View Full Version : The hotel has gone to hell...

10-07-2005, 06:42 PM
Ok, I finally got into that Habbo Monster ball or whatever its named and I got kicked for breaking the habbo way, please read the homepage? Since when was dressing like a cactus alligator or a duck part of the habbo way :s

It's nice to see that our hotel manager has time to promote stupid little mobile phone game's but isnt doing anything about the problems with the hotel, ie the amount of annoying scripters room errors etc. Im not afraid to say that SOME of habbo staff have their priorities all wrong, This hotel has been going for about 4 years now? And now all they care about is the noise of money in their pockets.

I also know Callie reads this forum so I hope you get your idea's together and stop worrying about your silly little mobile phone games.

P.S. Heres a picture of my kick from the room

10-07-2005, 06:44 PM
lol whats the point

10-07-2005, 06:44 PM
lmao, i got kicked for a more rebelicious reason, dancing roudn callie ;o

10-07-2005, 06:44 PM
That is just really stupid. :/

10-07-2005, 06:45 PM
The whole thing's a waste of time.
If I get in there, I swear I'm going to give that woman a piece of my mind :rolleyes:

10-07-2005, 06:45 PM
Yay I'm on your toolbar :)

10-07-2005, 06:46 PM
callie needs to sort herself out! this hotels has no prizes e.g (7 habbo wonders)
late newzies etc dont u think?

10-07-2005, 06:47 PM
Just when I thought that I couldn't stand Callie anymore! Good Post Cyph. Rep++

10-07-2005, 06:49 PM
I agree the habbo is bull****e.

10-07-2005, 06:51 PM
what u agree to me lol ?

10-07-2005, 06:52 PM
I am not a massive fan of the way the hotel is run but thats another story. However just so you know...

"You have been removed for breaking the Habbo Way." is on EVERY kick/ban message, therefore it is an auto. You were kicked for not wearing proper costume which i understand. You weren't breaking the habbo way, but they can't remove that message.

10-07-2005, 06:53 PM
What were u doing?

10-07-2005, 06:54 PM
I got banned for admitting I could hack once when all I said was hack in a sentence :/

"If I could HACK, I wouldn't bother hacking Habbo" how is that "I am going to hack the losers"? Anyways I got myself unbanned from a perm ban, the only time I have had to deal with an IP ban (I am good and normally take them but this was one of those times to get myself off one).

10-07-2005, 06:55 PM

10-07-2005, 06:56 PM
What were u doing?
I was dancing and saying hello to a friend when I was "removed"
Im not starting any arguments on here but when I see staff on Habbo doing something for the users again ie work on some patch's so we can use Habbo in peace then I'll give them some credit :)

10-07-2005, 06:59 PM
yes cypher join my group i was watching meet the hobbas bought a camera from cat anfd got banned stupid it is turning to hell

10-07-2005, 07:15 PM
Rofl poor u! Let us habbos have fun!

10-07-2005, 07:17 PM
i agree max as long as they get there money why should they care about us?

10-07-2005, 08:41 PM
Hotel has failed to organise itself!!!!! :D

11-07-2005, 03:40 AM
You shouldn't talk or dance when they say Please Take A Seat.

11-07-2005, 03:41 AM
CACTUS, DUCK OR ALLIGATOR... your screenie shows you with blue hair, so it's most likely you weren't dressed accordingly and got kicked for that very reason. Stop snapping at the Habbo Staff for your incompetence.

11-07-2005, 03:52 AM
same thing happend to me on the awards ceremony.

11-07-2005, 04:42 AM
Conversations in all parts of Habbo Hotel are recorded and can be monitored as they take place without warning. Any questionable behaviour will be reported to the police.

Uhh ... Callie is a stupid person?

11-07-2005, 07:36 AM
Ok, I finally got into that Habbo Monster ball or whatever its named and I got kicked for breaking the habbo way, please read the homepage? Since when was dressing like a cactus alligator or a duck part of the habbo way :s

It's nice to see that our hotel manager has time to promote stupid little mobile phone game's but isnt doing anything about the problems with the hotel, ie the amount of annoying scripters room errors etc. Im not afraid to say that SOME of habbo staff have their priorities all wrong, This hotel has been going for about 4 years now? And now all they care about is the noise of money in their pockets.

I also know Callie reads this forum so I hope you get your idea's together and stop worrying about your silly little mobile phone games.

P.S. Heres a picture of my kick from the room
Didn't read all the thread, but aren't the Techies working on V8 Planned for release within the next month ?

11-07-2005, 09:52 AM
When you get kicked & a hobba puts a reason it firast comes up with You have broke habbo wy or woteva, Ste471 done this to me, it's just a mistake the second part was the main message

11-07-2005, 09:53 AM
O.o Weird

11-07-2005, 10:57 AM
Well in meet the hobba's and comp's and stuff,
apparently you are not meant to approach
the HM or habbo staff.

Because they are talking about "quote"
"Top secret information" :eusa_eh: Right...

Maybe because they dont want you
to hear stuff, or they are just plain :rude:

11-07-2005, 12:05 PM
Uhh ... Callie is a stupid person?
Wheres That Posted?..

11-07-2005, 12:17 PM
You shouldn't talk or dance when they say Please Take A Seat.
They never asked ANYONE to take a seat, besides there wasnt enough space's for everyone :s

Well in meet the hobba's and comp's and stuff,
apparently you are not meant to approach
the HM or habbo staff.

Because they are talking about "quote"
"Top secret information" :eusa_eh: Right...

Maybe because they dont want you
to hear stuff, or they are just plain :rude:

Lol I didnt approach the HM or habbo staff, I wasnt like the other 80 odd people absolutely dying to get that woman to see their name :s Sad.
It's probably because they are rude and if the techies are planning updates hopefully they will come soon :@

11-07-2005, 12:18 PM
Didn't read all the thread, but aren't the Techies working on V8 Planned for release within the next month ?

Yeah I've heard that, whether it happens or not is another matter...

11-07-2005, 12:18 PM
Cyper I totally agree with you on this, Callie is being a fool and thinking she is all that but really she is a normal every day person who thinks they are above everybody :(

:angel1: shes no angel but she is a devil!!! :evil:

And dont start me on Hobbas, they dont do jack except flash off their little badges and hold their noses over all off us!!! :o

When you ask for help they dont come they never reply at all, and when one did reply there was three but they were jamacian and could not understand me.
That was annoying!!!

11-07-2005, 12:22 PM
CACTUS, DUCK OR ALLIGATOR... your screenie shows you with blue hair, so it's most likely you weren't dressed accordingly and got kicked for that very reason. Stop snapping at the Habbo Staff for your incompetence.
I just saw this :) I don't see why I should follow the staff's silly shallow little money making game's. I simply went into the room to see what it was like. It also just isn't about this, if you or anyone else thinks Habbo is being run smoothly you need to open your eyes and put your tongue back in your mouth where it belongs.

11-07-2005, 12:26 PM
Once again you come out with words of wisdom, its all true about what you say and i think the hotel has gone down hill, all it cares about is profit at other peoples expence :o

Like you said others should open their eyes to the way they are being treated and stand up for themselves :)

11-07-2005, 12:29 PM
Most people have open eyes and we can rant and rave all we want, but the truth is there isn't alot we can do about how the hotel is run. Yes its a mess but
as long as they are making money they don't care.

11-07-2005, 12:32 PM
Yor absoloutly right about the hotel, there is nothing we can really do but continue to stick to our views of how habbo is a major money making scheme. There will be times when it will account for nothing but the habbo staff wont care what we think but it still counts to believe in yoursel. :)

:eusa_booh :d :d Thats all that matters :d :d :eusa_booh

11-07-2005, 12:33 PM
Most people have open eyes and we can rant and rave all we want, but the truth is there isn't alot we can do about how the hotel is run. Yes its a mess but
as long as they are making money they don't care.
Yeah I agree, and protests in the drome don't solve anything. The only way to make a difference to habbo is to stop spending money. Maybe even sacrificing habbo club, if about 2,000 people or more decided to give up habbo club and buying the lastest rares till habbo sorts themselves out. Habbo might actually act. Who knows!

11-07-2005, 12:37 PM
Thing is Kai I've never spent money on :Hazel but i can find plenty of people who are willing to buy me creds for rares, I think they are the people who need to wake up especially if they are complaining about habbo.. :rolleyes:

11-07-2005, 12:39 PM
Bring Back Jibby! lol

11-07-2005, 12:43 PM
habbo hotel should be totaly changed, and if v8 comes out hopes they do something about the scripting!

edit: oops soz double posting

11-07-2005, 12:44 PM
:eusa_clap If people want habbo to change they must band together and work hard, true complaining and raving will not always work. But its a start :eusa_clap

:) If we try and others help along the way we can achieve our goals :)

Like you said if over 2000 people stopped buying ferni and habbo club the hotel would be in trouble and would need to sort out the way its run.

Maybe Jibbi should come back, I dont know.
At least things were alright with her in charge :)

:s But who knows if we will ever get a great habbo staff and manager :s

11-07-2005, 12:46 PM
:eusa_clap If people want habbo to change they must band together and work hard, true complaining and raving will not always work. But its a start :eusa_clap

:) If we try and others help along the way we can achieve our goals :)

Like you said if over 2000 people stopped buying ferni and habbo club the hotel would be in trouble and would need to sort out the way its run.

Maybe Jibbi should come back, I dont know.
At least things were alright with her in charge :)

:s But who knows if we will ever get a great habbo staff and manager :s

Jibbi is apparently in 'peru' doing charity work. Or in london's highstreets spending her hard earned cash!

11-07-2005, 12:47 PM
to the hotel staff, it is just a job.

11-07-2005, 12:49 PM
I don't think Habbo staff are to blame, it's the poor management of them. They can't go against what they've been told to do or they would get sacked.

11-07-2005, 12:51 PM
I couldn't agree more with this thread. All Callie wants to do is make money.

Ione, Daisy and Jibbi though, they were good. They didn't do it for money, they did it for us, so we could have a good time!

Maybe I'll get my mum (Well, pretend I'm my mum) to write a letter in complaining.

11-07-2005, 12:51 PM
that is true. the hole shop thing is realy down to Sulake probably. and look at hotels in Canada or USA! they have public rooms devoted to products they are endorsing. "Coke" music!

11-07-2005, 12:52 PM
:s that could be true but maybe one of them should stand up for the truth and prosperity :s

The poor managerial team is not doing any good and I think its time action against the more higher staff should be used.
The habbo staff should be allowed to post their views forward :)

11-07-2005, 12:56 PM
We should be able to elect a new manager. lol. what are the cances of that?

Ashfelt, to sulake truth and prosperity is like a forgen language.

11-07-2005, 01:00 PM
:D :eusa_booh Yep its more like German or somin :eusa_booh :d

But I agree with the whole elect a manager thing
It would give us a change to choose someone who might make a difference

:eusa_danc Or at least try to help us :eusa_danc

11-07-2005, 02:46 PM
:D :eusa_booh Yep its more like German or somin :eusa_booh :d

But I agree with the whole elect a manager thing
It would give us a change to choose someone who might make a difference

:eusa_danc Or at least try to help us :eusa_danc
It would be great if that happened, but when has anything ever gone the people's way? Its always been the MAN! :p Nope we are all but lowly pawns to Habbo and Sulake, with the exception of their little favourites of course.

11-07-2005, 02:56 PM
ever since Jibbi left (although it was really since Ione left) the hotel has really gone downhill. We need someone who has that "community touch", and getting removed from the room for doing nothing is nonsense... sorry cypher.

11-07-2005, 03:00 PM
ever since Jibbi left (although it was really since Ione left) the hotel has really gone downhill. We need someone who has that "community touch", and getting removed from the room for doing nothing is nonsense... sorry cypher.

I totally agree with u on that, we should re-elect a previous hotel manager

maybe we should visit Callie and blow her brains out :)

11-07-2005, 03:11 PM
i agree they do nothing but make new rooms

11-07-2005, 03:13 PM
When a hobba type :kick x (reason) it automattically puts on You have been removed from the room for breaking the Habbo Way. (Reason).

However some people say that this doesnt do that for them,

A Hobba can type :alert x (reason) you get the alert and then the hobba types :softkick x and you get kicked with no warning for the kick.

11-07-2005, 03:16 PM
Causmo you seem to understand everything about the hotel pressure and seem to know what they go through, plz tell me more of how you know all this. Its very interesting :)

11-07-2005, 03:18 PM
lol :P
It's my secret Mwha

11-07-2005, 03:20 PM
When a hobba type :kick x (reason) it automattically puts on You have been removed from the room for breaking the Habbo Way. (Reason).

However some people say that this doesnt do that for them,

A Hobba can type :alert x (reason) you get the alert and then the hobba types :softkick x and you get kicked with no warning for the kick.


Causmo you seem to understand everything about the hotel pressure and seem to know what they go through, plz tell me more of how you know all this. Its very interesting

Yes he seems 2 know a little too well

11-07-2005, 03:20 PM
lol :P
It's my secret Mwha

lol :)

Its your root of superior power :) !!!

11-07-2005, 03:20 PM
;o what are you all implying :'(

11-07-2005, 03:21 PM
we are not implying anything really but you do have a superior knowledge of what habbo staff do and stuff etc. :)

11-07-2005, 03:23 PM
;o what are you all implying :'(

dont cryyyy.
we are jus sayin your very smart

11-07-2005, 03:24 PM
lolol :P .......

11-07-2005, 03:25 PM
lolol :P .......

wat u lafffin at

11-07-2005, 03:25 PM
lolol :P .......

Yes :) you should be proud of your knowledge its very good :)

11-07-2005, 03:26 PM
Thankyou :) Nobody knows how I know what I know :D

11-07-2005, 03:27 PM
Thankyou :) Nobody knows how I know what I know :D

Well skipper it is you source of loot so cherish it :)

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