View Full Version : Gitmo = Closing!

22-01-2009, 05:11 PM
Victory for human rights! But could it make us more in danger if some of the ACTUAL terrorists are freed?


22-01-2009, 05:14 PM
kill all terrorists or torture them until death imho.

lol at obama failing his first oath so had to take it again.

22-01-2009, 05:26 PM
kill all terrorists or torture them until death imho.

lol at obama failing his first oath so had to take it again.

nobody deserves death. killing them only makes them martyrs, they need to be put into isolation and made to suffer through no human contact.

22-01-2009, 05:27 PM
Severe torture then.

22-01-2009, 05:27 PM
kill all terrorists or torture them until death imho.

lol at obama failing his first oath so had to take it again.
I agree, no prison is going to want to take them prisoners, they will have to make a new one :P

22-01-2009, 05:29 PM
nobody deserves death. killing them only makes them martyrs, they need to be put into isolation and made to suffer through no human contact.


I think Gitmo needs to stay open. Teach thoose twisted ******* a lesson.

I don't know, there probably is some innocent people in there.

22-01-2009, 05:31 PM
I don't agree with torture unless human lives are DIRECTLY at risk (like the bomb is going to go off in 2 hours, but they don't know where) but I think they need to have a VERY good look at everyone in the camp and make sure the people they are letting free have either done nothing wrong or have very little evidence against them cause at the end of the day, there are actually people who want to attack the west.

22-01-2009, 05:33 PM
I don't agree with torture unless human lives are DIRECTLY at risk (like the bomb is going to go off in 2 hours, but they don't know where) but I think they need to have a VERY good look at everyone in the camp and make sure the people they are letting free have either done nothing wrong or have very little evidence against them cause at the end of the day, there are actually people who want to attack the west.

If someones in because they've been guilty of terrorism and killed many people then they deserve to undergo severe torture constantly but to ensure that they are stable to make their life a living hell.

22-01-2009, 05:36 PM
Yup ^^ I have to agree, people LIKE prision, so murdering someone can get them back into prison, a place they are fed for free, no money worries, all that but they killed someone, they deserve to be tortured just like they made the victim and their family feel but over a prolonged period and not just for murderes.

22-01-2009, 05:36 PM
They want to die and become martyrs, the guilty inmates rejected the closure as they wanted to die in there. Deny them death, do not give them what they want.

22-01-2009, 06:02 PM
hence the stable, if they're stable torture when unstable treat and contunie until they die of old age.

22-01-2009, 06:05 PM
but then you are just as sadistic as them.

torture for the sake of it is wrong imo. it doesn't make things better.

22-01-2009, 06:06 PM
If someone is willing to die for "allah" or whatever crap they come up with then living their life in prison isn't going to bother them, if you torture then and stuff they're going to suffer for their life.

22-01-2009, 06:10 PM
They want to die and become martyrs, the guilty inmates rejected the closure as they wanted to die in there. Deny them death, do not give them what they want.Indeed, it's a true honour for them to be killed by the state.

Yup ^^ I have to agree, people LIKE prision, so murdering someone can get them back into prison, a place they are fed for free, no money worries, all that but they killed someone, they deserve to be tortured just like they made the victim and their family feel but over a prolonged period and not just for murderes.In this country people like prison, in America though I suspect it's quite different and not such a 'luxurious' place.

I will never agree with Torture sadly, not only is it a even bigger waste of government money, much like the Death Penalty, you can't take it back and it's near enough impossible to prove they did it or have some knowledge on something. I cannot imagine anything worse than Torture and like Obama said, they don't want their troops or civilians to be tortured and they condemn it, but how can they condemn it when they do it too?

I also think everyone's comments are rather harsh about how they should all be tortured, some of these people have just been detained and took in Prison, there's no evidence holding some of these people and simply there because they could be a threat, but they cannot prove this either way. There will be some terrorists in there I'm sure but there are lots that aren't too, it looks like they're not going to have trials as they wouldn't be fair but there's no reason for holding most people in there.

22-01-2009, 06:16 PM
good move, now he can speak about human rights and not be a hypocrite.

22-01-2009, 06:17 PM
good move, now he can speak about human rights and not be a hypocrite.

Exactly, Obama has made a good move..

People will get worried, but he did say the world is changing, and you have to change with it..

22-01-2009, 06:18 PM
the world isnt rli changing

he won presidency coz he was black
the economy is currently ****

thats all thats changed rli

22-01-2009, 06:21 PM
the world isnt rli changing

he won presidency coz he was black
the economy is currently ****

thats all thats changed rliGot to make the smaller steps before you make the bigger steps? I personally have my doubts about all this change too but I think this is an effective change he's made already, come on it's only his second day :P

22-01-2009, 06:22 PM
the world isnt rli changing

he won presidency coz he was black
the economy is currently ****

thats all thats changed rli


Just after 1 day, you think he change everything in 1 day? WAY NO!

It takes time..

22-01-2009, 06:30 PM

Just after 1 day, you think he change everything in 1 day? WAY NO!

It takes time..

SERIOULSY??????????? I THOT THE WURLD CUD CHANG IN A DAY? :rolleyes: i'll leave it at that don't want infraction.

He's on about all this crap about change but hes not gna change much hes promising change to everyone but isnt going to deliver. he didn't even have to promise anything

could of just gone and done interviews "So why should ppl vote for you Senator Obama? "IM BLAK" "Is that all there is to say" "YES"

would have won it the same.

22-01-2009, 07:38 PM
I'd say closing guantanimo was a pretty big change....

22-01-2009, 08:05 PM
I'd say closing guantanimo was a pretty big change....True but when we're comparing it to the Middle East crisis and the world's economic crisis it does seem rather small ;P

Virgin Mary
22-01-2009, 11:23 PM
In this country people like prison, in America though I suspect it's quite different and not such a 'luxurious' place.
That's because american male inmates rape each other, but they do it in the army too.

22-01-2009, 11:29 PM
kill all terrorists or torture them until death imho.

lol at obama failing his first oath so had to take it again.

he didnt really mess it up, justice roberts is the one who told obama the wrong thing to say. in fact, the reason obama paused was because he MEMORIZED the oath and realized roberts had misspoke and gave him a chance to say it again.

lol@ you for failing to know what you're talking about.

as if misspeaking makes him a horrible president, anyway.

by the way, the whole controversy with gitmo is that they havent gotten a trial. so many of them, possibly most of them, have nothing to do with terrorism. the system they have is so open to abuse its ridiculous.

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