehow, something seems to be different this time.
Santini's Discovery
The great Donnie Santini used to speak of his findings in this region of Habbo, but they were always thought to be elaborate stories to boost his profile as one of the greatest explorers of Habbo. A title that he has earned, but is always oh so keen to remind us about.
He spoke of a Temple buried deep within icy seas, with grand icy pistes all over it that could be climbed to reach various floors and access many treasures. The Temple allegedly only appeared for two weeks over the peak of Winter, before receding back into the dark and murky Arctic sea.
Our Heads Turn
As we make our way along the path something unusual appears on the horizon. Could this be the Temple that Santini told us about last time he visited the London Habbo Office? If it is, then we must hurry, for the peak of Winter has come and gone!
The icy seas in the North Eastern corner of Habbo are starting to warm with the premise of Spring being just around the corner. It will surely only be a few days before the Temple sinks back into the sea and we lose our chance to explore what's inside and find out the truth behind Santini's stories.
Join The Expedition
Get yourself into the Temple as fast as you can and send us any information you discover by filling in the form below. We will reward the best information we receive, regarding the layout of the Temple, secret passages, maps and hidden secrets. According to Santini, the temple is a very large place to explore. You must ensure that you are satisfied with all your discoveries and findings BEFORE filling in the form below. You can only enter information once!
Away On Our Travel
To begin your quest, simply join the Ice Path. If you don't know where that is, then perhaps one of our 'strong' hotel bots will have some information for you? Enter the hotel, select a Public Room and ask the bot worker in the room about the Ice Path. Good luck!
Temple Discoveries

We recommend you keep notes on all that you discover and then place them into this form only once you are satisfied that you have found everything. You could use Text Edit/ Notepad on your computer. There are many hidden passages you could miss - so don't rush this form.

You have until Wednesday 21st January at 12 midday to submit your discoveries. So, take your time and explore the Temple as much as possible.
Tell us everything that you have discovered in the Temple!


I will be taking part :)

Direct Link: http://www.habbo.co.uk/articles/443-the-place-ill-return-to-someday

16-01-2009, 05:25 PM
ooooh sounds fun :D

loving the sig

16-01-2009, 05:39 PM
Click here to see what the correct bot said, this is a spoiler so if you dont wanna cheat dont click :)


16-01-2009, 05:45 PM
I.. hate.. this..quest..

16-01-2009, 05:45 PM
Ok sounds cool i won't do it :D

16-01-2009, 05:45 PM
lol thanks, i'll do it at a "weird" time tonight ;P

16-01-2009, 06:03 PM
Apparently its spose to take '4 hours'. A lot of the rooms are copy and pasted so you see the same rooms.. it's very confusing.

16-01-2009, 06:16 PM
it definitely takes 4 ever

16-01-2009, 06:17 PM
oooh good then not everyone will be able to do it, like quests used to be.

16-01-2009, 06:18 PM
I've tried it 3 times so far (think i was the first one in the room)

all three times i've been tele errored

i'll do it at 4am or something -.-

16-01-2009, 06:20 PM
yeah likewise, well if im on at that time anyway

i wont be staying up to do it lmao

16-01-2009, 06:38 PM
It look to confusing, i cant be bothered

17-01-2009, 12:54 AM
I just completed the quest, it takes forever!

17-01-2009, 06:04 AM
been doing it for an hour and a half gets so ******* confusing

17-01-2009, 09:33 AM
lol ive just started

17-01-2009, 10:14 AM
sorry for double post

but someone trapped me and i cba doing that again

17-01-2009, 11:16 AM
i finished the maze last night after i had half of it and had to start over
took be about 2 hours to complete the darn thing

17-01-2009, 12:02 PM
I completed, took about 3 tries to get all stickers and overall took me around 4 hours lol *addict*

17-01-2009, 01:54 PM
lol i wasted an hour and a half on it got like the first 7/7 stickies then got like 2/6 and gave up lol

17-01-2009, 01:56 PM
I got to the part when you have to go through that Telephone Tele

I got through it, then went through a door tele in the next room. And it went black, then stopped

Soooo frustrating

17-01-2009, 02:13 PM
I got to the part when you have to go through that Telephone Tele

I got through it, then went through a door tele in the next room. And it went black, then stopped

Soooo frustrating

Yeah, that keeps happening. The quest is too long for habbo, until they fix tele blackscreening.

17-01-2009, 02:26 PM
Im in a room took half an hour

1/7 stick

The first tribe of habbo lived many years in placid harmony Rocking out and such they were around Looooong befor the Taki Toa

17-01-2009, 02:33 PM
Why do they do long quests like this, obviously they'll get stupid blockers. :eusa_wall

17-01-2009, 02:35 PM
Why do they do long quests like this, obviously they'll get stupid blockers. :eusa_wall

I had no blockers :S
Yeah, my friend trapped me! So I told him to collect sticky info, there's 11 stickies altogether.

17-01-2009, 02:37 PM
I done it yesterday, took 2 1/2 hours lol. It's easy to get trapped between pillars when you leave teles, There was quite a few people stuck right near the end :P Didn't have time to write it out yesterday, so I'm gonna do it now !:D

17-01-2009, 02:43 PM
The first tribe of habbo lived many years in placid harmony Rocking out and such they were around Looooong befor the Taki Toa


The tribe Grew bored of the constant wars the bobbarian Invasions the ling dynasty and irritating Time travelling student doing research


And so the tribe left for a new city and found a untopian isleitis here that they built there wonderful citys of bensalem


But on their way to the blazing isle of bensalem they took shelter from the wild ocean


The stayed for several generations befor moving once more in search of their mystic land

Santini was here Secret hint 2 of 3 Two letters of their for every one of ours


17-01-2009, 02:43 PM
Just got black screened -.-

17-01-2009, 02:53 PM

The first tribe of habbo lived many years in placid harmony Rocking out and such they were around Looooong befor the Taki Toa


The tribe Grew bored of the constant wars the bobbarian Invasions the ling dynasty and irritating Time travelling student doing research


And so the tribe left for a new city and found a untopian isleitis here that they built there wonderful citys of bensalem


But on their way to the blazing isle of bensalem they took shelter from the wild ocean


The stayed for several generations befor moving once more in search of their mystic land


Once in their mystic land, They found themself still under siege from the force of the world and so created a great beast to protect them


Once the great beast was createdm to protect the guards them, nothing more was heard of the city of bensalem upon the utopian isle

Santini was here secret hint 1 of 3 we use comptuer keyboards to communicate
Santini was here Secret hint 2 of 3 Two letters of their for every one of ours
Santini was here Secret hint 3 of 3 one key left one key right Our key lies in the middle
Santini was here - I have found an old book that belongs to the tribe - It appears they used an ancient language - Perhaps If I retraced my steps then I will be able to figure out what it is they are saying

17-01-2009, 03:10 PM

The first tribe of habbo lived many years in placid harmony Rocking out and such they were around Looooong befor the Taki Toa


The tribe Grew bored of the constant wars the bobbarian Invasions the ling dynasty and irritating Time travelling student doing research


And so the tribe left for a new city and found a untopian isleitis here that they built there wonderful citys of bensalem


But on their way to the blazing isle of bensalem they took shelter from the wild ocean


The stayed for several generations befor moving once more in search of their mystic land


Once in their mystic land, They found themself still under siege from the force of the world and so created a great beast to protect them


Once the great beast was createdm to protect the guards them, nothing more was heard of the city of bensalem upon the utopian isle

Santini was here secret hint 1 of 3 we use comptuer keyboards to communicate
Santini was here Secret hint 2 of 3 Two letters of their for every one of ours
Santini was here Secret hint 3 of 3 one key left one key right Our key lies in the middle
Santini was here - I have found an old book that belongs to the tribe - It appears they used an ancient language - Perhaps If I retraced my steps then I will be able to figure out what it is they are saying

What do the Santini bits mean?

17-01-2009, 03:17 PM
What do the Santini bits mean?

Someone that was lost in there and she or he left stickys I got stuck because all these noobs blocked tele got stuck behind pillar cant do nothing now

Got this befor I got stucked -.-

1 of 6

No creatures more powerful!

17-01-2009, 03:19 PM
2 of 6

No creature more stealthy #

( I got stuck after finding this )

17-01-2009, 03:25 PM
Takes ages :(

17-01-2009, 03:32 PM
2/6 is No creature more stealthy!

as far as i got lol

17-01-2009, 03:33 PM
2/6 is No creature more stealthy!

as far as i got lol

did you get stuck also?

17-01-2009, 05:52 PM
I did Jord, but it was the guy I was doing the quest with too!
How unlucky :<

17-01-2009, 06:05 PM
It's not the blockers, or the getting stuck that's the problem.

It's the blackscreening! :(

17-01-2009, 06:14 PM
it's not that i just got ******* bored loool

17-01-2009, 06:16 PM
a QUEST?!?!

Habbo have done a QUEST and not a room building competition?

17-01-2009, 06:17 PM
it's a miracle!!!

it's not a fun quest like they used to be, getting through the room is sooooo easy it's just there are hundreds.

17-01-2009, 06:28 PM
God this is boring now, I'm in that big teleporter bit, there's no way to do it, just guesswork. :S

17-01-2009, 06:50 PM
There's 50 rooms I'm guessing.
Just no fun.

17-01-2009, 07:01 PM
i got to the bit when theres 8 teles in each room, and they all look the same.
then, my mate told me the rest, LOL :P

17-01-2009, 07:39 PM
This is far to boring. I love the dark pillars in the rooms :D. I started quest at 2am and finshed at 4:30am. There was no point in all them rooms. And my laptop is full of screenies of the stickys:eusa_wall

17-01-2009, 08:07 PM
im stuck at the 12 door teles in each room - if any1 has any help can i please no???

preety please XD

17-01-2009, 08:10 PM
after being trapped i gave up
aint i all ruff n tuff

and do you think they will release the pillars? :O
what do you get if u win the quest thing, it might be one of them!

17-01-2009, 08:26 PM
i got to the bit when theres 8 teles in each room, and they all look the same.
then, my mate told me the rest, LOL :P

lol that was easy for me

17-01-2009, 10:28 PM
The TempleTrekkers are most likely the first 9 Habbos to reach the final room of the Temple Path. We formed a group of just us 9, so if you want any hints or tips about either what to expect or how to advance at a particular point, then just note your question in the guestbook of our group:


18-01-2009, 09:26 AM
The TempleTrekkers are most likely the first 9 Habbos to reach the final room of the Temple Path. We formed a group of just us 9, so if you want any hints or tips about either what to expect or how to advance at a particular point, then just note your question in the guestbook of our group:

www.habbo.co.uk/groups/TempleTrekkers (http://www.habbo.co.uk/groups/TempleTrekkers)

you take that so seriously, sorry, but its true
its just a quest lol

18-01-2009, 11:30 AM
lol that was easy for me

you must have guessed and got lucky though? :P

18-01-2009, 11:55 AM
Gah, i need to go back into it but i really cant be bothered :P

18-01-2009, 01:00 PM
For the teleport rooms, I recommend using the room rating, making a note of it, and give each teleport a number, writing down which ones in each room you've been in.

18-01-2009, 01:22 PM
For the teleport rooms, I recommend using the room rating, making a note of it, and give each teleport a number, writing down which ones in each room you've been in.

For the earlier ones you can also turn on and off the torches :)

18-01-2009, 01:23 PM
That's exactly what I did with room ratings, worked a treat until it just gets too boring, lol.

18-01-2009, 07:18 PM
When is the closing date?

18-01-2009, 09:00 PM
wow kool kwest

18-01-2009, 09:45 PM
Quests bore me after so long. :(

19-01-2009, 01:55 PM
Rofl 3rd time not so lucky.

Somebody i was doing it with was infront of me and my Habbo walked out in the trap! It was on 2/6 of the rooms after the teles.


19-01-2009, 02:08 PM
Rofl 3rd time not so lucky.

Somebody i was doing it with was infront of me and my Habbo walked out in the trap! It was on 2/6 of the rooms after the teles.


I got caught in that the first time round, I was well gutted. XD

19-01-2009, 02:52 PM
I just got a blank screen...bummer
It was on one of the stair rooms, how many of them are there!? it was extremely boring after the first two, either that, or i was going round in circles lool :eusa_wall

19-01-2009, 02:54 PM
Yeah there are like 20 of them stair rooms, lol

19-01-2009, 04:32 PM
Rofl 3rd time not so lucky.

Somebody i was doing it with was infront of me and my Habbo walked out in the trap! It was on 2/6 of the rooms after the teles.


I was in the exact same position and room lol!!

20-01-2009, 09:00 PM
I was in the exact same position and room lol!!

:O me too, we should start a support group :P

20-01-2009, 11:47 PM
Me to guys lol after that I gave up

20-01-2009, 11:48 PM
I wonder how many people put in ALL the information from the Temple and got to the end ;P

21-01-2009, 06:41 AM
:O me too, we should start a support group :P

lol! i tried once, then i realised there was something called the outside world lol joke
but seriously, its boring as watching paint dry tbh

I wonder how many people put in ALL the information from the Temple and got to the end ;P

it would take up like agessss

21-01-2009, 04:31 PM
I wonder how many people put in ALL the information from the Temple and got to the end ;P

I did :eusa_whis. I went through all the temple on like saturday and every stickie, i took a screenie.Then last night before i went to bed i look at screenies and wrote all the information down. Took me ages :G. I better win now please :8

21-01-2009, 04:39 PM
I did :eusa_whis. I went through all the temple on like saturday and every stickie, i took a screenie.Then last night before i went to bed i look at screenies and wrote all the information down. Took me ages :G. I better win now please :8
Yeah, I was like "This took ages, gutted if I don't win".

21-01-2009, 04:46 PM
Yeah, I was like "This took ages, gutted if I don't win".

yep lol. I don't even know what the prize is:G. Has it been told yet?

21-01-2009, 05:00 PM
Good Quest, but it was very boring writing it all out.

21-01-2009, 05:51 PM
There should be like 10 winners

24-01-2009, 04:28 AM
lol wasn't really worth entering..

Special thanks to everyone that sent us their findings from the Temple. The following were chosen at random from the most useful information received and have won the latest Collectable!

Winners names in article:


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