View Full Version : Wii fit - true or false on your health and body?

09-02-2009, 09:37 PM
I got a wii console and the wii fit board in the summer holidays just gone. I've never really bothered with it until recently. My whole family have went on this big diet thing to improve their weight and eating habbits etc.

So basically, we started using the wii fit a hell of a lot more, more or less every day. Im not using it as much as im the ideal weight. But, is what the wii fit says, really true?

I spent an hour and 12 mins on it yesterday, doing things from the games to the yoga to the aerobic exercises. I didnt bother with the muscle work outs that time though. Apparently, within that 1 hour and 12 minutes alone, i lost 2lbs.

Could that actually be true? I mean, okay i broke into a sweat, but come on, 2lbs in an hour? If that were actually true wouldnt everyone with a wii fit be super fit?

09-02-2009, 10:38 PM
I dont think so, I think it was proven by doctors before that it dosen't make you fit or have much effect on your health.

09-02-2009, 10:54 PM
Well, I've done nothing to lose weight, and it says I've lost half a stone since Christmas... But there's all sorts of variables, like I went on it just after my Christmas Dinner... and I was wearing quite warm clothes...

It gives a rough guide to your BMI and weight and that, but for your overall health it hasn't got a clue :)

09-02-2009, 11:18 PM
Yeah, like Kardan said, it's good for a rough estimate but it really isn't capable of judging your overall health. It is a game, after all! And people are built differently which makes it difficult as well.. I remember reading a news article back during the first month or so it came out that basically said that the wiifit had been giving kids who had been playing it labels of overweight to obese, even though most of them were fit and athletic (i believe it was because some of them were built short and stocky etc. since they hadn't had their growth spurts and just simply hadn't grown out to fit their bodies yet), which just goes to show how it can be wrong! :P I don't mean to bash on it completely though, it does help quite a bit with improving your balance and building muscles in a fun way, its just that the scales really aren't entirely accurate. Also, if I remember correctly from when I played it at my friends house, when she updated her mii and weighed herself it said she'd lost a good 3 pounds from the day before, and I think the game put up a small reminder saying to weigh in at the same time each day since your body weight will fluctuate a pound or so during the day. So that could also be a part of it.. But yeah, losing 2 pounds in an hour is definitely not possible, and even if it were, it's definitely not healthy! :P

09-02-2009, 11:24 PM
Well, if you play it alot then thats part of your average exercise done, because running on the spot is good exercise, moving your body and doing different things that stretch is good.

We can't really test until they have tested it for a long-term, so in a few years a accurate result will be out.

09-02-2009, 11:26 PM
Muscle weighs more than fat so if it muscly, you weigh more. And also, it depends when u weigh yourself. So one day it's after dinner and u ain't excreted yet andthwn the next it's after excreeting in the morning. It fluctuates +-2.2lb an also, if u putthw wrong weight of your clothing in then it will obviously affect it. Best thing to do is to weigh yourself on it same time everyday, in the same clothes.Make sure your height is correct too

10-02-2009, 07:55 AM
No to loose that much weight you would have to burn over around 6,000-7,000 calories... and within an hour that seems rather impossible.

If your sure you've lost that much prehaps it's water weight? Have you been drinking enough lately?

Janet Snakehole
10-02-2009, 09:38 AM
i reckon its pretty accurate, not the fastest way nor the best way for losing weight but i guess every little helps ;)

10-02-2009, 09:41 AM
Well if you're playing Wii Sports etc you're bound to lose weight because you keep moving around and swinging your arms etc, it does indeed burn body fat.

10-02-2009, 11:40 AM
I haven't actually used Wii Fit yet. From what I've heard from my friends it is good fun. I think it's mainly there for fun not for fitness as it's a game console after all! It may help a little but I doubt it's been fully tested yet anyway. I'm sure in a few years time when people have tested it properly we will know if it actually does help.

10-02-2009, 02:12 PM
wii fit does work. technically, its not a different way of working out, it just takes existing exercises and makes them interactive. they arent making anything new, they're just making stuff that already exists into a video game.

my parents both do wii fit every day, and my dad says he does feel a lot better aerobically (he has bad knees, lol). he mostly does the yoga. like any exercise routine, it only doesnt work if you dont do it regularly. you cant expect to just play it every once and a while and lose weight, its not a short cut.

10-02-2009, 03:39 PM
No to loose that much weight you would have to burn over around 6,000-7,000 calories... and within an hour that seems rather impossible.

If your sure you've lost that much prehaps it's water weight? Have you been drinking enough lately?

I hadnt really had much to drink, it was around mid morning and i went straight on after i had got dressed so hadnt had anything to drink or eat :P

wii fit does work. technically, its not a different way of working out, it just takes existing exercises and makes them interactive. they arent making anything new, they're just making stuff that already exists into a video game.

my parents both do wii fit every day, and my dad says he does feel a lot better aerobically (he has bad knees, lol). he mostly does the yoga. like any exercise routine, it only doesnt work if you dont do it regularly. you cant expect to just play it every once and a while and lose weight, its not a short cut.

Yh thats true, but i think it had health problems too tbh. When i do some of the exercises my breathing goes different, and i hold my breath rather than breathing normal, so after an hour i ended up with a headache as my blood pressure had increased

17-02-2009, 11:30 PM
This might sound prevy and disgusting, But If you really want to see if you have lost weight, gained weight play it naked. I know, I know it sounds disgusting but that way you would be able to tell if you have a change in weight because its not as if you will be wearing cloths that add weight on

no waiii
18-02-2009, 12:19 AM
This might sound prevy and disgusting, But If you really want to see if you have lost weight, gained weight play it naked. I know, I know it sounds disgusting but that way you would be able to tell if you have a change in weight because its not as if you will be wearing cloths that add weight on

it would flop around for certain sports lol

18-02-2009, 10:00 AM

or just wear the same clothes every time you go on? :P

18-02-2009, 12:08 PM
It told me I lost a stone overnight... and I was wearing the same clothes the next day too!

I don't think its accurate, but if you kept on using it you could probably get fitter because the exercises are actual exercises, working on different muscles, etc.

22-02-2009, 03:24 PM
My opinion- with influences what I read about Wii sport/Fit:

Indeed it helps you to loose weight! You move yourself, you might sweat a little if you play it intensive and so on. (I mean you even can loose/burn fat by cleaning your house :D )
But the clue is: It only SUPPORTS your body to loose weight. It's not substitution. If you want to loose weight you need to do the classical way: Workouts, healthy food, cardio-stuff- whatever :D But indeed it supports your body and it may help you to loose weight/burn fat even easier ;)

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