View Full Version : Respecting your loyalty

20-02-2009, 09:35 AM

Some of you have seen Furnis appearing in your hand - have you checked your emails?
We would like to thank all Habbos for your loyalty by rewarding you with free gifts when you reach certain milestones.
We are giving something back to our loyal Habbos in the form of special furni items. So whether you have been playing for 2 weeks or have been with us since Day 1, a variety of gifts are being handed out.
You will be notified of these milestones by email and all those receiving these gifts MUST have a verfied email address.
To check if email is verified:
- Log in to homepage
- Click on Account Settings
- Click on Motto & Preferences
If the email is NOT verified you will see a notice in red with a clickable link to request a verification email. Follow the steps on the verfication email sent to you.
I cannot tell you exactly what the loyalty milestones are, but trust me, some are easy and some are much, much harder to reach.
Just like any frequent flyer program there’s certain criteria to be met for each milestone, but of course I can’t reveal the exact workings because then it would be too easy to figure the system out and make it unfair for all.
This program is on going so all the milestones can be reached in time.
So from everyone in Habbo UK, I would like to say cheers and hope to see you in the Dirty Duck Pub for a swift half.

20-02-2009, 10:08 AM
I think this may have been posted already. This originally got published on the 18th. Might be old news by now.

20-02-2009, 06:43 PM
"certain criteria to be met for each milestone"


Other things other than ... time?

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