View Full Version : A Little question.

19-02-2009, 01:11 PM
If i got the same of one rare would the price increase?

I know someone with quite a few aloe vera's.
If i bought most of them and kept then would the price increase?

Hw many are there approx on the hotel.


19-02-2009, 01:13 PM
It doesn't work like that, it all depends on habbos demands if people start wanting to pay more then it catches on and everyone starts paying more then the price would increse

19-02-2009, 01:15 PM
If you buy like 100 or something then the demand will be slightly higher and you can sell yourn. But buying like 5 or 10 wont effect the market much.

19-02-2009, 01:42 PM
Tough question.

If you went around buying ALL the ALOE VERAS you could find, yes, you could raise their value. It helps that a whole bunch were permed on the habbo "Nacho" (aka Sukia).

There aren't many rares you could do something like this with, as many rares have recieved multiple releases. With the older rares this is more likely.. Aloes are probably one of the better ones to try it with.

19-02-2009, 02:11 PM
Im thinking of buying around 70ish.

20-02-2009, 08:28 PM
In the case of Aloe Vera's i would highly recommend you buy some (maybe not all, but definately some). Aloe Vera's are a very un-common rare, and it rarely seen on the hotel in bulk or unbulk.

At the moment, from what I have seen and traded the market for Aloe vera's is slightly above the current habbox guide price.

21-02-2009, 05:34 PM
good luck on ur aloe vera hunt =p

21-02-2009, 05:40 PM
Do not but Aloe Vera's, they are a pain to sell and once you have sold around 1/2 of what you have, they will no doubt become unsellable - I have been trading since 2005 and I have seen so many people lose out on them.

If you want a normal rare to collect, I would advise romantique_clock's, Gothic Ectoplasm Fountain's & Yellow Solariums - All I have seen are going for Habbox price or more, Yellow Solariums especially are over 10 CS now and Gothic Ectoplasm Fountain's I have heard are going 8 CS+

Its upto you at the end of the day, but Aloe Vera's are a BIG risk.

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