View Full Version : New Islanders Inbound

18-02-2009, 01:45 PM
17-Feb-2009 (12:19)
We have two places up for grabs, one per island, which will be won in a forthcoming competition.

However, with a few Islanders still failing to turn up at all so far, it is likely that some additional places will be offered.

Watch this space for more details

[URL]http://www.habbo.co.uk/groups/habwrecked2009/discussions/210415/id (http://www.habbo.co.uk/groups/habwrecked2009/discussions/210415/id#)

18-02-2009, 01:50 PM
Happy wednesday.

But anyway im sure loads of places will be given out lol. other wise it will be short

18-02-2009, 01:53 PM
Yay, it is pretty rly boring atm.

18-02-2009, 02:50 PM
HBB was better than this - even though I wasn't in it :( I want a place in this anyway for the badge :)

18-02-2009, 04:52 PM
You can only get 1 badge if you're a conestant

You get more if your not

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