View Full Version : Selling habbo via paypal illegal?

24-01-2009, 09:06 PM
Just a question and not that i do it, i was wondering is selling habbo for money via paypal illegal on paypal's behalf? i know its illegal on habbo's behalf

but if paypal found out someone was selling habbo stuff for money would the do anything , if so what action would they take,

One more thing, regardless habbo, how long can someone reverse the money on paypal like charge back the money? 60 days?

Thanks .

28-01-2009, 08:22 PM
Selling Habbo via PayPal is illegal.
Selling Habbo via anything else is also illegal.
You're not allowed to sell Habbo Accounts.

28-01-2009, 08:25 PM
Selling Habbo via PayPal is illegal.
Selling Habbo via anything else is also illegal.
You're not allowed to sell Habbo Accounts.
Its not illegal, but it is against the Habbo Way.

28-01-2009, 08:35 PM
Same thing :P You know what I mean xD

28-01-2009, 08:37 PM
Same thing :P You know what I mean xD
Well Sulake make their own law, so its illegal in Sulakes eyes :P

28-01-2009, 08:38 PM
It is actully illegal because furniture is property of sulake as such, and you have no resell rights.

28-01-2009, 08:42 PM
It is actully illegal because furniture is property of sulake as such, and you have no resell rights.
It can be argued through loopholes that it's not illegal.

28-01-2009, 08:42 PM
It is actully illegal because furniture is property of sulake as such, and you have no resell rights.
Possibility of a judge doing anything = nil
Possibility of a judge laughing = 100/100

28-01-2009, 08:47 PM
It can be argued through loopholes that it's not illegal.

Yes, loopholes as in stating that you are giving the furniture away free with the purchese of somthing else, like a joke.

Possibility of a judge doing anything = nil
Possibility of a judge laughing = 100/100

Judges dont laugh at court cases, but yes nothing would happen, I'm just saying that it is illegal in the eyes of the law.

28-01-2009, 08:50 PM
Judges dont laugh at court cases, but yes nothing would happen, I'm just saying that it is illegal in the eyes of the law.
I'm sure a judge would laugh at Sulake trying to sue for selling virtual furniture..

28-01-2009, 09:14 PM
I'm sure a judge would laugh at Sulake trying to sue for selling virtual furniture..

Well, if furniture is so funny could you please explain this


28-01-2009, 09:25 PM
Well, if furniture is so funny could you please explain this

That's stealing though, what's that got to do with this thread?

28-01-2009, 09:26 PM
Well, if furniture is so funny could you please explain this


I was just about to say that :p

Paypal arent liable as far as im aware. But is breach of Habbo's ToS and Habbo Way so its not illegal to sell Habbo furniture in a sense but your are breaking the ToS which is illegal. I think .. xD

28-01-2009, 09:32 PM
Well, if furniture is so funny could you please explain this

Theres no need to prove your point, as I wasn't exactly serious.
I was just referring it to something pathetic and stupid.

28-01-2009, 10:02 PM
Im pretty sure youi wouldn't go infront of a judge for the sale of habbo furniture ;)

Firstly if they manage too the police too charge you for "stealing" then you would be seen infront of a magistrate not a judge?

Or they could sue a 10 / 20 year old kid in a civil court for selling perhaps £100 of furni and they spent a little more than £100 in lawers fees too get barley anything off you.

There not going too sue you.

29-01-2009, 12:49 PM
I dont think PayPal cares, but habbo does. Anyway, everyone who wants to do it does it, so you may aswell, they didn't get caught so you most likely wont.

29-01-2009, 01:04 PM
Well, if furniture is so funny could you please explain this

He only got arrested because of the amout he took.

It's like SonicMouse got arrested because he was doing major scripting. People who do little scripting get there room locked or a day ban?

If he took £20 worth, he wouldv'e got a week ban or something.

29-01-2009, 01:23 PM
It is illegal, Because your selling somthing that is not yours, "All furniture remains property to sulake"

29-01-2009, 07:02 PM
The main reason habbo are annoyed about the sale of furniture is because it takes away from there profit, If your buying furniture off somebody else for cheaper, the chances are you wont buy from habbo.

30-01-2009, 11:09 AM
Well, if furniture is so funny could you please explain this

Is that for scamming on Habbo, or selling furniture via PayPal?

30-01-2009, 12:54 PM
how is this d+d?

30-01-2009, 03:28 PM
Umm he could be designing a way to develop his furni selling business? idkk :P

And yeah, like theyr really gonna do anything. and i dont think theres any way they can find out unless they take a look through loads of habbo forums which i doubt they will do.

Could always say your taking donations for the time and money spent to collect furni, and for their donation your giving them a reward. Thats what most people on ebay do.

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