View Full Version : [THE PURPLE VIEW] Whats So Good About Half-Life?

02-02-2009, 07:50 PM
It's a series I did a while ago for habbox.com , it's kinda shallow and harsh to be honest - but there is a bit of goodness in there.

I've moved blogs btw, I can now be found at www.thepurpleview.wordpress.com , there's a lot of archiving going in - so it may lag, and you'll see previous posts go to neptune and back.

Anyway, the link to the actual articles are here - http://thepurpleview.wordpress.com/category/whats-so-good-about/
start at the bottom, and make your way up... orrr...

Part 1 (http://thepurpleview.wordpress.com/2009/02/02/whats-so-good-about-half-life-introduction/)
Part 2 (http://thepurpleview.wordpress.com/2009/02/02/whats-so-good-about-half-life-hey-good-lookin/)
Part 3 (http://thepurpleview.wordpress.com/2009/02/02/whats-so-good-about-half-life-were-no-strangers-to-love-gunplay/)
Part 4 (http://thepurpleview.wordpress.com/2009/02/02/whats-so-good-about-half-life-lol-im-mute/)
Part 5 (http://thepurpleview.wordpress.com/2009/02/02/whats-so-good-about-half-life-christmas-presents-dont-last-as-long-as-this-series/)

You can see the articles better that way

P.S - My editor hates me btw

02-02-2009, 07:58 PM
Nice article and I never knew that all the hype was about, it was a enjoyable game but the fact you would always need to pick something up and throw it when there wasn't a gun available etc was so annoying.

02-02-2009, 08:09 PM
I liked Half Life 2 but didn't see what all the big fuss was about.

02-02-2009, 08:14 PM
I think the word would be The Orange Box :P

02-02-2009, 08:20 PM
To be honest, after reading your review, it seems to me like you have never played it in your life. :S

You said there was no storyline, well if you bothered to play them ALL in order (which you obviously haven't, otherwise you would know that there is a storyline to all of them) then you would know that there is a storyline.

I don't really know what else to say, apart from that all the Half-Life games are amazing. :P

I think the word would be The Orange Box :P

No, not really.. :S

02-02-2009, 08:34 PM
That's most probably the reason Half Life is so popular, you get the Half Life series, TF2 & Portal, I don't see why anyone wouldn't buy this game and try every aspect. ;)

02-02-2009, 08:55 PM
That's most probably the reason Half Life is so popular, you get the Half Life series, TF2 & Portal, I don't see why anyone wouldn't buy this game and try every aspect. ;)

HL2 was popular WAY before Orange Box was released. xD

I don't see what the fuss is about either, personally I actually found the games to be a bit dire, they were ok to run through but nothing makes me want to play them again, I'd like to get my hands on episode 3 just to see how things goes story wise but other than that it's just a mediocre FPS with some nice physics.

02-02-2009, 08:58 PM
eww I was meant to be the orange box but i stupidly bought TF2 and CSS sepertly whiched endedup costing more :'(

02-02-2009, 09:02 PM
I like the HL series, has the best physics engine of just about any game going and good graphics as well. The storyline is a little ambiguous but that makes it able to continue through the episodic content. Can't wait for Episode Three to come out :)

02-02-2009, 09:06 PM
Maybe I didn't go into detail about the storyline, but I do know the damn thing inside and out, in fact - lemme do it from memory

- there's a big science secret station thing in the middle of the desert
- Gordon Freeman is a nerdy physicist (it's never implied he's nerdy, I guess we work that for ourselves) who is tasked to switch on and generally work the umm... portal technology machine whatever, names don't matter - I didn't remember it and neither will you (photonic something?)
- It all goes horribly wrong and then he goes into... another dimmension with aliens and blah blah blah
- He... fights his way through the complex, having to deal with facehuggers (it is just about what they rip off) and zombies (cliche alert!)
- The Army don't want anyone to know about (gasp, the government lies!) so they try to kill everyone there
- Gordon has to blah blah blah blah kill kill blah blah, he goes into the world and kills the big alien dude who was introduced 2 minutes ago and then Gman says "good work" and pushes him into the portal
- 20 years later, the combine has invaded and stuff, and taken over the world...
- Gordon to the rescue
- Gordon runs!
- Gordon umm... wait... umm
- Gordon blow up big alien combine HQ
- Gordon gtho
- Gordon fire rocket into the sun! Or... portal or whatever

plot summary: nerd kills stuff and facehuggers, then fires a rocket somewhere

03-02-2009, 01:51 AM
I liked the game wasnt all that good imo

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