View Full Version : Snowstorm Tutorial

26-01-2009, 06:33 PM
So you want to know how to play Snowstorm?
This tutorial will help you out.
to get started you will need to open up the Games menu.

When the menu is open you need to find a game with a snowflake symbol next to it.

You then need to click 'Join game'

Wait until the game starts, you can do other things until it starts, you automatically get sent to the gaming arena.

Ok so now your playing Snowstorm, you will now need to know how to throw snowballs and get points.

You move around like you normally do on habbo, which is simple, if you don't know how to move, then you just click the little squares on the floor.

To throw a snowball you click another habbo, this will make your habbo throw a snowball

After a while you might run out of snowballs, this isn't a problem, you simply click the the picture of a habbo making a snowball at the bottom.

Habbos have 5 lives, so if you get it 5 times you fall over. after a couple of seconds you stand up again, but this resets your snowballs so you need to click the button again.

This is all you need to know about Snowstorm

And if you keep winning games of Snowstorm then you get some cool Badges!

Hope you enjoyed my tutorial!

26-01-2009, 07:15 PM
Thanks now I can finally play snowstorm!

26-01-2009, 07:21 PM
Habbos have 5 lives, so if you get it 5 times you fall over. after a couple of seconds you stand up again, but this resets your snowballs so you need to click the button again.

In your words, habbos have FOUR lives. If you get hit 4 times you go down.
The badges are also different from the ones in your guide. Anything above the level 5 badge has 6 dots, not 5 as indicated in your badges.

26-01-2009, 07:23 PM
In your words, habbos have FOUR lives. If you get hit 4 times you go down.
The badges are also different from the ones in your guide. Anything above the level 5 badge has 6 dots, not 5 as indicated in your badges.

Omg your right!11! FAKE!!!

26-01-2009, 07:42 PM
In your words, habbos have FOUR lives. If you get hit 4 times you go down.
The badges are also different from the ones in your guide. Anything above the level 5 badge has 6 dots, not 5 as indicated in your badges.

I Prt Scrn'd Of HabboRator so go and cry to them!

26-01-2009, 07:46 PM
I Prt Scrn'd Of HabboRator so go and cry to them!

You could have just put in a direct link to habbo's own tutorial, then I wouldn't need to cry at all;



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